Wedding Etiquette Forum

Hello? Anyone else here?

I've been MIA all week mostly.  H has been home.  He leaves tomorrow :(.  He went to a friend's house to watch the first game, then we're going to his aunt and uncle's later.

Re: Hello? Anyone else here?

  • I'm in and out. I've been doing the laundry and I'm about to order Valentine's cards. With the wedding being the weekend before Christmas, I didn't get it together enough to send out Christmas cards despite my best intentions. So, we're sending a Valentine's card instead!
  • Geaux - that's cute.  I like it.  I have some laundry to do too.  How's married life? How's the job treating you?
  • Heyo!  H and I went out for brunch and ran errands today (like normal married people with normal schedules, woo!), and then I came home and cleaned out and organized our pantry.  There's so much room now!

    Now we're watching football.  I feel so productive to have already eaten, grocery shopped, and cleaned something.  I get to be lazy until it's time to make dinner for tonight, and prep dinner for tomorrow and my lunches for the week.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • heya.  We're watching a show on Nat Geo about the Valentine's massacre in Chicago, and they talked about the town H and I lived in before we moved. It was a big Chicago gang member resort town back in the day!
  • I've been in and out all day. We're watching football and I'm eating a donut. H got up early to go get the donuts, and it's all I've had all day. I'm on my second chocolate covered pile of sugar and am feeling kind of sick. I think I need some real food.
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • You guys really have such exciting lives.  I have done nothing today.  Fi tried to go to work, but he is too sick so called off.  I'm going to get invitations later. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Hello? Anyone else here?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've been in and out all day. We're watching football and I'm eating a donut. H got up early to go get the donuts, and it's all I've had all day. I'm on my second chocolate covered pile of sugar and am feeling kind of sick. I think I need some real food.
    Posted by SEWF[/QUOTE]
    Donuts sound delicious.  All I had was a scrambled egg at 5:30 when Kyle got up.  I need to go grocery shopping.
  • Hey! 
    I'm in and out because I've been doing laundry and packing. My goal is to be more organized this time around. So far so good!  

    Then I'm going to take my wedding shoes back to the store, I needed them for my fitting but they're too big. Then I may run to Target and then do some homework so I can get ahead and not have to worry about it during the wedding week.
  • LoopysevenLoopyseven member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited January 2012
    We went to brunch this morning too.  And finished touching up the paint on the trim and in the office and put all the furniture back so the rooms look like someone is actually living in them.  Trying to make sure the place is ready for a renter if something comes up.  We heard some friends of ours might be interested in renting it, but I'm not sure we're in their price range.
  • I need to go to the store too, crash.  It is still pretty cold here, and I'm not a fan of it, espically with leather seats.  

    How is the weather where everyone is?
  • Are you moving Crash?  We took everyting off our walls and patched all the holes and repainted this week while H was home. I will hopefully be moving soon.  I had a phone screen interview on Thursday that I think went okay.  Fingers crossed!!
  • Grits - It's EFFING COLD in Cleveland.
  • I hate donuts.  Blech.  I'm so weird.

    The weather here sucks.  It's warmer than it's been in a week, but it's starting to "wintry mix" so it's slippery as heck.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Loopy, your wedding was gorgeous!  I love the pictures
  • Yeah, the donuts are good, and H is awesome for getting out of bed this morning to get them, but these are super sugary. I usually prefer Dunkin Donuts because it's not quite as sweet as the ones he got this morning, but I love him for getting them anyway.

    When I looked at the forecast earlier this week, it said it was going to be 55 today, so I took the day off, but it's only 45. I'll take it, though, because it's January and not freezing.
    Malcolm AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Weather here has been wacky all winter.  Two nights ago starting at 7 we got icy rain.  It was not awesome.  Then last night we got it again starting around midnight.  The weather guy says that it is supposed to get up to 50-something today, yeah right.  I want to see that happen.
  • Heyy. We went to breakfast this morning and then laid around all day. FI is playing the ps3 and I'm interneting. 
  • Thanks Grits.  

    The sun is out today, but it was only 20 when we went to breakfast this morning.  I don't think it's warmed up that much.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Hello? Anyone else here?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Weather here has been wacky all winter.  Two nights ago starting at 7 we got icy rain.  It was not awesome.  Then last night we got it again starting around midnight.  The weather guy says that it is supposed to get up to 50-something today, yeah right.  I want to see that happen.
    Posted by Grits8812[/QUOTE]

    It was 54 here in MN about 10 days ago.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I'm in and out today too. I just cleaned and started laundry. I've got NOTHING to do today. It's awesome! I don't have any classes on Thursday so I'm thinking I will be switching my grocery shopping day from Sunday to Thursday. Going to Winco on Sunday gives me the worst anxiety. Too. Many. People.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Hello? Anyone else here?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Hello? Anyone else here? : It was 54 here in MN about 10 days ago.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    We had a few weeks where it was perfectly comfortable to go outside in just a light jacket.  I even wore capris a few of those days.  Of course all the kids in middle school thought they were cool for wearing booty shorts.  I'm just afraid to see what this summer is going to be like.  
  • I'm happy it's finally cold enough to snow here. It's been annoying and depressing as crap to have grey skies every day, all day and a muddy dog.

    Loopy, fingers crossed!
  • Ello I have been at work since 445 this morning and am just about done YAY!

    I have to go to my FMIL dinner tonight at like 8 pm and am not excited since I like to be in bed by 10 since I am up at 400.
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  • Grey skies are always a bummer.  They just make me want to sleep.  Just like rain.
  • Parent, that's crazy. I would be in bed by 8. H wakes up at 5 for work and tries to go to bed by 10 also. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Hello? Anyone else here?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ello I have been at work since 445 this morning and am just about done YAY! I have to go to my FMIL dinner tonight<strong> at like 8 pm and am not excited since I like to be in bed by 10 since I am up at 400.</strong>
    Posted by sparent2010[/QUOTE]
    Eek.  That sucks.  I know in high school I had to wake up at 5:30, and I always ended up going to bed by 11 at the latest.
  • Snips - Thanks!  I hear ya on the muddy dog.  I have a 90 lb muddy dog when it's wet out.  
    So we spot painted every room in the house yesterday (nail holes from stuff hanging on walls) and the whole office got a new paint job, and I touched up all the trim.  My black dog didn't have a spot of paint on her.
    Today - I touched up the trim in the office that I couldn't do yesterday cause it was taped and redid down the stairs cause the white didn't cover the scuff marks and a couple of spots on window trim that I missed painting while after the sun went down yesterday and the dog now has a 12" long streak of white paint down her side.  WTF?
  • edited January 2012
    It was 30 something here today but it's supposed to be 60 later in the week. This has been the weirdest winter. 
  • I love grey skies, which is a good thing because they're usually grey for a few months here. Grey skies make me feel cozy.
  • Yuck, sparent!  What do you do?

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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