Wedding Etiquette Forum

I don't want to talk about weddings.

what else do you whores have going on tonight?

We just finished leftover mac and cheese and now I am hanging out with the dog while H watches  some tv show with home videos. He laughs so loud its so fing cute. 

Only 4 more days left in the week! 

Re: I don't want to talk about weddings.

  • I'm eating the most delicious take-out Thai ever.

    And that's about it. FI is sick. Dishes need to be done, but neither of us will probably do them.
  • Thank you! I kept waiting for a NWR thread to pop up. Hanging out with my family waiting for Jeopardy to start. We had fried tofu, eggplant, and zucchini with a Thai sweet chili sauce. I love my mom's home cookin.
  • tracym77tracym77 member
    edited December 2011

    I'm sneaking a knot break; H is on my case about packing.  Been at it for a couple hours now and nowhere near being done.  I'm really trying to be good though and pack as light as possible after all the discussion about this earlier.

    Also eating way too many gummy worms.  Why does H have to buy those?
  • Posted this in response to mkrupar's thread before she realized she missed this one. I missed it too, sorry.

    One of my good friends just posted a heads up on FB that a death-scam was going on with Bon Jovi. She said she wanted to make sure her mom didn't have a heart attack. Ha.

    I'm at work. It's been an up and down day. Got some wedding stuff and laundry done, but as I was getting ready to leave for work, my poor puppy had an accident in the house... second time in four days she's had loose stool :( And FI is sick, so he's being a crabass. Seriously, he's the biggest baby ever when he doesn't feel good.

  • I don't want to talk about weddings either.

    The sellers approved our offer.  Now their bank needs to approve of it (it's a short sale).  Fingers crossed again!
  • I'm waiting for H to get home to see if he wants to eat (he's been sick).  If he does, I'm making scrambled eggs and french toast.  Except I don't want either, but I will BECAUSE I'M A NICE WIFE.

    And then I'm napping.  Or attempting.  For the third time. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Sorry Rosie! I didn't see your thread.

    Here's what mine said:

    I just about lost my mind. Someone posted an article about Bon Jovi being dead. I shared it and thank god for Stina (old WP Reg) She shared the article saying he's not dead. Whew. I was scurred.
  • Damn you all! I am still at work.

  • That's great, Mica.  Good luck!
  • I haven't wrapped a single gift. I should probably get on that soon. 
  • Me neither, and me too, Rosie.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Yay Mica! Fingers crossed for you!
  • Confession: I rarely actually wrap the gifts. :-o
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I don't want to talk about weddings.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Me neither, and me too, Rosie.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    <div>Lets go get gift bags. Easy fix.</div><div>
    </div><div>Birdie has a FI. She is starting a brother husband trend. Such a feminist. </div>
  • Man you GO Birdie.
  • Evening.  I just ran 5.5 miles (not running the whole time, of course).  I'm pooped.  My mom just dropped off a "first Christmas" ornament with our name.  Cheesy, but cute.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • I bought super cute wrapping paper, but if I wrap anything and put it under the tree pee cat will chew the wrapping paper open. And what fun is wrapping gifts and then storing them? NONE. 
  • Birdie's a marriage newb.  ;)

    I wrapped H's presents but I didn't tie bows on them or use tissue paper in the stuff in the gift bag.

  • Oh, also, I did 30DS for the first time today.  I think my hamstrings and shoulders will ache tomorrow.
  • I love Thai food, and was really craving it today. Kalpi- I would really like that recipe please! I have tofu to heat up. I had raviolis for dinner and I made a dill dip for pumpernickel bread for later.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I can't do bows or ribbon.  The cats eat them and then they puke.  They leave the paper alone though.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • No fair! Birdie's hogging all the boys.
  • The only reason I've kept up on wrapping is because FI is home alone 3-4 nights per week. I don't trust him not to snoop... not that it matters because he has an amazing gift-guessing talent. Bastard.

    Have any of you sat down and done a monthly budget? I have this sinking pit in my stomach now that I just checked my checking account balance, and I spent $280+ in the last week (my paycheck, in comparison, was only $150). Granted, that includes groceries and gas for my car (which accounts for about half of that amount). I'm literally sick to my stomach realizing that I still owe FI's parents for one of his Xmas gifts (since they literally went out and bought every.single.thing. he asked for leaving me ZERO ideas on what to get him). It doesn't help that we set a $150 gift limit this year, and FI blew it by about $300.

    With going back to school in a couple of weeks, I'd like to get a budget set for myself (FI and I have separate accounts)... *sigh*

  • I went to the mall (it was crazy) and bought FI's presents today. Is it bad that I also bought myself something every time I bought him something?

    Good luck, Mica! Crossing fingers for you.
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    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I don't want to talk about weddings.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't do bows or ribbon.  The cats eat them and then they puke.  They leave the paper alone though.
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    <div>THAT TOO. My girl cat that is a perfect angel acts a damn fool when she gets access to ribbon. Christmas day is a battle chasing her fat butt around while she hoards pieces of ribbons. </div>
  • Sweet jesus my MIL just commented FOUR TIMES on the same picture on fb.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Hi!  I don't wanna talk weddings either.  Only THREE more days this week!!  H is being sent directly to another rig in N. Dak. when he's done where he's at tomorrow, so no time off for him, and no booty for me :(.  

    MIL is having a holiday open house next week Wednesday and I don't think I want to go.  it doesn't start until 7, I have to work all day and be up at 5:30 for work on Thursday and it's 25 minutes from my house to hers, and I commute 40 minutes to work.  Should I suck it up and make an appearance or just skip it?
  • I'm a gift bag fiend but I use really really cute ones. Along with successful Christmas shopping for others today, I got myself some new boots. That was pretty awesome.
  • I have to work the overnight shift tonight, so I have to go in about 3.5 hours.  I'm so used to having to go in at 5 am.  My schedule is so messed up right now.
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