Wedding Etiquette Forum

Irks up in here!

My daughter's name is Jocelyn, pronounced Jossss-Lynn.  It's not that hard and I've never, not once heard of someone named JOSH-Lynn.  Why must you call my daughter Joshlyn over and over, I know you didn't hear that ish from me.  I work with you every single day, can you please say it correctly or just don't say it at all?  

What irks you?  

Re: Irks up in here!

  • All of the websites I'm automatically logged into at work got un-logged in to while I was on vacation. Now I have to actually enter my name and password. I am way too lazy for that. 
  • Because I'm moving into a bigger apartment people assume I must be pregnant. No we're moving because 700sq feet leaves us with no storage space.
  • A guy we know that has two kids already continued to post on J's status yesterday about how we need to 'save money' and how 'it's not easy'.  Bitch, I'm not fucking stupid and don't act like we're 16 having a baby. THAT SHIIT IRKS ME.
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  • I worked with a self-important person who never ONCE spelled my name correctly.  Not once.  I woked there for a year.  He received countless emailes from me, and my email was clare@x.x.  There ain't no I in Clare.
  • crash2729crash2729 member
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited January 2012
    Well, if we're going on pronunciation 
    I don't really have any...but FI gets extremely annoyed with the way I say chimney. I pronounce it Chim-i-ney. Like the song from Mary Poppins.

    Give me a minute and I'm sure I'll be able to think of something that annoys me. :)

  • When people are condescending for no reason. Like my coworker. She's older than me, but by no means any more qualified. If anything, I am her boss, as I have been with the theater we work for a lot longer. STOP TALKING DOWN TO ME. I am sorry that I had to tell you to put your iPhone away while you were working with kids, but it's work time, NOT facebook time. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]A guy we know that has two kids already continued to post on J's status yesterday about how we need to 'save money' and how 'it's not easy'.  Bitch, I'm not fucking stupid and don't act like we're 16 having a baby. THAT SHIIT IRKS ME.
    Posted by FutureMrsFezz[/QUOTE]

    Fezz, my mom says to any pregnant friend or relative she has : My only advice to you is don't listen to anybody's advice.

    I'm sure you're already getting a sh*t-ton of un-asked for pearls of wisdom.
  • But Fezz you don't have a kid yet so there's no way you can know what to expect!  You are totally clueless!  Duh.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Actually Chrissy, I mean Christina  :)  Jos-eh-lynn doesn't bother me.  It's actually how Trevor wanted it pronounced, he was convinced that is how you pronounce the girl version and the boy version is Joss-Lyn (his middle name).  However, after she was born he just called her Jocelyn, but if you asked him the difference between the two genders that's the difference you'd hear him say.  
  • I'll jump on the names.  My name is spelled Meghan.  I understand when I verbally tell people my name and they spell it without the h, but when it's in an email, with my name written out in my signature, and they misspell it, it kind of bothers me.  When bothers me more is when people pronouce my name May-gen (my boss does this).  There's nor freaking 'a' in there!  It's Meg-gen.  I don't usually correct people though since I hate confrontation, so I know part of this is on me.
  • When I go out of my way to let someone in front of me in traffic and then they don't wave. YOU'RE WELCOME, A-HOLE.
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  • Salt that bugs the crap out of me, I always end up swearing in the car to that person!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:74c84cf6-482c-4d0c-8037-5d6c5a4c6fcfPost:249972b9-90e3-407f-8cb8-01790e0111f8">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Joshlyn?  Really?  Wow.  In my mind I think I usually say "Jos-eh-lyn"  (bad phonetic spelling)  But I will cut out the eh. I hate misprounouncing someone's name. I did this one a while back in a irritation thread, but since we are on names. My full name is Christina.  My email address has my full name in it.  I ended all work related emails with Christina.  I still had people write me emails written to Christine.  Who the hell is Christine?  Not me!!
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    I'm in the same frustrated boat.

    My name is Chanelle but people are constantly calling me name has no effing T in it.  The few people who don't call me Chantelle call me Chaneeeelle... WTF?! Don't even get me started on my last name...anyone who isn't French just can't do it.
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  • HI SALT!  And Yes, I agree with that one.  Thank me dammit!

    The BMV spelled my name Stayce on my new car title.  It's just normal Stacy and then add an E.  That was awesome last week trying to get tags for my car.  Idiots.  
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irks up in here! : Then I must be hella pregnant because we went from an apartment to a huge house. Godo to know.
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

    <div>Congrats on the triplets, Cfas!</div>
  • People see "L-Y-nda" and start calling me Lydia.   No it's Lynda with a 'y' not Lydia.  It happens ALL.THE.TIME.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • SALTY♥

    Adamar- You're so right. I couldn't possibly know these things.
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  • Chanelle is not a hard name, that one surprises me.  
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:74c84cf6-482c-4d0c-8037-5d6c5a4c6fcfPost:8a79fba2-c5b8-429d-a643-b348dd996d51">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irks up in here! : Then I must be hella pregnant because we went from an apartment to a huge house. Godo to know.
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

    At least 5 kids I'm assuming right??

    These are the same effing people who hear that I have a headache or am tired that I clearly must be pregnant. Idiots
  • I hate when my co-workers come to me and give me paperwork and it's all "Order this NOW! NOW!" Then after I order it they change it three times.
  • salt78salt78 member
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]HI SALT!  And Yes, I agree with that one.  Thank me dammit! The BMV spelled my name Stayce on my new car title.  It's just normal Stacy and then add an E.  That was awesome last week trying to get tags for my car.  Idiots.  
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    The DMV is stupid everywhere. I just bought a new car in November and on my title and other mailings they spelled my street name so unbelieveably incorrectly that I have no idea how the mail even ended up at my house in the first place. I know the mistake didn't happen at the dealership because everything they have sent me has the correct address. I haven't gotten around to changing it yet because I know I will have to drive over there to do it and I don't wanna.

    AND HI!! <3

    ETA: FEZZ <3
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  • Since we are talking about names, I hate when people make up nicknames for me. I don't like Liz or Beth. Is it really that hard to say my full name? Stop being lazy and say it. 
  • edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:74c84cf6-482c-4d0c-8037-5d6c5a4c6fcfPost:defa839c-3088-4da8-b9da-f827ec339ffb">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irks up in here! : Congrats on the triplets, Cfas!
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    H has a friend expecting quadruplets.  I would sh*t myself.

    Edit: spelling.
  • I'm also irked that for the next two weeks or so my office closes at five but I have to hang out until six anyway because that's when H gets off and we carpool. I wish I could just enjoy leaving early.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:74c84cf6-482c-4d0c-8037-5d6c5a4c6fcfPost:d3a83edf-efdc-41fd-91c2-f9024975413c">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]That makes sense Stacks.  Sometimes pronuciation just happens over time.  My sister is Kerry.  We always used to pronouce it like carry.  She went out east for school and was told she was mispronouncing her name.  Her name is supposed to be pronounced Ker-re.  With a softer K sound rather than the harsher C sound. I know so many different Megan/Meghan/Meaghan's.  They all pronouce it differently.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    Someone can tell you that you are mispronouncing your own name?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irks up in here! : H has a friend expecting quadruplets.  I would sh*t myself. Edit: spelling.
    Posted by Meg1036[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>For real? Man, I probably would too. Is there something going on there, like fertility treatments or something?

  • I really don't get why people don't take the extra second to read a name and then pronounce it right.

    When FI and I moved we doubled our square footage and we still don't have room for a baby.  Glad no one thought we were knocked up.
  • Megan, I have the opposite problem.  I LIKE my name to be pronounced MAY-gen.  I hate Meg-gan.  And someone just called the phone at the office and called me "Mee-gan."  UGH.


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  • I'll get on board with the name game.  Mine is An-dree-uh.  Not Ahn-dray-uh or Ahn-dree-uh.  I don't mind when people miss it the first time, but I used to work with people who would say it wrong repeatedly.  I finally just stopped responding because I didn't know anyone named Ahn-dray-uh.  Seriously, after three years one guy still couldn't remember. 

    On that note, I always make sure I'm properly pronouncing/spelling people's names correctly since it bugs me so much when people mess up mine.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:74c84cf6-482c-4d0c-8037-5d6c5a4c6fcfPost:f8a7b0d1-38cc-4f01-aeaa-2f4c2b884ec3">Re: Irks up in here!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irks up in here! : For real? Man, I probably would too. Is there something going on there, like fertility treatments or something?
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, they tried for two years and couldn't get pregnant.  Fertility treatments, although I don't know the details.
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