Wedding Etiquette Forum


Thank goodness amiright?

I am so ready for it to be the weekend. Having monday off sure did make the week go fast though!

SIL's college graduation is sunday and I think we should get her something (card, gift, SOMETHING) to give her when we all go out for lunch afterwards but H is stuck on that we should just give her something at her graduation party. I think I will just go shopping without him.

Anybody have anything fun planned for the weekend? Like a running a half marathon with chrissy? hmmmmm?

Re: Furidayyy!

  • Apparently pee cat just got his head stuck in an empty tissue box and was knocking everything off of the counter. I thought he was playing until I walked into the room and he was spinning around trying to get it off. Ok it was kinda cute and funny but I grabbed him before he freaked out too much. 
  • Good morning!

    I woke up to a long list of crap to do.  The good news is that tentatively, the bank approved the bid we placed on a short sale.  The bad news is that they want to close in 15 days, and that will probably be impossible between all the stuff I need to do to secure a mortgage and all the stuff the seller needs to do to find a new house and move.  Cross your fingers that the bank becomes reasonable and gives us 30-45 days to get our ish together.

    In the meantime, I have to get a whole lot of documents together to send to my mortgage broker.  Blech.

    Also, my uterus is playing tricks with me.  Damn my uterus.
  • Goooood Morning!  That stupid meeting that kept me late last night gave me an extra hour and 45 minutes so I get to leave around 1 today.  So I guess that's good.  I'll be using that time to get to the gym before I have to pick up J from school and then take her to ballet.  She has a new sparkly tutu she got for Christmas and she's all sorts of excited to finally get to wear it.  She's such a girl, I don't know about this girly stuff.  

    I have no plans for the weekend other than what I'm doing tonight.  That's A-OK with me.  I want to clean out all the cupboards in my kitchen and get rid of ish we haven't used since we moved in.  Goodwill here we come!  I'm sick of clutter when I open drawers, cabinets and closets.  

    I also found this really cute little house on an acre of land not far from where I live AND it's in the school district I want Jocelyn to go to.  I mean it's a small house, but it's cheaper then what we pay now so it would help save just a tad bit more money before we buy a house in 2 years.  Only thing I don't know about, since the house is in the country it has one of those oil tank heat things.  Anyone know how that stuff works?  Please enlighten me.

    Sorry, this came out quite a book for first thing in the morning.
  • Good Luck Mica, I hope you get the house.  I would think the bank would be willing to change the timeline if it meant they got money, but banks are weird.  Who knows.
  • Good Morning people who don't really know me!

    I don't really have any plans for the weekend, but I'm happy because the FI and I have sort of we think decided our wedding will in fact be this summer (between May and August) instead of just between May and December.  This is progress, and hopefully we can narrow it down even better in the next few weeks.

    My blog
    "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels." -Isaiah 61:10 NKJV
  • Good morning!  This is my LAST day of work until January 17th!  I am bouncing off the walls, except for the part where I'm still trying to get everything in order for the two people who will be covering for me next week.  It will be the first vacation where I will be completely unreachable, and I'm nervous about forgetting to explain something that will be crucial.  I put together a whole manual of directions -- hopefully I remember everything.

    I've also been up since 3:45 AM...H hit "snooze" on his alarm and it went off again when he was in the shower, and I never went back to sleep.

    Good luck with the bank, Mica!

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  • How's your H feeling bay?  Is his tooth much better?  When does the cruise leave and what port is it leaving from and where is it going?  (yes, I'm nosy) I hope you have a great time!  
  • Morning. I will be working over the weekend. I'm hoping to have a new job soon though. I have an interview at 9 today and I'm hoping it goes well. What is your opinion on matching suits for an interview? I have a pair of grey wool slacks that I was going to wear with a black jacket, but wasn't sure if a matching suit would be more appropriate?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Just popping in to wish everyone a wonderful Friday and a great weekend! <3 I got to sleep in my bed last night instead of the recliner. It's going to be a great day.
  • I think gray slacks with a black jacket seems fine, but I'm no expert. Do what your gut tells you.
    My blog
    "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels." -Isaiah 61:10 NKJV
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:7943efbf-c0d0-45d7-ae66-db393c2736dfPost:3bd66823-44a2-4b5f-9771-eef78a22b456">Re: Furidayyy!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think gray slacks with a black jacket seems fine, but I'm no expert. Do what your gut tells you.
    Posted by RyansBelovedBride[/QUOTE]

    Unfortunately my gut seems concentrated on the fact that the grey ones are machine washable and the black is dry clean only.
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  • I would think gray slacks and black jacket (if properly tailored) would make it look as if your closet went deeper in a professional manner.  If they are not proper fitting pieces then as an interviewer I would think to myself, "this is the best she's got? she can't even match a suit together, she probably has no other professional work clothes beyond this".  

    I mean you'd have to think when you're interviewing someone that what they wear to the interview may be the nicest you see them dress.  Although that might not always be true, just make sure whatever you wear doesn't look like you're trying too hard.  If you can look comfortable and snazzy in your gear then it'll earn you a few extra bonus points on how they think you can hang within the company.  

    DISCLAIMER:  All of what I said might not actually happen in real life, but in my head that's how I think of things when talking about dressing for an interview.  
  • Bay, have a WONDERFUL time on the cruise!

    Stacks and Mica, my fingers are crossed for these houses for you both. Stacks, I don't know about the oil thing, but my dad has one in England and hasn't had any problems with it...they just have to remember to call to get more oil delivered when it's getting low.

    I'd wear a suit to an interview. It also depends what field you're in, of course - like if you're interviewing for a fashion magazine, probably get a little more creative, but if you're interviewing for a legal job, stay conservative - but my basic guideline is a matching suit.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Furidayyy!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Bay, have a WONDERFUL time on the cruise! Stacks and Mica, my fingers are crossed for these houses for you both. Stacks, I don't know about the oil thing, but my dad has one in England and hasn't had any problems with it...they just have to remember to call to get more oil delivered when it's getting low. I'd wear a suit to an interview. It also depends what field you're in, of course - like if you're interviewing for a fashion magazine, probably get a little more creative, but if you're interviewing for a legal job, stay conservative - but my basic guideline is a matching suit.
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]
    I am a graphic designer. The interview is for a internship and then possible entry level job after. I think I will do the matching pants because they fit me better and are more comfortable to sit in.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Has anyone ever heard of the phrase "bird dogging" something or someone? Sometimes I think H makes shiit up.

    wowee according to urban dictionary H should not be using that phrase as much as he does.

  • Good morning, happy Friday!

    FMIL is coming to visit this weekend, and while I like when she comes out, we just had a whole week of family time for the holidays.  I was really looking forward to FI and I just having a lazy weekend to ourselves.  At least she isn't arriving until the evening, so I can still sleep in.  But now I have to spend my Friday night cleaning.  I really wanted to bust out the Mario Kart we just got and waste my night away on that.
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  • Thanks Em!

    Stacks -- H is doing MUCH better.  The extraction went as well as can be expected.  He's taken mimimal pain killers and he went back to work yesterday.  Today he's pulling a double -- 5 AM - 9 PM -- and tomorrow he has a double, and then he's off until at least next Sunday, possibly Monday.  We can't wait.

    It's okay to be nosey!  We're leaving on Monday from Miami and going to Key West and Cozumel.  I'm doing all our laundry tonight, and I bought some cute things yesterday with my Christmas money to wear on the cruise (couple of shirts and a dress) and I can't wait.

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  • ha Rosie, no he shouldn't!  
  • Good morning all! I have nothing planned for this weekend. Wish I was skiing. This is getting ridiculous!! Bay have an awesome time on vacation!!!!
  • PS. Rosie, I agree with you. Buy your SIL something and tell your H to hush.
  • Bay, have fun on your cruise!  I've never been on one.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Thanks, ladies!

    Jude, I haven't either!  We were supposed to go for our honeymoon, but it got canceled four months before the wedding, so we ended up going to Montreal instead.  It's been really cold the last few days here in New England (although today it's almost in the 40s) so the warm weather is going to be great.

    Rosie, I would just get her something on your own and put H's name on it.  My H is terrible with remembering birthdays or big events.  I usually end up saying something like "Oh, we bought SIL such-and-such for her birthday" and he'll say "Okay."

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Good morning ladies, I'm so happy it's Friday, it feels like the week just flew by.

    Bay have an amazing time on the cruise, being unplugged will deifnitely not be a bad thing!

    Good luck with the house Mica, I hope everything works out!

    Stacks I think my sister has oil and it's not too bad, you just have to be careful what kind of deal you get locked into (or not locked into) with the price of it and like Em said just watch for making sure you get a delivery before you run out.
  • Good Morning!

    I'm so happy today is Friday.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but I've been exhausted all this week.  It's been really hard to get out of bed.  I used to work nights which was easier on my body but bad on the social life.  I've been doing mornings since August and I thought I'd get used to it by now, but I just think I'm not meant to be a morning person.  Oh well.

    Last night I went and ordered the flowers for the wedding and we bought our wedding bands.  I like the sparkly things :)  /wedding talk.

    Have fun on your cruise, Bay!  I'm jealous!
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  • I think I am just going to get her some flowers and give them to her at lunch. I figure if I carry them into the graduation they will look pretty rough when I finally give them to her, but if I leave them in the car they will be much better.

    H was using the phrase "bird dogging" to mean keeping up with someone. He wanted me to bird dog the vets office as we have questions. According to urban dictionary he wants me to pick up girls at the vets office. or with the vets office. something like that.
  • FutureMrsFezzFutureMrsFezz member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments
    edited January 2012
    Morning!  Yay for Friday.  My bff is here from NY and we're going out tonight.  I don't know what I'm doing the rest of the weekend.

    Oh yeah, I'm cleaning out the baby's room which is full of whatever gets thrown in there.  Fun!
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  • Aww Bay, well I'm glad you get to go on one now!  And yes, NE has been freezing this week hasn't it?
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  • Hey hossbags! Happy Friday!
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Bay- Where does your cruise leave from?
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  • Fish where have you been? You are here too sporadically for my liking.
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