Wedding Etiquette Forum




  • LVB, don't eat your husband!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Andy, even if you're only talking about somebody who would require the fire department, a special gurney, and a special ambulance or helicopter to get them out of their house and to the hospital if they had a heart attack, it's still kinda douchey the WAY you've expressed it. It's a tough topic.  It's one that is judged from most directions everyday, all day, consciously or unconsciously, by most people.  It's one that fuels opinion wars regularly on how/why/resolutions.  I mean, a school district in Chicago banned kids from bringing a packed lunch unless they have a doctor's note requiring it for a special diet/medical condition.  BECAUSE THE SCHOOL JUDGES PARENTS WHO GIVE THEIR KIDS COOKIES, EVER.  But, what the kids bring to lunch isn't the whole story, and who has the right to dictate to parents what they can feed their kids?  And since when are school lunches healthy and tasty examples to live by?  Anyway.  My point is that you can't make it sound better at this point.  Regardless of what you really mean/think/judge.
    Posted by squirrly[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Do you they control the schoo lunches there?  I'm not sure what the regulations are here since I haven't taught here, but I know in NY the school lunches had to contain certain components everyday.  They got rid of the juice and only have milk, and everyday they have a fruit or vegetable.  But when you see the trays in the garbage, it always has the fruits and veggies in it barely eaten.  </div><div>
    </div><div>I really liked Jamie Oliver's show about the nutrition and eating in America.  I really hope that he can change more schools and reach out to more students, but I know it takes a lot more than that.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Also, kinda related to the topic, but kind of not, who watches Extreme Couponing?  One thing H and I have noticed is that people buy all crap, because that's what goes on sale and what there are coupons for.  The one mom had like 24 frozen pizzas, 20 cases of pop, and tons more.  You are saving a ton of money, but to get all junk food.  If they would start doing coupons for fruits, vegges, salad, lean meats, etc. I think it would make a huge difference for a lot of low income families as well.  </div><div>
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Alright, I'm out. I'm going to go eat my feelings, my husband and top it off with a trip to the Paula Deen buffet across the river. Nomming on some sticks of butter sound good about now. Have a good weekend, ya'll!
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    Guys, we have a bigger problem here. We need to save Dave!

    hardy har har. Have a good weekend LVB!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FFF : <3 Just a random post from someone who contributed NOTHING to the talk but has followed along the whole time. I personally wish I didn't have such a damn skewed perspective on my own weight. <strong>I am totally embarassed to admit that I would love to be sickly skinny.</strong> I only hold myself to horrible standards though.
    Posted by Rosie109[/QUOTE]

    When I was training for my half marathon, I lost some weight. Mostly I felt like I was too skinny (I was, and I started eating more), but a tiny part of me felt proud. Considering I'm someone who has never had any weight issues at all, I felt like that was a pretty good example of how messed up our overall focus on weight is.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a92f1019-f0da-4abb-928d-f8723f58cea5Post:8136a9ad-1618-45cd-bbab-49730cc4bb8f">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Manda and GA, that makes sense to me. I love food too, and I actually wonder what I will do when my metabolism slows down (because Lala, my current size is all genetics, my dad was super skinny when he was my age). I'll have to find the balance that works for me between vanity/health and love of good food. Mery, I agree with everything you just said except one part. <strong>I think people judge anorexic/otherwise skinny people all the time.</strong> A lot of people think it's fine to say "just eat a hamburger" to someone skinny when they would be up in arms if you said "just don't eat a hamburger" to someone who is overweight.
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    I do agree that this is just as common as the other.
  • I hate being 5'4. There isn't much room for the fat to go, so I end up looking a lot bigger than my taller friends at the same weight.
  • I've totally noticed the Extreme Couponing junk food.  At my local grocery store there are never any coupons for fruits/veggies but pretty much always coups for soda, chips, cookies, etc.  It sucks that the odds seem to be stacked against low income families and healthy eating options.  
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • [QUOTE]Also, kinda related to the topic, but kind of not, who watches Extreme Couponing?  One thing H and I have noticed is that people buy all crap, because that's what goes on sale and what there are coupons for.  The one mom had like 24 frozen pizzas, 20 cases of pop, and tons more.  You are saving a ton of money, but to get all junk food.  If they would start doing coupons for fruits, vegges, salad, lean meats, etc. I think it would make a huge difference for a lot of low income families as well.  
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Yes!!! That show is the worst. The only non-packaged foods I've ever seen on that show are a couple packages of meat and some bananas. EVERY single one of them buy those Yakisoba noodle packs. That's not even real food. And they're hoarders.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey, who was it saying that FFF never <strong>gets eated</strong> around here anymore? I'm leaving that because it's the funniest typo ever. I do mean *heated though.
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]

    No pun intended! :-P
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a92f1019-f0da-4abb-928d-f8723f58cea5Post:42fd43fa-11fa-4726-a037-62d833bd411e">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FFF : When I was training for my half marathon, I lost some weight. Mostly I felt like I was too skinny (I was, and I started eating more), but a tiny part of me felt proud. Considering I'm someone who has never had any weight issues at all, I felt like that was a pretty good example of how messed up our overall focus on weight is.
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    Definitely. When I lost a lot of weight my family would ask me if I was still eating, and it actually made me feel good.

    "Luckily" I love food way too freaking much to ever do anything crazy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]I hate being 5'4. There isn't much room for the fat to go, so I end up looking a lot bigger than my taller friends at the same weight.
    Posted by Birdie1483[/QUOTE]

    I'm with you. I'm 5'3 and all my weight goes right to my midsection.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FFF : <3 Just a random post from someone who contributed NOTHING to the talk but has followed along the whole time<strong>. I personally wish I didn't have such a damn skewed perspective on my own weight. I am totally embarassed to admit that I would love to be sickly skinny.</strong> I only hold myself to horrible standards though.
    Posted by Rosie109[/QUOTE]

    Me too. It's bad.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FFF : <3 Just a random post from someone who contributed NOTHING to the talk but has followed along the whole time. I personally wish I didn't have such a damn skewed perspective on my own weight. I am totally embarassed to admit that I would love to be sickly skinny.<strong> I only hold myself to horrible standards though.</strong>
    Posted by Rosie109[/QUOTE]

    I hold myself to really horrible standards too. I don't have an eating disorder, whatsoever, but the lack of muscle definition that has slowly come to evidence since I have stopped dancing full time has made me really upset with myself. I don't even notice other people's weight most of the time, it is just my own. I think having been in the dance world has really skewed my sense of body image in the way that I notice it all.the.time since I at one time had to look in the mirror for 25 hours a week.
  • Like whenever someone talks about how Khole is a monster compared to kourtney and kim.. I get all up in arms because she DOESN'T need to lose weight. She is a pretty girl!

    That is the best example I can come up with of me NOT judging other people but then judging myself even harder.

  • Between the thread getting "eated" and LVB off to eat Dave, I have dissolved into uncontrollable giggles. 

    Emily, I have to add that it took a long time and someone else's tragedy to come to terms with things about my body. The tragedy was a friend who was about 315 when I met her, then lost close to 200 lbs. She went on and on about how much better she felt about herself now that she was thinner, but she didn't BEHAVE like someone who felt good about herself at all. With that 200lb loss my funny, smart, self confidant friend disappeared and was replaced with a girl who slept with anyone/anything that asked and let her boyfriend bully her around. She was just so grateful that she "finally deserved him". That is an actual quote that will haunt me forever. Fast forward 8 years and she's made bad choice after bad choice. She recently tried to force a guy to marry her by having his baby. But hey man, she's still thin, so she's got that going on for her. Watching her downward spiral made me realize the lie behind the "losing weight makes you love yourself more" theory. I don't care what Jennifer Hudson says, dude, you gotta love yourself for who you are. Losing weight will not suddenly make your issues disappear and automatically inject you with happiness.
  • This was an interesting last 4 pages. It's made me feel really weird and squicky, having been on both sides MO and "normal" with the odd test value here and there.

    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • Ugh I am done talking about weight. It just upsets me and makes me feel guilty.
  • DNB, I think so.  All public schools have some requirements - they're federal, and changes are actually being issued right now or very soon.  But, a lot of schools/districts have higher standards than the federal ones.  And, the federal ones are really designed to ensure kids aren't under fed for a DAY.  Not a MEAL.  So, if you're eating school lunch prepared to their guidelines, and eating well at home, you might be overeating.  I know there are schools who complain that they can't use regular fresh products because the standard requires that they use fortified stuff (chicken, for example).  So, it's tough for kids to learn what good, healthy, normal food looks and tastes like from school too!

    Here's something for you - I'd have had to have a note and bring my own beverage to school in NY, apparently, as I'm lactose intollerant.  I drank OJ for lunch every day for YEARS because of it.  Stuff like that is part of why it's absurd for schools to dictate things.

    Instead, we need to make junk food expensive and fresh food affordable.  I love that CSAs are really popular where I live now, and that they have a sliding scale for price so that low income families can afford fresh veggies too. 
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FFF : I hold myself to really horrible standards too. I don't have an eating disorder, whatsoever, but the lack of muscle definition that has slowly come to evidence since I have stopped dancing full time has made me really upset with myself. I don't even notice other people's weight most of the time, it is just my own. I think having been in the dance world has really skewed my sense of body image in the way that I notice it all.the.time since I at one time had to look in the mirror for 25 hours a week.
    Posted by musicalsunlight[/QUOTE]

    Yes. I understand exactly what you mean. I'm so much harder on myself than anyone else is on me. All I see are the fat pouches and stuff even though logically I know that I look fine.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]DNB, I think so.  All public schools have some requirements - they're federal, and changes are actually being issued right now or very soon.  But, a lot of schools/districts have higher standards than the federal ones.  And, the federal ones are really designed to ensure kids aren't under fed for a DAY.  Not a MEAL.  So, if you're eating school lunch prepared to their guidelines, and eating well at home, you might be overeating.  I know there are schools who complain that they can't use regular fresh products because the standard requires that they use fortified stuff (chicken, for example).  So, it's tough for kids to learn what good, healthy, normal food looks and tastes like from school too! Here's something for you - I'd have had to have a note and bring my own beverage to school in NY, apparently, as I'm lactose intollerant.  I drank OJ for lunch every day for YEARS because of it.  Stuff like that is part of why it's absurd for schools to dictate things. Instead, we need to make junk food expensive and fresh food affordable.  <strong>I love that CSAs are really popular where I live now, and that they have a sliding scale for price so that low income families can afford fresh veggies too. </strong>
    Posted by squirrly[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Are you signing up for this year? I'm going to miss it.</div>
  • Oh you want to hear sick?  I saw Black Swan last night and thought Natalie Portman looked good.  When she was obviously way too skinny.
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  • *Applauds MandaPanda*

    Right on, sister.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Between the thread getting "eated" and LVB off to eat Dave, I have dissolved into uncontrollable giggles.  Emily, I have to add that it took a long time and someone else's tragedy to come to terms with things about my body. The tragedy was a friend who was about 315 when I met her, then lost close to 200 lbs. She went on and on about how much better she felt about herself now that she was thinner, but she didn't BEHAVE like someone who felt good about herself at all. With that 200lb loss my funny, smart, self confidant friend disappeared and was replaced with a girl who slept with anyone/anything that asked and let her boyfriend bully her around. She was just so grateful that she "finally deserved him". That is an actual quote that will haunt me forever. Fast forward 8 years and she's made bad choice after bad choice. She recently tried to force a guy to marry her by having his baby. But hey man, she's still thin, so she's got that going on for her. Watching her downward spiral made me realize the lie behind the "losing weight makes you love yourself more" theory. <strong>I don't care what Jennifer Hudson says, dude, you gotta love yourself for who you are. Losing weight will not suddenly make your issues disappear and automatically inject you with happiness.</strong>
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]

    Very, very true.  I am on board with you Manda.
    White Knot Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Rosie, it makes me feel guilty too. And all kinds of other emotions. What really sucks is that I had awesome self esteem until I was about 20. I always thought I looked great, never wanted to lose weight or change anything about myself. I was even totally OK with the freshman 15 I gained. Then I started dating a guy who commented on my food and weight all the time and now I'm ruined for life. I was so lucky to have awesome body image and I miss it.
  • I had a good self image for about a hot second.  And it was only because I'd been going to the gym with a friend and lost some weight.  Sad.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh you want to hear sick?  I saw Black Swan last night and thought Natalie Portman looked good.  When she was obviously way too skinny.
    Posted by FutureMrsTR[/QUOTE]
    I did the same thing. I sat there thinking "I'm petite like Natalie Portman. I could look like that." Then I was all, NOPE, I'm gonna eat these Sour Patch kids and drink this Coke instead.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I am far from petite and I kinda feel like it hinders me because when I tell people how big I am or that I'm fat or whatever they always say "but you're so tall and big boned! You're not a small person" i'm like...okay, so it's okay that I'm fat? WTF?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: FFF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FFF : Yes. I understand exactly what you mean. I'm so much harder on myself than anyone else is on me. All I see are the fat pouches and stuff even though logically I know that I look fine.
    Posted by Bubbalub[/QUOTE]

    Exactly. I mean, I do NOT think I'm fat. I don't. I just don't like how my body looks now compared to how it used to. Compared to how I know it CAN. Which is so ridiculous because no one would notice except J because he is the only one that would ever get close enough to examine my body that much. The tight fitting leotard/tights combo really gives you a clear image of your whole body at all times though, so I suppose I'm just stuck on that.
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