Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good Evening?

So I think it's a little earlier than this normally starts but I don't care. I have to AW my FI. He has won a Kentucky Press Association award! The ceremony is in late January and that is where he will find out what he got the award for. I am so proud of him! 

What's up with everyone else?

Re: Good Evening?

  • That's awesome Midge! I am in my pjs, watching the news. I had a log day of teaching. Going to make dinner in a few.
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  • Congrats to soon-to-be Mr. Midge!

    I just got back from my haircut/color appt and finally did something different from what I've been doing for the last 4 years so I'm happy about that.

    Gave my family their Christmas gifts since I am heading back to my place tomorrow and everyone loved theirs so that was awesome :) Taking my family's gifts for FI back with me tomorrow and I think he'll really like them. Then he and I need to start getting gifts for his family, I'm looking forward to our trip out to see them. And unless things get too busy, may see sparent while I'm there!
  • I am still at work because it is not even 3 yet! Nothing on the schedule for tonight, just relaxing and finishing up my wrapping maybe.
  • Congrats to Mr.Midge!

    I'm waiting for 5:00 so I can go home and then head out to our local G2G. It's been a little busy today.
  • Congrats Mr. Midge!

    I'm exhausted.  H and my sister and I are going to see Sherlock Holmes at 7:40 and I really just want to go to bed.  After that I have to bake two kinds of cookies and finish cleaning.  I'm going to be up until like 1 AM.

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  • Picture of the new do Kalpi? It's fun to switch stuff up! I am so jealous of you possibly meeting Sparent!

    I want to put my PJ's on now, thanks Nicki!
  • Hi girls! I am at work, we are running end of day so I am locked out of our system. Congrats to Midge's FI!
  • Congrats! They don't give any hints as to why he won? That would drive me nuts having to wait that long to find out.

    I'm just sitting here waiting for H to come home from work. Should be soon, then I'll cook dinner. Currently I'm getting laundry done since we won't have time this weekend. I should be working on my lesson plan, but I'm tired and don't wanna.
  • Congrats to your FI! We are sitting around with my H grandma and aunt. Waiting for his dad to show up and then at 6 we are going to the casino for dinner with friends.
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  • Pic is posted here, Midge:

    Take a break, Sesh. It's a holiday week in my opinion even though they make people work. Get to it when the inspiration comes to you.

    I'm also in the PJ wearing party. Sitting in front of the TV with my family, flipping between the news and Storage Wars.
  • anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    Eighth Anniversary 10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yay!  Congrats to Mr. Midge!  How awesome!

    i totally don't go here but mind if i play?  :)

    I'm working on a pot of loaded baked potato soup that is deliciously not-good-for-me.  But i don't care because it's so darn tasty.

    I've been working on getting the house guest ready for the holidays and spent a good portion of the afternoon scrubbing the bathroom to the point of shiny awesomeness.  It'll even pass my hard to please aunt's inspection.

    other than that, holiday goodies to prepare tonight, eating some latkes, teaching the babies in the family to spin a dreidel.. should be a blast.
  • Hi! Congrats to your FI Midgie!
    I am FINALLY camped out on the couch for the evening.  Today was a very hectic stressful day because it was the last day before break.  I'm really regretting saying I'd work my other job tomorrow.  I need a break.  Plus I'm sick.  Blegh.
  • I was bad today and ordered pizza for lunch with my office mate. It's almost time for me to leave work!!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ac72986b-060b-41cc-b921-794a9d5201b5Post:520a0f8e-5bc8-4de9-9156-3ec93e6eb161">Re: Good Evening?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Picture of the new do Kalpi? It's fun to switch stuff up! I am so jealous of you possibly meeting Sparent! I want to put my PJ's on now, thanks Nicki!
    Posted by midgetthemighty[/QUOTE]

    Do it! Join the dark side... Of comfy-ness!
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  • Yay for Midge's FI!

    I just ordered Chinese delivery.  H was getting tired of leftovers.
  • Kalpi- I love the do! Glad you are in the pj party club.
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  • Bay, that movie is going to be awesome but I don't know if it's worth staying up so late when you're already tired. Wish I could send you some energy!

    Sesh, he has to submit the things that are up for award so he has ideas but he doesn't know which thing got him the award.

    Kalpi, love the haircut! Thanks for sharing!

    Anna, I love soup. Beef Barley is my absolute fave. 

    Geez. I started this thread then my mom calls and asks me to start dinner (which is fine, just bad timing). I'll pop back in when I can, like right now because I'm waiting for water to boil in the kettle. So sorry for the somewhat P&R! Thank you all for the congratulations!
  • SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE!! Send me some soup Anna? Or the recipe? I make some good soup but its never as thick as I like it and I think I am doing something wrong.
  • Oh, and Chels - I forbid you to get sick.
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks, Nicki Ciara and Midge! I was a little startled when she first hacked it off haha and all that hair hit the floor but now I'm just relieved.

    One of my gifts for my mom was the So You Think You Can Dance instructional dvd. She loves that show so much and wants to dance for exercise/fun so she's pretty excited to try it out. I'm going to try it out with her before I go haha, I'll report back on it.

    Anna, nice to meetcha, that soup sounds delicious.
  • hey ya'll. I slept until 2:30 pm today. Well I got up earlier than that to let Tory out and feed her, but went back to sleep. I was up until 4am basically running through wedding crap that needs to get done in my head. OMG i hope this is not what every night turns into after this.
  • edited December 2011
    Good job to Mr. Midge. I am on the way to Miami with FI. It was a last minute work trip for him. He called at 4 and asked if I wanted to go. I would have rather stayed home but I know he wanted company for the 4+ hour drive. edit: stupid auto spell
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  • Okay anna is not allowed to play here anymore. She cant just tease us with wonderful sounding food and never come back.

  • Wish I were on my way to Miami, Petal!
  • Kalpi - The hair looks great. MuSh - I think I would like it more if I would have had more than 5 min to pack. And we will be driving back tomorrow as soon as he is done.
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  • Ah yeah that does kind of suck, Petal. I'd mainly just like to be anywhere that is warm right now, hah. Only 2 weeks and some change til Hawaii, just gotta keep telling myself that. Except holy crap I'm paler than sin.
  • I do hula hoop workouts. They rule. And dance ones- Carmen Electra Strip Tease workout...anyone?!
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  • Nicki- I think I have seen you mention hula hoops before. Are they weighted hula hoops or just regular ones? And is there actual workouts, or do you just...hula?
  • Hula hoops are the devil. We had to do them for an activity in gym class ALL THE TIME in elementary school. Confession: I cannot hula. Embarassed I hated doing it because I was so so bad.
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