Wedding Etiquette Forum

Post your whines/gripes/vents here

I HATE that my student loans are in their repayment period and getting them consolidated has been such a biiitch and it only dropped my payment $70. Grrrr. yes I took them out and yes I know I have to pay them back but it's an extra bill I'm sad to have.

I HATE parents that let their kids run all over the library wreaking havoc on all the books I just straightened, and get mad at me when I ask the child to stop yanking books on the shelf and dropping them on the floor.

Also, husband? When you do laudry, the steps include a) washing b) drying c) hanging. Forgetting to add them to the dryer means they have to be rewashed. Forgetting to hang them up means wicked wrinkles. Just don't do laundry if you can't remember to complete all three steps.

Now you go.

Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here

  • I hate that I am still hungover from my bachelorette party 2 days later.
  • Was it at least worth it parker?

  • i'm in a crap mood because I'm so over school its not even funny.  I signed up for classes again because I'm a gluten for punishment or something.  I really really want to give up.
  • I hate people who can't call back when they're supposed to. 

    I hate that I don't know when I get to pick up my car.

    I hate people who invite themselves to your house.

    I hate the spiders that haven't figured out that they're not welcome in our house.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • I just figured out our supper menu for the week, only to find out that Rick closes all week. Which means he won't be home until at least 8:30. This is the 3rd week in a row. I'm thankful that he has a job, but this is getting ridiculous.
  • I'm pretty pissed off at my venue right now. We gave them a deposit, then didn't get a contract for like, 3 weeks. They had a staffing change, which is fine. Then they had to push the ceremony time back by 30 minutes. Again, not a big deal. But when I hand you a fucking large chunk of money, you don't give me a contract in a timely manner, then change some shiit around, then it takes you 5+ days to answer an email of mine, I get pissed.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I'm so pissed off at my skin right now.  On my normal BC I got once or two breakouts a month, now that it has switched my face is freaking out.  As soon as I get rid of one zit another few appear.  Seriously. 

    Ugh, and a minor one, but a gripe just the same.  If I hear one more person say they are "going to the movies" my ears might bleed.  You are going to see a movie.   I feel like I've heard people say this a lot lately and it irritates me.
  • I hate the pain I've had in my right ovary for the past few days (sorry if that's TMI).  My doctor is on vacation this week and the other doctor can't see me until Wednesday, which isn't a huge deal, but the way the nurses keep calling me back and saying "BUT CALL US IF IT GETS WORSE BEFORE THEN" is starting to freak me out.  They've called me twice already just to say that. 


    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I hate that my fibroids chose to come back just as I was ending BC and starting pre-natal vitamins. And I hate that it apparently takes my doctor's office at least a week to just to schedule in-office procedures, so I can only imagine how much longer it will be to actually have the procedure done.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • salt78salt78 member
    It is never a good idea to drink Red Bull at 4am. Regardless of how much more super star Rock Band power it is giving you at the time. I still feel funny 2 days later. 
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  • i have to tell a good friend that her boyfriend is cheating on her.

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • My MOH just got called in for jury duty this week. She will have to be in court everyday until at least Friday. Not such a big deal, but just makes me have to rework all the fun things I had planned for us this week.
  • shelly, so sorry to hear. I can't even fathom grad school right now because I'm so sick of school.

    ewww beth, I hate spiders with a passion.

    jill, I was so proud of myself for the same thing yesterday!! I planned out all our meals and went and bought the exact groceries I'd need. I'm sure he'll appreciate coming home to a home cooked meal :) even if it is late!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]It is never a good idea to drink Red Bull at 4am. Regardless of how much more super star Rock Band power it is giving you at the time. I still feel funny 2 days later. 
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    Not to laugh at your pain, but this reminds me so much of the months I was living with a good friend of mine, who was obsessed with Rock Band.  We would have friends over and stay up until all hours of the morning playing.  Awesome time, but damn, you'd feel it the next day.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]i have to tell a good friend that her boyfriend is cheating on her.
    Posted by mandysmear[/QUOTE]
    Well that sucks the big one. I'm sorry. I hope it goes ok.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Ouch, Mandy.  I'm sorry.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cb5877a4-8b04-4369-b914-0b05cc410069Post:77f58787-44cb-492f-9819-00daf6074305">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]I hate the pain I've had in my right ovary for the past few days (sorry if that's TMI).  My doctor is on vacation this week and the other doctor can't see me until Wednesday, which isn't a huge deal, but the way the nurses keep calling me back and saying "BUT CALL US IF IT GETS WORSE BEFORE THEN" is starting to freak me out.  They've called me twice already just to say that. 
    Posted by baystateapple[/QUOTE]

    You could be ovulating.  I get cramps like that a couple weeks before my time, and my dr. said it was just me ovulatin'
  • I have to work on the patio/in the yard after work today and even though it will be really nice when it's done, and I want to get it done so it's done, I still feel like complaining about it and wishing someone else would just do it for me.  Tongue out
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  • I also hate professionals that NEVER CALL BACK when they say, "We'll call you on _____."

    I'm a little frustrated with a friend right now. She and I live in the same area and never see each other. I always tell her to let me know when she's off since she works and I don't. The other day, she saw a mutual friend of ours, and said something about, "Well, I never talk to Jessica anymore. You know what happened there." --Note: There IS a history there, but let me just say, she and I are BOTH guilty parties of what happened THREE years ago. I've let it go. Maybe she should too? She's having a baby, you'd think she would have moved on by now.

    I think that's it. :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here : You could be ovulating.  I get cramps like that a couple weeks before my time, and my dr. said it was just me ovulatin'
    Posted by shellydiane820[/QUOTE]

    I'm on the pill, though...aren't you not supposed to ovulate when you're on the pill?

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I know this usually gets flamed, but can I gripe about my mother's overuse of the phrase "well we're hosting it!".  You are not effing hosting it if I am paying at least 50% of the dang thing!  We can be "co-hosting it", but you do not get to throw that term around to guilt me into things that I don't like.

    On another note, she's also had this "brilliant" idea to use quilting cotton for table overlays to save money and in her words "maybe even look better."  I just have this vision of some country podunk wedding with the tables covered in blankets!  But I'm trying to be flexible and letting her at least do a mock-up.  I just get frustrated getting multiple emails a day with the latest and greatest fabric choice, that ain't so great! (read: TACKY)
  • Ummm last night my cat ripped his claws across my back and broke the skin.  In 5 days I'm getting married in a strapless dress and it will totally show.  Guess I'm wearing my hair down after all.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Oh, one more. I'm pretty sure I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled, and much sooner than later. LAME.
  • salt78salt78 member
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ummm last night my cat ripped his claws across my back and broke the skin.  In 5 days I'm getting married in a strapless dress and it will totally show.  Guess I'm wearing my hair down after all.
    Posted by andy71781[/QUOTE]

    <div>NEOSPORIN!</div><div>You still have a few days to heal up. OUCH though!!</div>
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • aww andress, that does suck. Maybe if it doesn't clear up in a couple months I'd switch again. Also, I say going to the movies. I am going to the movie theater, but I just say movies.

    oh yuck bay, so sorry to hear about that.

    Mandy. That sucks. But be glad you're telling her. I wish the three people that knew had told me.
  • I hate friends that drop you like a hot potato immediately after starting to date someone new. It's called balancing friends and men. Lets learn how to do it ladies.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cb5877a4-8b04-4369-b914-0b05cc410069Post:8e304141-811a-463b-bb4a-a4eb8d6a48bf">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]i have to tell a good friend that her boyfriend is cheating on her.
    Posted by mandysmear[/QUOTE]

    Oh that bites.  Mandy wins.  I hope you have a bottle of wine chilled for afterwards.
  • Andres...I've always heard people say they're "going to the movies."

    I suppose that originally the statement was, "I am going to the movie theater" but has somehow evolved into "going to the movies."

    I don't think I've ever put much thought into it.

    "Going to the movies" - Guilty party of 1.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cb5877a4-8b04-4369-b914-0b05cc410069Post:051fbd5d-9bc3-4e45-a9a6-0819b89debd9">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]My MOH just got called in for jury duty this week. She will have to be in court everyday until at least Friday. Not such a big deal, but just makes me have to rework all the fun things I had planned for us this week.
    Posted by JulieSmiles[/QUOTE]

    Well that just puts a damper on the week.  Boo! :(
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:cb5877a4-8b04-4369-b914-0b05cc410069Post:832b503f-663c-4301-b9c9-d0bd9e2fa6a5">Re: Post your whines/gripes/vents here</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ummm last night my cat ripped his claws across my back and broke the skin.  In 5 days I'm getting married in a strapless dress and it will totally show.  Guess I'm wearing my hair down after all.
    Posted by andy71781[/QUOTE]

    Was it the cat in your signature that is licking his chops?  He looks guilty.
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