Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

"In memory of" table

I was just wondering what others are doing during the ceremony in memory of the ones you and your fiance have lost.  In our case we have my grandpa and father and his grandma and grandpa.  I want to honor them in some way during the wedding. I was thinking of having a table on the alter behind us that would have our wedding licence but pictures of all of our loved ones and then light some candles at the beginning? 
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Re: "In memory of" table

  • I have a "in memory" section in my bio. I lost my mother (actually 3 years ago from today), so I know understand the pain it can cause. My response to your question is in my bio. HTH
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  • ElleB87ElleB87 member
    edited January 2012
    I've seen many brides put a flower in the places where their loved ones would have sat or had candles lit for them.  Another option is wearing a locket with the persons picture in it or having a locket secured to the bride's bouquet.
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  • I agree with CMGr completely.   I really like what she did, subtle and tasteful. DD and DSIL listed his father (with his mother) in the program and they had a superscript cross beside his name to indicate he is deceased.

  • We are doing sky lanterns before the reception. They are believed to bring good luck for the couple and also it is our way to honor those we have lost.
  • I made a slide show and have the people we lost, mostly grandparents in their wedding pictures playing on a digital frame. I lost my mom when I was a kid and I want her to be there some how.
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  • Alot of people where I live have done a table at the reception. The table had a picture of the loved one(s) and a couple of candles. I think it is a nice way to say these people are our family and we want them here.
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