So, I’m gonna leave some of the backstory out, but lets
just start by calling the couple in question Nicole and Keith.
At a mutual friends’ wedding in March, Nicole comes over to
me (She had caught wedding fever at that point) and says "Who knows, maybe
Keith and I will beat you and your FI down the aisle". I just smiled
and nodded, and "bean dipped" her. They hadn’t even finalized
their divorces from their formers spouses, and had only been dating about 6 ½ months,
so I really didn’t think anything of it, other than that she was now in wedding
mode (as evidenced by her Pintrest board).
She was engaged by the next Monday. Divorces hadn’t even
been finalized until a few weeks later, but again, I just smile and nod. She asked me for wedding planning ideas, and I
did, but left out the details I didn’t want her poaching.
Fast forward maybe a month. I’m in the middle of my preschool class, when
a mutual friend comes up and says that I’m wanted downstairs to watch Nicole
& Keith get married in front of all of church members. Ok.
Not a big deal, went, watched, congratulated.
They had mentioned that they wanted to have a formal
reception later on, and said they’d send out invites. Which I got yesterday, via
Facebook. They are having a reception in
one of their friends’ backyard, and are asking all of us to bring our own food.
Yep. You read that right. I told FI, and he says “So they expect us to
pay for their reception? Isn’t that just rude?”
The FI and I will just be popping in, popping out, and then going about
our day, but it caught me off guard a little. No wonder people in our circle think
our wedding is “too fancy”, I mean, heck we’re actually providing our guests
with food!
I do understand why neither one of them wanted a fancy wedding
(It’s her third, his second), but if you are going to call something your
reception/celebration, you need to feed your guests. Am I right?