I'm on Yasmin, 21 day - no sugar pills (not like it really matters). I really like it. I've been on a few different brands, and have had this one for about 3 years. I didn't gain any weight, and it's helped control my migraines a bit. I can't remember the first one I was on, but I lost about 30 pounds when I first went on it (over about 6 months). But it gave me really bad headaches, made my already large boobs grow, and made me sick - like pregnancy symptoms. I went off of it after about 8 months. Now that I need to lose weight, I'd like to go back on it, ha ha.
lovethebeach - thanks for the info. I will look into it. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Unfortunately, i think it does affect sex drive, that is what my doc told me. I would really like to go off the pill, but then i will have bad skin, bad cramps and not be regular! Ughh, you can't win!
I was on Ortho-Tricycline for 8 years then doc switched me to Marvelon. Great for my skin, and really light periods. Question for those on the Depo provera shots. I read somewhere that Depo is what they give Sex Offenders in prison to chemicaly castrate them. So im guessing the dose that you are on is alot lighter. Does that mess with your sex drive? Is it stronger just after the shot, and ease off closer to the end?
I think I've heard that about Depo, but it is a much, much higher dosage. I haven't had issues with libido. I was on the shot for about 2 1/2 years a while ago and when I went off of it, it took a good solid 9 months before my period came back. After that it was irregular for several cycles. I was off the shot for about 3 years until my endometriosis just got too painful to handle. Like I said I started the shot again in March and have done well on it since then. Honestly, if I didn't have to take it because of my endo, I wouldn't. I do enjoy the benefits of it now but the FDA does have a black box warning about taking the shot for more than 2 years, mostly in regard to calcium levels in your bones. No doctor I've spoken with has been able to tell me if that is 2 years on the shot, or 2 years cumulatively over your lifetime. I'm planning on finding something else once I've been on this round of Depo for 2 years.
Depo has never really effected my labido. However it is true about the calcium bit. My doctor agreed to let me on it as long as I take calcium supplements. My mother has been on Depo for about 13 or more years and hasn't had any problems...granted I don't think she takes the calcium either, but I do just in case.
I'm taking Loestrin 24 FE. I've been on it for 6 years or so and I love it. I've taken other ones like YAZ and all of those make me have a bad attitude 24/7. The Leostrin 24 FE is the highest one far as the levels go of Leostin. My periods last a day or two, maybe 3 days in a blue moon and I don't cramp, what more can a women ask for. I don't get moody or anything. I would recommend this one but just like you said every pill/medicine affects everyone differently.
Answering the sex drive question: I was on Depo for 8 years(not recommended now), and I started when I was around 18. Since I started so young, I wasn't really in tune with my sexuality yet. Well I loved Depo , or so I thought, but as I got older I definately noticed that I had no sex drive. I didn't equate it with the depo since I had been on it so long, I just thought it was me. Well when I got off depo, all I have to say is wow. My sex drive came back fully(thankfully).Now I have an IUD(mirena) and have not had any side effects.
I've been on Depo for almost 4 years. My doctor says that the calcium affect is really more for girls who start taking it at a younger age, like 15, since their bones are still developing. She said that as long as I'm taking calcium supplements, I should be fine, and if I'm really paranoid about it I can get a bone density scan. I'm actually on it to prevent migraines associated with my cycle, I haven't seen an increase.I've considered Mirena in case my doc took me off Depo (since I have been on it so long), it seems like a nice alternative. I absolutely love not having a period and would be really sad going back to having one if it wasn't because I was TTC.As far as sex drive, no issues with Depo for me. Other meds I've been on in the past four years have had an effect, but not the Depo. No boob issues, either, though I wouldn't mind.I used to be on something called Cyclessa that worked really well to lessen flow and length of period, since I was really irregular and would get a heavy ten-day period. No side effects with that one, either. But really, it's about your individual body chemistry, as a PP said.
I'm on seasonale, which I like pretty well. Cleared up my face, no major mood swings.I had the nuvaring for a while and it made me want to cry a lot. It also made me never want to have sex.My friend hated Yasmin and thinks it was making her depressed.But BC is different for everyone, so if you end up on one you don't like, just keep trying.
Re: NWR: Birth Control Que
"My favorite color is fluorescent beige."