I really didn't like P2 when I first started posting. Then I learned to put my emotions away for the most part. Now she's one of my favorite. She's like a better version of FF. She says what she thinks and often, what everyone else is thinking, but isn't saying. I can respect her for that.
"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
Meaghan - I haven't been here long enough to know if she's like that all the time. I like YOU though! You remind me of a friend of mine who's an actress and she's really pretty.Aw shucks thanks!! Put those puppies away now won't ya?!
I just think everything P2 says is said with brutal honesty and I like that. I really love her new sig pic, it just fits somehow.Oh also, I don't miss BGB at all. I hope she's okay personally, but I don't miss her on the boards.
I like it here. It ebbs and flows. When there is drama everyone's all like KICK HER OUT SHE SUCKS WHAT A BABY!! But then when it's gone, everyone's all like. Shiit, it's boring here.I've learned to accept it. When it's fun, it's fun, when it's dead, it's only a matter of time.
Denialante really pissed me off this week when she said that she doesn't think that sex offenders are disgusting. Really? REALLY??? How does this even compute? I assumed that what she meant was that sex offenders have serious mental health problems, and just like anyone else with mental health problems, the focus should be on helping them get better (for their own good and for the good of those around them) rather than locking them up. Prison doesn't generally do great things for people, and sex offenders rarely serve out full life sentences.I could be reading too much into it, though. I know some about mental illness in general, but very little about the psychology of sex offenders.
I'm not sure we distinguish between people and their thoughts, since their thoughts are all we have on here. If you haven't been here long, stick around, there's bound to be someone that rubs you the wrong way.
"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
Oh also, I don't miss BGB at all. I hope she's okay personally, but I don't miss her on the boards.I agree. I always thought of her like Debbie Downer.
how can you not like people on a message board?! did I hallucinate that asinine question?you can dislike anyone you come into contact with, last I checked. please pack your knives and go.
Lala, did you used to have a goat as your sig pic?
"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
I really don't have anything good to contribute, but I wanted to say hi to lala. Also, kiki seems a little tense lately. I like her, I don't know, just an observation from reading this.
Dani pegged me - I'm just brutally honest. I'm the type of girl who when you're shopping, try something on, and ask if it looks good, and say "hellllll no" if it doesn't. IMO, if I tell you the truth, and it hurt, it is still better than being lied to. I do think I come off too harsh sometimes too. I don't have a good way with words. On another note - our friend's girlfriend - the one who is going to be a teacher and can't spell to save her life - I've biitched about her before....anyway, we started talking about weddings on Saturday - and she had been to a wedding that Friday night with an open bar. Apparently the MOB did nothing but biitch all night about how expensive the wedding was, friend says, "if it was so f-ing expensive, why did they have an open bar?". I bit my tongue for a second, but stemmed from my dislike of her, I proceeded to inform her that open bars are a faux-pas in a lot of circles, and that if they were really trying to cut costs they should've kept the guest list smaller. Friend didn't get it at all, and said, "well then we wouldn't have been invited!!11!", I told her she'd probably have gotten over it, seeing that she's done nothing but wonder to us girls why they were even invited, she hasn't seen the bride since 1998. She didn't like my comments, but I don't really care. She's also trying to get the other girls to talk to me about it, and they pretty much laugh in her face and agree with what I said. CN: I'm just that girl who says it, other people think it, I say it.
I respect being able to say whatever is on your mind and actually having the balls to do it. Sometimes I avoid posts altogether because what I'm actually thinking would just seem completely foreign coming out of my mouth (or being typed on screen) and I would come off extremely bitchy and surprise the fuuck outta everyone. So, I don't. But, I'm that way IRL too. I save it all for my family. haha!Yeah, being P2 is probably very liberating.
Lala, did you used to have a goat as your sig pic?nope. buddha did, but that was awhile back, when she used to post here.::tips one::hi mrsswift! kiki, I'm sorry about your dog. what's going on? my dog just had a stroke, so I know how awful it is to have a sick pet.
Okay, so I am not a negative person, but I'll admit I was kind of annoyed to be called out for having legitimate concerns about becoming pregnant before my wedding. How can a person be fake just because she doesn't know everything there is to know in life? I'll admit I was pretty daft, but fake? I am thankful for the info, websites, and books people recommended.
Heels, you explained it like I would have. People are complicated. It doesn't mean they should be forgiven for heinous crimes, but I'm also against witch hunts and across-the-board type judgments. Hell, even Jeffrey Dahmer's parents liked him.I agree about Marie's pic. I don't like it. And her anniversary sig has "The Miller's". The apostrophe is inappropriate in that instance and it bugs me.
amlew, I think it was your level of paranoia that put people off. It seemed odd and a little crazy to have that much fear about getting pregnant (I hope I'm remembering your post right). It was just a little BSC. Really.
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