Wedding Etiquette Forum

Are you effing kidding me?


Re: Are you effing kidding me?

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]X and I were going to drive from Raleigh to Orlando but stop in Savannah for the night. Anyway, I've kept the reservation at the B&B and so I'm probably going to go to my wedding night hotel with a girlfriend :) I'm pretty excited because it's a great suite and I love Savannah! 
    Posted by ArynBaker[/QUOTE]

    <div>Savannah is amazing!!</div>
  • Crf I miss you so damn much. Ugh.
  • edited July 2012
    And we just posted at the same time hahaha TK is so messed I don't even know what to think anymore.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Are you effing kidding me? : Druggie.
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    Not me.  I've never touched the stuff.  I just know things.

    Edie, she's so pretty. 

    So we went and got our dinner.  No ILs yet.  But I don't care anymore, as long as they get itbefore we go to bed tonight.  But I'll admit that the tiny little asshole inside me (ha.  Ha.  Tiny.  Haha) was sort of hoping they'd be waiting for us.  I'm a jerk.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • What does FFF mean?
  • Chrissy - Im' guessing it's because the site is different for a phone than a computer. Like, TK Mobile is different from normal TK. So even though it's a google phone and probably still has some form of Chrome - it's still different. KWIM? 

    Of course I don't actually know wtf I'm talking about, it's just a theory. Kind of. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Are you effing kidding me? : I laughed at this. Evening all. I'm so glad it's the weekend. So, my parent's dog is getting on in age and has a little bit of trouble getting around and has had a couple of accidents.  My mom had the vet come "evaluate" her and the vet thinks she has a couple months left.  My sister is flying in next weekend to say goodbye.  Needless to say, I'm very depressed.
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ahhh, man. Edie, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going though. I really am sorry, sweetie.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I miss you too Meg!  You had to go and become and old hag on me. ;)
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    <div>Silly old hags</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Are you effing kidding me? : <strong>Not me.  I've never touched the stuff.  I just know things.</strong> Edie, she's so pretty.  So we went and got our dinner.  No ILs yet.  But I don't care anymore, as long as they get itbefore we go to bed tonight.  But I'll admit that the tiny little asshole inside me (ha.  Ha.  Tiny.  Haha) was sort of hoping they'd be waiting for us.  I'm a jerk.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    <div>I was joking. I was reading it after the fact but I kept expecting you to come in and tell everyone that it was real. It was something I knew that you would know. By the time I got to the thread, it had moved past the laced pot.  </div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Are you effing kidding me? : I was joking. I was reading it after the fact but I kept expecting you to come in and tell everyone that it was real. It was something I knew that you would know. By the time I got to the thread, it had moved past the laced pot.  
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    Haha, no I know you were joking.  Just clarifying in case anyone else thought I knew from experience.  One of my girls spent an hour or so educating me in the differences between green monster, purple kush, skywalker, AK-47, etc.  And she told me about cokeweed too, but I also knew about it from a previous job as well.  Needless to say, it was an incredibly informative and entertaining hour. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Awww, Edie she's adorable.
  • AHHHHH!  I just clicked on Etiquette to see if there were any more interesting threads going on, and it took me to the lonely universe.  Luckily my back button brought me safely back.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • LizzieyounceLizzieyounce member
    500 Love Its Fifth Anniversary 2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited July 2012
    I am throughly ashaimed of myself. I'm tipsy and it isn't even 8pm. I also have this strange desire to watch Robinhood;Men In Tights.

    Am I a bad person?

    EDIT: my spelling sucks.
  • J, use multiple tabs silly goose. 

    Ugh, I'm waiting on my friend to finish dinner so we can head downtown. Did I mention I hate waiting?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]AHHHHH!  I just clicked on Etiquette to see if there were any more interesting threads going on, and it took me to the lonely universe.  Luckily my back button brought me safely back.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    <div>Well, just in case you do somehow get stuck in the other lonely universe, the "Who else is stuck in this universe" thread has a link to this one. </div>
  • edited July 2012
    J - I learned the most from the summer I interned at a substance abuse treatment center. I was paired with the adolescent counselor and I learned so much from him and the teens. I also worked with the women's triad group who had substance abuse issues, past trauma and mental health diagnosis. 

    I was sheltered growing up and have never even smoked a cigarette. I didn't know of people during HS or college that did drugs. I'm sure people I knew were partaking, they just never let it be known to me. 
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  • Lizzie - I love that movie. And no, you're not a bad person. 
  • Lizzie you just like your liquor and men. Nothing wrong with that. 
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  • I was pretty much the same way, Petal.  Honestly, I learned the most during my time in probation, but I still get amazing gems every once in awhile from my kiddos.

    Guys, I'm a thunderdouche (love that word now).  The IL's finally arrived, and they dragged the people who drove them here inside for a tour.  This week has been insane, and our house is NOT in good shape for a tour.  They didn't even ask.  Not that asking if it was ok would have made the house any cleaner, but I would have felt better.  And I'm irrationally irritated by the fact they seemed surprised to see me here.  Uh, yeah, I'm here.  I LIVE HERE.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • J you're not a douche. Chrissy I've always kind of been a hag. ;)
  • J, I would have been SUPER pissed! They could have at least sent you a warning text so you could pick up a bit beforehand. Sheesh. 
  • If you're a thunderdouche, I'm one too. I don't do well with people coming over even if I have some notice let alone a surprise tour of the house. Sorry. 

    FI text me once that someone was coming by after they dropped his truck off at the shop in 10 minutes. Um, I didn't hear the text since I was in the bathroom. I'm sitting on the couch in my pj's with no bra when FI walks in followed by his coworker. I was so pissed and FI couldn't undersand why since he had text me. Um, because I'm not dressed, our house is not up to my standard, I don't want people over. HE COULD HAVE AT LEAST CALLED. 
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]J, I would have been SUPER pissed! They could have at least sent you a warning text so you could pick up a bit beforehand. Sheesh. 
    Posted by ArynBaker[/QUOTE]

    HA!  Like they have cell phones.  And if they had sent a warning text, I would have texted back "Sorry, house is not ready for guests.  Maybe another time."

    I get really really put off by people just stopping by.  More than most people, I think. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • gah, J, that would annoy me too.
  • At our old apartment, we didn't have an intercom, so guests had to call us on their cell phone for us to know they were there and let them in.  Well, H's dad doesn't HAVE a cell phone.  We lived garden level, so he stopped by (at 9 am on a Sunday), and BANGED ON OUR FUCKKKING WINDOW.  He scared the shiiit out of us and the cat, we were IN BED, I HAD NO PANTS ON, and then when we were finally able to let him in, he complained that we took too long to let him in.

    Another time, he stopped by to drop something off, and I wasn't there.  He called later and complained that he had to "make an appointment" to give us our stuff (it was a shower gift), and complaind that he driven all the way out to us and I wasn't there.  I WAS AT WORK AND IF YOU HAD CALLED FIRST YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT AND NOT DRIVEN ALL THE WAY OUT THERE.

    I could go on, and on, and on.  So it makes me more sensitive to this kind of stuff.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Petal - I hate that kind of thing.  My sister seems to think that sending a text means she's informed someone of something. There have been times that she's texted me to tell me that her ROTC bus was late getting back from a drill meet. I didn't get the text, and when I was irritated with her for not letting me know, her response was "Well I texted you!" as if that means it's not her fault I didn't get the information. Generally stuff that's semi important should warrent a phone call. 

    But then again, I'm not sure she knows that her phone can actually be used to CALL people lol. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Are you effing kidding me?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you're a thunderdouche, I'm one too. I don't do well with people coming over even if I have some notice let alone a surprise tour of the house. Sorry.  FI text me once that someone was coming by after they dropped his truck off at the shop in 10 minutes. Um, I didn't hear the text since I was in the bathroom. I'm sitting on the couch in my pj's with no bra when FI walks in followed by his coworker. I was so pissed and FI couldn't undersand why since he had text me. Um, because I'm not dressed, our house is not up to my standard, I don't want people over. HE COULD HAVE AT LEAST CALLED. 
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    Dude, I would have been pissed too.  10 minutes is not sufficient notice, and a text is not a sufficient means of notification.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • How far away do they live J? If we got an unexpected knock at 9am I doubt we'd even answer.
  • Right now I don't have to worry about family dropping in since they all pretend we don't live together. I'm sure once we are married they might randomly stop by. 

    There have been times that friends have been in the area and text me to drop by to see my apt or house and I text them and pretend like I'm not home or have plans and can't have them stop by. I don't like the stress of someone invading my space last minute. 
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  • J - I don't know if this is a national thing or just something in GA, but you can get a free cell phone. It's nothing fancy, and it comes with like 300 mins a month or something. Maybe you should suggest it to your ILs. It's not a bad idea to have a cell phone. 
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