Wedding Etiquette Forum

Im a bad person

While I was out christmas shopping today, I flipped off two people, shouted at someone from my car for driving 20km below the speed limit for NO apparent reason, and purposely backed into the car parked behind me because I was mad he parked so close and left me very little room to pull out (considering he had no one parked behind him and had over 5 feet left in his space). I dont really feel bad for any of it, but im sure people who are "good" dont do that.

Are you a bad person? Do you think I/we can chalk this up to it being the holidays?

Re: Im a bad person

  • Under your criteria, I've definitely been a "bad person," especially on the roads with idiot drivers. Christmas shopping brings out the stress in everyone. Did you seriously back into the dude's car? Was there damage?

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • That's hilarious.  I've done... maybe one of those things.  But I say lot's of bad things in my head all the time! :)
  • To my car, no. I didnt exactly get out and look, it "accidentally" happened when I was backing up to pull out and then I wiggled the car a bit to get out of my space and drove away. That probable does mean im a bad person. Im pretty sure our liscence plates just hit together because the back of the car looks exactly like it always does.

    btw I didnt slam, I was going at the slowest possible crawl.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Im a bad person</a>:
    [QUOTE]To my car, no. I didnt exactly get out and look, it "accidentally" happened when I was backing up to pull out and then I wiggled the car a bit to get out of my space and drove away. That probable does mean im a bad person. Im pretty sure our liscence plates just hit together because the back of the car looks exactly like it always does. btw I didnt slam, I was going at the slowest possible crawl.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    Oh, I figured you didn't slam him and not check. :) I just didn't know if it was more like what you described, or something from Fried Green Tomatoes. Even then, you wouldn't be a bad person! I think the fact that you seem somewhat regretful of flipping people off today means you're a very good person.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • Funny you say that, I was thinking about fried green tomatoes right afterwards.


    *I do feel a little bad, but I cant stand people who drive like idiots or like they own the road.
  • Haha, Towanda! I'm so glad you knew what I meant.

    ITA about people on the road. I think it's more apparent during the holidays, when everyone needs to be everywhere NOW. There's no merging or right of way, just people going wherever the hell they want to go. I was driving home yesterday from shopping and an ambulance came through a really congested part of town. We all pulled over, then a huge string of dbags huggged the ambulance's asss so they could get ahead while we were all stopped. That stuff drives me nuts, though not as much as people who don't pull over for ambulances in the first place. You're not alone.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • You should have done what Julia Stiles did in 10 things I hate about you. 
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  • Nebb, did you at least get some good shopping done?

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • Yes, you're a super bad person and I've never done any of those things.

    ::side eye::
  • What did she do again in 10 things I hate about you? I cant remember now... its been way too long since Ive seen that!

    I got everything done I needed to, Im pretty much done christmas shopping, got almost everything I needed for my christmas baking (need to go to the bulk store for almonds that dont cost an arm and a leg), mailed the rest of my christmas cards and bought liqour!!
  • The popular jerk guy parked behind her and she rammed his car.  Her dad said something like, "My car insurance doesn't cover pms!"
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  • edited December 2009

    I'm such a passive aggressive driver. I almost always speed a little on the highways/motorways (I tend to use the 10% rule, and I'm pretty much always driving on the highway etc ten percent higher than the limit), so if someone gets right up my ass whilst driving on the highway and I can't get to the side to let them through because there's a lot of dense traffic there, I'll do things like turn on my windscreen cleaner/wipers (which then ensure water flies up over my car and onto their windscreen). I'll also tap my brake (always makes them freak out when they're right behind my car), and then when I do get a chance to get across to let them past, I'll wave and smile while they give me the finger. Works a charm every time. I should add that I really only ever do these things when I'm driving to the coast on the highway; the coast is full of tossers with small diicks who attempt to make up for this by driving up the ass of whoever happens to be in front of them, apparently. 


    Although I haven't deliberately reversed into someone's car before, I once was parking at uni when some biitch effectively parked me in. I went to get out of the park and because I was on a hill, gave it a little only to realise I was in reverse (my first and reverse were quite close to one another in my old car) and I reversed straight into her car. Made it easier to get out, although I did feel somewhat guilty that I didn't leave my details, even though I'd asked her to move back when we'd parked (she came in while I was straightening up, so I was in reverse giving myself some room when she pulled in behind me and drove pretty much straight up to my car) and she hadn't. I have a pretty car now, though, so can no longer use my car as a weapon, haha. 

  • I love how you backed the car into someone!

    I accidentally, *accidentally* I assure you, opened my door in a parking lot a while back and hit the car next to me. I was reaching into my back seat to get something and my door fell open. She started yelling, and as I walked away said, "You could at least apologize!" and made a huge stink over getting out and checking her paint job to make sure I didn't damage her car. After she kept yelling after me I turned to her and yelled across the parking lot, "Go fuuck yourself!" FI was mortified. Then I started shaking and crying and saying, "I'm not a bad person! Really, I'm not! I try so hard!"

    So yeah, you aren't either. I completely understand.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:5048d61c-1f52-497e-9bd3-3106c7656508Post:53e555cf-0041-4e79-aafc-a0d2b95bf02b">Re: Im a bad person</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm such a passive aggressive driver. I almost always speed a little on the highways/motorways (I tend to use the 10% rule, and I'm pretty much always driving on the highway etc ten percent higher than the limit), so if someone gets right up my ass whilst driving on the highway and I can't get to the side to let them through because there's a lot of dense traffic there, I'll do things like turn on my windscreen cleaner/wipers (which then ensure water flies up over my car and onto their windscreen). I'll also tap my brake (always makes them freak out when they're right behind my car), and then when I do get a chance to get across to let them past, I'll wave and smile while they give me the finger. Works a charm every time. I should add that I really only ever do these things when I'm driving to the coast on the highway; the coast is full of tossers with small diicks who attempt to make up for this by driving up the ass of whoever happens to be in front of them, apparently.    [/QUOTE]

    here's an idea.....get the hell out of the left lane. people like you piss me the hell off. if you want to drive slow do it in the center or right lane, not the fast lane. 10% over means that you'll do like 60 in a 55. way too slow for the left lane. so get the hell out of the way and people won't have to ride your ass. they're not the asshole, you are.
  • If you are, then I'm a bad person too.  I went to the grocery store to buy sprinkles for Christmas cookies and I was lucky enough to snag a spot really close to the doors.  It was a really wide space, and I had plenty of room when I got out.  But when I got back to my car, some idiot had parked crooked and really close to me.  I had just enough room to weasle into the drivers seat, but I decided to be a jerk myself and put the bags in the back seat... which meant I had to budge through the few inches I had with the door open, and I may have gouged the side of the car with my beastly door.  A fifteen year old car sometimes has its advantages. 

    It's also handy when people with really nice cars try to merge recklessly into my lane.  They may act tough, but when push comes to shove, another ding in my monster is going to be nothing compared to the damage I can do to their Beamer.  Definite win.
  • Psichick, why are you such an insane person?
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  • Psi, who piissed in your cheerios? Chill out.

    Due March 19, 2013 BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • She did it in another thread yesterday.  

    Haha.  Pissing in cheerios.  
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Im a bad person</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Im a bad person : here's an idea.....get the hell out of the left lane. people like you piss me the hell off. if you want to drive slow do it in the center or right lane, not the fast lane. 10% over means that you'll do like 60 in a 55. way too slow for the left lane. so get the hell out of the way and people won't have to ride your ass. they're not the asshole, you are.
    Posted by psichick[/QUOTE]
    Technically the left lane is for people driving fast, and she is driving faster than the speed limit so stfu. People like YOU piss EVERYONE off.
  • Did you read her in the thesis thread, Nebb?
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  • Hahah NO!! is it called that? Where can I find this?
  • It was between me and Mag last night...let me find it. 
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  • I hate school.  Mag posted it. 
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  • She comes in with a giant post of crazy and then disappears. 
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  • What a little ray of sunshine she is.
    Due March 19, 2013 BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Awww Psichick has opinions, thats cute. And she shares them in such an abrasive and "know it all" way too. She is a winner at life apparently.
  • Cheerio pee.  haha.  Can you tell I'm sick of school?
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  • Ha. I always ask DH that when he's angry about something... And i can totally relate to being sick of school. Although yesterday was my last final, and last day of class and work for a month. So i'm pretty ecstatic.
    Due March 19, 2013 BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thats such a pretty picture Jenn!
  • Thanks Nebb! It's my favorite picture from our wedding day :)
    Due March 19, 2013 BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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