Wedding Etiquette Forum

FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)

Sorry in advance if your eyes gloss over. I know what those around us think but wanted some honest opinions from the ladies on this board.

My FMIL and I have always had a great relationship until recently. She is passive aggressive and has always been that way not just to me but to EVERYONE. I have looked past it since the beginning to maintain our relationship. Her children and mother try to  not let it bother them. She also is believed to be Bipolar (her own mother says it) and she is a hypochondriac and will do anything to turn any and all situations around to focus attention on her good or BAD. She has been going to a therapist for years but won't ever share information or let any family come to the session for perspective purposes. No one is real sure what is going on. All these things we try to ignore normally but now the shiit has hit the fan.
FFIL and his wife gave us $ to put toward the wedding. We did not ask for it but they offered. When FMIL found this out we got a daily guilt trip from her about not being able to give us that amount of money. She is ALWAYS giving someone a guilt trip about something. We have assured her every time that we did not expect anything from her and just want her to share the day with us. Now our wedding and every aspect of it has become an inconvenience to her because it comes at a bad time for her (FSIL has prom and she paid for the dress) but I paid half of FSIL BM dress and shoes to help out. We get random drunken text messages that she "accidentally" sends us where she is talking shiit about it.
She has become competitive with me and although she has not said anything directly to me she of course is constantly making passive aggressive comments that I try to brush off. She tells FI that she wants to have an "appreciation dinner" for her husband from her kids. She only wants the kids to come and "no boyfriends or girlfriends". I am about to be his WIFE! I have been included in all of the family functions until now and I get put in the same category as his bro and sis' significant others and they are teenagers. They have been dating for a couple months. How is this the same? If anything, I am closer to her husband than I am her and we have an awesome relationship. He is level headed and nothing but respectful so FI and myself seem to cling to him more so than her. Why would I be excluded? This is more like an "I need attention" dinner.
This is the kicker. So my shower is coming up and she tells FI that she is not going to make it. He asks why and her excuse is that her husband has a game out of town. He is a softball umpire on the weekends. She and her husband did not start their relationship on the most honest terms so they have NO TRUST and are not allowed to leave eachothers sight. This of course is not my business BUT this is her reasoning for everything all the time. It is a little ridiculous. So FI is not happy with this answer so he tries to explain to her how important it is that she is there. She says she needs to make sure he drinks water. WTF?! Now I know that it is not a requirement for her to be there but she should WANT to be there as his mother. For 2 weeks she goes on and on how she is just one person and what does it really matter if she is there and she can't let husband go out of town alone. FI finally breaks the news to me and I am upset but I just let it go. FI continues to talk to her about it and express that he really wants her there and it is important to him. Someone from the outside tells her she should really go to the shower. She texts my MOH and basically goes on and on about changing her plans and refers to FI and myself as "little beggers" and says things like "his old lady" and to keep his bride happy, we ruined her weekend, bla bla bla. My MOH is very confused by the text so she asks me. I get upset and tell FI. He calls her and they get in a very heated argument and of course as always she is the victim. She then starts texting my MOH telling her she is a shhit starter and this is her family and she caused this whole thing, it is her fault and just got uglier and uglier until MOH was so frustrated she was in tears. She text me and I didn't want to say anything I would regret to my FMIL so I did not respond. We don't talk for a week. 
FI is such a people pleaser and hates fighting so he calls her to be the bigger person. For 2 HOURS she went on and on about it being everyone elses fault and she would NEVER APOLOGIZE. I think she needs to apologize to my MOH am I wrong? She is angry that she didn't get a "special invitation" than everyone else and that I haven't filled her in on anything. This is a gift to me. I do not know the details and I am not involved in the planning of course. She has never offered to help or to do anything but complains that other family members are involved. They offered! I do not ask anyone to do anything. She says she expects another invitation from FI, myself and MOH.
She text me today and goes on about having to change her plans (again) but that she would be there IF she is still invited and she wants to feel welcome. I respond and tell her of course she is invited and that MOH and myself are adults and we can move past it. We would not want to make her feel uncomfortable. She then goes off on me that MOH and I are not the only adults in the situation, I need to accept her as she is or not and she doesn't care. It is for MOH and me to get over. At this point I lose my cool and tell her that is not what I meant at all and she was twisting my words. I also say that MOH has gone above and beyond for us and she really didn't deserve to be treated like that. She is totally using MOH as a scape goat. I am upset that she had MOH in tears and this isn't just something I can sweep under the rug. FI agrees with me and supports my decision and her own mother has apologized many times for her because this is so typical. I would of course not be a total biitch to her if she came but I just really think in this situation she needs to be an adult and try to smooth things over with my MOH. She is STILL getting all the blame and I feel horrible she is in this situation. I don't care if she apologizes to me but am I wrong to stand my ground on her owing MOH an apology?

Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)

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    Whoa.  That is a lot of post. 

    I can't promise I will get around to reading it all, but I do want to know why your FMIL knows how much FFIL & wife gave for the wedding?  Did you tell her a number?
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    I know I am sorry. It would be hard to understand the WHOLE situation without all the details. I'm just hoping someone can bare through it and give me some advice on the matter. Embarassed

    FI told her. I don't know why. He just doesn't really think about those kinds of things I guess. I wouldn't even talk to FFIL about the money when he offered it. I don't feel comfortable.
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    edited April 2010
    Ok, I read it all.  You, your MOH and you FMIL are all different people.  You should not be getting in the middle of their fight any more than your FMIL should have dragged her problems with you into a fight with you MOH.  And you cannot demand an apology from a grown woman, especially when you shouldn't even be involved in the first place.

    Get things straight between you and your MOH, and you and your FMIL, and then stay out of their issues. 

    ETA:  I understand wanting to defend your friend, though.
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    I just feel really guilty because my FMIL is relentless and she is the type to keep this going until the wedding. I know I can't make her apologize but I want to make it clear she does owe her an apology. My MOH is trying to be the bigger person and does not want to cause any issues for FI and I during this time. I just think I should stand up for her because this IS an issue between FI, FMIL and myself but my MOH is getting the crap.
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    even though it would kill me to do so, I would probably be as nice as possible to FMIL.

    I would say to her, that you don't want to disrupt her previous engagment and say you understand if it is bad timing for her to go to the shower. Offer to go to brunch alone with her instead or get your nails done.

    About the apology... I think she should, but there is no way you are going to make her do it and by trying will probably make it worse. Just tell MOH that you are sorry that she had to go through that and offer to make it up to her somehow. Im not saying that you have to, but if you feel bad about the whole situation it might make it better.

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    Well, she definitely shouldn't be hounding your MOH over a problem she has with you.  I would talk to her about the issue (don't mention your MOH) and then monitor the situation.  If she is still persisting, maybe your FI should discuss that it is inappropriate.  But that could go over very poorly.
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    I normally would NEVER disrespect her in any way believe me I have tolerated it for a long time. FI is just really done with the situation as well. Her mother had to be picked up and driven down here (4 hour drive) for Christmas. Poor GMa was in tears on Christmas Eve and just wanted to go home. Had it not been Christmas Eve she would have insisted to go home. She treats people horribly and there is never any remorse. I guess I'm wondering how long you would be a doormat? I mean if FI is basically washing his hands should I really be the one to extend the olive branch? In the future I still would NEVER just straight up be like F You B! or anything like that but I just feel this is something I should make very clear.
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    Holy hell, that was a long post.

    Your FMIL sounds like she is very emotionally passive aggressive, and does not seem to be mature. That being said, I think (as unpleasant as it is) that you are going to have to be the bigger person, and let this go. I have an aunt who is EXACTLY like this, so I know how it is to deal with people who simply will not look into their own actions and take the blame in any situation.

    It is frustrating, its tiring, and it is hard to deal with a passive aggressive person, but something that I have had to learn the hard way, is that you have to come to terms with their behavior. You aren't going to be able to make her see that how she is acting is wrong. Its just not possible.

    I think that you are going to have to ignore her comments, and let your FI handle them as he sees fit. You will have to deal with her for years to come, so if you try and "stand up" to her now, it will make things harder down the road.

    As for the shower, I think tell her one more time, that you would like her to be there, and that it means a lot to her son that she is in attendance. Then the ball is in her court, and she can respond as maturely ( or immaturely) as she wants. I would talk to your MOH, tell her you are sorry for the situation, and then I would let it go. I understand wanting to defend your friend, but by making a bigger deal out of this than it already is, FMIL gets to keep the attention, and play the victim. If you let it go, and don't play her games, she loses her ability to command the situation.

    From now until the wedding, choose your words carefully, and let your FI handle any touchy subjects with her. And, don't mention anything money-related with her, and request that your fiance doesn't either.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d031ce54-a4c0-4785-a386-7e5beebbf62aPost:1805a6fc-05a7-4061-ab1a-938c48641b03">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, she definitely shouldn't be hounding your MOH over a problem she has with you.  I would talk to her about the issue (don't mention your MOH) and then monitor the situation.  If she is still persisting, maybe your FI should discuss that it is inappropriate.  But that could go over very poorly.
    Posted by kimheartsscott[/QUOTE]

    FI has discussed it with her but there is no getting through. There is never even an attempt to listen or to try and reason with her. She only has a use for people who will feed into her sickness. If you are not willing to lay down and play the part she eliminates you. This is a woman who does not have one single friend. She simply does not know how to treat people and she cannot build relationships. Most people would get the hint very early on.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d031ce54-a4c0-4785-a386-7e5beebbf62aPost:d97872b9-35eb-41ed-9cde-bab8a8c81301">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Holy hell, that was a long post. Your FMIL sounds like she is very emotionally passive aggressive, and does not seem to be mature. That being said, I think (as unpleasant as it is) that you are going to have to be the bigger person, and let this go. I have an aunt who is EXACTLY like this, so I know how it is to deal with people who simply will not look into their own actions and take the blame in any situation. It is frustrating, its tiring, and it is hard to deal with a passive aggressive person, but something that I have had to learn the hard way, is that you have to come to terms with their behavior. You aren't going to be able to make her see that how she is acting is wrong. Its just not possible. I think that you are going to have to ignore her comments, and let your FI handle them as he sees fit. You will have to deal with her for years to come, so if you try and "stand up" to her now, it will make things harder down the road. As for the shower, I think tell her one more time, that you would like her to be there, and that it means a lot to her son that she is in attendance. Then the ball is in her court, and she can respond as maturely ( or immaturely) as she wants. I would talk to your MOH, tell her you are sorry for the situation, and then I would let it go. I understand wanting to defend your friend, but by making a bigger deal out of this than it already is, FMIL gets to keep the attention, and play the victim. If you let it go, and don't play her games, she loses her ability to command the situation. From now until the wedding, choose your words carefully, and let your FI handle any touchy subjects with her. And, don't mention anything money-related with her, and request that your fiance doesn't either.
    Posted by mags0607[/QUOTE]

    Wow! You do sound like you know from experience. You are right it is so very exhausting. It's frustrating. It's upsetting. It's like talking to a brick wall.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG) : <strong>FI has discussed it with her but there is no getting through. There is never even an attempt to listen or to try and reason with her</strong>. She only has a use for people who will feed into her sickness. If you are not willing to lay down and play the part she eliminates you. This is a woman who does not have one single friend. She simply does not know how to treat people and she cannot build relationships. Most people would get the hint very early on.
    Posted by nackiejichole[/QUOTE]

    Well then why are you trying now?  I amend all my previous responses to say let it go, stay out of it.  If there is no reasoning with her, there is no reasoning with her.
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    kim I know you are right about that. I just have this little warrior inside me that always feels the need to fight evil and make things right. LOL
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    One more thing...

    I know you said that FI has just about had it with her and he probably doesn't care if you stand your ground and "fight" for your MOH, BUT be careful because FMIL make look at the whole thing as you trying to take her boy away.

    If she is that crazy she would think that you are forcing FI to kind of dismiss her. If anything, what I would do is continue to be as nice as possible to her, just a bit longer than FI is and then give up on her all together.

    It's late I hope that makes sense
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    I'm sorry you have to go through so much stress! No bride should really have to go through this.

    But really, it sounds like your FMIL will never apologize or admit any wrongdoing. You should really accept the facts that you cannot change the way she thinks. You said that she may be bipolar, so take away with that fact (to yourself) and take the higher road. Forget everything she said, focus on your wedding, and be really careful with your choice of words when talking to her. She's dramatic and takes lot of things in personal. I'm sure you already scolded at your FI for sharing the money information with her. If not, you should seriously discuss this with him so he wouldn't say anything stupid like that again, especially to her. 

    Remember, don't take things personal, she's crazy. Focus on the happy part, you getting married to your FI! You get this special moment only ONE time in your lifetime.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I normally would NEVER disrespect her in any way believe me I have tolerated it for a long time.<strong> FI is just really done with the situation as well. </strong>Her mother had to be picked up and driven down here (4 hour drive) for Christmas. Poor GMa was in tears on Christmas Eve and just wanted to go home. Had it not been Christmas Eve she would have insisted to go home. <strong>She treats people horribly and there is never any remorse. I guess I'm wondering how long you would be a doormat? I mean if FI is basically washing his hands should I really be the one to extend the olive branch? </strong>In the future I still would NEVER just straight up be like F You B! or anything like that but I just feel this is something I should make very clear.
    Posted by nackiejichole[/QUOTE]

    I think you should try and keep the peace as long as he is still talking to her, and wanting a relationship with her. Any unpleasantness, and cutting her out of your ( you and FI's) life has to come from him, and from him alone. It is one thing for your FI to reach his limit with her time and time again, but it is much harder to actually reach the limit and tell her it is enough.

    When and if that day comes, you should absolutely support his decision. Until then, you should try as much as possible to let her comments and her nature roll off your back. Unfortunately someone who shows no remorse for their actions will not benefit from being stood up to. If you are the one to stand up to her, it will only end up hurting you and in turn your Fi, because it will give her the power to play the victim.

    By taking away the conflict, and being agreeable, you take away her ammunition and her ability to play the victim. You are the only one that can learn and grow from this situation, as it seems she is incapable of it.

    I am saying most of this from my experiences with someone like her, i apologize if I am characterizing your FMIL wrong.
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    Blink- It made sense but at this point my eyes are burning I am so tired. haha I guess I didn't make it very clear in my essay above but we (the rest of family and myself) think that is where all this is coming from. It is like it just hit her that I come first and she feels the need to retaliate. I have never given her a reason to feel this way or to want to compete with me. We HAD a great relationship because I truly let a lot go and it was never an issue. FI has really been through the ringer with her his whole life and has always been her little pawn. Now that he is getting married and has someone important in his life he stands up for himself and she cannot handle it. That's one of the reason she called for the private dinner and disguised it for her husband. She wanted all their attention on her and in her mind it was like her slam dunking it in my face. She wants ME to see she is still in control but I don't feed into it and FI handles it before it even is mentioned to me. This makes her even more pissed.

    Mini- Thanks. I don't take it personal. I have thick skin and she does it to everyone including her own mother. It just makes me so sick to think she has lived her entire life this way. I was told by family that they have never once heard her apologize for anything in all her years not to her ex husband, husband, children, mother, etc. It is a really big pill to swallow.
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    Wow... What a crazy woman your FMIL is! It is beyond me why she even had the audacity to bring your MOH into it... I think you, your FI, and MOH all deserve an apology... But, it sounds to me like that'll happen when pigs fly.

    Honestly, at this point, I would simply kill her with kindness. She'll be the one looking like a jerk--not you. I know it's hard--but, at least for now, don't let her get the best of you... She just isn't worth it. My best friend is dealing with a very similar issue with her MIL--the stories that she tells me completely irk me... But, at this point, she isn't reaching out to her MIL and when she does have to deal with her she kills her with kindness... She claims that it is the only thing that has worked thus far... SO, maybe it's worth trying.

    I really would just take a step back, take a deep breath, and then keep on with everything... Don't let her ruin this joyous time in your life... If she doesn't (cant) come to your Bridal Shower--then so be it. Honestly, this might sound cruel, but it might be better if she doesn't go... She clearly has issues and she could go off the deep end--who knows.

    She does need to apologize to y'all... But, don't wait around for the apology. Some people are so stubborn/ignorant that apologizing never crosses their mind.
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    mags- actually you are pretty dead on. I told FI I would never push him to end their relationship. I support whatever decision he makes. You have to understand though he has dealt with this his whole life and he is just completely exhausted. He is constantly apologizing for her actions just to mainain the peace with her. You are right she is always the victim. Every event we have hosted in our home she has managed to turn the focus on herself and it doesn't matter good or bad. She just wants attention. We hosted like 6 major events here this year and I am talking every. single. one. 
    On Halloween we had a huge party. FI and I had these amazing costumes and we were getting a lot of attention. We weren't asking for it but it got a lot of laughs. While we would be in one room or outside she would be in another room or outside wandering around telling MY friends how she can't ever do anything right and poor her boohoo and FI is mean to her (in a baby voice). Friends were coming up to me like WTF? It was unwarranted but that was her way of getting pity.
    She has this HUGE bird that attacks people. We are all scared of it and don't want anything to do with it. I really don't like it around my 8yr old. Well her SIL was down with his family and she had the bird out of its cage. We all begged her to put it up. She wouldn't. She seriously cares more for the birds feelings than anyone person. Her SIL goes to use the restroom and the bird attacks him. He is bleeding. We are in shock. Did she say I am so sorry. Can I get you a rag? a bandaid? anything? NOPE. She tells SIL it's his fault he is so tall and he shouldn't have walked by it. She had it on a perch blocking the door! Once again she is not going to apologize.
    Does this seem like what you are used to dealing with? 
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:d031ce54-a4c0-4785-a386-7e5beebbf62aPost:7c32529d-3d7e-48ef-9fae-114baa2b61a4">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wow... What a crazy woman your FMIL is! It is beyond me why she even had the audacity to bring your MOH into it... I think you, your FI, and MOH all deserve an apology... But, it sounds to me like that'll happen when pigs fly. Honestly, at this point, I would simply kill her with kindness. She'll be the one looking like a jerk--not you. I know it's hard--but, at least for now, don't let her get the best of you... She just isn't worth it. My best friend is dealing with a very similar issue with her MIL--the stories that she tells me completely irk me... But, at this point, she isn't reaching out to her MIL and when she does have to deal with her she kills her with kindness... She claims that it is the only thing that has worked thus far... SO, maybe it's worth trying. I really would just take a step back, take a deep breath, and then keep on with everything... <strong>Don't let her ruin this joyous time in your life...</strong> If she doesn't (cant) come to your Bridal Shower--then so be it. Honestly, this might sound cruel, but it might be better if she doesn't go... She clearly has issues and she could go off the deep end--who knows. She does need to apologize to y'all... But, don't wait around for the apology. Some people are so stubborn/ignorant that apologizing never crosses their mind.
    Posted by eav2c[/QUOTE]

    See this is what really upsets me. It really hurts me to see what she is doing to FI. He is not important enough to her for her to be the bigger person in what should be the happiest time in our life. FI works 60 hrs a week, working on Masters and we are about to get married. Why wouldn't she see all the unneeded stress she is causing him? Why wouldn't she be willing to consider his feelings?

    I agree and think it is best she doesn't come. FI is so worried about what she will do and how much she will cause a scene and embarrass him. Most people though would feel some sort of awkwardness or embarrassment if they acted this way but she doesn't. She doesn't even get it.
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    I really hope some day she will let you guys be apart of her therapy, maybe family counseling. It just seem like it will work out any other way without someone having to put up with bullsh*t
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    Yes, I have an aunt who is the same person as your FMIL.  Its exhausting to deal with, and for me, my mother fills the role of your Fiance.

    On one hand it is so hard for the person that is their "pawn" to deal with the reality that as much as they try to make someone less miserable, it will fail.

    On the other hand, I understand that it is just as difficult to sit back and watch someone you care about be treated as a bargaining chip, or as an emotional punching bag.

    I have been the one to bear the brunt of the resentment, I have been the one to fight for my mother's feelings, and I have been the one villianized for speaking the truth about her (my aunt) actions. I have learned that what a person like this wants, is someone to feed into the attention. If your fiance is standing up to her/ pulling away from her, she will try and use you to anger him enough to reel him back in. If you let her do this, then she wins, and you and your fi lose.

    If you let her actions and words roll off of your back, and you maintain the peace as much as possible, she cannot gain the upper hand.

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    nackiejichole- ygpm
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG) : See this is what really upsets me. It really hurts me to see what she is doing to FI. He is not important enough to her for her to be the bigger person in what should be the happiest time in our life. FI works 60 hrs a week, working on Masters and we are about to get married. Why wouldn't she see all the unneeded stress she is causing him? Why wouldn't she be willing to consider his feelings? I agree and think it is best she doesn't come. FI is so worried about what she will do and how much she will cause a scene and embarrass him. Most people though would feel some sort of awkwardness or embarrassment if they acted this way but she doesn't. She doesn't even get it.
    Posted by nackiejichole[/QUOTE]

    The thing is that she doesn't get it - and she probably never will.  She has an illness that doesn't sound particularly controlled, which makes her a crazy person.  So all of this crap is involuntary but still soooo hurtful.  I'm so sorry you are going through this.  My advice to you is to keep an adequate distance (emotional and otherwise) between you and her and her and FI. 

    I wouldn't bring up the apology because there is no point - she's not going to do it.  And even if you wrestled an apology out of her you would have to hear everything she hated about you and the situation (even if she didn't mean it) and then the apology would be fake.  I think you'll get through this - just don't make it worse for yourself. 

    I totally understand the warrior inside - why not write a letter saying everything you want to but don't send it.  You can also think you are standing up for you and FI by protecting yourselves and not standing up to her bullshiiit.
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    J.T.J.T. member
    First Comment
    Why even push the fact that you want her at the shower?  The woman's a pain in the ass who has given you, your FI, and your MOH a hard time.  She doesn't want to be at the shower and it's an inconvenience?  Awesome, now you know you did the right thing and invited her, but she can't come and you'll have a better time.  If this is a woman who is all about drama and having attention on her, then why would you be upset that she won't be at your shower to start drama?

    If you guys stop reacting to her pettiness and immaturity then maybe she'll get better over time.  She does all of these things for attention and what does she get?  Attention.  So stop giving it to her!  Even if she doesn't change, you'll feel better when you don't give her ridiculousness a second thought and ignore her/it.  You don't want your whole life to revolve around her latest escapade.
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    actually she sounds nothing like someone who is bipolar. she sounds like she has a personality disorder. if i had to guess i would probably say borderline personality. if that's the case, there's nothing much you can do. just play nice, smile a lot and move on.
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    Hi there,

    I've read through your post but I'm not reading through the feedback of others' (time constraints) but I'm replying cos I think you need to hear some things:

    1. First of all, I'm really sorry you have to deal with such a difficult person in your life. Life isn't fair and some people have particular crosses to bear and this is yours.
    2. Your MIL seems to have serious psychological issues. From what you write (and in between the lines) she could also have some pathological issues but of course, I'm not going to attempt a diagnosis here, and anyway, I don't think that would help you much at this stage.
    3. You need to understand why your FI behaves in certain ways towards his mother (like divulging unnecessary information to her). This is his coping mechanism. Coping mechanisms are seldom perfect but they are necessary for everyone involved in a difficult relationship which he feels he cannot extricate himself from (she's his mother). So, being that your MIL sounds very manipulative, your FI's coping mechanism is probably to sometimes stand up to her and at other times he probably deems it best to 'give in'.

    Now, what can you do about this?

    1. Why would you want such a difficult person to be at your shower in the first place? Because she's your FI's mother? Because it's tradition. Sc**w tradition. Sure, invite her to keep the peace but actually consider yourself lucky if she's NOT going to be there! And I would say you should make this true throughout your life. She will just play the victim card throughout the event and probably ruin the vibe for you so do not fight to get her there I say.
    2. Should she apologise to your MOH? Yes, of course she should. Will she? Most definitely not. She seems to have megaolmaniac tendencies and looking in a mirror is most certainly something she is not good at. So, rather than cutting yourself up about her lack of apology, apologise to your MOH yourself, explain that unfortunately she is a difficult character (don't go into details as this will only make your MOH more uncomfortable) and reassure her that you know she did everything in her power to be polite and correct and that none of this mess up was her fault.

    Lastly, for the long run, I would seriously suggest that your FI and you go to counselling to learn some skills with how to deal with your MIL. Just because she doesn't want to include you in her therapy doesn't mean you still can't do something about it for your good.

    One more thing - in the eventuality she does turn up for the shower, and most definitely since she will be there for the wedding, enlist the help of family members who are sympathetic to your situation (like her daughter and mother). Explain to them that this is your special day and you would really appreciate any help they can give you in ensuring that no one ruins it for you (don't mention her specifically, I'm sure they'll understand who you are talking about and will be happy to be there for you). Oh and make sure you FI isn't too stressed by all this, talk together, take time out together, and if necessary find some activity that will help you work off the stress.

    Now, most importantly, have a wonderful, wonderful day Wink
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    Honestly, with all the drama she causes, I'm not sure I'd try to convince her to be at the shower.  I'd probably go with oh we'll be sad you can't be there but I understand.  It sounds like if she did come she'd make it uncomfortable or miserable for you, and I think that would be worse than not having the FMIL at the shower.

    Sorry you are going through this :/
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    Totally unrelated, but your bio is adorable.  I LOVE your proposal story and your getting to know each other story.  That is absolutely the sweetest thing ever!
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    ooops i meant to say DO NOT RESPOND to her text messages...
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FMIL Issues. Need honest opinions (REALLY REALLY LONG)</a>:
    [QUOTE]kim I know you are right about that. I just have this little warrior inside me that always feels the need to fight evil and make things right. LOL
    Posted by nackiejichole[/QUOTE]

    Here's the thing.  She has maybe bipolar.  She's not evil (probably), it's the disease.  The way to fight the disease is to set boundaries with your FMIL and do not allow yourself to take her actions too personally.  She's sick, and it's not your fault. 

     So control what you can (yourself) and understand that you cannot change her, she needs to do that herself by seeking medical/psychiatric help, and she'll have to come to that conclusion on her own.  Maybe at some point, your FI should have a talk with her, but let things cool off first.
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