Snarky Brides

Judgey stuff


Re: Judgey stuff

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    edited August 2012
    I always wear bikinis but I always feel weird doing it when I'm with my in-laws.  Damn these tits, lol.
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    I can be really vain as well. If I'm walking along a street with lots of stores, it may appear as though I'm looking at what's in the window, but I'm probably just checking out my reflection. 

    I don't buy cheap clothes or accessories. I don't have any nondesigner handbags. I'm picky about that sort of thing. 

    I definitely judge how other people spend their money, especially my sister and one of my best friends. I can't stand hearing about the things they choose to spend money on. 

    And I love writing checks. But definitely not in a grocery store or something like that. 

    Also, I've never posted on SB before, but thought I'd join in. Hi :)
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    Hi Leisel!
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    These lap band stories are scaring me.  My mom wants to get it done, but I know she won't stick to the diet she's supposed to and then she'll end up exactly like the people you guys are talking about.  I hope she doesn't go through with it.

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    I'm so stubborn and hard headed that I'm kind of surprised I have any friends.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:00636825-daa4-45d9-8c14-2ac7e962fd70Post:8fdbc6e1-d295-4ca8-b90a-8d6abedf765b">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]I like how midge threw in Disney checks, as if no one would know.
    Posted by ZombieNates[/QUOTE]

    Touche. I did ask H to order whatever he wanted this time and he still got Disney.
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    I still write checks, although not very often We have to for rent.

    Duds, I make H's lunch too. It takes like 30 extra seconds and it's better than him grabbing hot dogs at the gas station every day because he's always on the go.
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    edited August 2012
    I knew a lady growing up who got gastric bypass and she said "it's sucks since I cant even eat an entire snickers bar anymore." I know they are addicted to food, but you need to get them help for their addiction before they get the help with their weight, or it's going to be all for nothing and cause a lot of health problems.

    I'll check into Amex. I know FIL has it and uses it at costco, I was just wary about having a card with a fee, but I'm sure they probably all do.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:00636825-daa4-45d9-8c14-2ac7e962fd70Post:07bd63cd-addc-4f44-b84a-c33677b89354">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm so stubborn and hard headed that I'm kind of surprised I have any friends.
    Posted by dmiller9274[/QUOTE]

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    Oh, yes, home = pjs, even if I get there at 4 pm.  DH wears shoes all the time and I can't figure out why.  I never wear shoes at home.

    DMills - our neighbors probably think the same about us.  We've been renovating the backyard for 2 years, and the vast majority of it is still unfinished - dirt, tree limbs, and weeds.  The bad part is that our fence borders a walking path, and dozens of people pass by our yard every day and can see how crappy it looks.  I don't care anymore (although we're getting ready to finish a large portion of the reno this month).
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    My cousin got the lap band and had a good experience with it. But she was very strict about following the diet. 

    Ditto on the pajama wearing. If I'm at home, I'm in sweats. Unless I need to be productive, in which case I have to put real clothes on. I get nothing done if I'm in pajamas.
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    A lot of H's friends think I am really blunt (read bitchy) and I couldn't care less whether or not they liked me.  I should care more, since he has been friends with them since HS, but I just don't. 

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    We have an Airtran Visa that we pay most stuff/bills with.  You earn points.  We are using these points to fly on our next trip, which translates into we can use those extra vacation funds for other things, like cocktails, shopping, and massages.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:00636825-daa4-45d9-8c14-2ac7e962fd70Post:71cea6e2-7cc8-434c-a4f2-15ec0410e8dc">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]I knew a lady growing up who got gastric bypass and she said "it's sucks since I cant even eat an entire snickers bar anymore." <strong>I know they are addicted to food, but you need to get them help for their addiction before they get the help with their weight, or it's going to be all for nothing and cause a lot of health problems.</strong> I'll check into Amex. I know FIL has it and uses it at costco, I was just wary about having a card with a fee, but I'm sure they probably all do.
    Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]

    I feel this way too and am surprised that some sort of counseling is not required prior to and after surgery.  Maybe in some cases it is. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]These lap band stories are scaring me.  My mom wants to get it done, but I know she won't stick to the diet she's supposed to and then she'll end up exactly like the people you guys are talking about.  I hope she doesn't go through with it.
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    My uncle had gastric bypass maybe... 7 years ago?  And he's currently doing great.  I know it's not the same as lap band but yeah, I think as long as you follow the plans properly you should be okay - barring any complications from surgery, which are always a risk.  My aunt actually did great for a few years before her downward spiral.
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    Agreed- I wear pajamas around the house all the time. It is a special occasion if H actually sees me in real clothes. I also wear pajamas/sweats out and about.

    About the germ thing- I am crazy about washing my hands, but that is the nature of my job/degree, and I don't like to touch door handles. Also, I don't think it is a huge deal about rinsing foods, but it does become a big deal if you had kids because a lot more can happen to them if they are exposed to a bad microbe than your average adult.

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    The minute I walk through the door in the evening, business suit comes off, and shorts or pj bottoms go on with tshirt.  Sometimes, my bra doesn't make it past the hook where my keys hang inside the back door.  Set the puppies free.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Judgey stuff : I feel this way too and am surprised that some sort of counseling is not required prior to and after surgery.  Maybe in some cases it is. 
    Posted by jcg98[/QUOTE]

    Oh it is - in some cases.  Both my aunt and uncle spent a lot of time in counseling and in support groups pre and post op.
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    I can't believe how many people had gastric bypass surgery. I'm genuinely surprised by that.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Judgey stuff : really?
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]
    sadly, yes. I just really can't ever find a time that my way isn't the right way. I try to contain it as much as possible, but sometimes I just can't. I have really good friends though, and they'll legit tell me to getfucked, and will ignore my assholeishness. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Judgey stuff : Two of my bras are on the island in our kitchen right now. 
    Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]
    Mine is on the coffee table :-)
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    dmill, never noticed that in the way you post, nice eggplant BTW.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Judgey stuff</a>:
    [QUOTE]dmill, never noticed that in the way you post, nice eggplant BTW.
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]
    Thanks! Maybe I hide it better than I thought lol
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    I judge how people spend their money all the time.  But I'm also not really responsible with money either.  I don't buy a lot of superfluous stuff or go out a lot, but I do buy a lot of cheap clothes for someone who has no money right now.  Super judge-worthy is my massive credit card balance made up basically of gas, food, and clothes from the last several years I've been in school and barely employed.

    I don't wash F&V's either, but I do wash hands regularly.  Probably not obsessive psycho regularly, but still pretty regularly.

    I have a horrible diet, and I don't exercise at all (at least not purposefully).  I eat out all the time.  And I'm super picky.  I like a lot of different foods, but I'm not always in the mood for them.  So if I get in the mood for pizza or something, nothing else will satisfy me, and I'll drive FI out of his mind arguing over food.  I have a ridiculous emotional attachment to food.

    I still have a security blanket of sorts.  Not really a blanket, but it's the end of a pillow case that I hold in my hand to comfort me.  YEAH.  I do wash it though.

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    My mom is getting bypass in January.  I did not even think she was overweight enough to qualify for it.  I don't think that she's going to be very happy with being unable to eat afterward.  But she's determined that this is the best thing for her.

    I can't go bra-less around the house.  My breasts are just too damn big and heavy.

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    I can't go braless, either. I'm a 34DD, and I just can't stand the feeling of my nipples rubbing up against my shirt (it's actually bothering me just to type that out). The only times I go braless is if it's a form-fitting dress with support, or when I'm sleeping or in the shower (duh).
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    I have nothing and I can't go braless.  It just feels weird to me.

    I tan.  I got my $70 lotion and my tanning membership.  Judge away.  I tell myself that I'm only doing it for the wedding but deep down I have a feeling I will keep going.  I know it's terrible but I know FI likes blonde and tan.  I will probably get lighter blonde highlights in my hair (it isn't dyed now) just so I look good for him.  Weird.
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    The only reason I wear a bra all the time (like other than to bed lol) is because I think my tits look hotter that way.  Bazing.
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    Tanning beds freak me out.  Not because of the cancer risk, but because I saw the trailer to "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer."  Fuuuuck that.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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    I don't like how my boobs look braless. Plus I think wearing a bra is more comfortable. 
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