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Advice for a Brazilian Virgin?


Re: Advice for a Brazilian Virgin?

  • My advice is to go ahead and do the butt. (That sounds awful, but you know what I mean.) When I got my first Brazillian I skipped that part deciding that the front had been enough. The next time, I decided to go for was no big deal! It really didn't hurt at all. I know my fiance probably has never noticed but it gave me a sexy mental boost to know I really was hair free.
  • I am Brazilian and certify that the front hurts a little behind but is virtually painless. Make the back is much easier than the front. The party will leave with a little pain will be in the lips. But it will be easy and ends in less than 10 minutes
  • Yes, if you are concicering getting it done take some pain killers before hand and do it a week or more before the wedding.  I had it done last year and it is the first & last time i will do.  I just did not enjoy the pain of it and believe it or not the butox hair hurt least apposed to the V. 
  • menabena ,
    How would you go about finding a "real" brazilian waxer? Are there certain questions to ask?
    I've never waxed down there, and I'm so tired of shaving all the time.
  • I have been getting Brazilians for a very long time. Here's a few things I've learned:

    The most important thing to remember - and hopefully this coordinates with your wedding date - do not go to get one the week before your period. The lady I have now is the first one to ever tell me this and man, is it great advice - you will be more tender during that time, and hormone changes during your period will be when your hair grows fastest in your cycle (don't want to un-do anything after going through that lol) 
    Also, even after years of getting these waxes, I will break out with little red bumps, especially 1-2 days after - it is not entirely attractive, but here's what you do - make sure you exfoliate before and after. You'll be tender after, so it's ok - take it easy but a light sugar scrub or carefully going over the area with some soap and a loofa when you're in the shower will definitely help. Also, as you want this to look great (hey it's your honeymoon!) I would spend the extra cash to buy a very good ingrown hair cream - I have used "Tend Skin" but my favorite is "Bikini Saver" which I can get at my place, but it can also be bought online. 
    As far as where to go, I wish you lived in Austin, I would send you to my lady. If you feel comfortable with who you're with now, you may want to stay with her for that sake, but it's not only about the person, but the products they use. At my place she uses "Nufree" ( which hands down has given me the least painful waxes - your esthetician won't have to rush to keep it from drying and it's not really hot like wax. So if you have the chance to call around and see what products the salon uses, I'd say that would be a plus if they used it. Honestly run through citysearch or some other site and read reviews. The best one in your area may be a salon or even someone self-employed (as mine is). I've also had "sugaring" done, which was also remarkably less painful than other times but the drawback is not as much hair gets removed : ( Oh side, note, it would be helpful before hand to kindof trim up the areas that you do have hair right now. The minimum you need is 1/4" but if your hair is too long, and the esthetician may not prep you before hand, it will be much worse the longer your hair is. 
    What else? Oh, the "backdoor" as others have mentioned, is not  painful at all. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable (funny position sometimes :) ) ask not to have it done, but it's really easy and pain-free. If there's really anything you want make sure to voice it, they may not ask. I'm not sure if you're planning on going completely bare of leaving a 'landing strip' or whatever, but let them know, though they should ask. I will say, that last little bit to make you completely bare is the worst for me, but it depends on your goals/desires. 
    Sometimes it is helpful to take a pain reliever (motrin is best, I wouldn't take asprin) about an hour before. I wouldn't worry about this. You know what to expect.
    Best! Stephanie

  • There is a great product that will help with bumps (if you get them) and ingrown hairs as well.  It's called Skin Tend.  Also, I use a Wild Austrailia natural aloe vera based oil for moisturizing the area.  It really well as keeping it soft!
  • I think it is different for everyone. When I went to the Galapagos Islands, I knew I would practially be living in my bathing suit so I went in for my first ever wax. I wasn't originally going to go for the full Brazilian, but the waxer talked me into it. Holy Guacamole! I have sensitive skin and have never been able to even shave because of the unslightly and painful bumps and ingrowns it creates. So I thought waxing would be better. Not so, for me. Not only was my skin red, bumpy, and sore, I also bruised from it. And believe me I had a very professional, very reputable lady do it. Never again. At any rate, if you have already been waxing the sides with no problems and the normal amount of pain that comes with ripping your hair out, then the brazilian should be no problem for you. The sides and top were the most painful part for me. Good Luck!
  • I'm so glad that someone else asked this question instead of me!  I always have trouble with those little red bumps coming up, even after I shave (have never waxed anything other than my eyebrows).  I've tried exfoliating and mosterizer, but the exfoliating only seemed to make it worse for some reason.  If I, or anyone, were to get a brazillian wax, how could we avoid those red bumps?  And how long generally before it starts growing back?
  • I'm planning on getting a Brazilian, too, and have never done it before.  These posts are all very helpful but I'm just wondering...are there any kind of special exfoliating products to use after?  or are people just using an exfoliating body scrub?

  • There's this stuff called Whish Flawless Ingrown Hair Serum that I've looked into getting for my ingrown hairs...I've read some good reviews on it, and I itch like &*^% when I grow back from shaving (but if I shave everyday, I get razor burn no matter how much pre-shaving oil and cream and lotion afterwards...go figure!) 
    So...if you're worried about the itch after, maybe that would help? 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • OK ladies!  I got a brazilian done for years (stopped b/c it became a very expensive habit!)  However, for me, the most painful part is right at the top...where it starts to meet your lower stomach area!  The rest is not that bad at all!  ESPECIALLY the back side......that's nothing!!!  I'm also getting married in August and will definately be doing a few rounds of waxing first!  You should start early b/c every body is different and may take some time for the redness to go down.  (my salon has this stuff call finipil which works great for an "after" cream)  Try a few rounds and don't shave in between waxes...makes it a little more painful!   And it doesn't itch when growing back....especially not compared to shaving! 

  • I'm not going to lie.. It hurts! And I've tried taking a tablet 30 mins before a wax and its not helped. Yeah the worst part is the part above the pubic bone. The back isn't half as bad. But the itching when its growing back can be an absolute bother.. Calamine lotion and cotton panties help me thru that time! :) All the best..  Hope this helps..
  • I do them all the time....I don't feel much pain at all ...and the back side I gotta say its kind of embarrassing but its the one that hurts the least .
    i think its really worth it because it lasts so much longer than shaving 
    the trick to keeping it smooth is exfoliating  to get the hair not to become ingrown 

    ps..the people that do the wax has seen plenty of people so don't be ashamed 

    Good luck 
  • What is "the back side?" Sorry if thats a stupid question...
  • essentially butt crack - some women do have it some don't and even the inside of the leg past your V around your anus will have some darker hair. 
  • I think that if you are going to get a brazilian for your honeymoon, then your fiance should too. If I went through the hassle, anyone with first hand knowledge of said brazilian would also be require to have a brazilian.
  • Hi,
    I'm brazilian and it's going to be my first time...I was hoping to get some advice here.  While I think you are talking about something else, I am wondering if motrin and orajel might help me??
  • Be careful about the time of month you get your Brazillian.  They obviously won't do it while you are menstruating BUT what they don't always tell you is that the days before and a few after are they most painful times because bloodflow is different.  Also, don't be afraid to pace the session--ask for a break, a drink of water, whatever and BREATHE OUT as they pull the wax off.  You don't have to do the "back side" but you may as well.  Brazillians are the only form of hair removal I use and I absolutely love it.  If you are planning on getting a spray to too remember to get the brazillian (and any other waxing) done before hand.  GOOD LUCK! 
  • im the same as you marisia .. i was wondering the same thing! I really want to get it done cuz i never have before,but am freaked cuz i have super sensative skin.
  • Hi Ladies,
    Here is the scoop from a native (literally). In Brazil we don't wax the entire area, but definitely the back area (Oh, yes). Please don't wait until the week of to do it, you might get a reaction and then it will take a while to recover... I think you should do a couple of times before the wedding just to see if you feel comfortable with the look... The pain is def not more than the bikini, and you have to take good care of the skin to avoi in-grown hairs and itching... I know it sounds funny but applying ice a little before helps with the pain... But it really is not that big of a deal... Just relax (and good luck)
  • Just be careful with the numbing cream- I read an article about a woman in AZ coated her legs in it before laser removal and died. Just make sure you follow the directions and don't go overboard!
  • It hurts a bit, but totally bearable, especially if you wax your bikini line.

    It does itch a bit when it's growing out, but that's normal.

    **Stay relaxed, especially your legs. Try to keep them from moving and contrl your  "auto-reflex" from closing/moving when the wax is getting pulled. This is to avoid getting bruse marks.**

    Just think about how nice and smooth it'll be when it's over!! Your hubby will love it, so will you! Laughing 
  • First, use or other review sites to find a good salon and then an experienced waxer at that salon. An experienced waxer will make the whole process as pain free as possible. If you're comfortable with the person you already go to, then use her.

    Second, definitely do the "back side." It may be awkward but it really isn't that painful and I think it just completes the idea of getting every hair removed.

    Third, I am always super red for *several* hours afterward, sometimes even a full day. I would get it done the morning before you leave for your honeymoon. That way you won't have to hide for too long and you shouldn't be red anymore by the time you are ready to show it off.

    My fiance loves it when I get brazilians done. I don't do it often just because it's so expensive, but will definitely be doing that before the wedding day and the honeymoon.

    Good luck! Don't worry too much, you'll be fine!
  • I highly recommend that you take at least 500mg of say Tylenol for example.  Also, as it s happening, remind yourself to take deep breaths.  Thinking about how stoked your husband will be when he see it should help as well.  :  )    Oh, the itching that occurs after having shaved is hell in comparison to the complete lack of itching that happens after you wax.  Also,  I recommend at least 3-4 weeks for grow out before getting waxed.  I say this because if you are used to shaving, the hair may be all different lengths. . .   so when you wax, you may not get as great and long lasting of a result because some of the hair may be too short to wax.   GOOD LUCK!!! 
  • I am brazilian also and did that for years. It hurts but it is not a big deal. Just make sure you take 2 Tylenol at least 30 minutes prior to th procedure and don't drink any coffee. It will minimize the pain.
    If it is your first time, you should allow at least 3 weeks to get a second one if you want to continue doing that. 
    Don't worry about the itching. Its not like a razor.
    And my last advice is: if you really want a Brazilian style after your wedding you should consider hair laser removal. 
    I did it and it was the best choice. It hurts a lot more than wax but no more shaving or hairs annoying "us" :-P
    Good luck
  •    Haha, alright dear. i saw your post, and I just had to respond. I've been getting brazilians for over 2 years now. And I can tell you first hand, the first one is the worst it will ever be in your whole life. If you don't plan on continuing with brazilians, then the first one is probably not worth it.  But if you do continue, it's so worth it!
       First off, take a shower before hand. It opens up your pores. About 30-45 minutes prior to the wax, apply "no scream cream" it's by Relax and Wax. And no they don't sell it in drug stores. SOrry, but you're better off going with the good stuff. You can get it at the salon or online. It'll numb the area.  Take an anti-inflammatory (motrin). Oh and another tip, don't do it right before your period. My skin is really sensitive around that time and I feel like it almost doubles the normal pain.

       The backside doesn't hurt at all. It pretty much just feels like a bikini wax. The most painful area is right at the top of your pubic bone. The hair is thicker there. The closer to the "center" you get, the thicker the hair gets. And if she's a good waxist, she'll start on the outside and evenly work her way in, so that if you want to stop, it won't be un even.  And when it grows back, i never get itchy. I only got that when I used to shave. But I love waxing, it's so low maintenance. No razor bumps, or worrying about wearing your bathing suit, and it's like once every three weeks. Every time you wax, your hair gets thinner and thinner, so it hurts less and less. Now, I'm in there for maybe 15 minutes and I'm out the door.

       You need to grow the hair out to 1/4". I would do it a few days before anything important. Like the Wednesday before your Saturday wedding for example. And don't be shy, your waxist has seen much worse than your downstairs.  

    Hope that helps! Just tough it out!
  • Hey girls,
    I am writing from Rio, Brazil! Let me just tell you all that the newest in waxing around here is the "permament waxing". It is a process usually done by a dermatologist which consists of 3-5 sessions of waxing with laser. The laser kills the hair folicules all the way through so they won't grow back.
    It's pretty expense (here one session is about $300 for bikini and arm pit
    )but a lot of women are doing it, specially the brides.

    The brazilian girls usually do this in the bikini area and arm pits, but it can be done in the legs and thighs as well.

    My advice for the brides: if you have this kind of service in the USA, go for it! At least you feel pain just once!

  • Have a couple of glasses of wine, it always helps me out, with the embarassment and the pain! haha
  • I am a skin care therapist who does give brazilian waxes.  Since you are used to getting regular binki waxing you should be ok.  The main thing  to ask the place where you will be having the service is if they use "hard wax" for brazilians.  In my professional opinion using hard wax for that sensitive area is easier and less painful because you are not rubbing on a stip to pull off.  The hard wax is applied like normal wax, warm with a waxing spatula. Then the wax dries and pulls the hair right off.  So much better for those intimate areas.  And yes if you are going to get the brazilian you have to do the back side.  You don't want any duck feathers down there now do you?  For post waxing, it is a good idea to use a wash rag or something to exfoliate the area just a little bit to keep from getting any ingrown hairs.
  • amk27560 was spot on!  I would try it once before the Big Day, unless you're doing this as a surprise. 

    Warning:  if you're a natural blonde or redhead, your hair may grow back darker than you're using to seeing.  It freaked me out, until the operator told me that hair that doesn't get sunlight is always a bit darker.
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