In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:18addfa2-9fc0-4c08-8434-698e2b4abae0Post:544d7ff8-9c86-44aa-92ad-c03e2bc9c412">Re: B&M Monday</a>: [QUOTE]UGH, I just got another email from the other bridesmaids for the wedding that I'm a BM in August. They are asking for $200 from each of the 5 BMs to pay for the shower. A shower where the hall rental is being paid for by the mother of the bride. What are you spending $1000 on for a shower?!?!?! Posted by llc2011[/QUOTE]
That's what I'm saying. Plus, this is the same wedding where I already told the MOH last month that I would be sending a gift, but no money and she was like "I completely understand". I bet that's why this email came from another one of the BMs.
But really, is that $1000 for food? cause if so, that's crazy! Go find another place. It's not fair to just plan something and then expect people to contribute when they had no say in what's going on.
Wow. a thousand dollars for a shower? Yikes! I would definitely ask how they were spending it. If I was chipping in that much, I would want to know where it was going...
I still need to find something to wear to my bachelorette party in two weeks. I'm getting frustrated with the search! Plus I still need something for my bridal shower and rehearsal. Oh and I found some cute shoes I wanted, but they didn't have my size :-(
My B&M: I got a voicemail this morning from one of the jobs that I interviewed at Friday saying that they were going with someone else because I only had 4 months of ICU experience and would require an intensive training that they don't have the manpower for. UMM HELLO, my resume says I was there for a YEAR and 4 months. ::headdesk::
It's kind of sad that they can't figure out the amount of time between January 2009 and May 2010.
It's ok, I've heard bad things about their unit and I got offered a job at another hospital anyways. I liked the other hospital's team better, but it's in Richardson and I didn't want to have to drive that far. I'm also waiting on a couple of jobs I just applied for at units were some of my friends work.
But I seriously want to call them back and say, "You are dumb, you are so dumb!"
In Response to <a href="">Re: B&M Monday</a>: [QUOTE]I still need to find something to wear to my bachelorette party in two weeks. I'm getting frustrated with the search! Plus I still need something for my bridal shower and rehearsal. Oh and I found some cute shoes I wanted, but they didn't have my size :-( Posted by sparklingdiamond[/QUOTE]
<div>Good luck with the search! I went shopping this weekend because my shower and bachelorette are this Saturday!</div>
Now I'm frustrated at FI! We are having a no kids wedding and one of his members RSVP'd and added their two kids. I politely told them that we couldn't accomodate children and he went and told them if they couldn't find a sitter that it would be okay to bring them. Ugh!
In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:18addfa2-9fc0-4c08-8434-698e2b4abae0Post:8151fb96-e402-4c5f-b975-106e0e60c06f">Re: B&M Monday</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: B&M Monday : WOW! An on another note..... Aren't you excited that we will be sharing our wedding day with Hugh Hefner, Deepthi? Hahaha ;) Posted by courtski2004[/QUOTE]
Are you joking?? Awww.. this sucks! Oh well it's not him getting married affects me in any way.
100 for me is a small intimate group! 50 from each side is nothing. My family is huge and so is Jeff's when you talk about the BP and then my immediate family you easily get 50.
In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:18addfa2-9fc0-4c08-8434-698e2b4abae0Post:40c9a88c-7745-4f03-a793-83f50e8ae327">Re: B&M Monday</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: B&M Monday : Are you joking?? Awww.. this sucks! Oh well it's not him getting married affects me in any way. 100 for me is a small intimate group! 50 from each side is nothing. My family is huge and so is Jeff's when you talk about the BP and then my immediate family you easily get 50. Posted by DFWIndian[/QUOTE]
Katy Perry and I share a wedding date. The optimism in that is there is a 50/50 chance one of our marriages will end in divorce. I like my odds. :)
ZUMBA! I have a love hate relationship with this class. I love it, its fun, and I'm burning calories.... But I look like a raging idiot in that class. The lady that instructs the class is so cute, and bouncy... and I'm like a rock out there. LOL
Also.... WHY OHHHHH WHY did I decide DIY invites were the way to go????? I hate it, I am not talented (I cant even do Zumba!)... But i'm going to truck on.. I'm going to finish what I started!
Literally, our RD is the size of our wedding. My FILs wanted to host it, and wanted everyone invited to the wedding at the RD too. It will be quite large! (If I was hosting it, it'd be more like 15-20 people).
Re: B&amp;M Monday
[QUOTE]UGH, I just got another email from the other bridesmaids for the wedding that I'm a BM in August. They are asking for $200 from each of the 5 BMs to pay for the shower. A shower where the hall rental is being paid for by the mother of the bride. What are you spending $1000 on for a shower?!?!?!
Posted by llc2011[/QUOTE]
Wow thats a lot of money for a bridal shower!
Bio Good Times
My Monday sucks a big one. It's like two steps forward, three steps back.
ETA: I love Lynn's blog today, though!
[QUOTE]I still need to find something to wear to my bachelorette party in two weeks. I'm getting frustrated with the search! Plus I still need something for my bridal shower and rehearsal. Oh and I found some cute shoes I wanted, but they didn't have my size :-(
Posted by sparklingdiamond[/QUOTE]
<div>Good luck with the search! I went shopping this weekend because my shower and bachelorette are this Saturday!</div>
Bio Good Times
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: B&M Monday : WOW! An on another note..... Aren't you excited that we will be sharing our wedding day with Hugh Hefner, Deepthi? Hahaha ;)
Posted by courtski2004[/QUOTE]
Are you joking?? Awww.. this sucks! Oh well it's not him getting married affects me in any way.
100 for me is a small intimate group! 50 from each side is nothing. My family is huge and so is Jeff's when you talk about the BP and then my immediate family you easily get 50.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: B&M Monday : Are you joking?? Awww.. this sucks! Oh well it's not him getting married affects me in any way. 100 for me is a small intimate group! 50 from each side is nothing. My family is huge and so is Jeff's when you talk about the BP and then my immediate family you easily get 50.
Posted by DFWIndian[/QUOTE]
Katy Perry and I share a wedding date. The optimism in that is there is a 50/50 chance one of our marriages will end in divorce. I like my odds. :)
ZUMBA! I have a love hate relationship with this class. I love it, its fun, and I'm burning calories.... But I look like a raging idiot in that class. The lady that instructs the class is so cute, and bouncy... and I'm like a rock out there. LOL
Also.... WHY OHHHHH WHY did I decide DIY invites were the way to go????? I hate it, I am not talented (I cant even do Zumba!)... But i'm going to truck on.. I'm going to finish what I started!