The three most important thing to remember when searching for your ring are the following:
1, Choose a ring that expresses who you are not what is trendy. You want to love your choice years from now. Don't you think three stone and halo are a bit overdone? You don't have to do a diamond nessesarily color gems like sapphire and ruby make excellent center stones and provide unique contrast when surrounded by diamonds. They make for a uniques individual statement..
2. Choose the right jeweler. I can't stress enough how much this makes all the difference. Buying online is hit and miss ( risky) even so called certificate stones can be not what is stated on the lab report. With diamonds, you get what you pay for. If the price is too cheap and the stone is stated as high color and clarity RED Flags should go off. Shop around but don't be too frugal!! This is after all your most important piece of jewelry and a symbol of your commitment..
3. As mentioned above no matter what diamond you choose have a budget you both agree upon. Realistically, most couples can stretch 10-15% above that and usually do if the ring is well made. You don't have to buy couture "designer" mountings you are paying for thier national advertizing in the extra dollar cost.
Your local Jeweler is a good source and generally willing to meet your budget parameters. One local jeweler in my area has a state of the art CAD design shop and can replicate most commercially available designs. Raffi's Fine Jewelry in Laguna Hills, CA has an excellent reputation in my area.
Happy Hunting.
Re: Choosing a ring
[QUOTE]Do you work for them?
Posted by AudgiePodge[/QUOTE]
No, she's a customer. Isn't it obvious that a customer would make a TK account, know this much, and post this as their intro?? duh. It makes PERFECT sense.
Motolyn's House Remodel Blog Starting anew Nov. 2012.
Since most of us aren't near OC, if you are a spammer, you're doing a bad job.
I haz a planning bio
Isn't the whole idea of these boards and forums is helpful exchange of information? I know several couples who have purchased at that jeweler and had raves about the experience and of course thier rings. Merely passing along the info....
When did you visit ? The store is good sized I've been told and has a nice selection. I guess the best way for me to know is to stop in myself soon.
[QUOTE]MotoLyn, Isn't the whole idea of these boards and forums is helpful exchange of information? I know several couples who have purchased at that jeweler and had raves about the experience and of course thier rings. Merely passing along the info.... When did you visit ? <strong>The store is good sized I've been told and has a nice selection. I guess the best way for me to know is to stop in myself soon.</strong> Sapphire57
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
<div>Why are you raving about it if you haven't even been there?</div><div>For all you know, it could be a shitt dump.</div>
[QUOTE]MotoLyn, Isn't the whole idea of these boards and forums is helpful exchange of information? I know several couples who have purchased at that jeweler and had raves about the experience and of course thier rings. Merely passing along the info.... When did you visit ? The store is good sized I've been told and has a nice selection. I guess the best way for me to know is to stop in myself soon. Sapphire57
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
If you do not have personal experience with the jeweler, you should not be promoting them.
But I'm reporting you for advertising because I'm pretty sure you work there.
ETA: I am going to go make goat cheese mashed potatoes now. ::drool::
[QUOTE]Leia, didn't you know that most couples are flying out to Orange County to pick out e-rings now? It's some new trend.
Posted by peekaboo2011[/QUOTE]
Damn, my engagement is invalid now.
I haz a planning bio
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Choosing a ring : Damn, my engagement is invalid now.
Posted by leia1979[/QUOTE]
<div>Don't worry. Mine too.</div>
When you are shopping for anything be it a ring or furniture or whatever don't you ask friends and collegues for recommendations? What is so weird about that?
You guys are so hostile IMHO.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Choosing a ring : Damn, my engagement is invalid now.
Posted by leia1979[/QUOTE]
Oh F. I guess you'd better go back to FI and demand he go get you a different, better ring from this jeweler that OP has never been to... You will probably need a new proposal too. You're probably "unofficially engaged" now that you know this info.
[QUOTE]When you are shopping for anything be it a ring or furniture or whatever don't you ask friends and collegues for recommendations? What is so weird about that? You guys are so hostile IMHO. Sapphire57
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
<div>When you create an account today, and come spewing about a jewelry store for your first post, that's the reaction you're going to get. Vendors aren't allowed and get banninated.</div><div>
</div><div>Tread carefully.</div>
[QUOTE]When you are shopping for anything be it a ring or furniture or whatever don't you ask friends and collegues for recommendations? What is so weird about that? You guys are so hostile IMHO. Sapphire57
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
Actually, my friends always ask me because I am so much more fashionable and knowledgeable than they are.
I would not recommend to them a store I hadn't been to. Let alone to buy an engagement ring. Let alone go post on an internet forum about the business I had never been to.
[QUOTE]When you are shopping for anything be it a ring or furniture or whatever don't you ask friends and collegues for recommendations? What is so weird about that? You guys are so hostile IMHO. Sapphire57
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
<div>We ask people for recommendations based on where they've been and their personal recommendations. You've never even been to the store. Lyn just said it wasn't that great, and as a PP pointed out, your first post was promoting this store. You didn't introduce yourself. That, 'round these parts herr, is usually equivalent to spam.</div><div>
</div><div>And when spam shows up, all bets are off.</div>
[QUOTE]SKP - If I'm going from "officially engaged" to "unofficially engaged" and every time you say "unofficially engaged" God kills a kitten, how many kittens did God just kill by the invalidation of our engagements?
Posted by peekaboo2011[/QUOTE]
I'm going to go with 12.5234. Is that the right answer??
It is weird to recommend a store you've never been to.
It is generally very difficult to just walk into a room and start telling people your opinion on how something should be done when no one in the room has any idea who you are. That is kind of what this thread is like. Forums are like ongoing conversations between a bunch of people. You usually come in and say "Hi there! I'm so-and-so, I like such-and-such, I just got here, nice to meet you!" Your post reads like an unsolicited form letter.
My engagement ring is not the most important and most symbollic piece of jewelry I own. That would be my plain gold wedding band. I can't be the only person who feels that way.
You came from out of the blue, gave advice to a bunch of people who have no idea who you are or if you have other motives, and you were kind of insulting to those of us who don't think exactly the way you seem to about engagement rings and ring shopping. Try again?
[QUOTE]MotoLyn, <strong>Isn't the whole idea of these boards and forums is helpful exchange of information?</strong> I know several couples who have purchased at that jeweler and had raves about the experience and of course thier rings. Merely passing along the info.... When did you visit ? The store is good sized I've been told and has a nice selection. I guess the best way for me to know is to stop in myself soon. Sapphire57
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
Of course, but you're posting in the Not Engaged Yet board which is accessed by women worldwide and thus only a small percent of the women are close enough to this store you speak of in OC. Next time try the local Southern CA board and you might actually get business... assuming your spammy post isn't removed quickly for being so fricking spammy.
<u>SPAM FAIL.</u>
Motolyn's House Remodel Blog Starting anew Nov. 2012.
[QUOTE]Just spit jellybeans out my nose. Thank you Jeana.
Posted by peekaboo2011[/QUOTE]
That sounds super painful.
Sorry, This is my first time on any bridal site. I'll check them out as well as a few other local jewelers. Note to self first hand experience then post... Otherwise they think you are an imposter. Nope just a gal who is getting engaged soon..
Oh and my moniker is my birthstone and birth year nothing sinister here either..
[QUOTE]Sorry, This is my first time on any bridal site. I'll check them out as well as a few other local jewelers. Note to self first hand experience then post... Otherwise <strong>they think you are an imposter. Nope just a gal who is getting engaged soon..</strong> Oh and my moniker is my birthstone and birth year nothing sinister here either..
Posted by sapphire57[/QUOTE]
I guess we'll see how true that is based on your future posts. I find it pretty hard to believe.
Fair enough thx.