Wedding Etiquette Forum

Is the money dance tacky? Groom wants to do it to raise money for a honeymoon.

My fiance's Dad originally said he was going to pay for the 3 day hotel stay for our honeymoon.  He said he had money set aside for it.  Our honeymoon was just going to be a 3 day road trip to the coast.  Well, he kept telling us that he was going to send the money, but never did.  I certainly never thought that he had to pay for our hotel, but the fact that we were counting on it and it never came through is kind of annoying.  Anyways, with everything going on right now, we can't afford the honeymoon on our own right now.  I feel bad because people just threw me a "honeymoon shower" which included everyone giving me things to use on our honeymoon and even tickets to attractions in the honeymoon city.  Now, I won't me able to use them, and feel bad if they find out.   The "honeymoon shower" was thrown by other members of my fiance's family with the idea in their heads too that the father was giving us the honeymoon.

Now to the question, my fiance said he wants to do a money dance at the wedding and tell people it is to raise money for a honeymoon.  I'm not really wanting to do this because I think is it a little tacky asking people for money.  Plus, will it make his dad uncomfortable when it is announced at the wedding that it is for a honeymoon (since he is the one who originally said it was his gift).  

Re: Is the money dance tacky? Groom wants to do it to raise money for a honeymoon.

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    No, asking for money in general and money dances is really not good etiquette-wise.  That's also a very bad idea to announce it because it puts pressure and/or guilt on people to get their wallet out at your wedding.  
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    Yes it's tacky.
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    if you want a dollar dance provide the guests with dollars. its usually a tradition and cultural thing.  not a fundraiser.
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    if you want a dollar dance provide the guests with dollars. its usually a tradition and cultural thing.  not a fundraiser.

    Then that kind of defeats the whole point of them needing money.
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    I've heard on TK that it is common in certain cultures, but it's generally regarded as rude.  I personally do not care for them. 

    I don't think people usually make very much money doing them... maybe $100?  Certainly not enough to pay for a honeymoon anyway.

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    jennythorpejennythorpe member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary First Comment
    edited September 2013
    Thank you.
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    I was trying to reply to @jennythorpe when she DD'd.  She said

    "If you don't want to answer, don't answer.  I don't need rude responses.  I thought The Knot was suppose to be a place for brides to support each other.  I don't spend my whole day browsing past questions to see if something has been asked before.  Plus, everyone's story is a little different. "

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    That was meant for a private message daveANDkristen but thanks for "tattle tailing" and watching my back!
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    I was trying to reply to @jennythorpe when she DD'd.  She said

    "If you don't want to answer, don't answer.  I don't need rude responses.  I thought The Knot was suppose to be a place for brides to support each other.  I don't spend my whole day browsing past questions to see if something has been asked before.  Plus, everyone's story is a little different. "

    Oh FFS.  Silly me for forgetting that @jennythorpe was the special and unique bride where a money dance is acceptable.

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    I'm trying to figure out who the PM was for since we all said the same thing.
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    That was meant for a private message daveANDkristen but thanks for "tattle tailing" and watching my back!

    REALLY?  I wasn't tattle tailing, I quoted you and began typing a response to you.  Then my text box got all wonky and I refreshed, and your comment was gone.  How the fuck was I supposed to know it was meant to be a PM?  People DD their posts daily...


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    I never said I was Maggie0829.  If you read my post you would know I said I didn't want to do the money dance.  Your response though, is kind of proving the point of what I said!  Some people are so rude on here!
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    What I was going to say is that if you don't like someone's reply, just ignore it and move to the next.

    A few people did provide you with actual advice, I'd suggest carrying on a conversation with those people, rather than getting defensive with the answers you found rude.

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    I never said I was Maggie0829.  If you read my post you would know I said I didn't want to do the money dance.  Your response though, is kind of proving the point of what I said!  Some people are so rude on here!
    Well shame on me.  Deleting posts is just as rude.  I seriously doubt you meant to send that as a PM but good try.

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    Everyone basically agreed with you and you can't handle it? FFS.


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    OMG!  There was one person who wrote something really rude.  I tried to private message them, they have since deleted the comment.  I sorry I joined this forum.
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    I come from a culture where the dollar dance is common. It doesn't really bother me when I see it, and I participate, but I didn't want one at my own wedding. In my circle, it's an "excuse" for each guest to have a moment to dance & talk to the bride/groom. H grew up only about 80 miles from where I did, but he had never heard of or seen a dollar dance. When I explained the custom to him he was pretty aghast at the concept.

    I think announcing that you are "fundraising" for your honeymoon would be tacky-your guests already have purchased a gift, and the announcement would be hitting them up further. And you most likely wouldn't get enough anyway.  The times I've seen the dollar dance in my circle, most people put in $1, sometimes $5. But the couple usually only gets $100 or so. 

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    OMG!  There was one person who wrote something really rude.  I tried to private message them, they have since deleted the comment.  I sorry I joined this forum.

    Why be sorry you joined?  You got some good advice. I'm sorry that I quoted what was meant to be a PM.  I had no way of knowing that. 

    When were you supposed to be going on your honeymoon?  Can you maybe stay at a less expensive hotel? 

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    OMG!  There was one person who wrote something really rude.  I tried to private message them, they have since deleted the comment.  I sorry I joined this forum.

    Then call them out on it. Most people around here don't delete posts unless they're a hurt newbie.
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    Question...are you getting pissy because you think people were actually rude, or are you just mad that people didn't validate your idea???
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    If you decide to have the money dance, which is ultimately your choice, I would suggest at least not announcing it's for your honeymoon and just let people give what they want. However I agree with the one person who said you probably won't get a bunch, since they're just giving dollars.
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    idk in my family we do the dollar dance even if we dont have a dollar we stand in line. for us its tohave a dance with the bride and/or groom. anyways if it were my wedding i would stick a dollar on the back of each persons escort card. if they didnt want to dance they can keep the dollar. i dont care .
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    Don't do a money dance.  Tell your FI that yes, it's tacky because 1) honeymoon expenses are the couple's responsibility and 2) your guests should not be required to open their wallets at all to participate in dancing or anything else at your wedding.

    If you can't afford to stay at the hotel you originally planned to stay at on your honeymoon, is there a cheaper one in the area you can stay at?  Or, can you cut any other expenses of your wedding in order to stay at the original hotel?
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    Pepper6, just can't believe how people get rude over a question.  I did get a very nice private message from someone just now though stating that this level of rudeness is normal or don't take it personally.  
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    As for the honey moon shower.. do the tickets you got expire anytime soon? If so can you call the places and check if they will honor them when you can go? While it is always nice to go right after the wedding, you don't have to.  You can do a "mini moon" right after the wedding, i.e stay a nice hotel in town for a night or two.  Save up for a few months and take the honeymoon of your dreams later.  You still honor the intent of the shower, just not when originally planned.
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    What is with this place today? Who let 14 year olds on TK?

    No. Yesssssss.
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