Chit Chat

I think it's time for (re)introductions


Re: I think it's time for (re)introductions

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? Through one of my college girlfriends.

    How long have you been on TK? 2+ years. I lurked before I joined, too.

    Any pets? We have a cat. She's my world.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Work outside, hike, camp, boat... basically anything outside.

    What would be your dream job? I really don't know...A professional traveler? Does that exist?

    What's your favorite food? Lately, I've been really into oranges. But mac and cheese is king. I judge restaurants on the quality of their mac and cheese. I also like a good spinach salad with fruit, bleu cheese, and candied nuts. 

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? I like them all - on different stuff. Ketchup on burgers and hot dogs, mayo on sandwiches, mustard (and mayo) in potato salad... Ketchup is #1, though.

    Anything else? We are expecting! Pretty excited about that. :) It's the biggest thing I have going on right now.


  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? HS Sweethearts. (NEY)

    How long have you been on TK? I’ve had an account for a long time (I have no idea why I signed up!), but only started posting over the past few months.

    Any pets? Not since I bought my own house. I still consider my mothers dogs mine though!

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Travel. Eat.

    What would be your dream job?  Travel/food blogger!


    What's your favorite food? I have soo many. Osso buco has been haunting me to make it again. But other than that, probably just good ole steak. I love some good steak.   

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? Mustard. I love mustard, on everything.

    Anything else? See photo<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met at our University tailgate. I had been having a hard time and one of my good friends that was in the same fraternity as him had me come out and hang out with them all. My FI walked over and started playing with my dog.

    How long have you been on TK? Technically I've had an account for a few years, but I only just found the community in the past few months. 

    Any pets? Yes, I have two and FI has one. Mine are border collies and are trained therapy pups, by FI's is a aussie/min pin mix and is the sweetest asshole you'd ever meet.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Right now, not much. FI and I are saving up for a house. In the past I've enjoyed photography, training my pups and working out.

    What would be your dream job? I'm working towards my LPC right now. Being a LPC-S or in charge of a facility would be fantastic right now.

    What's your favorite food? Yes.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? Mustard all the way.

    Anything else? I wish my current position would give me more hours. It pays awesome, but since I'm still in the 90 day probation period and in "training" I'm cut back. Makes saving up that much harder to do!

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met on a little site called Lovelab, run through a local magazine/newspaper thing.

    How long have you been on TK? Almost 2 years?

    Any pets? One puppy (Monty), two grumpy cats (Stella and Duke) and 3 chickens (Betty White, Lucille, and Big Bird)

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Sleep. Or read.

    What would be your dream job? Honestly, I would love to be a stay at home parent and/or a small-scale farmer (like the type who sell produce at farmers' markets). I am a homebody who loves gardening.

    What's your favorite food? Sushi? I also love enchiladas.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? All of the above. And BBQ sauce.

    Anything else? Getting married in 18 days! And we're hoping to buy a house next year.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks for this OP! I love these threads.

    How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met in 5th grade and grew up together through middle and high school. Our circle of friends sort of combined at one point post-high school and we would always be friendly at parties together. I moved away for a little bit and had a boyfriend, but when I moved back to our hometown 4 years ago, he asked me out.

    How long have you been on TK? Over a year. I've been engaged since Oct 2013. 

    Any pets? FI rescued our dog from a shelter in 2012. She's half beagle, half dachshund, and just turned 3. She loves chasing her tennis ball, barking at the mean dogs, hiking, and taking naps.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Trying out new restaurants and bars. Also, getting ready for something fun. I love having all morning/afternoon/day to get ready. Long shower, facial mask, nap, taking my sweet ass time putting makeup on, etc. Love it.

    What would be your dream job? Whatever the Pioneer Woman's job is. Cook for my family on my huge, pretend farm while a TV show tapes me once a week, and then blog about it.

    What's your favorite food?  I love food so it's hard to select just one thing as a favorite, but I think if I was on death row, my last meal would be a traditional New England turkey dinner. With wine obviously.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? I love mustard on most things. Mayo on egg/chicken/tuna salad. Ketchup for cheeseburgers/fries.

    Anything else? I'm pretty excited for my wedding but I'm seriously pumped for the honeymoon. I can't wait to get away and relax.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? I was out with some friends (at a country bar, on a Wednesday) learning how to line dance and playing pool when I saw this guy who was adorable, alone, and looked sad. I sympathized, since I was recently heartbroken myself, and went outside with the smokers (I don't smoke) when I noticed he was out there and proceeded to have a "guess-my-name" game, inviting him in when I saw him looking over. After he went inside, I followed and introduced myself, told him why I was there. He offered to show me how to two-step. Before I left, I went over to talk to him again and found out he'd be there that weekend. Within a week, he'd asked me out.

    How long have you been on TK? Since I got engaged in April.

    Any pets? One male orange tabby cat named I Don't Carrot All (Carrot), and one female white German Shepherd named B*tch, Peas (Peas).

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Read. I read quite a bit.

    What would be your dream job? Xenolinguist. I have hope that one day my services will be needed.

    What's your favorite food? Chili. Specifically, a chili recipe I made myself.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? Horseradish mustard.

    Anything else? I'm a vet and my FI is active duty, but he gets out next summer. We are super-excited to be full-time students together! Full-time college is something neither of us ever thought we'd have. We are looking for colleges across the country, preparing our next adventure.

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? Through mutual friends on summer vacation in Greece.

    How long have you been on TK? 1,5 years, have active and less-active spurts of posting.

    Any pets? No.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Binge watch bad TV on Netflix, go out to eat and drink all the wine.

    What would be your dream job? What Anthony Bourdain does.

    What's your favorite food? Pizza. Hands-down. I eat it wayyy to often too, like 3-4 times a week often.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? How can one choose? I like 'em all.

    Anything else? Depositing my phd thesis on Monday, working so hard right now to really enjoy the feeling of it being finished.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Any pets? One male orange tabby cat named I Don't Carrot All (Carrot), and one female white German Shepherd named B*tch, Peas (Peas).

  • peachy13 said:
    Thanks for this OP! I love these threads.

    How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met in 5th grade and grew up together through middle and high school. Our circle of friends sort of combined at one point post-high school and we would always be friendly at parties together. I moved away for a little bit and had a boyfriend, but when I moved back to our hometown 4 years ago, he asked me out.

    How long have you been on TK? Over a year. I've been engaged since Oct 2013. 

    Any pets? FI rescued our dog from a shelter in 2012. She's half beagle, half dachshund, and just turned 3. She loves chasing her tennis ball, barking at the mean dogs, hiking, and taking naps.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Trying out new restaurants and bars. Also, getting ready for something fun. I love having all morning/afternoon/day to get ready. Long shower, facial mask, nap, taking my sweet ass time putting makeup on, etc. Love it.

    What would be your dream job? Whatever the Pioneer Woman's job is. Cook for my family on my huge, pretend farm while a TV show tapes me once a week, and then blog about it.

    What's your favorite food?  I love food so it's hard to select just one thing as a favorite, but I think if I was on death row, my last meal would be a traditional New England turkey dinner. With wine obviously.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? I love mustard on most things. Mayo on egg/chicken/tuna salad. Ketchup for cheeseburgers/fries.

    Anything else? I'm pretty excited for my wedding but I'm seriously pumped for the honeymoon. I can't wait to get away and relax.

    OMG this.   Except hers is an actual working cattle ranch, not a farm :)  But I love her, and her "lodge" (which is a building they built specifically for her to film her TV show in, while living in another house elsewhere).  And of course her bassets.  No thanks to 4 kids though.
    Married 9.12.15
  • peachy13 said:
    Thanks for this OP! I love these threads.

    How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met in 5th grade and grew up together through middle and high school. Our circle of friends sort of combined at one point post-high school and we would always be friendly at parties together. I moved away for a little bit and had a boyfriend, but when I moved back to our hometown 4 years ago, he asked me out.

    How long have you been on TK? Over a year. I've been engaged since Oct 2013. 

    Any pets? FI rescued our dog from a shelter in 2012. She's half beagle, half dachshund, and just turned 3. She loves chasing her tennis ball, barking at the mean dogs, hiking, and taking naps.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Trying out new restaurants and bars. Also, getting ready for something fun. I love having all morning/afternoon/day to get ready. Long shower, facial mask, nap, taking my sweet ass time putting makeup on, etc. Love it.

    What would be your dream job? Whatever the Pioneer Woman's job is. Cook for my family on my huge, pretend farm while a TV show tapes me once a week, and then blog about it.

    What's your favorite food?  I love food so it's hard to select just one thing as a favorite, but I think if I was on death row, my last meal would be a traditional New England turkey dinner. With wine obviously.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? I love mustard on most things. Mayo on egg/chicken/tuna salad. Ketchup for cheeseburgers/fries.

    Anything else? I'm pretty excited for my wedding but I'm seriously pumped for the honeymoon. I can't wait to get away and relax.

    OMG this.   Except hers is an actual working cattle ranch, not a farm :)  But I love her, and her "lodge" (which is a building they built specifically for her to film her TV show in, while living in another house elsewhere).  And of course her bassets.  No thanks to 4 kids though.

    I'm so jealous of her life. And her kitchen.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Any pets? One male orange tabby cat named I Don't Carrot All (Carrot), and one female white German Shepherd named B*tch, Peas (Peas).

    The cat's name just kind of came to us and when we adopted our dog, my FI was insistent on keeping with the theme. We went through about four or five options on the ride to get her before deciding on hers. Food puns are a serious, important part of our lives.

  • tcnoble said:

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I've been trying to get another one for a few months now. I've actually gotten desperate. I send FI at least 15 pictures a day of corgi puppies. I think it's working. 
    We have been waiting years to finally bring one home! I think our breeder has one little black tri boy left... :):):)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met on the bus in 5th grade and basically started dating soon thereafter. 

    How long have you been on TK? I think since the fall when I got engaged? I only became active on the boards within the past few months, though.

    Any pets? FI and I have a parrot named Churro. My parents' pets are still kinda of mine as well, so also 4 cats.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Binge on Netflix, read some books, watch YouTube Videos, shop online

    What would be your dream job? Novelist! Or professional blogger.

    What's your favorite food? Everything! OH GOD. Anything with cheese, anything spicy. 

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? I'm not picky. I'll take 'em all!

    Anything else? I rode horses (English, hunter/jumpers) for about 13 years until my horse died a year ago, so life has been weird, but I'm still a "horse girl" at heart. 

  • tcnoble said:
    tcnoble said:

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I've been trying to get another one for a few months now. I've actually gotten desperate. I send FI at least 15 pictures a day of corgi puppies. I think it's working. 
    We have been waiting years to finally bring one home! I think our breeder has one little black tri boy left... :):):)
    Considering all the issues you're having with your current a new dog going to help that situation...
  • tcnoble said:

    How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met on myspace!! Hey, we were 19 and that shit was still cool 7 years ago.

    How long have you been on TK? Since I got engaged in September of 2013.

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? I love to read. I can also be found wasting away in front of the TV with a series on Netflix.

    What would be your dream job? Travel agent or event planner.

    What's your favorite food? I love most all foods... Pizza is a top contender, along with tacos.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? ketchup!

    Anything else? I've been riding horses for 15 years and my first horse is coming back to me this fall after 8 years apart!

    Did you resolve the feeding and exercise issues you had with your 1st dog? 

    That's cool!  What kind of horse and what type of riding do you do?

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? We met about 13years ago in undergrad.  Best $100K I ever spent!

    How long have you been on TK? Since I got engaged in 2011 or somewhere around there.

    Any pets? 1 horse, 2 rescue persian cats, 3 fancy goldfish.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Binge watching TV series and movies (OINTB, Law and Order:SVU, House of Cards, Real Housewives, true crim shows on IDTV, etc.), shopping, wasting time online, crafts, gardening. . .

    What would be your dream job? Independently wealthy. 

    What's your favorite food? ALL the foods!  Seriously, it would be hard to pick a single fave.  I love Thai food, Chinese food, Indian food, American cuisine, Mediterranean food, Sushi, pizza, etc.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? It depends on what food we are using the condiment for.  Fries?  Ranch or Mayo.  Hot dogs?  Ketchup and mustard.  Oh, and cheese on everything!

    Anything else? Newp, nothing exciting right now ><

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? H and I met at camp when we were kids and reconnected in college. He was my first crush (sickly sweet, I know).  

    How long have you been on TK? Since we got engaged in December 2014.

    Any pets? A pit bull/bull mastiff mix whose birthday is today!

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Climb, camp, hike, and canoe

    What would be your dream job? If I could get paid to hike, that would be awesome. Instead, I work in IT.

    What's your favorite food?  Sushi

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? Mustard, for sure

    Anything else?  Currently working on painting our new apartment, and we're officially moving in a few weeks! Holy overwhelmed. Can't wait to be done so that my free time can go back to the things I love doing.

  • How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? Met in high school through mutual friends, reconnected in college to play music together, promptly became enamored with each other :D

    How long have you been on TK? Maybe two years? Lurked around for a while when my best friend was getting married.

    Any pets? An adorable mutt named Nadia. She is my baby. 

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Read, cook, make music, hike with puppy.

    What would be your dream job? Making a living as a musician is my ultimate dream. Still hoping to make it happen.

    What's your favorite food?  Mashed potatoes!!!

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? Ketchup please

    Anything else?  I think you people are pretty darn cool. I really like the community here even though I don't post very often. Also here's a cute pup:

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited June 2015

    How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? Fiance and I also met on  I had cancelled my subscription; it was the last day my profile was active.  He winked; I read his profile and found it hilarious.  Told him so and gave him my email address.  The rest is history. 

    How long have you been on TK? I'm pretty sure I joined shortly after we got engaged, which was the very end of March, 2014.

    Any pets? No.  No pets allowed in our apartment.  We also work / commute too much right now.  We visit fiance's parents weekly who have a pupster.

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Read, workout, spend time with my fiance (grocery shopping, cooking, dining out).

    What would be your dream job? I don't know.  I love my field (HR) but I hate my current employer- so dysfunctional.  I'd really just like something with a TRUE livable wage, solid benefits, and work/life balance.

    What's your favorite food? Hard to choose, but I'm going to say pizza just because I RARELY say no to it.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? I'm not a big condiment person.  I don't like gobs of anything; like a PP said, spread it evenly onto the bread and not in a thick layer.  I'll eat all of them, but none are "must haves" for me.

    Anything else? I'm a part owner and volunteer for a company that is trying to start a locally owned food co-op grocery store (not a CSA) in my county.  

  • KatWAG said:
    MagicInk said:
    tcnoble said:
    tcnoble said:

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I've been trying to get another one for a few months now. I've actually gotten desperate. I send FI at least 15 pictures a day of corgi puppies. I think it's working. 
    We have been waiting years to finally bring one home! I think our breeder has one little black tri boy left... :):):)
    Considering all the issues you're having with your current a new dog going to help that situation...
    I really don't understand why you'd bring another dog into this situation. And also, why you'd purchase a dog instead of rescuing one. 

    Because everyone knows you cant rescue a puppy! and shelters never, ever have purebreds. duh!
    I have the Humane Society bookmarked. Any time any aged Corgi pops up, they're gone by noon. And I've just been around and had Corgis for quite a while. I'm a breed loyalist, and yes, I get a lot of shit for it from pro-adoptioners. It's really just a personal preference. 
  • KatWAG said:
    MagicInk said:
    tcnoble said:
    tcnoble said:

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I've been trying to get another one for a few months now. I've actually gotten desperate. I send FI at least 15 pictures a day of corgi puppies. I think it's working. 
    We have been waiting years to finally bring one home! I think our breeder has one little black tri boy left... :):):)
    Considering all the issues you're having with your current a new dog going to help that situation...
    I really don't understand why you'd bring another dog into this situation. And also, why you'd purchase a dog instead of rescuing one. 

    Because everyone knows you cant rescue a puppy! and shelters never, ever have purebreds. duh!
    I have the Humane Society bookmarked. Any time any aged Corgi pops up, they're gone by noon. And I've just been around and had Corgis for quite a while. I'm a breed loyalist, and yes, I get a lot of shit for it from pro-adoptioners. It's really just a personal preference. 
    You know there are specific breed rescue groups...right? 

    But hey, go to a breeder, get a pure breed dog. So you can have a pure breed corgi puppy which is somehow better than mutt with corgi in them. 
  • MagicInk said:
    KatWAG said:
    MagicInk said:
    tcnoble said:
    tcnoble said:

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I've been trying to get another one for a few months now. I've actually gotten desperate. I send FI at least 15 pictures a day of corgi puppies. I think it's working. 
    We have been waiting years to finally bring one home! I think our breeder has one little black tri boy left... :):):)
    Considering all the issues you're having with your current a new dog going to help that situation...
    I really don't understand why you'd bring another dog into this situation. And also, why you'd purchase a dog instead of rescuing one. 

    Because everyone knows you cant rescue a puppy! and shelters never, ever have purebreds. duh!
    I have the Humane Society bookmarked. Any time any aged Corgi pops up, they're gone by noon. And I've just been around and had Corgis for quite a while. I'm a breed loyalist, and yes, I get a lot of shit for it from pro-adoptioners. It's really just a personal preference. 
    You know there are specific breed rescue groups...right? 

    But hey, go to a breeder, get a pure breed dog. So you can have a pure breed corgi puppy which is somehow better than mutt with corgi in them. 
    I've had those too. Point's the same for rescues. They're gone by noon. 
  • MagicInk said:
    KatWAG said:
    MagicInk said:
    tcnoble said:
    tcnoble said:

    Any pets? We have our rescue Aussie, Tequila.. my horse, Harley.. and our new corgi puppy, Gator, arrives next week!!

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I've been trying to get another one for a few months now. I've actually gotten desperate. I send FI at least 15 pictures a day of corgi puppies. I think it's working. 
    We have been waiting years to finally bring one home! I think our breeder has one little black tri boy left... :):):)
    Considering all the issues you're having with your current a new dog going to help that situation...
    I really don't understand why you'd bring another dog into this situation. And also, why you'd purchase a dog instead of rescuing one. 

    Because everyone knows you cant rescue a puppy! and shelters never, ever have purebreds. duh!
    I have the Humane Society bookmarked. Any time any aged Corgi pops up, they're gone by noon. And I've just been around and had Corgis for quite a while. I'm a breed loyalist, and yes, I get a lot of shit for it from pro-adoptioners. It's really just a personal preference. 
    You know there are specific breed rescue groups...right? 

    But hey, go to a breeder, get a pure breed dog. So you can have a pure breed corgi puppy which is somehow better than mutt with corgi in them. 
    I've had those too. Point's the same for rescues. They're gone by noon.


    This isn't how it works with breed specific rescues, at all. You fill out an adoption form, they do a home check, call your references, and then when they get a dog in that they feel is a good match for your and your home they call you.

    Same goes for an shelter, although most take a dim view of adopters who prefer a breed over a personality and match with their home.

    We had a great purebred corgi when I was a kid. After the second $5000 back operation didn't fix the problem, my mom finally decided it was time to end his suffering. Pure bred dog breeding is just such a great enterprise. The breeders really care about the health of the individuals and improving the breed.

  • RezIpsa said:

    This isn't how it works with breed specific rescues, at all. You fill out an adoption form, they do a home check, call your references, and then when they get a dog in that they feel is a good match for your and your home they call you.

    Same goes for an shelter, although most take a dim view of adopters who prefer a breed over a personality and match with their home.

    We had a great purebred corgi when I was a kid. After the second $5000 back operation didn't fix the problem, my mom finally decided it was time to end his suffering. Pure bred dog breeding is just such a great enterprise. The breeders really care about the health of the individuals and improving the breed.

    Then the one's I dealt with weren't real, honestly. I know pure-breeding is shit. We found out on the way home from getting mine that he had worms. But in my mind it's kind of like rescuing. I want to save them from the "enterprise". 
  • FiancBFiancB member
    Second Anniversary 500 Love Its 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2015

    How did you meet your FI/DH/DW? OKCupid

    How long have you been on TK? I'm too lazy to look. Um I got married a year ago so probably a year and a half. I was engaged before but I don't remember my username or if I ever posted. 

    Any pets? A border collie, two ferrets, and a horse. 

    Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Train dog and horse (herding and agility/western pleasure and HUS, respectively), photography, drawing, making the admins clutch their pearls. 

    What would be your dream job? Unrealistic: independently wealthy. Realistic: nurse in reproductive health in some capacity. I would really like to work in one of the high schools around here that have its own clinic so I can help kids get the resources they need cuz they bangin' whether their parents want to admit it or not. But I'd also enjoy peds or L&D. Maybe even hospice. I'm basically becoming a nurse because I like to change jobs a lot. 

    What's your favorite food? Everything.

    And of course, the ever-important condiment question. Mayo, mustard, ketchup...? Everything.

    Anything else? I grew up on the OR coast and now begrudgingly live in MN.

    On the puppy subject: I'm not anti breeder. I compete with dogs. Our current dog is from a shelter, but our next will probably be from a breeder BUT that's because I want to compete at a high level and a lot of that is genetic. I eventually want to breed myself but that is for a very niche market where puppies have homes long before they're ever born. I agree if your main concern is what color it is, you probably would find something at a rescue. Or maybe just get a stuffed animal and call it a day.

  • Our two bassets are purebreds.  FI got the older one well before I came along.  When we decided to get a second dog, we decided another basset hound, puppy or very young would be a good match because our older guy is soooo not an alpha dog and he often gets pushed around by other dogs.  I searched every shelter and rescue I could find in our state for a young basset hound, and couldn't find a single one that wasn't special needs (I didn't think I could deal with a special needs dog since FI travels a lot and I do work during the day) or a senior dog.  So we researched breeders and found a really good one, and drove 3 hours to get her, even though there were other breeders closer. 

    Our girl is still a bit of an alpha dog but overall they get along.  Their biggest issues are that she wants to play more than he does, mainly because of her age.  Overall they're both really low energy. 

    Of course, about 2 months after we got her a client sent me a link to a sweet little basset puppy that someone just dropped off at the shelter.  I'm sure she went fast though.

    Married 9.12.15
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