@alpacina - We went with the one with Raj and H in the grass. I'll let you know if it gets in the newsletter. We had to put in a description of Raj too...we went with "Rajah is a 5 year old
Great Pyrenees. Hard to please but easily offended by other dogs. He is capable
of getting away with anything based on his looks." I think that is pretty accurate.
@eilis1228 - I totally think you should train Zoey to do workouts with you.
@southernpeach89 - Good luck at your competition! You are one badass mama!
I took the afternoon as a sick day yesterday and today I am still WFH. I literally haven't left my apartment since Sunday night. My fever is gone and now I am just stuffy, so at least I am improving.
ETA: Does anyone watch Newlyweds on Bravo? I need to discuss.
@speakeasy14 - The Kennedy Space Center has a half day training thing for less than $200 bucks. That's basically worth flying to FL for! . . I also looked up the zero gravity experience, where they take you up in a plane and let you feel what it's like in zero gravity, but it's $5000+ per person! That is the most expensive flight I've ever heard of.
I asked H to pick me up spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. This could get messy, folks!!
Oh, and I forgot to share my dream from last night. I dreamed that I was starring with Leo DiC in a new movie. I have no idea where that came from, because I'm really not a huge Leo fan. You know, he's famous and stuff, but he is not young Harrison Ford.
I've been super productive for the past couple hours and now I no longer want to be productive.
So, Random question time.
1) What are you drinking tonight? 2) What animal would you like to be? What animal would you NOT like to be? 3) Provide a gif that describes your current mood. 4) What tv show/movie universe would you like to live in? 5) If you had to live one day in your past, on repeat (a la Groundhog Day) what day would you choose? 6) A camera crew and a person with a microphone runs up to you on the street saying you're the lucky winner of a free vacation anywhere in the world, but you have to leave right now. Would you believe them and go or would you tell them to eff off thinking it's a scam? 7) You can only use one condiment ever again. Which do you choose?
The entire box so you are good if you leave one cookie in the box.
That sounds like one lonely little cookie. How could you leave just ONE cookie? He wants to be with his buddies! In your tummy!!!
You are right @labro - I'm being unnecessarily cruel to that cookie. I'm sorry I'm such a meanie, you have made me see the error of my ways. Eat the lonely cookie too @CocoBellaF so the cookie isn't all...
1) What are you drinking tonight? Probably water and beer. 2) What animal would you like to be? What animal would you NOT like to be? I would be a duck. Preferably one that lives at Disney World. I would not want to be a mouse. Too many predators. 3) Provide a gif that describes your current mood. 4) What tv show/movie universe would you like to live in? Big ol' toss up between Harry Potter and Doctor Who. 5) If you had to live one day in your past, on repeat (a la Groundhog Day) what day would you choose? Probably my third day in Dublin. It was a great weather day and I met a bunch of locals and ate good food. Plenty of stuff to explore too. 6) A camera crew and a person with a microphone runs up to you on the street saying you're the lucky winner of a free vacation anywhere in the world, but you have to leave right now. Would you believe them and go or would you tell them to eff off thinking it's a scam? I'd be all deer in headlights and wouldn't believe them for a second until they showed credentials, and even then I'd probably be extremely hesitant and likely wouldn't go. Then I'd be mad about it later. 7) You can only use one condiment ever again. Which do you choose? Mustard.
Re: Thursday
oh oh ohh oh oh...
@eilis1228 - You didn't know that song was about astronauts?!?
@eilis1228 - I totally think you should train Zoey to do workouts with you.
@alpacina you should totally just go for astronaut training
@caseface5 - A loss is a loss. Congrats and keep on truckin'!
@cu97tiger - Good luck today!
@southernpeach89 - Good luck at your competition! You are one badass mama!
I took the afternoon as a sick day yesterday and today I am still WFH. I literally haven't left my apartment since Sunday night. My fever is gone and now I am just stuffy, so at least I am improving.
ETA: Does anyone watch Newlyweds on Bravo? I need to discuss.
Oh, and I forgot to share my dream from last night. I dreamed that I was starring with Leo DiC in a new movie. I have no idea where that came from, because I'm really not a huge Leo fan. You know, he's famous and stuff, but he is not young Harrison Ford.
Holy fuck that is incredible.
So, Random question time.
1) What are you drinking tonight?
2) What animal would you like to be? What animal would you NOT like to be?
3) Provide a gif that describes your current mood.
4) What tv show/movie universe would you like to live in?
5) If you had to live one day in your past, on repeat (a la Groundhog Day) what day would you choose?
6) A camera crew and a person with a microphone runs up to you on the street saying you're the lucky winner of a free vacation anywhere in the world, but you have to leave right now. Would you believe them and go or would you tell them to eff off thinking it's a scam?
7) You can only use one condiment ever again. Which do you choose?
2) What animal would you like to be? What animal would you NOT like to be? I would be a duck. Preferably one that lives at Disney World. I would not want to be a mouse. Too many predators.
3) Provide a gif that describes your current mood.
4) What tv show/movie universe would you like to live in? Big ol' toss up between Harry Potter and Doctor Who.
5) If you had to live one day in your past, on repeat (a la Groundhog Day) what day would you choose? Probably my third day in Dublin. It was a great weather day and I met a bunch of locals and ate good food. Plenty of stuff to explore too.
6) A camera crew and a person with a microphone runs up to you on the street saying you're the lucky winner of a free vacation anywhere in the world, but you have to leave right now. Would you believe them and go or would you tell them to eff off thinking it's a scam? I'd be all deer in headlights and wouldn't believe them for a second until they showed credentials, and even then I'd probably be extremely hesitant and likely wouldn't go. Then I'd be mad about it later.
7) You can only use one condiment ever again. Which do you choose? Mustard.