@DallasToBe Not even Jelly Beans? Not even chocolate bunnies??? Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Less than 30 days to go now! Where do you normally frequent on TK? I don't think I really recognize your username.
@AlPacina Yeah...maybe I'll just pick out something small and camping related from REI. He is SO HARD to buy for and I don't even know where to start with small camping things. We already have hammocks and even a rain fly so I dunno. It's all so much money which is part of the problem.
For my lunch hour I went to the local feed store and looked at baby ducks and chicks. My heart. Ahhh. Then as I was obeying the signs that said "do not touch or pick up the chicks" an employee (I think) came up and started talking to me and then HANDED ME A DUCKLING WITH A LITTLE FRO. I died inside. I used to have ducks when I was a kid/teenager and I want them again, but I live in city limits and travel for work so I keep telling myself no. BUT LOOK HOW CUTE.
@Twodimes I was in my work clothes just standing there staring at widdle babies for at least 15 minutes. I was so close to buying a couple and figuring out the logistics later.
@TwoDimes I used to love pheasant season in SD because usually in the local feed and seed stores they'd have little baby pheasant chicks and they were SO PRECIOUS!!!
@wink0erin - Seriously, my heart melted seeing those chicks. SO adorable.
@TwoDimes@labro - My grandmother was a huge nature lover. She always got the neighborhood squirrels to eat out of her hands and we used to go to a feed store every weekend to buy stale bread and we would feed the birds down by the lake. I would throw the bread but she would just put it in her hands and hold it up for the birds...they'd snatch it right out of her hands without issue somehow. I tried to recreate that after she passed when I was in London by going to Hyde Park with stale bread and feeding the birds. I ended up mobbed by swans and geese and it was NOT the pleasant experience of my childhood with grandma. Ha! I may or may not have chucked the bread in three directions and ran in the fourth like this guy...
Re: Will the REAL Friday please stand up?
@DallasToBe Not even Jelly Beans? Not even chocolate bunnies??? Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Less than 30 days to go now! Where do you normally frequent on TK? I don't think I really recognize your username.
For Christmas. I think my parents bought the little propane tank separate but, it is SO cool and lightweight and comes with two little cups.
@TwoDimes I used to love pheasant season in SD because usually in the local feed and seed stores they'd have little baby pheasant chicks and they were SO PRECIOUS!!!
@TwoDimes @labro - My grandmother was a huge nature lover. She always got the neighborhood squirrels to eat out of her hands and we used to go to a feed store every weekend to buy stale bread and we would feed the birds down by the lake. I would throw the bread but she would just put it in her hands and hold it up for the birds...they'd snatch it right out of her hands without issue somehow. I tried to recreate that after she passed when I was in London by going to Hyde Park with stale bread and feeding the birds. I ended up mobbed by swans and geese and it was NOT the pleasant experience of my childhood with grandma. Ha! I may or may not have chucked the bread in three directions and ran in the fourth like this guy...