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Hey you pregnant people


Re: Hey you pregnant people

  • @larrygaga I think I paged you.  Thank you for reposting!  I missed it whenever you posted it last.

    I got a good laugh out of it and so did DH :)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • MagicInk said:

    I just want to point out Lolo's sisters's lesbians are not representative of all lesbians. That's just too damn much work for this lesbian.

    Also I've had the joy of dressing a toddler. I'm not even gonna try to see reason with them. You got clothes on? Great, lets leave. I don't care if they don't match, are stained, or for a different gender. They're on, we're leaving.
    Try two toddler girls. As long as everything was covered enough, I did not care one iota. Fine, wear your green plaid shirt with your pink tutu and electric blue leggings and khaki shorts. I didn't understand that outfit at all, but kid was happy so we went with it.
  • larrygaga said:

    I got a little freaked out because I was tagged in this topic. Here is the meme I posted about pregnancy and now I am going to run away from the pregnancies congrats everyone bye

    I want to send this to H, but then I know whenever I get pregnant he'll be like "aren't you going to praise my balls? They worked hard"

  • Toddlers give zero fucks about fashion "rules."

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • I just want to point out Lolo's sisters's lesbians are not representative of all lesbians. That's just too damn much work for this lesbian.

    Also I've had the joy of dressing a toddler. I'm not even gonna try to see reason with them. You got clothes on? Great, lets leave. I don't care if they don't match, are stained, or for a different gender. They're on, we're leaving.
    Try two toddler girls. As long as everything was covered enough, I did not care one iota. Fine, wear your green plaid shirt with your pink tutu and electric blue leggings and khaki shorts. I didn't understand that outfit at all, but kid was happy so we went with it.
    This was so me as a kid. And now as an adult.

    My brother was looking at a picture of me as a kid in some weird ass outfit and he looks at our dad and goes "Why did you dress her like that?" and dad goes "I'm sorry, have you met your sister? You think I had any say in her clothing choices once she learned to dress herself?" truth there. I remember wearing combat boots, glitter covered legging, short overalls, and a flannel shirt one day. I thought I look fanfuckingtastic.
  • edited June 2015
  • MagicInk said:
    I just want to point out Lolo's sisters's lesbians are not representative of all lesbians. That's just too damn much work for this lesbian.

    Also I've had the joy of dressing a toddler. I'm not even gonna try to see reason with them. You got clothes on? Great, lets leave. I don't care if they don't match, are stained, or for a different gender. They're on, we're leaving.
    Try two toddler girls. As long as everything was covered enough, I did not care one iota. Fine, wear your green plaid shirt with your pink tutu and electric blue leggings and khaki shorts. I didn't understand that outfit at all, but kid was happy so we went with it.
    This was so me as a kid. And now as an adult.

    My brother was looking at a picture of me as a kid in some weird ass outfit and he looks at our dad and goes "Why did you dress her like that?" and dad goes "I'm sorry, have you met your sister? You think I had any say in her clothing choices once she learned to dress herself?" truth there. I remember wearing combat boots, glitter covered legging, short overalls, and a flannel shirt one day. I thought I look fanfuckingtastic.
    Same here. 

    My go-to was a butterfly cape (it could attach to my fingers so I could flap my "wings"), white briefs, goggles, my hair in a ponytail on top of my head and parted down the middle, cowboy boots and an umbrella. I'm giving my mom the benefit of the doubt that she gave me pants if we left the house. 

    Our family photo albums are filled with stuff like this. My sister looks really cute though... Damnit!

  • And I know the "experts" say to put away seasonally inappropriate clothes and all. Ha. Cue meltdown "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are my unicorn shorts?!?!?! I NEED MY SHORTS!!!!!!" Which is why my girls wear shorts in the middle of winter. To this day. At least they agree to put leggings on under the shorts.

    But pretend he is saying unicorn shorts.
  • Friday Update:

    Yep, I'm officially joining the ranks of you pregnant ladies!

  • AAAhhhhhh!!!!!  Congratulations @flantastic !!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited to hear all about babies from you ladies this year!  (And since I'd like to join your ranks after the wedding, later this year, I apparently need to start drinking the magical TK water that's going around!! ;) )

  • MagicInk said:

    And I know the "experts" say to put away seasonally inappropriate clothes and all.

    Ha. Cue meltdown "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are my unicorn shorts?!?!?! I NEED MY SHORTS!!!!!!"

    Which is why my girls wear shorts in the middle of winter. To this day. At least they agree to put leggings on under the shorts.


    But pretend he is saying unicorn shorts.

    No. Not at all. He is too civil in his demands. This was an on the floor screaming, crying demand for the damn unicorn shorts.

    I do not fight battles that aren't life and death with children. They have nothing to lose by holding to their demands. I will probably have to give in simply on time. They win. Not a good standard. Thus, my rule of if there's a possibly of snow, you must wear leggings underneath your shorts. They take that rule as yet another chance to add more clashing colors and patterns. I do not care.

    Eventually, they'll be wanting to match every other teen girl. Then I may bitch on clothing choices.
  • Yaaaaaaaaaaay Mommy @flantastic!  
  • I go from being disgusted in the other baby thread to YAY BABIES. 

    I get a little bit of baby fever with these announcements. I need to reread all the bloody stuff. 
  • Friday Update:

    Yep, I'm officially joining the ranks of you pregnant ladies! B)
  • Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!! Congrats, @flantastic!!!!!!
  • AAAhhhhhh!!!!!  Congratulations @flantastic !!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited to hear all about babies from you ladies this year!  (And since I'd like to join your ranks after the wedding, later this year, I apparently need to start drinking the magical TK water that's going around!! ;) )
    I would like to give some of that water to wifey if anyone has a bottle or two.
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