Chit Chat

No advice needed, not a vent. Just chit-chat.


Re: No advice needed, not a vent. Just chit-chat.

  • I just turned 30 on Monday. It was not at all a big deal for me, which is surprising since I thought 25 was so hard. But I'm in a lot better place now. FI and I get married in a month and a half. We're starting to look at buying a house. Things are so great and I know life is going to be awesome and 30 is going to be my best year yet.
  • DH and I are in PA for grandma's memorial service today. She made it to 93 years, 6 months. I'm feeling old at 28, but that could be due to the damn early graying that runs in my family- I'm already finding pure white hairs.

     Kinda debating turning it all white and calling myself  the Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, High Queen of Chipmunkland and General of the Evil Minions.

    This month is absolutely bonkers for me work and school wise. Who has the margarita machine? I'm coming to your place.
  • Well I feel stupid now. It was totally a brain fart on my part, not any butthurt about getting older.  I didn't directly quote it but lolo's still most likely right that that is what they were going for. So no need to look at homes for my parents yet. Me on the other hand...

    I was cranky yesterday.  It was my birthday but I hadn't gotten much sleep and I started my period and I really needed new clothes so we went to the mall and 99% of jeans make me look like a busted can of biscuits. The other 1% are several inches too long. My proportions aren't THAT unusual. I am 5'6", a totally average height. I'm fluffy, but pretty proportional. This shouldn't be that hard. 

    ANYWAY this made me chuckle

  • @FiancB well it was a brain fart on my part to not realize it was your actual birthday! I'm sorry! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY!!! I hope today is better than yesterday. And please never try on jeans during your period again.

  • I made whiskey-infused pudding this afternoon. DH thought it would be a good idea to do shots of Jameson before putting the bottle away. Not smart on an empty stomach. Not smart at all.

  • I'm dying my hurrrrrrrrrrrrr. It smells like grape kool aid.
  • I'm dying my hurrrrrrrrrrrrr. It smells like grape kool aid.

    Hey, me too! Well i did it last night... drunk.
  • Anyone want to see me ski like a big loser?

    You can also watch FI ski like a maniac with no poles and his iPhone in one hand with some bonus shots of the Rocky Mountains here:

    We're on a long weekend for FI's birthday and it is pretty great, warm and sunny.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Guys.

    I had this beauty for dinner.

    And three tequila sunrises. Two of which were way heavy-handed, thanks to FI taking over the tequila bottle.

    And then we watch Sorcerers Stone in super hd and yall. The cgi. It is so bad. Sorcerers stone has not aged well.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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