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Just another manic Monday


Re: Just another manic Monday

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @500days Yeah, there's definitely significantly more blood in this than the original or some of the others I remember. And quite a bit of violent, horrific scenes of people being eaten by dinosaurs. It's just not something I'd imagine you taking a young child to see. I mean, I'm sure some 8 or 9 years might be ok with it, depending on their maturity level....but I really think that it's not even close to a kid friendly movie....especially not in a dark theater with the extra loud sound effects/giant screen/etc. I dunno. This poor child was definitely disturbed (and he disturbed the rest of us!).

    @AlPacina Duh! Obviously this movie was all about Barney the Dinosaur and how much he wants to be your friend. A dinosaur putting its mouth on you is just trying to give you kisses....just ignore all the blood and screaming.

  • edited June 2015
    @speakeasy14 that's awesome that you're finally moved in!! glad the party went great

    I have a question for you OMH that changed your name. If you went to the SS office to get a new card did they take your marriage license and keep it or just look at it? I only have one certified copy and planned on going to the SS and DMV this week but I don't know if I should order another marriage license. Getting through to the office is a PITA.

    eta- I mean trying to call SS to ask is a PITA

  • @lavenderfields13 - That looks awesome! It's giving me flashbacks to our HM in Playa Del Carmen. We ended up making friends with a couple who had a room similar to yours. It was amazing!! 

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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @alpacina we used the game cards against humanity to make our announcement.


  • @peaseblossom55 - Yes, but HOW? Like "Daddy, why is mommy crying?" (written in card) "I knocked her up!"

  • @peaseblossom55 - i love that announcement!!

    @alpacina- great pics! congrats!!
  • @peaseblossom55 that is an awesome announcement!!

    @alpacina gorgeous pictures! I wish I hiked more. 
  • Afternoon folks!

    My weekend went by fast.

    Short version, I had nasal drip from allergies and started a sore throat. So naturally, i'm gargling with salt and water and drinking lemon tea with honey {comfort tea, seriously!}
    Friday evening rolls around, I can barely swallow my saliva so I as FI to take me to clinic Saturday morning. Lucky for me, my actual dr was working the walk-in so I was happy.

    Needless to say, I have nasal drip and strep throat. {greeaaatttt}
    Went for breakfast of syrup logged waffles with FI, then dollarama for some wedding stuff and off for prescriptions and quick visit with my mum.

    Spent afternoon resting and watching Sense8 {weird show on Netflix}

    Sunday was my bridal shower hosted by my mum's best friend. Despite my plea's of "please don't get us anything, we don't need anything. A card is suffice!" {i'm a card person and I'm putting them in a shadow box later!} people did get us things. I am sending thank you notes to everyone {maybe some lovely Kate Spade ones from Chapters - diff look than thank yous from wedding} and buying the host a gift.

    It was an old hollywood theme with dabbles on Breakfast at Tiffany's {fave movie!}
    Fun games, snacks, etc. Good times and very glad family got to meet prior to wedding.

    Now Monday, it's rainy and FI and I need to tidy up or table this week to start work on centerpieces.
    Probably making Risaurante pizza for dinner, and my mum just texted me saying that she made it to Nova Scotia okay! {she left 2hrs after my shower - it's an 18hr drive}

    Sorry for the novel! Hahaha
  • @jenjen047 - I forgot to mention, NO SUNBURN! I decided it was worth it to pack the extra weight and brought a big spray can of sunscreen instead of the lotion. I put it on every 45-60 minutes, and I am now a tan goddess. Not a bright red lobster goddess like I expected!

  • @jenjen047 & @speakeasy14 thanks! H did most of the work, it came out great.


  • @speakeasy14 that's awesome that you're finally moved in!! glad the party went great

    I have a question for you OMH that changed your name. If you went to the SS office to get a new card did they take your marriage license and keep it or just look at it? I only have one certified copy and planned on going to the SS and DMV this week but I don't know if I should order another marriage license. Getting through to the office is a PITA.

    eta- I mean trying to call SS to ask is a PITA
    Yes, they just looked at it, confirmed address & spelling, handed it back & went on my marry way! It was super quick and easy.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • HOLA!! Our weekend started out great and then went to poop. 

    Friday we took Bean to Street Soccer, where he had a blast. Afterwards we went to Five Guys for some dinner. Then we headed home and Noah and I hit the sac. I was soooooooooooo tired. Saturday morning, we got up and cleaned the whole house while it poured down outside. Around 2ish, I took Bean to go try on uniforms for next season, and then we headed to Target. I was supposed to just get 2 bath mats and 2 kitchen rugs, but well....we all know what happens in that place. I walked out with $150 worth of stuff. :/ After that, my dad and step mom met us at the house and we went over some financial documents for transferring the title of the house into my name. Then we went to dinner. I had the steak tip salad and it was so NOM. 

    Sunday morning started off fine. Around noon, Bean went outside to play. He came back in after 10 minutes asking if being dehydrated could make you light headed. I told him it was possible and told him to get a drink and a snack. After about an hour I went to check on him, only to find him buried under hoodies and blankets in a room that was absolutely sweltering. He had a lowish fever of 101. I gave him motrin, but it climbed until 8pm it was 105.2. Took him to the ER and they ran a strep test which came back negative, so they sent us home. Fever was down to 102 at that point, and then back up to 104.6 this morning. So FI took him to the doc, and when they got there it was down to 98 something. I was mostly concerned because his head was killing him and he had major sound and light sensitivity. Guess its just a random virus though. 

    I need a weekend from my Sunday.

    OH I did make this for dinner last night and it was AMAZING...

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • labro said:
    I was literally thinking this, and then I scrolled down a little.
  • @beanbot2002 - OMG Bean! I hope he feels better ASAP!

  • labro said:
    I was literally thinking this, and then I scrolled down a little.
    I'm sorry, am I not allowed to post here for some reason? I assumed they were open boards .... my bad.
  • labro said:
    I was literally thinking this, and then I scrolled down a little.
    I'm sorry, am I not allowed to post here for some reason? I assumed they were open boards .... my bad.
    No its not that! its just that we are all kinda tight-knit here and usually people introduce themselves first. Some of us don't really know other posters outside of here because we don't browse the wedding boards since we're not engaged yet (at least I don't)... hence the title lol
  • I'm sorry I haven't responded since this morning but could I have some NEY vibes or hugs? Some stuff happened this weekend that I don't want to get into (sorry for vague knotting) but today a work incident put me over the edge and I contacted a therapist. I have a consultation on Monday but I've never done anything like this and I'm nervous about it. TIA.
    friends tv show funy
  • Oh, my bad! My apologies! Just seemed like a lovely forum.

    Anyways, Hi I'm Katie. I am engaged {married Aug 1st} however I promise I will not pester about my wedding, etc on here because I'm aware this is def not the spot :)

    Sorry for the way I responded, just felt like I wasn't suppose to post!
  • Dammit! Why can't I see @LaBro 's pic???? UGH! However, I knew it would be along these lines:

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @caseface5 - Big, big hugs. I hope everything is ok!

  • Swazzle said:
    @beanbot2002 - OMG Bean! I hope he feels better ASAP!
    You and me both, @swazzle He was MISERABLE all day. When we got to the hospital, I couldn't touch him for long because he was just on fire. I felt awful for him. He was so sweet though, there was a little girl 2 beds over who was having inexplicable severe leg pains. The nurses were saying things like bone marrow and cell counts, and other things that sounded scary. The parents spoke minimal english so I don't know that they picked up on how worrisome it was. And to top it was her birthday. Elijah laid there overhearing it all, and even though he was feeling crumby, he was worrying about her and saying he felt bad that she was sick on her birthday. Oh man. I lucked out with this kid. He drives me freaking nuts sometimes -don't get me started on the fact that he and 2 friends went over to some girls' house, without permision, while their parents were out. 
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @beanbot2002 That's the exact gif I shared. ;)<3

    @mrsspence87 Hi! And welcome (and I mean that!)! Like I said, we love talk about everything (including weddings)! Many of us are OMHs or are engaged and there are some real NEYers around too.

  • jenjen047jenjen047 member
    1000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited June 2015
    mrsspence87 what @labro and @untouchablets said.

    its awkward to walk into a conversation without ANY introduction and start telling us all the details of your weekend. even something short and sweet like "im a regular poster on XYZ other TK board but wanted to say hi here today!" or "ive been lurking here but wanted to say hi today"  would be fine.

    ETA: thanks for the intro. welcome! how exciting, you're almost 1 month away from the wedding! tell us about your FI.
  • @caseface5 - we're here if you need to chat!

    I read through everything - but haven't had much time.  I totally forgot I was on call this weekend, so it made for a rough weekend (could never get more than a 1 1/2 hr block of sleep at a time) and next weekend I have this to look forward to:

    Oh sleep - how I miss you so - hope to see you mid-July!!

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