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Just another manic Monday


Re: Just another manic Monday

  • @all, thanks.

    @minskat30, not right away. Problem with being blind without my glasses is I have to take them off and trust her. Usually that's not a problem. This time, by the time I realized what was happening, there wasn't much to do. I mean, she can't put it back on my head. I'll just let her know next time I go in to not take it quite as short.
  • @KeptInStitches I wish you lived near me. My best friend is my hairdresser and I swear I would trust her with my life {often I say "idk, do whatever" and get great results}
    She also has people put on and off glasses if they're making a drastic change so they see and are okay with progress.
    I'm sure you look great though :)
  • That sucks @KeptInStitches ... if it makes you feel any better before our wedding I was trying to get my hair color back to my natural color after being blond for years.  The hair dresser went WAY too dark (nearly black when my hair is naturally ash brown).  H came home to me crying in a bottle of wine and he just laughed and told me that he knew we were getting married but he didn't realize I wanted to look Indian like him too.  I was not amused.  Hugs to will grow back.
  • @keptinstitches - I personally vote that you find a new hairdresser. I used to go to the same lady just because it was a small town and I didn't want her to feel bad if she knew I was going somewhere else. But she cut my hair too short every god damned time. I'd even ask her to leave it long, but she would just trim a little too much off on one side and have to shorten the other side, and then that kept repeating, etc. etc........ Eventually I moved, haha. 

  • @alpacina, no, not over one bad haircut. This woman has been seeing me for 15+ years. I trust her. She made a mistake, things happen. I'll just let her know next time to leave a little more length.
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @minskat30 I absolutely adore the things your H says sometimes!

    @KeptInStitches I'm sorry about the poor haircut. :( You've been seeing this person for awhile. Personally I'd explain my concerns and give her another chance to fix it (hopefully your hair grows quickly!).

  • @keptinstitches - Okay, yea, 15+ years is no joke. Definitely give her another chance in that case.

    I rarely get haircuts. Somehow I always manage to go to terrible stylists. I remember once I knew I had gotten a terrible haircut, so I went to a stylist at another salon and asked them to fix it, and their reaction was "What did you say to piss this lady off?" Apparently their version of layering was cutting a huge chunk out of the middle of my hair. :( I think I'm still slightly traumatized.

  • I P&Red this morning and I came back to 78 new posts...

    @caseface5 - Wanted to add my voice to the chorus of support.  Therapy started the process of saving my life.  It's terrifying, but it can be so helpful.

    Today I went to the thrift store to look for nightstands...and instead I found an enormous, solid wood bookshelf.  It's about 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide.  It was $30.  It needs a little TLC but it's going to be fabulous when I'm done with it.

    I struck out on the first apartment, big time.  When my BIL asked if I could run in the neighborhood, the landlord said: "Is she white?"  And then when he asked about extra storage he showed us the unfinished, insulation-packed attic, and told us that was where one of the previous tenants hid all his drugs...

    Hopefully we'll have better luck tomorrow.  :-(
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @futuremrshistorian Yeah, a lot of the surrounding area in Savannah is REALLY dodgy. The city used to have the reputation of being the murder capital of America so he careful! From what I've heard on the news there has been a crime wave lately too and the police department has completely lost the respect of everyone. I'd even consider finding a realtor to help you find a rental in a safe area that's convenient to work.

  • @labro - Yeah, all the others are in much better neighborhoods (and as a back up, I have a gated complex, although it's on the higher end of my price range).  I've been using crime statistics and talking with people at my new job to determine where I want to look.  The one today I knew was on the bottom of my list--it was the cheapest option, though, and I'm still enough of a grad student that I had to have my BIL look at it so I could eliminate it.

    Any place urban is going to seem dangerous to me--I've never lived in a city/town with more than 30,000 people.  My BFF has already told me she's buying me pepper spray (in a pink sparkly case!) to carry on my runs with me.
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