Snarky Brides


What kind of things do you see often (either wr or nwr) that make you think, "well that is certainly not my style!" This is not necessarily a judgement on the person wearing/doing the thing, but more just something you wouldn't like.

Those loose bohemian shirts that give you no shape
Decorating a non beach house with all beachy things
Big huge dogs


  • pickups (not the vechile)
    coloured sashes on wedding dresses
    tights/leggings with shirts that don't fully cover your bum (unless it's a really nice bum)

    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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  • Black wedding dresses
    Having a huge bridal party
    Dollar dance
    wearing tights as pants
    those rubber clog thingy shoes
    orange cars
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Skinny jeans (pretty much because I think they look weird on me) Wedding dresses with color on them
    Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    I bought my first pair of skinny's this weekend, but only so that I could wear them with my new boots.  They look so silly without the boots.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:14ecb91d-003c-44a5-8a4d-a0580c680779Post:ce6fc3c5-eac6-48d7-83f6-34847dd148a3">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Damask. Notably in excess. Tiny dogs. Crocs. Uggs. Other ugly footwear. More I will think of later.
    Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

    Ditto the tiny dogs, or carrying them around with you everywhere you go. It's not a baby, it can stay home alone.
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  • children on leashes (and this is judgment)

    writing checks instead of using my debit card/cash

    tinted windows and tons of chrome on cars

    online shopping. I never get the size right :(

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NMS : I bought my first pair of skinny's this weekend, but only so that I could wear them with my new boots.  They look so silly without the boots.
    Posted by raynes[/QUOTE]

    oohhh I really need some kickass brown boots. I am on the hunt! Where did you get yours?
  • small, yappy dogs
    huge WPs, especially with herds of small children included
    Saw movies

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  • edited November 2010
    -Uggs with jean mini skits/shorts
    -Tights under jean shorts
    -Sweaters that are CLEARLY sweaters (as in you have to keep pulling it down to cover your butt) worn with nothing but your underwear.  Yep, saw it a couple days ago.  The joys of living in a college town.

    It would seem there are a lot of clothing styles that are NMS

    *Edited for spelling
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  • WR:
    FG and RB
    groom's cakes
    bach parties
    BP dances

    the shirts that make you look pregnant
    huge costume jewelry
    carrying tiny dogs in purses
    the rims that spin continually
    any of the iTouch, phone, etc thigns
  • Birdcage veils. I couldn't pull that off in a million years.
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  • uggs

    bolero jackets


    honeymoon registeries

    bridal party dances

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  • American Idol and Survivor

    Serving really messy foods like ribs or lobster in the shell at weddings.

    A lot of boobage in wedding dresses.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:14ecb91d-003c-44a5-8a4d-a0580c680779Post:a3733705-e490-4c7f-bb5d-e8f1f754b47e">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]What's a Bump-it?
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    It's a little plastic comb-like thing used to make a poof of hair on top of your head.
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  • Skinny jeans
    Short jackets
    Ed Hardy
    Uggs (not Uggs in general, just the ones that everyone has)
    Toe socks

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]American Idol and Survivor
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I see this and raise you Dancing with the Stars and The Biggest Loser. </div><div>
    </div><div>Really I just don't care for most reality TV.

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  • Anything they wear on Jersey shore.
    The shirts and dresses with chains in place of straps
    Dresses that are loose and floppy on top but really short and tight around the butt
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NMS : I see this and raise you Dancing with the Stars and The Biggest Loser.  Really I just don't care for most reality TV.
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    I call your bet. Excellent choices.

    Also: Wedding themes and "I'm the BRIDE" clothing all over one's body.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: NMS : oohhh I really need some kickass brown boots. I am on the hunt! Where did you get yours?
    Posted by MeaghanandMichael[/QUOTE]

    I got some really cute brown leather boots with a heel from Herbergers last year, and I saw a really similar pair there a couple weeks ago.

    I'm trying to find a picture.  I feel like you'd like them. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • K&J64K&J64 member
    edited November 2010

    Dollar dance
    multicolor/color changing uplighting
    really vocal Emcees/DJs, I prefer them to STFU and play the music.
    huge wedding parties

    tons of kids at the reception



    costume jewelry
    boots that are higher than your knee
    serious stilettos, short skirts, low cut tops, or wearing tons of makeup at the office
    side pony tails (what year is it??)
    minivans, hatchbacks, station wagons.
    children who are clearly old enough and able to walk, in strollers that they barely fit in anymore.

  • Taylor Swift.
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  • Found them!  Meg, they're like these:

    The buckles on mine are different, but the overall boot is pretty much the same.  I put a Dr Scholls for her gel insole in them and I can wear them all day. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:14ecb91d-003c-44a5-8a4d-a0580c680779Post:20511c32-3573-4a1f-b3f2-9868f735ed06">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Taylor Swift.
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    Oh God yes. I've seen her on awards shows and stuff, and she can't sing one damn note in tune.
  • Rain boots for everyday wear.I saw this trending (in clubs and bars) in Philly about three years ago and it is just hitting Pittsburgh this season. Is this happening anywhere else?
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  • Jess the page won't load for me. Boooo.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Rain boots for everyday wear.I saw this trending (in clubs and bars) in Philly about three years ago and it is just hitting Pittsburgh this season. Is this happening anywhere else?
    Posted by Y I Oughta[/QUOTE]

    <div>Like...if it's not raining or snowing outside? I have a pair of rainboots that I love, but I wouldn't wear them if it were like sunny and 70 degrees.</div>
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  • Brides: Gloves, tiaras, colored accents on dresses.
    Tiaras really chafe my ass.  I grew out of my princess dreams and the pajamas at the same time.  I don't understand the desire to look or feel like a princess.

    I have skinny jeans that I wear with Rocketdog furry boots.  I *think* I look good...
    I'm probably the fuel for the complaints, though.
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  • WR:
    colored wedding dresses (I don't mind a colored sash though)
    those wedding band sets that have one engagement ring with a wedding band on each side

    floral bedding or furniture
    sneakers unless I'm specifically working out
    red lipstick (I just can't pull it off!)

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:14ecb91d-003c-44a5-8a4d-a0580c680779Post:3d9a114e-9780-4d83-b521-9d6fbf5eaa95">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yellow gold jewellery. I want to like it, but I just can't.
    Posted by september's bride[/QUOTE]

    I feel the same way about white gold!

    Pocketfold invitations

    Anything that looks awesome on models but makes me feel like a cow.  I love a lot of stuff on principle (sweater dress with leggings and boots?  yes please!) and hate it in practice (/moo).
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NMS</a>:
    [QUOTE] I have skinny jeans that I wear with Rocketdog furry boots.  I *think* I look good... I'm probably the fuel for the complaints, though.
    Posted by Wrkn925[/QUOTE]

    <div>Work it out, girl. My favorite pairs of pants are my jeggings. Which I wear with Uggs. It's like the most comfortable outfit ever.</div>
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  • Brilbby, I hear ya on the three ring sets.  I picked out an engagement ring with BF that came with two bands, but told him I didn't like them.  We found a single thicker band that looked better.
    I think the skinny bands on each side make it look like a cocktail ring. 
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