Snarky Brides

Ask a Knottie anything!!


Re: Ask a Knottie anything!!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a Knottie anything!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Which parent do you find you are most like?
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]

    If you asked me a few years ago I'd have no idea, but lately - I'm thinking I'm kinda like my mom.  Which frightens the hell out of me, because, she is nutso.
  • My worst injury would have to be a hunk of cement to the face. My brother was throwing chunks off of our playhouse with his friend and hit me in the forehead. I ran in the house screaming and blood pouring down my face. I was 5 or 6. My mom looks at my face, states that she can see what she thinks is my skull, and proceeds to calmly call my Grandfather to take us to the hospital. Every time I needed to go to the E.R. the family car was broken down or too far away with my dad and we had to call for a ride. Almost a hundren stitches later, the doctor leaves, and my mom asks me if I want to see the flesh they cut out of my face to smooth the edges in order to stitch.
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  • Best vacation was our HM to the Riviera Maya. All we did was eat, drink, action, and lounge by the beach or pool. Plus, we were completely pampered. It was awesome.

    To everyone, what is the one thing that drives you crazy about your FI or spouse?
    Mine is that he is extremely OCD and he expects me to be as anal as he is at times.
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  • Which parent do you find you are most like?

    Just contemplating this makes me cringe. I've spent my entire childhood, teen years and adult life trying to be as unlike them as humanly possible.

  • Oh, and my worst injury was amputating my 2nd to last toe 2 weeks before kindergarten, with a galvanized cow trough. Its a long story that includes details of how country I am, but it all got reattached and just looks funny now. I was bummed because I couldnt get on the merry-go-round for the first month of K and had to wear a man's shoe with the toe cut out for my cast to fit. This was before they gave you walking casts. 
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  • Which parent do you find you are most like?

    I'm a LOT like my dad which is why we did not get along at all when I was growing up.  I'm too stubborn, competitive and I don't like being told what to do just like him.

    But I definitely got my mom's "worry gene."
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  • Which parent are you more like?

    Both, in different ways.  I'm friendly and talkative like my mom (or at least I like to think I am!), but I tend to be a loner and am bookish like my dad.
  • Question- Do you (general you) know what your grandparents did for a living and how big their families were?

    My maternal grandfather is still alive (89!) and he had 11 bothers and sisters.  His family came from Greece and in Greece they were goat farmers.

    My maternal grandmother also came from greece.  I dont know what they did there.  Here, she was a school lunch lady.  She had 9 brothers and sisters.

    My paternal grandfather had 6 brothers and sisters.  His family lived in my town for generations.  He owned the large Ice House on the pond across the street from my house and supplied ice to all the places in boston etc.

    My paternal grandmother i do not know a lot about..
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    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • I am most like my father when it comes to temperament, politics, and general life views, but I look more like my mom. 
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  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    im oddly a lot like both of my parents - very much like my mom in logical things (money, planning, organizing, cleaning,control issues) and very much like my dad in activities i enjoy, sense of humor and attitude towards life. i look a lot like my mom though!
  • K, I know we all just want healthy kids (if we want them) but do you think you would be a better parent for a girl or a boy?

    I want a girl because I like girl names better BUT I think I would be a better parent for a boy. BUT I also worry about having a really hyperactive/ADD boy and as a teacher I wonder how I would deal with that. Still think I might be a better parent to a boy in the long run though.
  • Holy crap Sarah - your poor toe!

    One thing that drives me nuts about Ben?  Honestly, nothing drove me nuts about him until we got Lucy.  When he's home alone with her, he doesn't watch her.  Well, he DOES, but he'll zone out while playing a video game or watching the Twins and she wrecks things.  I found a sandal of mine last night that she chewed apart and um, if she picked up that sandal while I was at home, I'd have put it away.  She's also chewed off the corner of one of our new accent chairs that I know for a fact happened while I was at work and Ben was home with her.  DUDE.  WATCH THE DOG. 

    He's lucky I love him so much :)
  • To everyone, what is the one thing that drives you crazy about your FI or spouse?
    He absolutely does not know how to shut the cabinet door with the cups in it.  It's like his body will just not move in such a way that allows him to close that particular cabinet.  I get irrationally annoyed every time I go into the kitchen.

    Oh and how we met?
    Online.  I made him wait about 3 months before actually meeting him because I was freaked out about it.  No on in my family knows we met online, but I wish they did.  I just felt so embarrassed at first but now I'm like meh everyone does it!
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  • Which parent do you find you are most like?

    My dad for sure.  My family tells me all the time "You are your fathers child".  My dad is very outspoken, opinionated, truculent, honest, loyal.  My sister is my mothers child.  Its really funny how we get some character traits from them.
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    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Worst injury: I broke my foot in high school.  It was a hairline fracture so not too bad.

    Where would I live:  I would live somewhere warm that's near the beach.  The Florida Keys sound nice, but I've never been there.  I loved Hawaii. 

    Best vacation:  I loved Italy.  We went to Rome, Florence and Venice, and it was fantastic.  I also loved Malaysia.

    Grandparents:  My maternal grandmother had various jobs (toy factory, hotel switchboard, quality control at a check facatory).  My maternal grandfather was a truck driver.  My paternal grandmother mainly worked in dress shops, and my paternal grandfather worked in a factory.

  • I am terrified of being a mother to a son.  I grew up as the oldest of four daughters, and I helped out a lot with my youngest sister. 

    I mean - obviously, if I have a boy, I'll figure it out.  But at this point I just feel like I'd mother a daughter better, if that makes sense.
  • Which parent do you find you are most like?

    I wish I could say my mom, but I have to say my dad. We both tend to get obsessive when it comes to things we're interested in, we both have had eating disorders, we both see red when we get really, truly pissed off. We're both very cerebral, love books, art, and are both musically-driven. That's just the tip of the iceburg too.

    As far as looks go, though, I think I'm a pretty even mix of both of my parents. Maybe not 50/50, but more like 65% dad and 35% mom, but I've heard differently depending on who you ask. This pic was taken almost 5 years ago, so my mom is now about 60lbs lighter and I obviously don't look like that anymore lol

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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • edited April 2011
    K, I know we all just want healthy kids (if we want them) but do you think you would be a better parent for a girl or a boy?

    This is so hard for me.  I think realistically I'll be more patient with a boy.  But at this point, since there is a 50% chance we can't even have children naturally (if I have the gene for CF we won't even try) I honestly do not care what we have.   And right now I'm on the baby train so bad but I've been too scared to get the test done.  Gah!
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  • I'm a mix of both parents, but ultimately I think my mom. I get my best traits from her, and my worst from my dad.

    Mom: determined, able to talk to just about anyone, sense of humor, creativity/imagination

    Dad: stubbornness, moody, loner-ish, not very social, sarcastic

    Looks wise, neither one of them. I used to swear I wa adopted because of that. They are all brown eyed and right handed, I'm green eyed and left handed. They have the Italian and NA skin, I don't. But I do have my mom's build. 
  • hay--I hear that.  It took me a while to be open with how we met, too, because there was a lot of judgment.  Now, so many people do it, it's normal.
  • I want a daughter.  My mom and I are very close, and I want to experience that relationship as a mother.
  • Looks wise I definitely take after my mother - but I think I look even more like my maternal grandmother.

    Here's a pic of my mom and I from the wedding

  • To everyone, what is the one thing that drives you crazy about your FI or spouse?

    He's fucking messy. Little piles of random shiit all over the house. I feel like I'm constantly cleaning up after him and that he just magically doesn't see all the clutter. To me, everything has a place, but he must think everything belongs in the middle of the floor. I trip over shiit on a daily basis, because it's there and I'm clumsy as hell.
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • edited April 2011
    Injury:  for pain, broken ribs - flipping an ATV, getting my ankle pinned underneath it and hitting my right side on a large flat rock (ribs hit the edge). Head hit the rock, bounced up, and hit it again. God I love helmets. 
    For looks, any of my idiotic moves that resulted in stitches, or my gallbladder scar that pulled apart the day after I came home from the hospital, since the nurse ignored what the doctor said to me, and took out my staples.

    Place to live:  I am loving Iowa - there's so much access to different things I'd never done/seen/experienced before. But, I love and miss NC as well. I'm torn.

    Parent I'm most like: inside, my mom. Looks, a blend, plus who I'm standing beside, and which feature you're focusing on. I actually think I look most like my brother.

    Maternal:  Granddady was a United Methodist minister. Granny was a minister's wife, which does entail some stuff. Mostly, she was a SAHM to 3 children, then cared for my grandfather as he went through Alzheimer's. Now she has 24/7 care at home and has the same, along with other health problems. She's 90. Granddaddy died 6 years ago, when he was 86.
    Family size: 3 children, 1 boy, 2 girls.

    Paternal:  Grannie was a SAHM. She turned 90 in November and is in a private assisted living facility now. My Poppa was a store owner (as was his father, and quite possibly his father) in their small town, a funeral director, and they owned several houses in town they rented. They also own (my grandmother still does) the post office building, the old bank building, and something else. My brother and I are known in town, as well as my cousins who grew up there, obviously (we're all similar in looks). If I use my maiden name, or my dad/uncle's name, I get, "Oh yes!"
    Poppa died when I was between freshman and sophomore years of college, in 1987. He was 67.
    Family size: 3 children, all boys.

    To everyone, what is the one thing that drives you crazy about your FI or spouse?
    J uses a new cup every.single.time he gets a drink. But he thinks I'm gross for using the same one a couple of days in a row.
    We also each have our own way of loading the dishwasher, and we can't watch the other one do it, or we will "correct" it. Both ways get it clean. He doesn't think mine will; I think his wastes water.

    Oh and how we met?

    In a chatroom online. Talked there, talked in msn chat, on the phone, then after a month or so, he came to visit me/take vacation and dirt bike in NC. After he left, we decided to not see anyone else. I went there (here) for Christmas, went back for Spring Break and we went to Moab, UT, and he asked me if I would move in with him when school was out. Or, if I would move to Iowa, if I didn't want to move in. We lived together for a year before he proposed, were engaged for 4 months, then got married.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • Which parent are you more like?

    I'm probably most like my mother, but I also have some traits of my father. I am stubborn, bullheaded and will hold my own, like my mom, but I am impulsive and do things without regret, like my dad.
  • How we met/got together: I worked one floor above him (he was with Military Police) and I had actually just gotten separated from my exH at the time. I posted an ad on the e-bulletin board to help him find some roommates since I had just moved out, and I specified "Male roommates wanted". Well, Will saw it and was like "Damn, Mehgan, looking for guy roommates???" So, I explained to him that I was going through a divorce and looking for roommates for my ex. He was like "Well, at the risk of sounding like a dirtbag, here's my number. Call me when you're available again." Our first date was 3 hours after my divorce court hearing (my exH and I were separated for about 4 months by then).
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • I totally look like my mom...

    Here is a pic of her at around 27/28, you can see the similarity in my sig pic.

    And here is one of both of us when I was 16.

  • I look like my dad.  But its hard to show father/daughter looks comparisons.

    H and I met at work.  He was my boss.
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  • Kids: I want 2 boys and a girl, Will wants 8 boys and no girls. So, it's going to be a crapshoot.
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
    my currently-reading shelf:
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • Worst injury: Broken ribs and ruptured spleen following car accident.  OR when my brother pushed me and I fell flat on my face, knocking out my two front teeth.

    Middle name: Add me to the Elizabeth party.  It's fine, I think it's the most common middle name there is and nothing about it bothers me.

    Anywhere in the world: I'd love to live in Greece.  More notably, in Santorini.

    Grandparents: Don't know anything about the paternal side, but my maternal grandfather was a shoe salesman.  He also worked for the original Abercrombie & Fitch and was fired for being Jewish.

    Best Vacation: H and I, two weeks into dating, went to Vermont on a "snowboarding" trip that his mother bought him for Christmas.  When we arrived there (in the middle of nowhere), the slopes were closed.  We had nothing to do but to get to know each other in a hotel room.  Thankfully I brought my laptop.  It was the best/worst vacation ever.

    Which parent am I like: NEITHER. I hope, at least.  The only similarity I have with my mom is that we are both nurses.  I am really very unlike the rest of my family.

    H drives me crazy: He is just a big procrastinator.  I'm a go-getter, and he just waits until the very last second to do anything.

    How we met: Myspace.
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