Snarky Brides

Ask a knottie anything


Re: Ask a knottie anything

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Those who met their FI/DH's via dating websites, were you open to the idea at first?  Did someone talk you into joining the site?  Had you tried other sites than the one where you met FI/DH? (I have a friend who's considering it, is why I ask)
    Posted by pirategal03[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>My friend had just met a guy on there, who she later married, so she urged me to sign up. I had never paid for one before. I did date a guy from Craigslist though.. once. He was nice enough but a little weird and I had no urge to kiss him. To me that meant not to waste my time. </div>
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    Everyone: (if I have not missed this in this mamoth thread!) Do you get along with your FI/H's family?
    HATE HATE MIL and SIL- bitches, the both of them. StepFIL is ok, he's fairly level-headed and nice to talk to.
    H's real dad is amazing. So nice, down-to-earth and caring. His gf is very nice also, but she's quiet like a mouse! H's paternal family is awesome! H's maternal family is ok (one uncle, aunt and their kids are fantastic).
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    edited August 2010
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:1ab2ed27-5c37-4b24-9377-b3a1c779a026">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : When you say bike ride, do you mean bicycles or motorcycles?  Just curious.
    Posted by steph 13055[/QUOTE]

    Bicycles, but he also owns a touring bike, a street-legal KTM dirt bike, and a regular KTM dirt bike. And an ATV, that apparently, ahem, has been wrecked one too many times and needs to be replaced this spring.

    EDITED: because I'm a dumbass who thinks you ride an ATM. I wish we owned one.

    He does RAGBRAI every year.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
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    So I know we were talking about The Last Exorcism a bit ago - this promo for it is kinda funny.
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    Cheddar and sour cream chips are the most disgusting things on the planet.  For real.

    Followed closely by nacho cheese doritos. 

    That's all.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:d8ac385a-ac1f-41cb-95d3-b70dc6506e58">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]this thread is really long and kinda frightens me. i don't think i am going to read it.
    Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]

    pap smear monkey butt
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:2827a750-77d3-4bee-aaa9-e5a0c232d21b">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Cheddar and sour cream chips are the most disgusting things on the planet.  For real. Followed closely by nacho cheese doritos.  That's all.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Well, it's about damn time you got here. Too bad you entered the thread to say something RIDICULOUS. Cheddar and sour cream chips are the best.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:2827a750-77d3-4bee-aaa9-e5a0c232d21b">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Cheddar and sour cream chips are the most disgusting things on the planet.  For real. Followed closely by nacho cheese doritos.  That's all.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    these are lies! all lies!
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:1c13a601-fa18-4c19-b1ef-f4dfe9bc14f6">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Bicycles, but he also owns a touring bike, a street-legal KTM dirt bike, and a regular KTM dirt bike. And an ATV, that apparently, ahem, has been wrecked one too many times and needs to be replaced this spring. EDITED: because I'm a dumbass who thinks you ride an ATM. I wish we owned one. He does RAGBRAI every year.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    Wow, he has lots of toys!  My DH has a road bike and a mountain bike.  He's doing a 100 mile ride next weekend called the Hotter'N Hell 100.  I think it's his 4th year.  He's also toying with the idea of doing a ride in Austin, either 65 or 100 miles. 
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    My inlaws are kick a$$. I extra appreciate them b/c my parents just don't have their shiit together sometimes. I just want to bonk them with the palm of my hand "Shoulda had a V 8" style. Scott's parents amaze me.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Well, it's about damn time you got here. Too bad you entered the thread to say something RIDICULOUS. Cheddar and sour cream chips are the best.
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    I should add a disclaimer to anything I say :  I haven't slept in 32 hours and I've only gotten 6 hours of sleep in the past 50 hours.

    But I still stand firmly by my declaration about cheesy chips.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    You used to be cool, J&K. Sorry you're so exhausted. What's been going on?
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:fb07172c-4bb4-4292-8f85-825d99f345ba">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jas - Are most of your friends older than you?  You seem to be very mature for your age, so I would assume that you would gravitate more towards people that are a little older. Staceytaylor - How are your wedding plans coming along?  It's getting close, are you getting nervous about any details?
    Posted by dmiller9274[/QUOTE]

    They are coming along.. slowly. Feels that way anyways. I am very much a "last minute" person, so the small details will probably get panned out the week of. Sad, but true.
    Our engagement is only 5 months, so the past month I did a LOT and now I feel kinda burned out. I was super nervous about the whole thing for a few weeks, but my FI is awesome and has thrown out plenty of ideas that have given me some peace. My favorite idea of his so far is the reception. I was panicking about catering and he brought up the idea of a dessert we are doing that, I am SO excited about it.
    I have pretty much adopted the attitude of "If something goes wrong or doesn't get done, chances are I will be the only one who notices"
    Someone around here said that, and thats helped a lot. I also visualize the ceremony (thats the only part that REALLY matters!) and it helps to remind me not to get too wound up in details of everything else.
    I tend to be a control freak and nervous wreck about certain things, but its usually inwardly. I can be cool as a cucumber on the outside.

    Sorry for the novel! Thanks for asking :))
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    Ever done anything "bad" you would like to confess?

    A long time ago, as in a very long time, I quit a job without notice and left a lot of people hanging. My complete asshat of a boss more than deserved it but my co-workers did not. I eventually called everyone up and apologized for all the grief i had caused. All things considered, most of them were pretty gracious about it.

    I learned to never act on impulse. I am glad it was a lesson learned young, sorry it was learned at the expense of others.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]You used to be cool, J&K. Sorry you're so exhausted. What's been going on?
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    I went on a camping trip with work.  We couldn't sleep because we had to make sure the kids didn't run away or raccoons didn't eat them.  And now I'm wide awake physically, but not all there mentally.  So I can't take a nap, but I'm not making muh sense.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : I don't even believe in God or the devil, and exorcisms scare the hell out of me. The Exorcism of Emily Rose gave me nightmares for weeks. And although I will regret it, I will also see The Last Exorcism. What really gets me is when they have those jerky movements and start crawling around while bent over backwards, and sh!t like that. For some reason that scares me (like when the girl crawled out fo the TV in The Ring or the ice cream truck guy grew long limbs in Legion).
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    Get outta my head! That is exactly what freaks me out the most too!

    I've seen ghosts, too, Blue. Only a couple times but weird stuff runs in my mom's family. Mine look normal but I just know that they aren't really there, you know?
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    I love scary movies.  I haven't seen a good one in a really long time though.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    My inlaws love me. My mother and stepfather like FI more than they like me, mostly because he knows how to keep his mouth shut when he doesn't agree with them. 
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    I love my FMIL, she's awesome, and sweet, and a good cook.  FFIL I could do without.  He's callous and inconsiderate, and just really rubs me the wrong way a lot.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:ee7b793f-5d1f-40c3-b60a-a7b0ca5ab784">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : I went on a camping trip with work.  We couldn't sleep because we had to make sure the kids didn't run away or raccoons didn't eat them.  And now I'm wide awake physically, but not all there mentally.  So I can't take a nap, but I'm not making muh sense.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Yikes! Hope you get some rest time to yourself soon.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:4b65bdaa-c55b-4a4f-b43a-8e0c84696c28">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Wow, he has lots of toys!  My DH has a road bike and a mountain bike.  He's doing a 100 mile ride next weekend called the Hotter'N Hell 100.  I think it's his 4th year.  He's also toying with the idea of doing a ride in Austin, either 65 or 100 miles. 
    Posted by steph 13055[/QUOTE]

    We won't go with how many bicycles are in our house. I have one. I think he has 6? A cyclocross, a mountain bike, and multiple road bikes. RAGBRAI is usually 450-500 miles in a week. They'll do 50-80 a day. I think this weekend is 40 up and 40 back on Sunday.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
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    Everyone: (if I have not missed this in this mamoth thread!) Do you get along with your FI/H's family?

    I LOVE FI's family. Both his maternal and paternal sides are just awesome people all around. And my family loves FI so much, too. We really lucked out.

    Evs: Do you like your job/career or do you wish you could change fields?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:18438bae-3bcc-457c-875a-9864891c5085">Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm bored. Let's try this. Ask any knottie anything. The more controversial or interesting, the better. The knottie has the right not to answer, but we also have the right to throw tampons at her. Aprove - how did you get so interested in politics? What is it that makes you so passionate about it? Vegas - does your FI feel weird about you posting here? I like having you around, but I've got to be honest and say that it would be strange if Matt was posting here. Mainly because I would be jealous of all of the internet bitches.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    Hi Cew,

    I grew up in a very political household.  My parents are very liberal in terms of social issues (i.e. gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, etc.) but very fiscally conservative.  I admit that my parents were well off but I always had a summer job and earned extra spending money.  Because of that I began to pay more attention to where my tax dollars were going and just that overall feeling of where in the hell is my money going!  I became even more political during healthcare reform because it affects my father, mother and I directly as people who work in the industry.  I want the healthcare system to be better and it can be.....but things need to be addressed properly.

    My parents came from very very very poor families and made something of themselves.  When I was born (I was a surprise) my father was still in medical school and my mother fully supported the family working as a microbiologist are a children''s hospital.  There were times when I'd only have them home one night a week.  I don't resent their ambition but I do resent people not understanding how hard my parents work for what wealth they have.  My father, as a physician works 60 hour weeks (because he works days and nights), does free home visits (because most insurance companies don't cover these) for many of his elderly patients and works at least one weekend a month.  For me I get resentful when people don't appreciate how hard some people have and continue to work for what they've got. 

    I'm in law school so us lawyers love to bitch and fight =)
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:6946283f-700c-454a-989c-a667582dc466">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : This is exactly me. I loved skydiving, but now that I have a kid, I just wouldn't do it again. Jas - do you know that I love to talk about serial killers too? <font color="#993366">I think you, B and me should have a serial killer meeting.
    </font>Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    Can I join!! I seriously used to freak FI out about my love of studying serial killers.  He had a few questions there for awhile when he saw my book collection.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:7f26d2e3-2047-4178-ae2e-983888fd714d">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jasmine--re: your interest in serial killers--have you ever researched Jack the Ripper? I have an unhealthy fascination with him. One of my life goals is to see his letters at Scotland Yard and do the ghost walk.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    I did the Jack the Ripper tour....and if you get over to London do the torture museum....awesome info and artifacts from the jack the ripper case.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:51f9bdcb-e3e6-40f7-b678-02c00ae59c6e">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Ask a knottie anything : Hi Cew, I grew up in a very political household.  My parents are very liberal in terms of social issues (i.e. gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, etc.) but very fiscally conservative.  I admit that my parents were well off but I always had a summer job and earned extra spending money.  Because of that I began to pay more attention to where my tax dollars were going and just that overall feeling of where in the hell is my money going!  I became even more political during healthcare reform because it affects my father, mother and I directly as people who work in the industry.  I want the healthcare system to be better and it can be.....but things need to be addressed properly. My parents came from very very very poor families and made something of themselves.  When I was born (I was a surprise) my father was still in medical school and my mother fully supported the family working as a microbiologist are a children''s hospital.  There were times when I'd only have them home one night a week.  I don't resent their ambition but I do resent people not understanding how hard my parents work for what wealth they have.  My father, as a physician works 60 hour weeks (because he works days and nights), does free home visits (because most insurance companies don't cover these) for many of his elderly patients and works at least one weekend a month.  For me I get resentful when people don't appreciate how hard some people have and continue to work for what they've got.<strong>  I'm in law school so us lawyers love to bitch and fight =)
    </strong>Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]

    Indeed, very true :)
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:2f976b46-a74f-4811-b219-7a29f09fc862">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : I did the Jack the Ripper tour....and if you get over to London do the torture museum....awesome info and artifacts from the jack the ripper case.
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]

    See, this would fascinate me for days and days. But H doesn't like that kind of stuff. I once saved a website that showed ancient and medieval torture techniques (nothing graphic, just explanations) for a book I was thinking of writing and it got him all freaked out. Apparently being interested in serial killers makes me a weirdo.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Can I ask a serious question? I don't know if anyone will know this, but what situation would exist that would make a partial birth- or late term abortion necessary? I can't think of a medical situation that warrants that. Anyone with medical knowhow? Blue- How old are you? I pretty much think you are in your early 20s all of the time. No?
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]
    This has probably already been answered, I'm still catching up. In the fifties, they almost did a late term abortion on my grandmother when she was pregnant with my mom. The pregnancy made my grandmother so sick (throwing up, diarrhea, etc) that she was dehydrated and lost a lot of weight through the whole pregnancy.  She was dehydrated to the point that if she didn't start being able to keep something down, she and my mom were both going to die. Luckily, it didn't work out that way. Also, this was the mid fifties, so I'd be willing to bet there have been a lot of medical advances made that wouldn't make this necessary any more.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Wow, he has lots of toys!  My DH has a road bike and a mountain bike.  He's doing a 100 mile ride next weekend called the Hotter'N Hell 100.  I think it's his 4th year.  He's also toying with the idea of doing a ride in Austin, either 65 or 100 miles. 
    Posted by steph 13055[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>HTH is really HTH. There's a part called Hell's gates. Its really freaking hot. They lose a person almost every year. I am too chicken shiit to attempt it.</div><div>
    </div><div>There are tons of rides in and around Austin. Come on down. 

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    Thanks for answering LC. :) I have heard "if the mother's life is at risk" a lot. I need to do some own research before I can form a solid opinion on it, but I like hearing some real life examples as well.
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