Snarky Brides

Ask a knottie anything


Re: Ask a knottie anything

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    Everyone- Do you really, truly love your engagement/wedding rings?

    Yup I really do love my e-ring.  Though I should since FI and I picked it out together.

    How FI and I met:

    Once upon a time I was a very very drunk college freshman.  I was at a bar dancing on a table doing body shots and this cute Navy sailor asked me to dance, so I did.  We spent most of the night together drinking and dancing with friends.  I then puked on his feet.  For some reason the sailor still liked me and asked for my number and email.  He was going on shore patrol so he wouldn't be able to call me for about 2 months.  I wasn't looking for a relationship (so I thought).  We emailed back and forth for 2 months and then when he had leave in Dec that was it =)
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:beafa847-463d-4381-b3ea-f9974039be71">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : See, this would fascinate me for days and days. But H doesn't like that kind of stuff. I once saved a website that showed ancient and medieval torture techniques (nothing graphic, just explanations) for a book I was thinking of writing and it got him all freaked out. Apparently being interested in serial killers makes me a weirdo.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    We can go on the trip together!! I always want to go back.  I could have spent days in the museum.  They also do a simulation of the London fire.  Just awesome.  We can be weirdos together.
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    CoKristi - I LOVE Jalopeno Kettle chips, sometimes we scare me. I think a Kristi and Scott g2g would be absolutely fabulous! I think we need to have a super knottie g2g in DC.

    I am really lucky with my in-laws. I complain at times but they are truly wonderful people who have helped us out a lot. They are very family first and would stick their neck out for you without a moments hesitation.

    I think the worst thing I did was act like a complete Biitch to one of my friends for a stupid reason I don't even remember anymore. I treated her horribly for 4 months while we lived together and she was nice enough to accept my apology when I realized what I was doing. I also feel bad for not keeping in touch with her after college because she was always there for me, even though she was a bit of a trainwreck.

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:586f5d21-cbcc-4062-8e04-851d7540fdb6">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks for answering LC. :) I have heard "if the mother's life is at risk" a lot. I need to do some own research before I can form a solid opinion on it, but I like hearing some real life examples as well.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    From what I know with a friend of mine she had a late term abortion because the baby didn't develop his spinal cord/brain stem correctly.  The baby wouldn't have survived and would have suffered in the process of passing away.  In the meantime my friend started having seizures and went into cardiac arrest.  They performed the abortion because the fetus wasn't viable and was a danger to the mother's life.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:b4965c8b-d075-42ad-a586-2af6bdbc9a6d">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : <font color="#993366">Yeah, I normally just assume it's the other one but I hadn't seen her posting so I was excited. Probably curling up in a really comfy chair with a good book. I love reading, fantasy and sci-fi in particular. Favourite series right now would have to be the  A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R. R. Martin. A Dance with Dragons needs to hurry up and come out already.
    </font>Posted by Anysunrise[/QUOTE]

    Love this series with a passion.  I'm about to go hunt George Martin down and demand the next book.  I'm tired of waiting.
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    What a terrible situation for your friend. :( So baby must have been pretty little if it wasn't viable then? I ask because even really little premies can sometimes make it.
    If I do ever decide to have a baby, I don't want an amnio.

    I worked with a woman who had a late term abortion. The doctor said there was a chance her baby would be developmentally disabled, so she went ahead and got rid of it. IMO, a chance of something like that isn't worth ending a babies life, and those tests can be wrong. The woman was a trainwreck, but it still made me feel really icky to hear.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:ebc32fac-2ce5-4a5a-b33b-df7be57038cf">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : HTH is really HTH. There's a part called Hell's gates. Its really freaking hot. They lose a person almost every year. I am too chicken shiit to attempt it. There are tons of rides in and around Austin. Come on down. 
    Posted by SarahPLiz[/QUOTE]

    I think this year will be the hottest of the other 3 he has done.  He's honestly a little worried this time around.  The last 2 years it was only in the upper 90s and he even got rained on once.  It looks like this year it will be in excess of 100, but probably closer to 103. 

    He's thinking about the Livestrong ride, but he's not sure if he wants to do the 65 or 100 mile.  There aren't many hills up here and he's worried he will get burned out if he does the 100. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Darn work for making me work. I had to read 8 pages.

    Think the questions do you get along with his family, and vice versa?

    Yes but we live at least 3 hours from both our families so it makes it really easy.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:6f5cba9f-2e3c-47ad-b586-508baf13f70c">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Hmmm. I think I have 3: Zodiac - book about the zodiac serial killer. Scared the fuuck out of me. Portrait of a Killer - Patricia Cornwell book about Jack the Ripper. It was awesome. I read it twice. Helter Skelter
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    I love those as well!!  Have you read the serial killer series by Harold Sechechter??
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:072cad26-4497-4510-aa70-cf6dddfd0ed5">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]What a terrible situation for your friend. :( So baby must have been pretty little if it wasn't viable then? I ask because even really little premies can sometimes make it.   If I do ever decide to have a baby, I don't want an amnio. I worked with a woman who had a late term abortion. The doctor said there was a chance her baby would be developmentally disabled, so she went ahead and got rid of it. IMO, a chance of something like that isn't worth ending a babies life, and those tests can be wrong. The woman was a trainwreck, but it still made me feel really icky to hear.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    She was about 7 months pregnant.  They knew early one the baby wasn't developing correctly but she was hoping the baby might just be developmentally challenged but would survive.  Basically they told her he would live for about a day at most in horrible pain.  She already had two other children and once her health problems started as well they made the decision for the both of them.

    I wouldn't terminate over developmental challenges but some of the more awful illnesses and such would make me think twice, like Tay Sachs.  I wouldn't want my child to have a very short life full of suffering and pain. 
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:b6ce67df-942a-48a3-8893-50be55c1e74e">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Can I join!! I seriously used to freak FI out about my love of studying serial killers.  He had a few questions there for awhile when he saw my book collection.
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]
    i'm obsessed with true crime cases. does that count too? not just serial killers.
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    Oh poor baby. Poor friend. :( See, things like that also contribute to me not wanting to ever get pregnant.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:072cad26-4497-4510-aa70-cf6dddfd0ed5">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]What a terrible situation for your friend. :( So baby must have been pretty little if it wasn't viable then? I ask because even really little premies can sometimes make it.   If I do ever decide to have a baby, I don't want an amnio. I worked with a woman who had a late term abortion. The doctor said there was a chance her baby would be developmentally disabled, so she went ahead and got rid of it<strong>. IMO, a chance of something like that isn't worth ending a babies life, and those tests can be wrong</strong>. The woman was a trainwreck, but it still made me feel really icky to hear.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    This is SO true. I have a friend who called me in tears when she was preggo with her 2nd baby. She had gotten some bad results and the doctor recommended terminating the pregnancy. She wasn't supposed to be able to have children again, so this 2nd one was a total surprise. I pleaded with her not to listen to the doctors and they could be wrong, etc. I knew there had to be a reason for the second child, after years of thinking she couldn't conceive again.
    She did disregard the doctor's advice, and her baby was born perfectly healthy and normal. He is 4 now and has actually grown bigger than his older brother. lol
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    Stacey- I'm glad she didn't listen! It would be tough as a dr. too because you want the parent to be prepared, but you also can't really say what will happen. Unfortunately, a lot of pregnancies are terminated because parents don't want a child with special needs. But that is vastly different than the health problems Aprove mentioned.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:bd31dabc-5a61-4010-a640-5bdc52c17a2b">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : i'm obsessed with true crime cases. does that count too? not just serial killers.
    Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]

    Have you ever read True Crime books by Lee Butcher? He is one of H's customers. I helped him with his last book about the Blood Mountain Killer (name could be off) but I don't know if it will ever be released. It was supposed to be out this month but he's really sick and we're not sure how much longer he'll be with us.
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    Seshat - Is writing books your only source of income or do you have another job and write books on the side? Roughly how much money do you get off each book percentage wise? (I'm curious)
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    The bravest conversation to have with an American are probably about abortion or the death penalty. never let it be said that the SB crowd is gutless.

    I am a pro-choice person, but i think some of the reasons people have abortions are scary.

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:bd31dabc-5a61-4010-a640-5bdc52c17a2b">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : i'm obsessed with true crime cases. does that count too? not just serial killers.
    Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]

    Yes!! Of course
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:134c4678-98f9-4143-a10d-8d85339fefa3">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : I love those as well!!  Have you read the serial killer series by Harold Sechechter??
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]

    No! But now I must add it to my list. Is it true crime or fiction?
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:6e61a0e5-053d-4216-809b-ec6e33922e6e">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : No! But now I must add it to my list. Is it true crime or fiction?
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    Its true crime based on serial killers.  Basically the author tells the stories of not as well known serial killers.  LIke Fiend is about the youngest serial killer ever in America.  Other's are about the most sexual, fetish oriented, etc.

    I just liked them because they aren't about the traditional serial killers.  I like to branch out in my oddness.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:bab3cb72-e7e2-454f-b487-a2361d555ee6">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : I think if an abortion is just for birth control reasons - it's stupid. Then again, it's not my life choice. 
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    Women who use abortion as a BC method are far and far between. It's an expensive, uncomfortable and emotionally wrenching thing to experience. I think the "abortion as a BC method" argument is unfounded, although I know that's not the argument you were making.

    Lenore, SB has guts!
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:7fb122ce-fbb3-4482-a051-0128884e4a35">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : ooooooh i haven't read them! but i'd probably love them. we need a knottie book swap!
    Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]

    I think that would be a good idea.  I have a storage area full of books. 
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    Sesh- YGPM!

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    The only reason I brought it up was because I actually had a friend recently tell me that she has no problems with women using abortion as birth control.

    And it floored me because I know her really well and respect her - and this just came out of nowhere, so I've been thinking about it a bit lately.

    I tend to think hey, it's your body - but really?  Is using a condom more difficult than getting an abortion?!

    So anyway.  That's what that was all about.  I don't think there are a ton of women out there who do it - I just hate the argument of "Well, oops, I got preggers!  Not ready for a baby!"  Come on now.
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    Damnit I missed a fun thread. Stupid school!
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    Definitely a small percentage, AATB. I mean, there's stupid/crazy people everywhere.

    Ricks, you should probably drop out.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:00afdd93-d9e1-4a63-b4a6-b06206247491">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]Damnit I missed a fun thread. Stupid school!
    Posted by ricksang[/QUOTE]

    RICKS!!! ::tackles ricks::

    How is school going?
    Did you buy the pretty shoes?
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    Maratea--YGPM back.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:ca5f4e98-120a-4998-a500-2802577ffe11">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]The only reason I brought it up was because I actually had a friend recently tell me that she has no problems with women using abortion as birth control. And it floored me because I know her really well and respect her - and this just came out of nowhere, so I've been thinking about it a bit lately. I tend to think hey, it's your body - but really?  Is using a condom more difficult than getting an abortion?! So anyway.  <font color="#0000ff">That's what that was all about.  I don't think there are a ton of women out there who do it - I just hate the argument of "Well, oops, I got preggers!  Not ready for a baby!"  Come on now</font>.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]
     You don't think thats a justified reason for having an abortion??
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:a448b16f-efda-4fd0-8448-185a8d391181Post:8deca8c4-c8ce-4f0d-a8db-375f0b04a602">Re: Ask a knottie anything</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything : Women who use abortion as a BC method are far and far between. It's an expensive, uncomfortable and emotionally wrenching thing to experience. I think the "abortion as a BC method" argument is unfounded, although I know that's not the argument you were making. Lenore, SB has guts!
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    Oh, I know very few people are using it as a BC method. I mean, there are some freaks out there who do as AATB noted, but man who would put themselves through all that.

    What has amazed me over the years is hearing stuff like "we want another baby, but not until I lose some more weight" (yup, someone I knew really had that as a reason). I was sort of speachless. She was not using it as BC, her BC had failed but... Wow.
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