Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning.

I don't have to be anywhere until 11 but we have a small mirror suction-cupped to the shower and it fell this morning and scared the shiit out of me. So I'm awake at 6:30 for no reason.

How are you?

Re: Good morning.

  • Morning!  Did the mirror shatter or just fall?

    I just got back from lunch. Having a good day so far!  i did just find out that apparently my MIL was worried that H and I were on that cruise ship in Italy  I have no idea WHY she would think that, but this is what we have heard.  Apparently for her, any disaster or tragedy that is in Europe IMMEDIATELY includes us!
  • Wouldn't you or your H tell your MIL if you were going on a cruise? or a big trip? 

    It just fell, it's done it before so when I woke up I texted FI and said don't put the mirror up anymore! 
  • Morning.

    What is behind you and H in your sig pic Snippy? It's a good picture!

    My grandma is back in the hospital with more chest pains. She's doing better but they're still waiting on test results.
  • Good morning.

    H slept through his alarm so work is not happy with him.  Not a fun wake-up.  I have work today and my second class meets tonight (I think).  I'm not sure if we even HAVE class, because it's taught by my advisor (with whom I've been FB friends for a few years) and yesterday she flew to Cleveland.  I don't know if she's coming back for 4:30 PM today, buuuuuut I guess I'll find out.  I hope can figure that out before I drive the half hour to school for (perhaps) no reason.

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  • Good Morning!  
  • Good morning!

    Oh, Snippy.  Didn't you know the Tuscan coast is directly adjacent to Sweden?

    My parents freak over anything that happens in Florida.  Because of course, it's a tiny state, smaller than Rhode Island.
  • SnippylynnSnippylynn member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    *snort* Yes. Yes it is Mica! Rhode Island is the biggest state in the union!!

    We WOULD tell her if we were going on a cruise.  Maybe she thinks we still live in Italy? No idea. Its ricockulous.

    And geez. Stop giving me such sknottie answers... SKNOTTIES!!

    Oh, and the thing behind us is when we went to the Coke museum in Atlanta over the holidays. We were standing in line to see the vault.  The whole thing was stupid and I was annoyed at having to stand there. lol!!

    Bay, is your H still working 1023409823059 hours?
  • Why do teachers still think it's okay to have affairs with their students? 
  • Hi peeps!  I've been busy at work, I miss having downtime.  What's new around here?
  • shknottie.  snort.
  • edited January 2012
    Morning. I slightly overslept so I'm stuck here later than usual. And Whisky pissed me off before I left so I'm grumpy. 

    My bosses were surprisingly cool about my hand issues and are letting me do other work for part of the day. I'm training people who have super low production numbers, and next week will be leading a team-wide training. It works out great for me because it gives me a chance to prove myself.  

    The only thing I'm not looking forward to is this one person who is the slowest I've ever seen. A certain assignment that should take 10 to 15 minutes tops takes him 2.5 hours. And he thinks this is perfectly fine, so whenever I try to help he just says he's too flustered then walks away.
  • Morning!  I'm ready for the weekend.  I'm going to be shoveling a ton of dirt on Saturday, but at least it's a good workout, right?  I think the weather is supposed to be nice. 
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • I'm glad that your bosses are willing to work with you, Sesh.
  • Sesh I'm glad they're going to let you relax a little bit, plus it'll be a good opportunity to train some people.  They sound like they'd be sort of screwed without you.  

  • Marnin' folks!
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  • Feel better, Sesh.  I'm glad your bosses are being so understanding.


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  • Good Morning!

    I'm glad to be feeling better again.  I ate in the cafeteria yesterday because I'd forgotten my lunch, and then ended up having to leave work early with what I'm fairly sure was a mild case of food poisoning.  Ugh.  It was not a fun night.

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  • Oh, yuck, dumdum.

    Hi abbalish!
  • Does anyone have experience with running injuries?  My heel has been sore for a couple weeks now, but it doesn't hurt if I push on it.  I can't really tell if it's something serious or not.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Glad your bosses are working with you Sesh, that's always helpful in those situations.

    Coke museum, cool!
  • Like plantar fasciitis, Adamar?  Stretching helps.  My FIL had to switch his running shoes because his PF became recurrent, but now he's completely symptom free.

  • I'm not sure Mica.  I know my mom has had issues with PF in the past, so maybe I'm going to be more prone to it?  Maybe I should look into different shoes.  Mine are just cheapies from the mall.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Adamar -

    Often times they'll recommend that you wear a really short heel (1-1.5") because it allows the muscles attached to your heel to relax as there is less pull on the achilles tendon which in turn puts less strain/stretch on the muscles that go from your arch to your heel or something like that.
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  • adamar15adamar15 member
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0e6290dc-859c-471d-9f56-39d196c4c7bbPost:07666823-3372-4104-bb88-5fa9167805a6">Re: Good morning.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Adamar - Often times they'll recommend that you wear a really short heel (1-1.5") because it allows the muscles attached to your heel to relax as there is less pull on the achilles tendon which in turn puts less strain/stretch on the muscles that go from your arch to your heel or something like that.
    Posted by dumdumfroggie[/QUOTE]

    Heh, I have flats and hooker shoes.  Nothing in between.  That's sad.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Ugh, Froggie.  I hope you feel better today :(

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  • edited January 2012
    There was a story that Eli Manning was recommended to wear cowboy boots for the slight heel.

    My ortho-doctor recommended it for me too when when I had the problem.

    ETA:  Thanks Bay!  I feel mostly better.
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  • Good Morning! I have to go to Target today and workout. I also have to print off some copies of my resume for my interview tomorrow. God I hope this works out.
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