Wedding Etiquette Forum

Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!


Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Awe, that's sweet KJB. I also met my guy in a bar and then we proceeded to shotgun beer in the men's bathroom, classy I know.
    Posted by SD3194[/QUOTE]
    I don't know if you can see my avatar, but that's me and H having a beer bong race.  Our beer bongs were held up by 2 of the drs I work with.  I am all-around classy.
  • So for those of us who just jumped in and didn't discuss messing with newbs or wedding questions are we safe from the flames? Because I wanted to know what happened to positive LDY and then started talking about cows and Twister.
  • Yeah I don't much see the point in chastising (sp?) unless the poster comes back with irritating comments.
  • HAHA loopy, that's hilarious! When I teach kids beginner piano, that's always the song they know without having had a lesson, haha. It's a piano staple.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]So for those of us who just jumped in and didn't discuss messing with newbs or wedding questions are we safe from the flames? Because I wanted to know what happened to positive LDY and then started talking about cows and Twister.
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    Haha I think I added a comment about Twister too.
  • KJB - I'm sure you'll be able to dress it up a little more than that... or make up a fake "how we met" that is kid appropriate LOL.
  • We had to make up a nicer story to tell his parents. They're super conservative.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]No, it's something totally rediculous.  You make a fist and roll it across 3 black keys then tap the next higher black key twice (x 2), then roll your fist down the same 3 black keys and tap the next lower black key twice (x 2) then hit every key for like a full octave going back up.  LOL.  Something we did as kids when we were goofing around on the piano in the living room.  My mom played but none of us kids ever did. I used to know heart and soul too but I think I forgot that one.
    Posted by Loopyseven[/QUOTE]

    I played for four years, but we used to do this all the time too. Amazingly I only learned a little of heart and soul.

    I have a keyboard and should probably break it out once in a while.
  • MixedTape - H was like WHAT are you doing??? And then he laughed and laughed.
  • I'll be honest that I only read like 10 posts on that thread. If it turned into a random ass thread, whatever. Maybe I should have saved this for FFF? But THH, I don't really care enough to for real flame. I was just annoyed.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Guys, I just got turned down for sexy time (TMI?) That NEVER happens. I'm a little butthurt.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!! : What's a 'newb,' is it like a 'reg?'  AM I A 'NEWB' OR A NEWB? I didn't understand the thread earlier.  I commented about something I actually was freaking out about, but the thread was by then about something else so I'm going to repeat myself here. I have an interview on Monday, it's a group interview.  Anyone have any pointers/tips for me?  Also, what should I wear?
    Posted by bree4305[/QUOTE]
    I have an interview Monday too!  We can be interview buds!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Guys, I just got turned down for sexy time (TMI?) That NEVER happens. I'm a little butthurt.
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    :( That rarely ever happens to me too, so I always get thrown off when it does.
  • Did we just become bestfriends?  I was a fraternity sweetheart in college and the guys would make bets with other people at the party that I could shotgun a tallboy in in 3 seconds.

    Now I'm just embarrassed, ha.
  • Was I a guilty party because I participated in the thread? Because really I was just in a bitchy mood to everything.
  • Loopy, your H sounds so adorable! :D

    Aleigh, I don't know what's appropriate to reply to that with, so... Hug?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Guys, I just got turned down for sexy time (TMI?) That NEVER happens. I'm a little butthurt.
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    That never happens...if it did I would think something was seriously wrong
  • Bree - I've been on a few panel interviews.  They're not that bad.   I've never been bombarded with questions, they still come one at a time.  Just try to address your answer to the one who asked the question during your answer.  And try to make some eye contact/connection with everyone at some point during the interview.

    Good luck!!
  • Twister was one of my favorite movies as a kid!

    I just continued to biitch about my friends immature husband in the biitch thread.
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  • It's whatever Birdie. I just thought the whole thing was lame. But like I said, it's a whatever thing. But I generally get annoyed with picking on people just to pick. I'm not in the 4th grade anymore. But then again, I was the kid in 4th grade that got picked on. So I'm sure that has somsething to do with it.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Did we just become bestfriends?  I was a fraternity sweetheart in college and the guys would make bets with other people at the party that I could shotgun a tallboy in in 3 seconds. Now I'm just embarrassed, ha.
    Posted by SD3194[/QUOTE]
    you can totes by on my flippy cup team.
  • So...Raspberry Woodchuck? SO YUMMY
  • I get it LVB. Let your annoyance flow.

    Aleigh usually I'm the one turning down sexy time. But it's because he wants it like right before bed after really long days. Jeeze can we get some sleep and play in the morning? (mind you our mornings are only ever weekends since he's in MD during the week).
  • I love flip cup! I'm not very good though.
  • Well I was mentioned of being a bitch because I was a bitch to LDY. I understand your sentiment because I feel it too, but the "bitching" on newbs only lasted for a few posts so I don't want to be associated with something I wasn't doing.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I get it LVB. Let your annoyance flow. Aleigh usually I'm the one turning down sexy time. But it's because he wants it like right before bed after really long days. Jeeze can we get some sleep and play in the morning? (mind you our mornings are only ever weekends since he's in MD during the week).
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]
    My issue is that he'll come to bed WITH me and then be all 'can we can we can we???". No gearing me up at all. Like a puppy dog that wants to go on a walk. You can't just do that. You gotta work for it. I'm an oven, not a microwave. I take tiem to warm up.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Is there a nightime thread? If not, here it is!! : you can totes by on my flippy cup team.
    Posted by kellyjellybelly[/QUOTE]

  • Oh and Bree - wear normal interview clothes???  What kind of a job is it?

    KJB - what are you interviewing for?

    I rarely get turned down.  It's happened maybe 3 times in 7 years.. but I turn him down regularly... what makes men think it's a good idea to even attempt it when we are\ dressed and made up and ready to walk out the door to work... or have our hands in a sink full of dirty dishes.. 
  • Bree-- I don't know much about interviews but I know it is good if you try not to use your hands too much. I have a terrible problem with that. I think it has only gotten worse after learning ASL too.
  • I absolutely hate group interviews. I went to one where there were 8 or 9 interviewees and it was so hard to get a word in.
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