Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning! And Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

Surely I'm not the only one who has to work?!? (And I even have to go in earlier than usual, yuck.)

How's everyone doing?

There's a warm spell going on right now, so it's been sunny and in the 70s all week.  Are you all having white Christmases?

Re: Good morning! And Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

  • I'll be leaving for tampa today! No work for me. H just left though so im awake, kinda.
  • I am getting ready to go to work myself. I mistakenly agreed to make mac and cheese for a potluck lunch at work today so I am currently boiling noodles and putting together ingredients to try and make a crockpot mac and cheese. 

    There will be 5 people in work today. wtf am I going to do with myself? NOTHING. 

    I am even wearing a sweatshirt to work today. FVCK THE MAN.
  • Hi ggirl!
    I just checked, and the weather is going to be in the 60-80s this weekend.  Woot!  If you're going to do a Tampa Christmas, it might as well be sunny with decorated palm trees.  :)
  • Morning!  I'm off to work myself.  Hopefully not for a full day.

    We will not be having a white Christmas in NE, methinks.  It's about 40 degrees and windy.

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  • You show them, Rosie!

    We had our work potluck yesterday.  For some reason, the nurses asked me to just give them money to buy sushi rather than bring in a dish.  It was easier for me, but I wonder why they assumed that I don't cook.  I guess this is the one group of nurses that hasn't ever tasted my caramels.

    But it was sweet.  They gave me this travel coffee mug with Dr. E engraved in it.  :P
  • Good morning! Yeah, I have to work today too. And probably a full day - I have a ton of crap to get done. We are leaving tonight for Tennessee - we'll be driving over night so we get to H's dad's house first thing tomorrow morning. Luckily we're carpooling with BIL and he's a 3rd shifter. So he's driving.
  • Bay-I think that's how the weather has been in my hometown up north too. Very mild winter so far. Mica-I can't wait. It's warm here now but it will be even better there.
  • Morning. Coffee's brewing.  About to run the dishwasher with our Christmas dishes for tonight's family dinner.  We have our parents over every year on CEE.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
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  • Good morning. I'm working untl 1 today. We'll only have 13 opposed to 85 on a regular day. It should be nice haha
  • I tried to go back to sleep and failed miserably. Now I'm laying on the couch, watching the Today show. 
  • I'm working. It's the suck. But I'm off for 10 days if I can just make it the rest of today! No white Christmas here. I think it's supposed to be in the 50s?
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • It's 56 degrees here right now. I'm really not complaining. I hope it stays like this until Spring haha.
  • I can't think of the last time I had 10 days off in a row. I think it has at least been over 3 years. 
  • I think the only time I had 10 days off in a row was my honeymoon.  But before that, it was probably when I was unemployed.

    I can't wait until 3 PM today.  I'm hoping the boss releases me early.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Yeah, we didn't take a honeymoon since I had just started a new job. Oh well, some day.

    I hope you get out early too! I would hate to be working today. 
  • Hmm I hate that my mind is elsewhere while at work. I have a lot of stuff to do when I get off and I keep running through my list.
  • Morning all, raining and 34 degrees here in Western, NY.  I am beginning to think mother nature has gone into menapause!  No chance for a white Christmas here.  I am also working a full day today.  My choice though since I have taken most of next week off to go play in Canada with FI.  Lots to do today, some work related and some personal.  Ditto to what Rosie said, I have things to get done!

    Have a good one ladies!  Enjoy your families and friends as we go through the holidays.
  • Aw Ski you're in WNY? Eat some wings for me please and have some tim horton's. I'm totally missing it right now and won't be home until late summer probably. 
  • I am really sad we won't have a white christmas this year :( We had one two years ago but it started to rain in the afternoon and washed all of the snow away :(
  • Morning.

    I'm off today, but my day it packed full.  I need to go to the store to get a some new pillows/cases for our guests arriving on Sunday, then I have to clean and get ready the house for tonight.  (We are having DH's sous chefs over for a xmas party.)   

    Tomorrow I'm back to work for a long 2 weeks.  Not really looking forward to that.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • You got it ggirl,  wings and Tim Horton's two really good things about my move to Western NY.....I have been here just over a year  now and really love it.  After living 45 years (yes that long) in one town in NEPA it was quite a change.  I don't drink coffee though so it will need to be a delicious hot chocolate from Tim's.
  • The cafe mocha is delicious from there as well. I love living down south now, but I miss my pizza, wings, and all the other delicious food.

    and H just came home so we can get on the road earlier to Florida! YAY! 
  • Lynda, how did chef-D do last night?  and another question for you.....

    Ever heard of an attorney named Brion Morrisette from your days in St Thomas?
  • Morning ladies!  No white Christmas here - it's been warmish and raining all week.  Gross.

    Here's hoping they let us off an hour early today.  This week has been crazy and next week is going to be even worse with everyone gone!
  • Oh HAI!! I totally forgot it was Friday as I am off work today! WOOT! I've been packing and cleaning so far this morning, but I need to have a break for some lunch! Couldn't figure out why I was so shaky. Dur.

    *dances out*
  • Beanie, that's very random. lol!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning! And Merry Christmas Eve Eve!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Lynda, how did chef-D do last night?  and another question for you..... Ever heard of an attorney named Brion Morrisette from your days in St Thomas?
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]

    <div>He cried, barked most of the night.  Finally at 4am I took him out and he fell asleep on my lap.  I've been getting up at 4-4:30 lately for work anyway.    It's so hard to hear him cry all night and I'm worried about the neighbors, but they say they can't really hear him.   </div><div>
    </div><div>Right now he is crying about being in the play pen.  He hates being cooped up.  We give him toys, treats, blankets, etc.   He does not care,  he just wants out.  It does not seem to tire him out either. </div><div>
    </div><div>Yes, I've heard of Brion.  I've met him a few times, but I'm not sure he would remember.  (met him in party-type situations).  He is a St Johnian.   Born and rasied.</div>

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Good morning!  It does not feel like Christmas is in two days AT ALL.  I picked up my new glasses yesterday and I still like them, so yay.  But I'm stuck in them for a week until the irritation on my eyes goes away and he can fit me in new contacts.  I did get permission to wear contacts when we go out tomorrow, though.

    I have never seen a white Christmas.  I've never seen snow, though, so that makes sense I guess.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Good Morning All!

    Work for me today, but I heard a rumor we'll be sent home early. I'm going to get as much done this morning as possible so I'll be ready to run out the door when they give us the word lol

    Bay, we're definitely not getting a white Christmas this year - although there is some snow falling  with the rain where I am, I don't think it's going to amount to anything.

    Hope you all have a great day!!!  And Merry Christmas, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy Hanaukka and all of that!
  • Morning ladies!  I'm eating my breakfast and then heading into work.  I know we're not getting an early dismissal today because my boss told us yesterday that corporate would be checking to make sure all of the schools were open until 5pm.  Scrooges.

    There are only going to be 4 of us and our boss.  So it will be super obvious if I'm slacking off which is annoying.

    But I'll be posting from my phone, y'all better keep me entertained! :)
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