Wedding Etiquette Forum

G'mornin' People!


Re: G'mornin' People!

  • LDY, that's just mean of your great-grandparents to do that to their kids.  Coke?

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Baystate - I know, right!?

    I literally JUST heard on the radio that the fastest growing girls name in the country is Isla.
  • My mom TOTALLY thought she was being original when she named me Jennifer Undecided

    I can't wait to be married and have a last name that people won't butcher... at least not as much. They can still misspell it, but it's a lot easier to correct them (and have them understand the first 5 times you spell it).
  • In Response to Re: G'mornin' People!:
    [QUOTE]Anna - please tell me you're joking. Those names are TERRIBLE. My grandmother's parents must have been on something. They had Reba, Marnelle, Coke, Red, J.W. (yes, that was his name, on his birth certificate...*sigh*). All of their middle names were awkward too - I think Coke's middle name was like "Fennil" or something.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    Well my maternal grandmother was born to Eastern European immigrants and my paternal grandmother still lives in Iceland. So I think both names are pretty normal for them but, yeah. They would not have been fun for me. I actually do have a younger cousin who got Zenovia as a middle name and an aunt who had to grow up in Canada with Gunnhilder as her name.  So basically I should not complain about the name I ended up with.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Baystate - I know, right!? I literally JUST heard on the radio that the fastest growing girls name in the country is Isla.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    Really? Huh. We were wondering where they came up with that name. I immediately thought of Isla Fisher, but I didn't know it was becoming so popular. Our cousin Isabella is going to be one of many when she starts school and we really want to try to avoid that with our kids.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Birdie -- my maiden name was the same as that of a singer who became popular when I was in high school.  Ever since then, people say "Oh, like so-and-so, right?"  I was so happy to take my H's name, which, while common, is also short and easy to spell.

    As to weird baby names, my sister keeps telling me she wants us to name our first son Charlemagne.  I know she does it just to drive my H up the wall.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Anna - Gunnhilder is just...scary. Anna is way better! Zenovia I guess could be cool...if you can work it. I could not work it. However, I'm going to be the only lady in the nursing home named Brittany. *sigh* I will eternally have a name that reminds people of Britney Spears and ditzy cheerleaders.

    My last name now is HORRIBLE. People always think I'm saying "Wrinkle" fact, I am not. I hate when I say it and spell it out and people still write "Wrinkle." That's not my last name, k thanks.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:9d1af831-ccfa-409e-98c5-d85d40f5e506Post:a1b7e1a7-ec05-4b88-9d49-f3bdc203fe77">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]My mom TOTALLY thought she was being original when she named me Jennifer I can't wait to be married and have a last name that people won't butcher... at least not as much. They can still misspell it, but it's a lot easier to correct them (and have them understand the first 5 times you spell it).
    Posted by Birdie1483[/QUOTE]

    Haha I know what you mean. My parents named me Amanda - apparently not realizing that it was the most popular girl name in 1981. Or maybe they did, and really wanted me to graduate High School with 17 other Amanda's.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Isn't it funny how there seem to be trends with names, too, just like everything else?</strong> H doesn't want our kids to be one of those trend names, but we'll see what we can come up with when the time comes.
    Posted by MissySue20[/QUOTE]

    LVB's names reminded me that my good friend named her daughter Sophia. That same year it came out as the #1 female name. My friend was pissed! She was like "THATS MY NAME!!!!"

    I want to name my kids unique, but not weird or hard to spell names. My top girls names right now are:

    Olivia (even though it's becoming super popular)

    Boy names are up for debate. I love my dad's name, but I'm not sure if my family or I could emotionally deal with saying it every day.
  • There was a girl I went to school with named Llara.  It was Spanish so the double L's make a Y sound and if you roll the hard really hard it sounds like a D so basically it was pronounced YAH-duh.  A lot of people at my white bread middle school struggled with that one.
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  • Here in Chile, Emily is a challenge. Nevermind that it's phonetic, just like everything else in the Spanish language. I get Evelyn a fair amount from people who just hear me say my name, and Emely is a popular spelling even from people who're responding to e-mails where my name is correctly written.

    My favorite though is telling people "Emily. E-M-I-L-Y" and then watching as they write those 5 letters sloooowly, as though they don't believe me, look at it with an expression of "well that CAN'T be right!" and then add an N to the end like "there, fixed it!" No, it is not Emilyn. I didn't forget the N. I know how to spell my name.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: G'mornin' People! : Haha I know what you mean. My parents named me Amanda - apparently not realizing that it was the most popular girl name in 1981. Or maybe they did, and really wanted me to graduate High School with 17 other Amanda's.
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    That was going to be my name until my mom's friend named her daughter Amanda. :)

    There were 1234987 Amanda's when I gradated and the same for Jennifers. My German class actually had 5 Jennifers in it once. We all sat in a row. And of course, when I came to my current job, there was only one other female in my department and her name was Jennifer.
  • Not gonna lie - I like the name Emilyn. However, I can see how that could get annoying seeing as it's not your name and all.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: G'mornin' People! : LVB's names reminded me that my good friend named her daughter Sophia. That same year it came out as the #1 female name. My friend was pissed! She was like "THATS MY NAME!!!!" I want to name my kids unique, but not weird or hard to spell names. My top girls names right now are: Layla Lyla Olivia (even though it's becoming super popular) Boy names are up for debate. I love my dad's name, but I'm not sure if my family or I could emotionally deal with saying it every day.
    Posted by Birdie1483[/QUOTE]

    My BIL & SIL want to name their 2nd child Sophia. They are 11 weeks now, so we'll find out soon enough if that works. Then they'll have Isabella and Sophia, and no creativity whatsoever.

    We want to name a son with DH's dad's name as a middle name. His dad died of a heart attack 21 years ago when DH was 7 years old. It would really mean a lot to him to be able to pass his dad's legacy on some how. Maybe a middle name would make it a little less painful and you'll get to tell your son how special he is being named after someone so loved.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Matilda, the middle name is probably the way to go. Funny thing is, my dad's name was Clinton and one of my favorite boy names is William. However, I can't name my child William Clinton Birdie.

    I actually really like my maiden name for a boy's name, but I wouldn't put my child through a lifetime's worth of misspellings for it.
  • I like Julia. I really don't meet a lot of them, but it's a totally normal name. Until Baby B had to go steal it!
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • I hate when people pull the "it's MY name" crap.  Did you invent and trademark it?  Then no, it's not your name.

    Every time I hear that someone else is naming their child Isabella (I have three friends who did that in the past year), I cringe.  I feel bad for them, and their kindergarten teachers, in 5 years.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Birdie--people really butcher your last name soo much? I mean, it is not a strange name. It figures quite prominently in the Bible so I would think people would have heard of it before. I think it is a good first name for a boy.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:9d1af831-ccfa-409e-98c5-d85d40f5e506Post:6f46dfe7-2927-47a1-a84a-368610362213">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]DH had to call a customer yesterday from his office to ask them a question and the woman's name was Potty. He really didn't want to say it in case he was wrong so he asked for Dotty. But no, it was Potty. Which of course made me think of "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" and the witch named Latrine. 
    Posted by waltzingmatilda13[/QUOTE]

    It used to be Sh!thouse, but we changed it in the fourth century!
  • I'm hoping that in 3 years, Sophia won't be too popular. Even better if we have a boy first. I don't see Asher an awful lot. so that would be like 5-6 years before Sophia or Alexis would come to be, so it wouldn't be so bad. It would be like naming your kid Jennifer now. Popular name, but more like their teacher's name, not their peers.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Birdie - not gonna lie, I had to go check FB to make sure I was right about your last name - I can't believe they mispronounce and misspell it so much! I guess it's the double letter?
  • Sawyer is another boy name that H likes, but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that one.
  • Bay, what's funny is that BIL & SIL don't even like Twilight. Her name is Isabella Marie [very strong Italian name] and I think that's what they were going for. Just a blatant Italian name, which is why they like Sophia, too. But of course Isabella is going to get caught up in the whole craziness in 5 years. Fun times for her.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Anna, I can't spell her last name for shiit. I always double the wrong letter.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]All this talk of baby names makes me feel far behind.. I don't have any picked out yet. Though my name is pretty common, the spelling throws people. No, it really is "C-A-R-I" and not some other version of Cari. And if people don't know me first, they see the "I" as an "L". So I get called Carl a lot.
    Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]

    One of my best friends is named Lory after her grandfather. It is they boy spelling of Laurie and people can't handle it. She gets Larry all. the. time.
  • Anna - is your first name actually Anna?  I won't even begin to understand how they mispronounce that.  Of course I have one of the most English names there is (Anne), and people misspell it and/or mispronounce it (Annie).

    And this one time, in 8th grade, we sat in alphabetical order, and it just so happened that my row went: "Anna", "Annie", "Anne", all in order.  I thought it was funny.
  • annakb8annakb8 member
    edited December 2010
    Yeah, it is Anna, but it is pronounced not the normal English way. More like Ahh-nuh instead of how you say the A in your name if that makes sense. My dad is from Iceland so we used the Icelandic pronunciation.

    And my mom did not learn her lesson. After my parents divorced my mom got married again to a guy from Croatia (she apparently has very international tastes). The decided to name my brother Ivan but pronounce it the Croatian way. It is EE-vahn instead of Eye-van.

    Edit: That is funny about the Anna, Annie, Anne. My FI has sisters in law named Annie and Aimee which I think will get confusing. Especially since both brothers (FIs half brothers form different parents) are named Matt.
  • My first name is really hard for Spanish-speakers for some reason.  It is very English, though.  (Lindsey)  And everybody spelled/said my maiden name wrong, so I'm pretty happy with my new married last name.
  • Oh yeah, then I would spell it "Ana", too.

    Yeah, your family reunions must be confusing.  My sister-in-law is named "Carrie" and my stepdad is "Kerry".  They both have the same last name.  So we get confused sometimes when we talk about them, since they are pronounced the same.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: G'mornin' People!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sawyer is another boy name that H likes, but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that one.
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    There was a Sawyer at my old school. And he was the sweetest, cutest little boy.
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