Wedding Etiquette Forum

Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.


Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.

  • Is it ok to hang out if I don't drink wine?


  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b450bec3-39df-498b-8a51-5bc1b3fe4a45Post:39d1c2a1-ff82-40c6-b282-1d19c613fd0f">Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I also tell myself that. H is playing on his computer and we have hockey on, not the game that he wants, but they show updates.
    Posted by teachermegs[/QUOTE]

    We call it being "independent together" a la Herbie and Rudolph.


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is it ok to hang out if I don't drink wine?
    Posted by kjhowd[/QUOTE]
    yes of course!
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  • Oh good.

    BTW Andy I love love love your kitten - very cute face.


  • Sort of speaking of animals: did anyone see the video of this girl and the animal noises?

    I actually think its pretty impressive.
  • I don't drink wine. H made me a whiskey and Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry. I usually do a vodka lemonade.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't drink wine. H made me a whiskey and Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry. I usually do a vodka lemonade.
    Posted by teachermegs[/QUOTE] lemonade.

    I do love wine, but I have a hard time finishing a whole bottle myself.  I'm such a lightweight.

    ::hangs head in shame::
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b450bec3-39df-498b-8a51-5bc1b3fe4a45Post:1f2a28b6-e534-4759-b760-6f06e7206342">Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't drink wine. H made me a whiskey and Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry. I usually do a vodka lemonade.
    Posted by teachermegs[/QUOTE]

    That sounds very interesting and tasty.  I'm a hard cider drinker, myself.  But like a good whiskey sour from time to time.


  • H drinks whiskey and the pop we have in the house.

    (I still say pop, even after living in the south for 5 plus years.)

  • So much for taking a nap.  I got too bored and couldn't sleep.  And between H and the dog sleeping and both snoring, it was a steady stream of snore.  

    I want to be cruel and wake H up to make me a drink.  Or I can jst not be lazy and make it myself.  I've been drinking sweet tea vodka and lemonade lately, and it's also delicious.  I just bought another jumbo bottle of raspberry vodka too.  I'm into summer drink mode, so summer just needs to be here.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Beach- I can't wait for summer! Make yourself a drink and the next time you need a drink wake him up. That is what I would do.
  • Hello!
    Just sitting here not doing much. I broke out in hives today...not fun.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • I totally didn't read the other posts but I'm posting anyway. I'm eating dinner (spaghetti) and watching a movie on the Disney channel, Lemonade Mouth. H is working on his tools/equipment out in the garage. Lame Friday night.
  • Now that I'm back from Panera I think I'll have some whipped cream vodka. I just sent FI to the store to buy something to mix it with.
  • Fridays have been lame for us for awhile. It isn't worth going out anymore. H and I were invited out tonight. He just asked if I wanted to go. I asked, "Why are you asking me so late?"
    He responded,"They are meeting at 9."

    I already lived that life. I am such a homebody. 9 is late to me (I am old).
  • I secretly love the Disney channel. Like it's one of the things I miss the most about not having cable. Disney and nick at nite were some of the only things I ever actually watched.
  • I'm going to go read the thread while I wait for my answer. Would anyone be annoyed if I posted a couple pictures of the cutest nephew ever?
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Here is a random pic of my cats because they are funny:

  • Ridiculously annoyed.  I hate looking at cute babies.

    Umm, I think posting them and AWin him is required.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • So I just saw an ad for a new Disney movie and the star's name is Sharpay.

    I know the spelling's not right but who the eff names their kid after a dog breed?



  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:b450bec3-39df-498b-8a51-5bc1b3fe4a45Post:91056eac-fd1a-4231-ba38-4f5936874a3d">Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm going to go read the thread while I wait for my answer. Would anyone be annoyed if I posted a couple pictures of the cutest nephew ever?
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    Is this even an actual question? Please do!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone here? <----NIghtime talk goes here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm going to go read the thread while I wait for my answer. Would anyone be annoyed if I posted a couple pictures of the cutest nephew ever?
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    I am bored.  Please post baby pictures.

    PS.  Did you finish the quilt (was that for the nephew?  I forget).
  • Not at all!
    I just received some cute niece pictures from the wedding.
  • I have seen and heard a lot of names that make you ask,  "What were the parents were thinking?"

  • "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • It just blows my mind - do they ever think of the future these kids might have dealing with those crazy names?

    My name is pretty common, with the non-common spelling.  I've spent the last 30+ years reminding the world my name is spelled with a "K" not a "C".


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  • Oh, and I did finish the quilt. I don't have any pictures of it on my phone though.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • OMG.  He's so precious.  I especially like the first picture.
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