Wedding Etiquette Forum

Male annoyances

i know you have them.  Let's get them out.


I just went to fix some of the voiceovers I did about a month ago.  When the guy called, he practically begged me to come over asap, so I convince H to have a fast dinner and then over to the guys house.  I get there, and he doesn't have a single thing ready for me.  He told me it would take five minutes and since he clearly didn't have anything ready, that wasn't going to be the case.  Now, what I SHOULD have done, is go back out to the car where H was waiting (he refused to come into the house for some really odd reason) and let him know it was going to be at least 20-30 minuets.  Instead, I just grabbed the printed pages and started trying to find the things I needed to re-read.

An hour later (I'd been in a sound room for most of this time) I leave the house not knowing how long it's been, and H is walking up to the door absolutely FUMING and is SO RUDE to this voiceover guy and says "It's been an hour.  I'm leaving with or without you" WTF? 

1. Yes, I know I should have let you know it would be longer, but I was in a room ffs with no clock. 

2. You saw me walk into the house.  WHY would you wait an HOUR before coming to find out what was going on?!  After 20 minutes, I would have been knocking on the door to find out what the deal was!  GAH. 

He's still being all pissy with me and it's ticking me off because he was most definitely at fault too.

Whoa.  That got long.

Re: Male annoyances

  • Stackeye210Stackeye210 member
    edited May 2011
    Tell him to go watch the toilet flush a few times, maybe it'll cheer him up.

  • That whole situation would piss me off Snippy.  Although I can see where your H is coming from too, since i get annoyed when things end up being way longer than estimated.  But still, he could have come in much sooner.  

    I get annoyed with H and the naps he always wants to take.  He comes home from work everyday and takes a nap on the couch.  If I don't wake him up after an hour or an hour and a half, he would easily sleep for hours.  But he insists on taking one everyday, and then has trouble falling asleep at night, so he sleeps like crap, which results in him being exhausted the next day and wanting to nap again.  It's just a constant cycle, and he refuses to listen to me when I tell him that if he would just stop napping he would sleep so much better.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]Tell him to go watch the toilet flush a few times, maybe it'll cheer him up.
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    <div>Wasn't that Emily's H who was a big fan of checking toilets?</div>
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Ah, maybe it was.  One of the out of country husbands liked toilets!  LOL.

  • hahaha.  I know, I know.  He's not normally so pissy, but damn.  He did NOT like it when I pointed out that he could have knocked on the door to find out what was up.  In fact, his response was, "I didn't know which house it was." Um, there are two.  It was a 50-50 shot. 

    DNB, that's totally frustrating.  How does he not make the connection?!
  • edited May 2011
    Snippy, that's why I bring a book almost everywhere I go. :-P At least I get some reading in when I end up waiting.

    H told me he'd be home around 11:30 on Monday. Nope, 2am. To be fair, it was a work project that HAD to be done by Tuesday. Last night he went to a networking thing and said, "I'll be leaving soon" at 9:30. I went to bed a little after 10. This morning he said he got home at 11:30. Good thing I didn't wait up for you.

    The only day this week I've gotten to really see him was Tuesday, which was his birthday, and only because we played a kickball game together.

    I can't be too mad though because I promised to pick a friend up at the airport tonight - at midnight. H is probably going to do it for me because he doesn't have to work tomorrow and I do.

    Oh, and another annoyance is that the guy who came to fix the copier has a bagpipe version of Amazing Grace as his ringtone. Who does that?
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  • aragx6aragx6 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    I only have two major annoyances with my FI:

    1. If I don't sharpie important date and times to his flucking head he forgets. It makes me feel like his mother. I hate that.

    2. He likes to argue just for the sake of arguing. Oh wait, I do that too. Shiit.
  • This is my input:

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
  • One thing that annoys me.  When I get on a cleaning roll I want to clean the entire house all at once.  It literally takes an hour - maybe hour and a half, so it isn't even a hard job to complete and to be honest I don't mind doing it at all.  But Mr Stack will be playing his video game in the office and he'll say, "don't worry about the office I'll get it" - which is fine by me b/c he uses the office closet for his clothes so most of the office mess is basically his clothes from getting ready in the mornings. 

    Anyhow, the past 3 times I've done my clean sweep of the house he has said this to me, and I'm thinking he'll clean it that day right?  Nope.  Like 3 days go by and still no clean office so I just clean it myself.  It annoys me.  It's like I'm so close to a job completion and he just leaves it hanging. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c82c3f7b-02f0-48bb-862f-02616814f295Post:2699a363-dddb-4631-ab0e-401356a4ea39">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]One thing that annoys me.  When I get on a cleaning roll I want to clean the entire house all at once.  It literally takes an hour - maybe hour and a half, so it isn't even a hard job to complete and to be honest I don't mind doing it at all.  But Mr Stack will be playing his video game in the office and he'll say, "don't worry about the office I'll get it" - which is fine by me b/c he uses the office closet for his clothes so most of the office mess is basically his clothes from getting ready in the mornings.  Anyhow, the past 3 times I've done my clean sweep of the house he has said this to me, and I'm thinking he'll clean it that day right?  Nope.  Like 3 days go by and still no clean office so I just clean it myself.  It annoys me.  It's like I'm so close to a job completion and he just leaves it hanging. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Eye-to-eye, Stacks, eye-to-eye.
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
  • DNB, my H takes huge long naps too.  I don't get it.  I realize that he works all day but no, you don't need to take a nap from 6:30 - 9:00 PM.  That's not a nap.  That's pretty much just going to sleep.

    Also, when I was sick last week, I wasn't really eating anything, so H assured me that he would cook for himself.  I went into the kitchen and saw that he left a SEA of used dishes, pots, pans, baking sheets, etc. that spread from the table, all the way across the kitchen island and sink, to the stove.  He used like 10 dishes to make ONE calzone.  I don't know how.  Mind = blown.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • I know in Emily's episode of House Hunters her H flushed the toilet in every place to check it.  

    Snippy I'm pretty sure he gets the connection, but just doesn't care.  He figures there is no harm in him taking a nap everyday, so he is fine with his schedule as is.  I get annoyed when I'm working in the living room and he tries to turn it into a cave so he can sleep.  Or when he tosses and turns in bed because he can't sleep and keeps me awake.  I have told him several times though that once we have kids his naps are out of the question.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Male annoyances : Eye-to-eye, Stacks, eye-to-eye.
    Posted by doctabroccoli[/QUOTE]

    The thing is I don't mind cleaning at all.  Our house is not hard to clean.  I'd much prefer to clean around him playing his video game, which is exactly what I'm going to do next time. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:c82c3f7b-02f0-48bb-862f-02616814f295Post:b9345d7d-d97f-4fac-b59c-f1e3c66b78da">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Male annoyances : The thing is I don't mind cleaning at all.  Our house is not hard to clean.  I'd much prefer to clean around him playing his video game, which is exactly what I'm going to do next time. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Yup.  If I'm really on a roll, I'll just do it myself.  But there are some days that I want him to do it, just on the principle of the matter.  Those times I leave it for him :).
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
  • My only annoyance right now is that H is encouraging my mom in this ridiculous boat endeavor.  Well, maybe not encouraging, but he's going with her to look at the stupid thing.  Same thing in my mind.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE].  2. You saw me walk into the house.  WHY would you wait an HOUR before coming to find out what was going on?!  After 20 minutes, I would have been knocking on the door to find out what the deal was!  GAH. 
    Posted by Snippylynn[/QUOTE]

    <div>This would annoy ME. God forbid something happened to you! He should have come check on you sooner. 1) to see if you were alright, and 2) then he would have an idea on how much longer  you would be.</div><div>
    </div><div>Ohhhh, men. </div>

  • I can't really complain about how H cleans, because he is pretty good about it.  We both have things that are more important to us, like for me it's the kitchen being clean, and he hates when stuff gets stacked on our dining room table, which is a catchall by the front door.  He has his "man zone" that I don't really care what it looks like inside, but it's usually pretty clean. 

    The only thing that drives me insane is that his version of "cleaning the kitchen" is putting everything in the sink, not even rinsing it.  I've gotten him to at least put things in the dishwasher, but then he doesn't wash the pots and pans used.  So I end up cleaning it anyways after him.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Hahaha, he doesn't normally like checking toilets!

    DNB, I am very anti-nap, so that would bug the crap out of me. I feel like the occasional nap is one thing, but planning for a daily nap shouldn't happen after age 5 or so.

    Arag, I am with you on the H forgetting events/it making me feel like his mom thing. The really ridiculous part is that he has a day planner which goes everywhere with him because his schedule is so weird that he needs to write everything down. Apparently however it's too much to ask that he write down things like trips or get togethers.
  • Channel Surfing.

    Why must DH watch 3 shows at the same time?

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Oh good god.  I can't get H to help me clean.  He's so lacksadaisacal about it and it drives me up the wall.  I ask for help and he says "later" .  Later never comes.
  • My H can't keep track of time to save his life. "I'll be home in an hour" really means like three hours. Being someone who likes to have a plan and know what's going on, it drives me nuts. But it's usually when he's working so I understand that things come up. Customers ask him for one more thing, he has to stay and prune something, whatever. 

    This isn't really H, but his guy friends. His friends call all the time at like 10 pm asking if they can come over and hang out (read: drink beer, start a fire, and go fishing off the dock). Who does that? It's 10 freakin oclock, I want to get in my PJs and not ahve to worry about entertaining people on a damn Tuesday. He always tells them no and then they cop an attitude. I'm not sure I like his friends all that much.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Male annoyances : Wasn't that Emily's H who was a big fan of checking toilets?
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]


    H bugs me because if we're watching something we DVR'd - he'll pause it when HE has to get up to go to the bathroom or go to the kitchen or whatever, but if I get up to pee, I get attitude if I ask for it to be paused. I've started stealing the remote, pausing it, taking it with me and coming back and un pausing it. He's turning into a remote ninja though and not letting me steal it.

  • Oh yes, H also has an awful memory.  Like, can't remember something I tell him an hour ago.  It drives me nuts. 
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Oh yeah.

    H has had a weird schedule for the last two weeks (four days on, three days off).  It's FINALLY beautiful outside, and he has spent the entirety of his time off this week sitting inside, in front of the computer or the XBox.  I just want to drop kick him out the door and say "GO DO SOMETHING, IT'S BEAUTIFUL OUT."

    His response is "What am I supposed to do outside?"  Translation: outside doesn't have electronics.  *sigh*

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Oh gosh bay, my H is the same way. The other day we were making tacos, so I was just going to warm the tortillas and use the same pan to fry them. H takes out another pan and pours a shit-ton of oil in it. I said "oh okay I was just going to use this one to do that" and then he continues to pour oil into the other one. So now I have two oily ass pots when I should have just had 1.

    It also takes him about 2 hours to do dishes. I swear he is like a 6 year old doing dishes. He stares vacantly at the TV and sponges the same dish for like 30 minutes. Sometimes I go and turn the TV off to get him to snap out of it. He has such a short attention span for cleaning, but for video games, he could play all day. I do not get it.
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its

    My list is too long.  Thank goodness H occasionally does sweet/cute/funny things, or I'd probably have already kicked him out.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]Channel Surfing. Why must DH watch 3 shows at the same time?
    Posted by lyndausvi[/QUOTE]

    This is totally me.
  • annakb8annakb8 member
    It drives me crazy that FI never tells me if he has to stay at work late. And if he is staying late he doesn't answer phone calls or texts asking what is going on. It's really annoying when I come home and fix dinner only to have to wait 30 minutes to eat because he is still at work.

    And yesterday we were meeting after work to go to a part that was literally next door to my office. He told me he was leaving on time so I went outside to wait for him (his office is like 5 minutes from mine). He didn't show up for 45 freaking minutes. No text, no call, nothing. I was so annoyed I wanted to skip the party. If his coworker hadn't been there I might have.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Male annoyances</a>:
    [QUOTE]DNB, my H takes huge long naps too.  I don't get it.  I realize that he works all day but no, you don't need to take a nap from 6:30 - 9:00 PM.  That's not a nap.  That's pretty much just going to sleep. Also, when I was sick last week, I wasn't really eating anything, so H assured me that he would cook for himself.  I went into the kitchen and saw that he left a SEA of used dishes, pots, pans, baking sheets, etc. that spread from the table, all the way across the kitchen island and sink, to the stove.  He used like 10 dishes to make ONE calzone.  I don't know how.  Mind = blown.
    Posted by baystateapple[/QUOTE]

    This one always amazes me. Sometimes I won't feel like making dinner, and I'll think maybe I should just ask Charlie to cook or something, and then I picture the number of dishes he will use.... and no. Not worth it. He does grill pretty good hot dogs, though.

    Overall, though, I sort of feel like living with him is similar to housebreaking a puppy. He's cute and all, so it's worth it, but man.
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  • Emily  - why do you not like naps?  I think they are under-rated.    I love naps.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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