i know you have them. Let's get them out.
I just went to fix some of the voiceovers I did about a month ago. When the guy called, he practically begged me to come over asap, so I convince H to have a fast dinner and then over to the guys house. I get there, and he doesn't have a single thing ready for me. He told me it would take five minutes and since he clearly didn't have anything ready, that wasn't going to be the case. Now, what I SHOULD have done, is go back out to the car where H was waiting (he refused to come into the house for some really odd reason) and let him know it was going to be at least 20-30 minuets. Instead, I just grabbed the printed pages and started trying to find the things I needed to re-read.
An hour later (I'd been in a sound room for most of this time) I leave the house not knowing how long it's been, and H is walking up to the door absolutely FUMING and is SO RUDE to this voiceover guy and says "It's been an hour. I'm leaving with or without you" WTF?
1. Yes, I know I should have let you know it would be longer, but I was in a room ffs with no clock.
2. You saw me walk into the house. WHY would you wait an HOUR before coming to find out what was going on?! After 20 minutes, I would have been knocking on the door to find out what the deal was! GAH.
He's still being all pissy with me and it's ticking me off because he was most definitely at fault too.
Whoa. That got long.