The month after we first got engaged while still living in excitement of the moment, I sent out messages on Facebook that read "I am starting to work on the guest list for our wedding. May I have your address please?" to some people who are probably not going to make it into the final cut of our guest list! Ugh! I know... what was I thinking?! I was excited and spreading the word, but didn't realize just how many people I sent messages to. So now we have to get the guest count down to under 300 total and I don't want to offend anyone in the process, especially not people who took the request for an address as an actual invitation (which is was not meant to be). I don't know what to do, nor the polite way to do it!
Since the wedding is 8 months from the date I sent out the messages, will people maybe just forget if I don't mention it? Wishful thinking, I know, but we're talking about people I seldom see in person and maybe haven't actually spoken to in over a year who I was close with at one time or another in my life. Yet, one of these unfortunate souls sent me a message updating their address just the other day. Should I say anything at all? A condolence message explaining the situation? Please, I need help digging myself out of this hole, lol! Any advice is welcome!!!