Wedding Etiquette Forum

Is this thing working? Testing.. testing..

It may not work but I did not like it on TN very much.. Would take some getting used to. Are any of you around? How is everyone and what are y'all up to this evening? Almost Friday :)

ETA: This is the OP.

Re: Is this thing working? Testing.. testing..

  • Hi.  I just posted a "bonjour" thread, but it ended up "3 hours ago"... Stupid TK IT.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is this thing working? Testing.. testing..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Trying again to see if I can get this post on the second page where it belongs:<strong> I've caught myself being shorter</strong> and b***ier with posters that get on my nerves lately and I'd like to think it's because TK has been such a PITA. But then other people that agree say "way to go" and I'm like okay cool, I'm going to keep saying what I think even when it's not all rainbows and unicorns.
    Posted by kalpi108[/QUOTE]

    <div>I have not noticed this. </div>
  • Hi!  I hope it's working.  I don't like TN.
  • Doesn't seem to be since Loopy's post went above mine. Ugh.
  • I thought it was working, in my thread posts started going in order again, but this thread, not so much.
  • Mica - do you know what the story is? I saw a post from KA or someone over a week ago on another board that "they're working on it". This is pretty absurd. They really need to get this fixed or at least make an announcement.
  • Nope.  Let me go check the mod board.
  • Word, Daff. I'm pretty sure we're all over this and then some.
  • This is the reward we get for jizzing puppy rainbow glitter all year. THANKS KA.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Please do Mica.  I agree, this is pretty rediculous.  At least leave it alone until you can be sure you're fixing it.  Experimenting in the hopes of getting it right, is extremely annoying.
  • edited December 2011
    Being nice always comes back to bite you in the ass. Lesson learned.

    ETA: That was in response to LC.
  • HA!  So true LC.  What's up?  How are you enjoying Atlanta?  Everything working out?  You stopped blogging :(.    
  • Ohhhhh!  That's what TN stuff was.  I lurk a lot these days (less time to post) and I saw that business but didn't actually click the link. 

    I can't believe TK has gotten so bad that we've had to cyber squat over on TN.  It must be TK's plot to get us old married hags off TK and stop "being mean" to the newbs.
  • KA declared everything fixed this afternoon, but both Anna.oscar and I told her things were still off.

    I'm supposed to tell you to be patient and thank you for your patience.

  • I lurve Atlanta! Everything is going really well. H's job situation is a little tenuous right now, but it's nothing to get my panties in a twist over. We're looking forward to going to Louisiana for Christmas though.

    I did stop blogging. I'm just never going to be a blogger. I concede defeat dammit. I need to take the link out of my sig.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • LOL.  No judgement LC.  I should remove my link as well since I never update it.  But I still harbor delusions that I'll magically become inspired with topics and start blogging about them.
  • I'm bummed because my realtor said that there is unpermitted square footage in the house I like, so the bank not want to get into a loan over it.
  • FI is always telling me to do a food blog but I'm way too lazy and inconsistent to keep up with blogging. I have a blog where I used to post my creative writing and I was so good about it for a while and then just fell off completely when life got hectic again. I don't need blogs to remind me I suck at sticking to stuff.
  • Hey there. Don't know where this is going to end up, and I haven't read the rest. Except I know I'm like Eagles. I've been kind of staying away because of this craziness.
  • What is "unpermitted" square footage?  DId they add on without pulling permits or finish a basement (I thought they didn't have basements in FL - am I right?)
  • I've been here, but I only read until I see posts out of order and then I go back to watching Bones.  I've wasted WAY too many hours of my life watching Bones lately, but it's oh so good.
  • I'm so close to losing my Newb badge and going Bronze and finally getting to know you all and this JUST WON STOP. I want to post more BUT IT'S SO OBNOXIOUS. but not as ba as TN format is. I'm exhausted. Middle school drama club wears me out.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • They added on without getting a permit.  I don't know what square footage yet, will try to get that information tomorrow and figure out options.
  • ::waves hello::

    I have a weird schedule right now.  6-2:30 some days, 7-3:30 other days then a random 11-7:30 thrown in.    Plus I'm working like 9 days in a row.   I'm not use to working that much.       The holidays are going to suck with all my guests around and working that much.  Oh and my boss is going away for 10 days starting the 25th and I'm his back up.   Umm... this is going to be awesome.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Mica I'm sorry about the house. That's a bummer.
  • Lynda what are you doing now?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Is this thing working? Testing.. testing..</a>:
    [QUOTE]LC, the solution is clearly that we need to go back to full on bitchfests.  Fuuck the kumbaya bullshit.  Cagematch, bitches.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]
  • Sorry about the house, Mica.

    I haven't been glancing at or reading TK at work at all, even if I'm just sitting around taking a breather for a little while. There's no point, too confusing and it makes me annoyed. I don't want to be all frustrated with TK when I'm about to go back to being a people person at work a few minutes later haha.
  • Did someone say thunderdome?
  • Sorry to hear that Mica.  I hope you can work it out.

    Nicki - You'll get there.
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