
Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am getting ready to go the allergy doctor for my check up, I should find out today whether or not I will need shots! Gosh I hate allergies! Then it's time for work, I cannot wait for the weekend!

What are yalls plans for the day?

Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:e155a3a2-ee9e-45a6-9461-a0c29f149e5b">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : I'm making mine by hand, and I'm so giddy to do it. I keep wanting to start but my mom and BMs are all like, 'you have TEN months!' The invitations are the part I think I'm most excited about, so I can somewhat understand how you feel about actually receiving them!
    Posted by StephLove12[/QUOTE]

    It really is one of those things that makes me feel like "wow, I'm really getting married."  I know I'm a little early still, but I had a good coupon and all the info is set like ceremony time, location, so I ordered them.  I think 10 months sounds like a good time to make up a few practice invitations, if you haven't already :)

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  • Good Morning Ladies! Hope everyone is having a good start to the day.  I woke up late, butgetting to work late almost seems like a bonus, because I got xtra sleep! LOl
  • edited December 2011
    Oh gosh, here we go again with the wonky ordering. COME ON TK.

    I ordered my invitations 7 months in advance because we knew what we needed on them, so I figured why not. That gave me 4 months to hand address, stuff, and stamp 120 invitations all on my own!

    Steph, if you're going to hand make them, I'd consider getting started now. Unless you only have like 25 to make. If you have 75+, I wouldn't waste any time. Yes you have 10 months to go but at the same time, you have X number of invitations to make in 8 months. I doubt you want to devote an ENTIRE weekend to only making invitations, KWIM?
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:b0bd76c7-d5a0-4c1c-861d-2722772dabc3">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning. I too will be trying to get through the day without falling asleep. Had to be up at 5:30 this morning to make it to mass by 6:30 so I can be at work by 7:30-8:00 ish. It's a holy day of obligation, meaning I have to go to church today sometime because it's a special feast day for those non-Catholics among us. Couldn't go tonight because FI and I are going to dinner with my grandparents. I'm actually really excited about that, now I'm just hoping I can stay awake long enough.
    Posted by heroeswearbrown[/QUOTE]

    Man, my Mom would kill me but which one is it?  Advent has started right?

    I'm a confirmed Catholic but I left the church at age 17 and practic a different religion now.  I respect people religious beliefs and knowing Catholism is something I usually am pretty good at given my Mom still practicing and giving that she really drilled it into us growing up (CCD was a MUST!)
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:d60f0698-cf88-4906-985c-8b0b578ad2bf">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hope you ladies are able to fight the sleep while at work. I am in school all day then one of my professors is hosting a Dinner with Shakespeare sort of thing. Then it's a late night working on my papers.
    Posted by starryangelz72[/QUOTE]

    I envy you! I love professors who do this type of thing and this sounds particularly awesome!  Have fun tonight and please, report back :) 
  • I woke up earlier than normal for work and unfortunately FI is getting re-sick (he has a cold but it seems to knock him on his butt more than I'm used to for most people...) and just laid there while I ran around getting ready and dealing with the dogs.  I guess it's what he deals with on mornings when I'm having a bad fibro day, but I didn't expect it and have to be on show site today which is a much bigger deal if I'm late than just being late to the office.  I was a little annoyed.  I sucked 2 travel mugs of coffee (anyone who likes Bailey's Irish Cream get the coffee creamer, NOW) and all is well now.  Sort of.  I'm one by one changing booth numbers in our system - it's tedious but must be done.  Today is the first Thursday I'm free from my lame business 101 class and I'm soooo relieved!!!
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:0363aa64-2a80-495f-825c-00acec122efa">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : confirmation before adulthood seems slightly silly to me, because even though at 17, you're making some decisions for yourself, you are still very much under your parents control. I want to raise my kids catholic, but I don't know that I'm going to force them into confirmation.
    Posted by heroeswearbrown[/QUOTE]

    17?? I was confirmed in the 8th grade!  If I was confirmed at 17...well it wouldn't have happened.  I was beginning to see things in the Catholic church I as a person did not agree with spiritually or philosophically at the age of 14.  It was at 17 that I decided to leave the Catholic church and to see if their was a spiritual path or religion that I did agree with.  I later found one at age 19.

    (I'm a sad monkey because I'm on the west coast so all of my posts will be in the middle of this thread and will make NO sense....*le sigh*)
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:0363aa64-2a80-495f-825c-00acec122efa">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : confirmation before adulthood seems slightly silly to me, because even though at 17, you're making some decisions for yourself, you are still very much under your parents control. I want to raise my kids catholic, but I don't know that I'm going to force them into confirmation.
    Posted by heroeswearbrown[/QUOTE]

    Honestly if my parents had been more open and let me have more say in my religious "upbringing" I feel like I wouldn't have rebelled as hard and I might still attend church. Because of the rigidity of my upbringing with the church, I can honestly say I will never <em>want</em> to attend again and if I have children I would never intentionally take them myself (though if they requested to go I would allow them to attend with a relative)
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:88c56c91-1bf2-4965-a3bd-dbb41af7e6df">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]then she said she didint want to go because she doesnt like to order off a menu and apparently the chef at this resturant doesnt like that. I asked her how she ordered then at restaurants and she said that she just tells them "how to cook" the food she wants. fml
    Posted by i2012do[/QUOTE]

    I know people who ask for things that are not on the menu, to see if the chef will make them.  It apparently works a lot of times - they're from NYC though so it doesn't surprise me that it would work (there at least.)  If you're willing to pay what they're willing to charge to make what you want, then hey - win/win. However, telling a Chef how to cook something is a LOT different than saying "Would the Chef by chance be able to make XYZ"  or asking for a variation of a menu item.  There's a golden rule when you go out to eat:  Don't mess with the people who make your food! 
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:876b0c29-ab6f-4823-86eb-deb2aadbe1c4">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : 17?? I was confirmed in the 8th grade!  If I was confirmed at 17...well it wouldn't have happened.  I was beginning to see things in the Catholic church I as a person did not agree with spiritually or philosophically at the age of 14.  It was at 17 that I decided to leave the Catholic church and to see if their was a spiritual path or religion that I did agree with.  I later found one at age 19. (I'm a sad monkey because I'm on the west coast so all of my posts will be in the middle of this thread and will make NO sense....*le sigh*)
    Posted by LGM22[/QUOTE]

    In my diocese, it's junior year of high school. Sadly, there are still quite a few kids who are forced into it by their parents, or like me, just hadn't had the experience of seeing what else is out there before 17. There was some talk a few years back about changing the age in our diocese to 8. Make second grade a big year for these kids. 1st reconciliation, communion, and wth, let's throw in confirmation too.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:5636d0c6-44b4-4381-aa3b-f42a2c876d45">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : Honestly if my parents had been more open and let me have more say in my religious "upbringing" I feel like I wouldn't have rebelled as hard and I might still attend church. Because of the rigidity of my upbringing with the church, I can honestly say I will never want to attend again and if I have children I would never intentionally take them myself (though if they requested to go I would allow them to attend with a relative)
    Posted by entropicbeauty[/QUOTE]
    I completely agree. I think it also has a lot to do with the Catholic church I attended from birth, as they are BIGGGG into guilting you for your sins. I wasn't cool with that. I could still be a churchgoer today if it had been a less strict church and my parents had been less strict. I guess I just don't like being told what to do ;)
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:c62b88f5-70ab-403f-84d8-b6453886cb56">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : I told my parents that if they made me get confirmed, I would be honest when asked if I wanted to devote my life to Jesus (or whatever it is they ask you) and say no. That may have had something to do with them allowing me to stop CCD, not sure. I used "retired Catholic" but I like recovering!!
    Posted by AmethystMSU[/QUOTE]

    I joke that I'm 'rouge' from time to time - like when I bring my Mom to Midnight Mass (if ever I do) or if I got to a wedding or function at a Catholic church.  I joke around and tell people not to say my name, because the Church might try and bring me back. 

    My mom is actually really cool about my not being Catholic.  Her biggest thing is that she wants her children to have faith in their life.  My sister and I are the ones who do, her more than I, and my mom supports my choice.  She's asked questions about my faith and I answer them and it's really cool.
  • Good morning!

    I'm hopefully making it through 5 o'clock without falling asleep at work, then going home and crashing. SO TIRED.
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  • i was going to read and such, but the posts are all crazy so i'm probably going to take a break today.
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  • work work work, then I'm going to the gym to get a workout in and then I would absolutely love to get to bed before midnight!
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:5cf58905-02b6-4ee5-97b4-35467fc1cc2c">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : Ugh you just gave me nightmares.... I suffered through 9 years of CCD before my parents gave in and let me quit.
    Posted by AmethystMSU[/QUOTE]

    My Mom would TEACH CCD just so we could go for free....every Tuesday man.  I'm right there with you.  I did CCD and then after being confirmed I was in Youth Group.  I liked that at first and then when I was in High School and started interacting with people on the internet it all started going downhill.....

    Funny little anecdote, and pardon if it's TMI - in Youth Group they felt that shaving your legs in the winter or when you're wearing pants/sweats meant you know, you were prepping to do naughty things.  I myself, I shave my legs every shower because I can't stand the stubble.  Every time I do it in the winter and half the time I do it just whenever I recall that preach and laugh with a sigh, shaking my head.  Oh those silly Catholics.  Sometimes people just want to have smooth legs....
  • Good morning. I too will be trying to get through the day without falling asleep. Had to be up at 5:30 this morning to make it to mass by 6:30 so I can be at work by 7:30-8:00 ish. It's a holy day of obligation, meaning I have to go to church today sometime because it's a special feast day for those non-Catholics among us. Couldn't go tonight because FI and I are going to dinner with my grandparents. I'm actually really excited about that, now I'm just hoping I can stay awake long enough.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:c62b88f5-70ab-403f-84d8-b6453886cb56">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : I told my parents that if they made me get confirmed, I would be honest when asked if I wanted to devote my life to Jesus (or whatever it is they ask you) and say no. That may have had something to do with them allowing me to stop CCD, not sure. I used "retired Catholic" but I like recovering!!
    Posted by AmethystMSU[/QUOTE]

    My sister used my Mom's name as her confirmation name because in reality it was for her and not for my Sister. 
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:5636d0c6-44b4-4381-aa3b-f42a2c876d45">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : Honestly if my parents had been more open and let me have more say in my religious "upbringing" I feel like I wouldn't have rebelled as hard and I might still attend church. Because of the rigidity of my upbringing with the church, I can honestly say I will never want to attend again and if I have children I would never intentionally take them myself (though if they requested to go I would allow them to attend with a relative)
    Posted by entropicbeauty[/QUOTE]

    There's a belief out there, and I tend to agree, that people who have religion "shoved" down their throat either rebel against is wholly or embrace it entirely to a lifestyle degree - either by entering the church or devoting their life to it in another fashion.

      I think the comments in this thread just move to harden this theory.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:bc62e7ff-fdb9-460e-95ba-c1e1a3f88e23">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : In my diocese, it's junior year of high school. Sadly, there are still quite a few kids who are forced into it by their parents, or like me, just hadn't had the experience of seeing what else is out there before 17. There was some talk a few years back about changing the age in our diocese to 8. Make second grade a big year for these kids. 1st reconciliation, communion, and wth, let's throw in confirmation too.
    Posted by heroeswearbrown[/QUOTE]

    That would be a HORRIBLE idea!  8th grade is perhaps too early (as we've proven here) but age 8?!  No way man!  You're right, 2cond grade is already monumentous enough with those major moments.  Keep is where it is!!
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:c864d127-085a-49bc-91cd-70af6aeefc8b">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : I envy you! I love professors who do this type of thing and this sounds particularly awesome!  Have fun tonight and please, report back :) 
    Posted by LGM22[/QUOTE]

    I will report back for sure. This is the first time I've ever had a professor do something like this so I'm a little nervous but she's an awesome teacher.
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  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:b0bd76c7-d5a0-4c1c-861d-2722772dabc3">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning. I too will be trying to get through the day without falling asleep. Had to be up at 5:30 this morning to make it to mass by 6:30 so I can be at work by 7:30-8:00 ish.<strong> It's a holy day of obligation</strong>, meaning I have to go to church today sometime because it's a special feast day for those non-Catholics among us. Couldn't go tonight because FI and I are going to dinner with my grandparents. I'm actually really excited about that, now I'm just hoping I can stay awake long enough.
    Posted by heroeswearbrown[/QUOTE]

    As one of those non catholics, is today a day that celebrates a particular event?  I'm just curious as to what the significance of this event is, if you don't mind sharing.

    I'm protestant, so I know Easter, Christmas, and am familiar with Ash Wednesday and Lent, just wasn't sure about today. 

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  • Hope you ladies are able to fight the sleep while at work. I am in school all day then one of my professors is hosting a Dinner with Shakespeare sort of thing. Then it's a late night working on my papers.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning! I left work early yesterday due to being sick, came in late this morning, but probably won't last long.  I'm so congested and miserable! So my plans for today now include urgent care. Blah.
    Posted by djhar[/QUOTE]

    Hope you feel better!!!!!!!

    I just got to work from the Allergy doctor, apparently I have severe asthma and have to start allergy shots in a couple weeks.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:d85e9831-a7a4-4ed6-9a78-15a2e48461cc">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : As one of those non catholics, is today a day that celebrates a particular event?  I'm just curious as to what the significance of this event is, if you don't mind sharing. I'm protestant, so I know Easter, Christmas, and am familiar with Ash Wednesday and Lent, just wasn't sure about today. 
    Posted by becka717[/QUOTE]
    I was raised Catholic and I can't even figure out what today is. 17 days until Christmas?? Ha. We went to church most Sundays, but we didn't participate in holy days of obligation outside of Christmas and Easter.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:d85e9831-a7a4-4ed6-9a78-15a2e48461cc">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : As one of those non catholics, is today a day that celebrates a particular event?  I'm just curious as to what the significance of this event is, if you don't mind sharing. I'm protestant, so I know Easter, Christmas, and am familiar with Ash Wednesday and Lent, just wasn't sure about today. 
    Posted by becka717[/QUOTE]

    today is the feast of the immaculate conception. We celebrate Mary as the mother of Jesus, although I'm not sure why today is the day they decided for that, but it is.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:3f2c5b58-0b9b-4b44-8295-564b54553006Post:5f9d64a1-f498-4d02-b4fc-c7942b45f617">Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!! : I was raised Catholic and I can't even figure out what today is. 17 days until Christmas?? Ha. We went to church most Sundays, but we didn't participate in holy days of obligation outside of Christmas and Easter.
    Posted by AmethystMSU[/QUOTE]

    I was raised catholic as well. It's less of my own belief now and more just a kindness to my parents that I go. They still support me quite a bit, so until after the wedding when I'm out on my own, I play by their rules.
  • today is another busy (but NO WHERE near as bad as yesterday) day at work.  then home :)  I am hoping to work on my programs tonight, but if I am as tired as I have been, I will just be peeling crayons...
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  • Yes yes the feast of the immaculate conception. I haven't celebrated that since my time in Parochial schools for HS. but I s urely remember.

    I have not only work today, but a work dinner tonight. Which should be fun but i have an incredibly rude coworker, who acts and dresses inappropiately. So I am dreading going with her.
    My boss is taking us to one of the nicest restaurants in the state and its pretty fancy schmancy. So I dressed up a little more than normal for work (and even put on makeup!) and she goes "this isnt a christmas party, we are just going to dinner, why are you wearing heels?"
    OY. forgive me for trying to be a bit festive.
    then she said she didint want to go because she doesnt like to order off a menu and apparently the chef at this resturant doesnt like that. I asked her how she ordered then at restaurants and she said that she just tells them "how to cook" the food she wants.
    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
  • Good morning everyone (well, technically afternoon here). I have class today, and then I need to start on my finals, so I probably won't be on much during the day today. I see TK is up to its usual shenanigans, so it's probably good that I won't be posting much. Have a great day, everyone!
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