Wedding Etiquette Forum

weird phobias.

I know a guy (ok, we're married) who is scared of giving blood tests. why? not because of the needle. but because he hates when they tie the rubber band thingie around his arm, and he can feel his pulse. he also won't let anyone take his blood pressure. I had to get his wedding band way too big because his hands swell and he didn't want the ring to be so tight he could feel his pulse. the whole circulatory system makes him queasy for some reason. I've never heard of this kind of phobia, but it's bad, and I don't know how to help him get over it. any psychologists wanna tackle this one?also, what weird phobias do you have?

Re: weird phobias.

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    Dude, I totally have that same fear.  Not so much a fear, as it just really grosses me out to feel my own pulse.  Especially beating so hard against something.  It makes me want to throw up.My weirdest phobia is the post office. 

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    I'm afraid of mascots.  Macots, or anyone else in a full body costume.  It freaks me uncomfortable when humans don't look like humans.  I hate full-costume clowns for the same reason.


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
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    Baby corn and I have no idea why. 
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    I am afraid of ketchup.When I was a kid, at lunch in the cafeteria, kids would squirt ketchup packets at me because, at the time, I just didn't like it and they thought I was weird because of it.  Now, whenever I'm around someone eating ketchup I get all clammy and nervous and my stomach goes in knots.  I hate it.Some forms of ketchup are better than others, though.  Ketchup packets, used ketchup on plates, and ketchup on hot dogs are the worst.  I am slightly more okay with ketchup that comes from glass bottles.  I hate it from plastic bottles though.  I don't know why.
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    One of my friends gets really freaked out when her nails get long enough to see the "white part". So she'll always keep her nails really short, and she thinks french manicures are gross. Strange. But she's awesome, so it's ok :)
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    I don't know how to tackle this phobia, but I share it.  I almost passed out in Jr. High health class when we were discussing the circulatory system.  Now I'm in veterinary school, assist in surgeries and even draw blood on dogs & cats.  It's just human blood that bothers me, I guess.
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    I'm afraid of bodily fluids from strangers. If someone got to close to me and spat when he/she spoke, I'd puke. That's only the beginning. All the nurses and care home workers out there, my utmost respect to you!
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    I'm afraid that when my dog is on the floor, resting his head underneath our bed, that the bed is going to somehow suddenly break and fall onto his head. It is completely irrational as the bed frame is brand new and in perfect condition.
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    So.. that should have said either "freaks me out" or "makes me uncomfortable."   Something freaking me uncomfortable sounds like mascots get me all hot and bothered. 


    "Whatever East. You're just mad I RSVP'd "lame" to your pre-wedding sleepover."
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    Something freaking me uncomfortable sounds like mascots get me all hot and bothered.Thanks for this.
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    bridges, tunnels, and midgets. sorry little people.
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    I'm afraid of grates in the road. I'm always afraid they will give out when I walk over them, and I will plummet to my death---or, if I'm wearing heels, my shoes will get stuck and something equally as bad will happen. I avoid them at all costs.
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    Okay so I have a few... Clowns (especially with full makeup) and roller coasters... DH hates hologram (sp?) anything. Like the Best Buy gift cards... or anything that changes pictures when held at a different angle. It is the texture if he touches it or the sound. I think there was a movie that someone bought him for Christmas one year that had that on the cover. Perhaps "The Day After Tomorrow" ...
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    I am scared of my bed falling on my dog or cat too vally.I freak out if we're low on milk.  There has to be at least 1L in the house at all times. 

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    Oh, Rach&Rich... grates for me too. I would like to add that to my list.
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    oh, and lawnmowers.  as a kid i was scared of vacuums and toilets.  but i never got over lawnmowers.
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    lala, I have the same fear as your hubby. When I was a baby I had a partial cleft palate, so as a kid I was always going to the E.N.T. Every time they took my BP it felt like my arm was going to fall off and I cried I was so scared. It still makes me uncomfortable today.I am terrified of being t-boned but never have been.those are the ones that I would say are "wierd"
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    Most people dont need a tourniquet used at all when getting blood drawn.  Unless your DH's veins suck, have him ask the person drawing it not to use one. you can also measure blood pressures through Arterial lines.  maybe he can have on of those placed next time he needs one? ;)  not a valid option, sorry.Worms make me nauseous. as does drool. ugh.
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    Bridges freak me out too.  I always had the fear but it was compounded when I was forced to drive over the Hoan Bridge in Milwaukee shortly after they realized it was cracking, and then after the bridge in Minneapolis collapsed.  Then I found a listing of all the bridges in MN and their structural ratings and found the one with the worse (and only like 2 points better than the 35W bridge) was one I drove over at least once a week.  I always make FI drive if we'll be going over a big bridge, and I curl up in a ball and squeeze my eyes shut while trying to fight off rising wave of panic.  If it's a particular big bridge, if it makes funny sounds, or if we get stuck in traffic, I'll likely cry.

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    daff my cat is scared of all those things.  haha.  i will not step on grates or manholes.  will not not not.  i didn't think that qualified as a weird phobia though, i thought it was pretty standard. i am terrified of slugs and worms.  which is kind of ridiculous because they're so small.

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
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    I should add, it's only bridges over water.  I'm scared they'll collapse and I'll get stuck in my car and drown while trying to get out my car as it sinks.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    Rachnrich my dog is too. he will try to walk around them all the time, and once I made him go over it so he could see it was okay. He walked super slow and picked up each foot really high like he was tip-toeing. Cracked me UP
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    [i]i will not step on grates or manholes. will not not not. i didn't think that qualified as a weird phobia though, i thought it was pretty standard.[/i] well the majority of people walking down the road (sidewalk) walk right over them. so, when I purposely avoid them and walk out of their way, I assume I am not part of the majority--so it seems weird to me.
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    Also I am affraid of storm drains. Thanks "IT"
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    oh my God East, I watched this tv show on MTV a long time ago called something like "Furry Purries" or something to that effect and it was about adults who would get dressed up as animals and bang each other / do naughty things with other furry purrys (sp?). I guess there is a name for the fetish... *leaves thread pelvic thrusting to the song "Another One Bites the Dust by Queen* pew pew pew!!
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    I avoid grates because the ones around here seem to have ridiculously large gaps and my heels could easily slip through. Same with my dogs, their paws could definitely slip through them. Fortunately my dogs are smart and walk around them :)
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    I think I've mentioned this before.The wind.  Although I'm not sure if it's so much a phobia or an intense dislike.

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    Not really a phobia, but crunchy things like croutons give me goosebumps. Even thinking or talking about them does. I totally agree with East's fear of mascots, too. In 8th grade a friend's mom showed up in a gorilla costume for her bday, I was terrified, even when I knew it was just a costume.
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    I have a needle phobia also and I can't have that horrible blood pressure thing on my arm, it makes me feel sick just thinking about it. I can't talk about injections or anything becaus eI start freaking out, if I ever have to have an injection I get extremely paniced like someone is trying to kill me and get very violent, it's horrible! My friend has a phobia of MELON! So I don't feel so weird for mine anymore!
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    I cannot sleep with my foot hanging off the bed - I'm terrified a hand will come up from under the bed and grab it while I'm sleeping.
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