Wedding Etiquette Forum

It's evening over here.

Which means it's time for an evening thread!

I got done with work 4 hours early today, and had big plans to be super productive.  I did not do anything on my list.  Whoops.

I have fasting lab work in the morning, and I'm not pleased.  I can't eat anything after 7 tonight, which is in LESS THAN AN HOUR.  I don't take kindly to people telling me I can't eat.  No one better piss me off tomorrow before I have my breakfast and my Diet Dr Pepper, or sh1t is going down.  AND THEY WILL BE SORRY.

And Hi :)

Everything the light touches is my kingdom.

Re: It's evening over here.

  • And seriously, TK?  I can't even say shiiiiiiiiiit with two "i"s now?  FREE SPEECH MOTHERFUCKERS.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Oh good.  I can't say "shiiiit" whether properly or improperly spelled, but I can absolutely say motherfuckers.  Makes perfect sense.

    And I'm sorry, that's probably been beaten to death 7 times by now. I'm quite finished.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Talking to yourself J? You can keep going, it's pretty amusing : )
  • I talk to myself often.  I've pretty much mastered that art.  As you can see ;)

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I read the AYG on SB which turned into trying out what words or phrases one could type. It entertained me as I waited for the doctor yesterday afternoon.

    I had an interview this afternoon for a school that is closer to where I live. I really liked the vibe I got from the ones interviewing and I hope I get it. Good vibes appreciated.
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  • But, you know, I WOULD appreciate company.

    Also, it's mostly because I haven't yet broken the habit from back in the olden days here on TK when there wasn't an edit option.  And I type faster than I think, so I sometimes don't complete my thoughts before I hit post.  And instead of editing, which is still weird to me sometimes, I just post again. 

    And that, my friends, is how I REALLY got my post count so high.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • That would be awesome if you got it, Petal!  Good vibes!  Are you a teacher, then?  My best friend is a teacher, and it sounds like the application/interview process is a PITA.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I always wondered about your high post count. Now I know your secrets.

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  • I'm a school counselor and I currently have a job that I love, however, it is 78 miles round trip for me. I'm trying to get in a similar school but closer to home. It is about as similar as can be to my current school.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: It's evening over here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I always wondered about your high post count. Now I know your secrets.
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    It's a combo of that and the fact that I've been posting since my join date of 3.5 years ago, and for about a year total of that time I was unemployed, and another year I was in grad school in the middle of fuucking nowhere, and I entertained myself almost solely by knotting because I was full of the lame.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Sorry J - I'm here but my grandmother is here as well so I won't be paying full attention. So why can't you eat after 7?

    Petal - Good luck!
  • Hi, J! 

    My classroom has windows. The windows do not have curtains or blinds. They face west. I am seriously tempted to either leave or put on my sunglasses. 
  • Oh, sweet!  I have great memories of a lot of my school counselors.  Unfortunately, a lot of the ones I deal with in my job now are sort of crappy, and they irritate the crap out of me.  Then again, a lot of schools around here are moving away from school counselors and towards school social workers, and hiring people with a ton less education and experience.  It makes me sad.  I bet you're a kickass counselor!

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Hi!
    I'm finally around for an evening thread.  I took today off work for a vet appointment for my horse and was going to spend the rest of the day grading papers.  Nope, that didn't happen.

  • Thanks Poke.

    Special that sucks. I would wear the glasses.
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  • For a good chunk of the day, I've been lurking on the TN Proboard site. Is there still a TK one? I noticed Steph deleted the link she posted on E.
  • Special, if you put on sunglasses it would make my life.

    Poke, I have to fast for 12 hours for my labwork in the morning.  TORTURE.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • J, it is kind of ridiculous.

    I was pretty productive today (woo dissertation), but I didn't get anything done around the house. I have to clean because we're having a party on Saturday.

    If I see one more ice cream ad, something bad is going to happen to this diet.
  • Hey Barrel!

    J - I was reading (way after the fact) of your problems with the schools and I kept thinking that you should come work with me cause I'm awesome. I love my job. I get to know all the kids and I can act crazy and they love it.

    True story: When I started at my school I had teachers ask me if I was going to give the kids candy if they were bad. Apparently that happened with previous counselors. Yah.
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  • One of my HS guidance counselors was amazing. His daughter was a jerk to me, but he was amazing. 

    My junior high counselor can go fuckk herself or jump off a bridge. To this day, I think I'd be tempted to punch her if I ran into her at the grocery store.

    Petal, I'm assuming that since you're not crazypants, you're a good counselor. That is, you would never walk into an eighth grade band classroom with 65 kids and tell them that one of their classmates won't be in for the next week or two since she's been committed to a juvenile mental health facility after a suicide attempt. I am still pissed.
  • I had to severely edit that post due to my overwhelming use of profanity.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: It's evening over here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey Barrel! J - I was reading (way after the fact) of your problems with the schools and I kept thinking that you should come work with me cause I'm awesome. I love my job. I get to know all the kids and I can act crazy and they love it. True story: When I started at my school I had teachers ask me if I was going to give the kids candy if they were bad. Apparently that happened with previous counselors. Yah.
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    Oh lord, you don't even know the half of it.  The SPED system in the county I work is has gone to the birds.  Between the counselors/admin/social workers/teachers, I do not think very highly of the county's schools in general.  I know I see a really skewed view, and I try to keep that in mind, and try to see things from their points of view, but it's pretty hard. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • That's annoying Special, I wonder why they won't put up some blinds?

    I'm sorry J, I hate having to fast for stuff. I'm getting hungry right now, but I won't talk about what's for dinner : p
  • Holy shiiit Special. That is so wrong on so many levels. Poor girl and poor the rest of you.

    I would say one of our challenges is getting teachers to understand confidentiality. Oh, and that my job is problem solving and not discipline. Overall I work with great people.
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  • Whoa, Special.  In no world is that ok.  What in the hell?  If that was my kid, so many heads would be rolling.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Special, if that was my kid, I would be kicking some butt and getting someone fired. Not appropriate. Not ever.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: It's evening over here.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Holy shiiit Special. That is so wrong on so many levels. Poor girl and poor the rest of you. I would say one of our challenges is getting teachers to understand confidentiality. Oh, and that my job is problem solving and not discipline. Overall I work with great people.
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    Yes, I have a really hard time getting teachers to understand that I'm not there to deal out consequences.  I'm there to teach skills and support.  I'm certainly not rewarding acting out behaviors, but if I consequenced those kids, I'd get absolutely nowhere with them.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • ErinG93ErinG93 member
    Evening. I've had the most shiiiiiitastic day I've had in a very long time. H just asked if I wanted to go BBQ with friends and I think I killed him with my eyes.
  • Poke, it used to have blinds. Now it doesn't. I imagine something broke. Something is always broken here. 

    Stupid question for anyone who wears contacts: When you cry (not tear up, but full on weep), can you still see? I have a box of soft contacts I really need to wear, and I hate my prescription sunglasses, so I'd rather wear my cute Gucci ones. However, I had an incident years ago involving Where The Red Fern Grows and gas permeable lenses. They left my eyeballs.

    Please talk to me like I'm stupid and tell me whether I'm going to embarrass myself.
  • We don't have people like you J at our schools, at least that I have seen. We just have the case workers assigned from DCF (protective services) that come sometimes and they ask questions in the weirdest/worst way sometimes.

    Another story: I did a lesson in a class and I asked how something made them feel. One kids said "like killing myself". I glanced at the teacher and she said "oh yah, he says stuff like that all the time". WTF? You didn't think that was important? Special's story made me remember that.
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