Snarky Brides

Just Curious....


Re: Just Curious....

  • Dang, allisong sure told me!  I ain't no sweetie.

  • I'm not sure Aprov isn't confusing revenue with profits.  Revenue is what goes back into the comapny, paying salaries, providing R&D, etc.  Profit is what's left over when the revenue has been distributed.  It's what the company has left after everything has been accounted for.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • I just read this whole thing. Why?

    I have to say, though, that Fenton is now my all-time favorite SB poster.

    As for the health care bill, people DIE because of decisions insurance companies make regarding profits. Something needs to change. As far as this particular bill is concerned, I was upset that single-payer was taken off the table before negotiations began and that there's no public option, period, in the final version.

    And California is NOT broke because of welfare or health care. If you're refering to Healthy Families, most states have a similar program. If you're refering to MediCal, it's similar to Medicaid, but incorporates more people (those living over the poverty line) since this is a high cost of living state.

    Here's why California has no money:

    - Prop 13, which limits the amount of property tax we pay (around 1%) and states that a house can't be reassessed unless it is sold. Yup, there are lots of people that are paying 1% on what their property was worth 30 years ago.
    - The ballot initiative system in general, which ties up the vast majority of our budget every year. Seriously, something like 60-70%, giving legislators less than half the overall state budget to actually tweak.
    - No tax on mineral extraction. Oil companies pay for the rights to drill and then take oil out of the ground and sell it FOR FREE.
    - Waiving taxes on most things related to the entertainment industry (but to be fair, this mainly affects the county and city I live in/local taxes). Example: the Grammys threatened to move to NY if they didn't have several million in fees waived, which go to things like, oh, police escorts.
    - The largest university system in the US, the California State University system (CSU - 23 schools). Oh, what's that? We actually have 2 university systems - there's also the 10 schools in the UC system, which are all research universities. Plus the community college system.

    I could go on. Suffice to say, it has almost nothing to do with healthcare. And yes, everyone gets maternity leave (12 weeks) on short-term disability. NOT full pay. It's actually about the same amount as in Canada, a lot less than most countries, and, I believe, what the government is proposing for federal employees.
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  • Not sure how I missed the leukemia thing.  However, that does make a lot less sense.  My mom just had cancer of the boob, pretty typical, and to this day my family worries about her losing insurance and then having a recurrence.  If you were living with it indefinitely, I would imagine you would live in fear of your insurance company dropping your coverage and would welcome with open arms any safety net plan the government could provide.
    "As of page 2 this might be the most boring argument ever. It's making me long for Rape Day." - Mouse
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:45e1c135-fb35-4080-af4c-bf4e50a7df86">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just read this whole thing. Why? I have to say, though, that Fenton is now my all-time favorite SB poster. As for the health care bill, people DIE because of decisions insurance companies make regarding profits. Something needs to change. <strong>As far as this particular bill is concerned, I was upset that single-payer was taken off the table before negotiations began and that there's no public option, period, in the final version</strong>. Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I agree with this (and that Fenton is awesome lol - I'll be using that quote about elitists on FB soon and will be sure to give credit).  Ugghh and I disagree when people say Obama is passing healthcare reform JUST because he wants to be known or remembered, etc.  I think he's historical enough on his own. 
  • So has aprovencher just dropped off the face of the earth since this thread?
  • I think so. She only started this thread so she could judge and crap on people who she felt weren't knowledgeable enough on the health care bill anyways. I almost joined this thread when it started until I realized aprovencher is a douche.
    I can just hear her now: "Do you even KNOW what a douche is?? Yeah, I didn't think so!"
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:3c0a6c0c-9018-4c65-9633-908c56b195f9">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : Yes, I know all that.  Which is why I was being sarcastic.  Go back and read more closely. And Apro is a grad student!  Please, 23 year-old female with no health problems who may or may not have ever had to get insurance other than through her parents, tell us more about the abundance of choice in health care!  Yes, I understand risk pools, and they are an arbitrary, bullsh!t way of providing a service.  I worked in a four person office awhile back and when one of the other people got cancer, everyone else's premiums skyrocketed.  It was especially nice for my boss whose husband was unemployed and they had four kids!
    Posted by _Fenton[/QUOTE]

    I'm 25 (almost 26).....have serious health problems....and pay for my own insurance.  I also haven't had my parents pay for health insurance since I was 19.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:4b7453f4-c21b-4ab4-b0ae-52068153393d">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]So has aprovencher just dropped off the face of the earth since this thread?
    Posted by HappyTummy613[/QUOTE]

    No!  I'm sorry ended up in hospital with no computer which just about drove me insane.  Just got home today and am happy to be back =).
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:91159773-e0c4-4a7b-9bb4-5fe5748d2050">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : which just makes her point of view that much more confusing.
    Posted by boxerfan[/QUOTE]

    Um no not really.  It just means I understand saving money today through crappy "reforms" eventually hurts everyone even more later on.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:b867b6ab-8071-449e-8e88-fd571f198725">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think so. She only started this thread so she could judge and crap on people who she felt weren't knowledgeable enough on the health care bill anyways. I almost joined this thread when it started until I realized aprovencher is a douche. I can just hear her now: "Do you even KNOW what a douche is?? Yeah, I didn't think so!"
    Posted by L-Bride[/QUOTE]

    Yes thats exactly it.....clearly ALL of my posts have been about the healthcare bill....
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:9450f144-6724-4ca1-b8ab-6cb7b5a20e4d">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : I was waiting for this.  "I work for pharma, you guys, so I know how it really works."  I, too, work for a big pharma company.  Posting from the corporate office right now.  If you are defending big pharmas exhorbitant revenues by saying it's all going back into R&D, you are insane.  Our CEO was compensated $13 million last year...  his salary was a 20-something% INCREASE from the previous year.  Yet right before my very eyes, I am watching hundreds of people (lifers here!) get canned with little to no severence (we're only about 500 cuts deep into the previously announced 5,000).  And this guy gets a 20% raise in his take-home pay??  $13 million could be the annual salary of 160 employees (you know, the ones who do the R&D).  The "cost cutting" they do around here is disgusting, especially for a company that used to be known taking care of their employees.  Morale is at an all-time low.  And they are still pulling near-record profits (the 5% drop this quarter is almost all because of administrative costs with the new health bill, not any actual sacrifice on the company's part).   And we're about to lose a bunch of patents, so we're scrambling because it's about to get worse.  I'm not really losing any sleep about big pharma being bankrupted, and I think it's ridiculous to chastize people who complain about the high cost of their medications as thought they simply "don't understand" how it all works.   It's pretty simple - It's all about the $$$.  People, health, patient outcomes...  all secondary. 
    Posted by MamaKin[/QUOTE]

    Very curious who you work for??  But I know it wouldn't be smart to say that on a public forum (that isn't sarcasm I just understand).  You're not worried about big Pharma?? Who do you expect to make the next major medical advances?

    I agree CEOs taking a 20% pay increase is shitty (when performance doesn't warrant it and numerous employees are getting canned).  But that isn't just the pharmaceutical industry.  Also, its a business and a business is based around money.  It has to be because in order to have the backing to create these medications, manufacture them, etc. you need to have shareholders/stockholders and in order to have them you need to make money. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:01a81ff7-9302-49cc-ac63-921f9aed3725">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm not sure Aprov isn't confusing revenue with profits.  Revenue is what goes back into the comapny, paying salaries, providing R&D, etc.  Profit is what's left over when the revenue has been distributed.  It's what the company has left after everything has been accounted for.
    Posted by NuggetBrain[/QUOTE]

    No I'm not confused.  But I can see how that would come across.  There are numerous studies citing the decrease in profits (which usually comes from the decrease in revenues) directly correlating (in some) and causing (in others) the decrease in R&D investment. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:fb9d93a2-4904-47e9-89c1-5cf8cc1c012b">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : I've been asking myself this question for a little while now. Shame really. Oh look. We're agreeing on something else besides beer.
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    =) We agree on this, beer and Philly. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : Yes thats exactly it.....clearly ALL of my posts have been about the healthcare bill....
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]

    <div>When did I say all your posts were about the health care bill? You started this thread and answered condescendingly to posters whose answers you didn't like. From reading this thread you seem like the type of as$hole I stay away from IRL.</div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:8f65f7b6-c1ef-4109-948e-312786d36818">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : When did I say all your posts were about the health care bill? You started this thread and answered condescendingly to posters whose answers you didn't like. From reading this thread you seem like the type of as$hole I stay away from IRL.
    Posted by L-Bride[/QUOTE]

    No I answered condescendingly to posters who called "conservatives" cold hearted bitches who didn't care about their fellow men/women.  I also answer condescendingly when an answer isn't factually, mathematically, economically, etc. correct.  I actually have plenty of liberal friends who love this reform bill............and since they are educated about the subject.  They admit the flaws or what may happen but think it is more important to provide access.  I don't like their way of thinking but since it's actually supported by more than personal stories, name calling etc.  Its not an issue. 

    Such a typical response.......I have a differing opinion and expect a well formed, educated, evidence driven response and your response is to get all huffy call me condescending and call me an asshole.  Really?  Name calling is so mature in a debate and helpful! 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : No I answered condescendingly to posters who called "conservatives" cold hearted bitches who didn't care about their fellow men/women.  I also answer condescendingly when an answer isn't factually, mathematically, economically, etc. correct.  I actually have plenty of liberal friends who love this reform bill............and since they are educated about the subject.  They admit the flaws or what may happen but think it is more important to provide access.  I don't like their way of thinking but since it's actually supported by more than personal stories, name calling etc.  Its not an issue.  Such a typical response.......I have a differing opinion and expect a well formed, educated, evidence driven response and your response is to get all huffy call me condescending and call me an asshole.  Really?  Name calling is so mature in a debate and helpful! 
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I skimmed your response. Just wanted to tell you to stfu. Was that educated enough for you?

  • I wish this thread would go away.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : I skimmed your response. Just wanted to tell you to stfu. Was that educated enough for you?
    Posted by L-Bride[/QUOTE]

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:70132e5e-d2a6-44cb-b6e7-94140c9873bd">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : I skimmed your response. Just wanted to tell you to stfu. Was that educated enough for you?
    Posted by L-Bride[/QUOTE]

    LOL Typical response keep proving my point.....and I agree with Alisong....very Klassy
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:1a242434-81dc-4ac2-9fc0-ec977b871a2b">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wish this thread would go away.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    Sorry cew....
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:4cbefdde-fa6e-462e-a816-72963d967e9e">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : Sorry cew....
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]

    It's okay. I still love ya. It's just sad that almost every political thread seems to devolve into a diick measuring contest. I don't get it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : Klassy.
    Posted by allisong23[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's too bad since I was really trying to impress you with my classiness.</div>
  • SarahSmile23SarahSmile23 member
    edited June 2010
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:0456f3d0-75ee-4c2b-82c6-2bba89f35d0e">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : It's okay. I still love ya. It's just sad that almost every political thread seems to devolve into a diick measuring contest. I don't get it.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    yup, and it makes them look intolerant and close-minded.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:0456f3d0-75ee-4c2b-82c6-2bba89f35d0e">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : It's okay. I still love ya. It's just sad that almost every political thread seems to devolve into a diick measuring contest. I don't get it.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    =) Aw I still love you as well....and you make me giggle....and I'm pretty sure my diick is the biggest (j/k)

    On a non topic political thought I love your wedding dress......
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:15d0fa8b-c393-4695-bed5-d6923fe80662Post:58ea48f9-8bab-4837-8dfe-6802e90d9003">Re: Just Curious....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Curious.... : That's too bad since I was really trying to impress you with my classiness.
    Posted by L-Bride[/QUOTE]


    And anyways back to more relevant people.....
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