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thursday ch-ch-chat

my office is freezing.  like, my toes are numb.  WHYYYYYY??

what's going on today, ladies?  distract me from my frozen toes and nose and kneecaps.

Re: thursday ch-ch-chat

  • It is snowing. Bad. It looks like a snowglobe out my office window. 


    I want pizza.

    Why isn't it Friday?

  • I saw your video, @Swazzle.  that is insane!

    pizza sounds SOOOO GOOD.  what kind would you get?

    I don't know why it isn't Friday.  I woke up feeling the same way.  :(
  • We're having pizza tonight! Sausage and mushroom.

    I'm working from home because there is so. much. snow. and they closed my office.

    We bought tasty treats for eating while at home today and likely tomorrow. I am fighting the urge to eat all the snacks before lunch.

    Confession: I haven't gotten anything special for H for V Day. I'm considering making him a card. I'm not too crafty though. We'll see what happens with that.

  • good morning, NEY. I have a snow day. There is only an inch outside. They canceled this morning, so I was ready to go...but at 6:15 I got the call. Back to bed I went! I texted with a few coworkers before going back to bed, and they were pissed that we have the day off. Tomorrow will be interesting!

  • oh!  I have a stupid complaint.  H and I were going to get chinese takeout tomorrow evening for dinner, after we went to our date at the adult trampoline zone and then did our grocery shopping.  I've been pumped about it for days.  now he says he would really like to go get an onion burger.  I mean, I love onion burgers... but I have been working myself up about chinese takeout since LAST WEEK and now he tries to change it on me?!?!  what in the world is he thinking?!?!

    in case you're wondering, we're getting burgers. 
  • It's snowing pretty bad here. I can't judge how much but its a lot so far and it's coming down pretty heavy.  At least I am working from home.  I'm just so sick of the snow.  I'm going to be a big whiner here but every march we go to down to the bahamas to FI's family's timeshare & to save money for the wedding we aren't going this year.  The weather has been so awful and miserable I really wish we were in a month.  It's the first time we're not going too.  I just want to be on a beach and drinking right now.


  • @tuarceatha - what kind of treats??
  • @CocoBellaF - I want pepperoni and extra cheese. The other night, I wanted an unhealthy dinner the night before I had to do my starting weigh-in for the competition I'm doing. I suggested Chinese or pizza and H picked Chinese. I really wanted pizza but since he NEVER has an opinion about dinner, I went with it. I was disappointed with every bite. 

    @tuarceatha - Of course you are (having pizza for dinner). 

  • @cocobellaf If I were you, I would definitely make FI promise that we're getting my take-out choice next time!! Every Valentine's day we go to a small, BYOB Indian restaurant. It's never crowded on Valentine's day because they serve the food in metal plates (what you would think prisoners may eat off of lol) and that's not very romantic. But we love it, so it has become tradition.
  • We got a snow day! I love it! There is a LOT of snow on the ground here. I'm so excited about it! I slept in and now I have a study day in front of me to just catch up and not have to worry about stuff until Tuesday when we have class again! So awesome.

    My brother and I re-watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night. Omigosh. I love that movie. But I think I've seen it too many times, I knew every single line, haha. I need to get the fourth one on DVD; it was actually really good as well.

  • my favorite pizza is:  The Napoli (toasted walnuts, asiago cheese, arugula, rosemary, pancetta)

    OMG YUM.

    we have no snow here.  in fact, it'll get up to the 50's today!  WOO-HOO!!!

    I may still try to convince him of the takeout.  we'll see who wins this battle!  :)

    @500days - that sounds like something H and I would like to do!  we are trying to avoid any crowds tomorrow night, so no restaurants.

    @Swazzle - that sucks.  :(
  • @CocoBellaF Well, I got Unwrapped Mini Milky Way Bites, Cream of Wheat (because I am retro like that), Full-fat yogurt (Yoplait Original Strawberry Banana is full of fat, right?), Reduced-fat Cheez-its, Red Velvet and Cookie Dough Pop Tarts. And Gatorade.

    haha random.
  • you definitely need Gatorade, to keep your energy and electrolytes up.  ;)
  • confession:  I officially have baby fever.  I knew it was starting to build up, but it has exploded into full-fledged baby fever. 
  • @500days that sounds like the perfect valentine's day dinner. I love indian food


  • 500days500days member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited February 2014
    Swazzle said:
    I have two more weather-related complaints. 

    1) The teachers I'm friends with on FB bragging about their snow days lately. Um, you're going to be the same fucking person bitching about school in July. Can't wait. 

    2) Coworkers who got to work so late because of the snow. You knew we were getting a blizzard, why wouldn't you get up a little earlier so you could leave a little earlier and make it here on time like the rest of us? 
    Shame on me! I do love the snow days. But, I don't complain about the end of the year days. My friends do because they go away to houses in NH or on the Too bad.

  • @Swazzle - we still have a year left (or so) on the loan.  :( 
  • I also vote for pushing for takeout, @CocoBellaF. Not cool, Mr. Coco. Not okay either.

    Also, my friend told me she is pregnant last weekend and I nearly threw up from jealousy. I think I hid it well though.
  • It's snowing like a mofo here (well from what I last saw, I work in a basement so I don't know wtf is going on right now). My car got stuck on a hill at a red light and a cop yelled at me saying it was more dangerous to get stuck than to just go through the red light if there was no cross-traffic. Okay, buddy.

    I want pizza now too, I'll be having some Sunday night when @brisox81 comes to visit.

    I had FI download Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for me. I just have to get weights now, I know my mom has some hand weights at her house. Did anyone do this, what weights should I take from her? Also do you do 30 days straight or take a rest day?? I'm so confused (not)!!!!

    FI gets out of work at 2:30 today, I'm so jealous. He has to clean the bathroom though because boys are gross and he dirtied up the toilet after I cleaned it earlier. He's the best bathroom cleaner in the world.

    I'm so bored at work, my work is done for today and I have NOTHING to do. I could watch Netflix or HBO but even that gets boring.

    We're going to my parents this weekend for my mom's birthday. I'm buying her cupcakes from her favorite bakery here and we're going dress shopping for her MOB dress.

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  • @CocoBellaF Well, I got Unwrapped Mini Milky Way Bites, Cream of Wheat (because I am retro like that), Full-fat yogurt (Yoplait Original Strawberry Banana is full of fat, right?), Reduced-fat Cheez-its, Red Velvet and Cookie Dough Pop Tarts. And Gatorade.

    haha random.
    Wow, Pop Tarts are getting fancy! You've reminded me...I need some snacks!

  • 500days said:
    Wow, Pop Tarts are getting fancy! You've reminded me...I need some snacks!
    And by fancy, you mean, ridiculously unbreakfast like. I eat them for dessert.
  • I also vote for pushing for takeout, @CocoBellaF. Not cool, Mr. Coco. Not okay either.

    Also, my friend told me she is pregnant last weekend and I nearly threw up from jealousy. I think I hid it well though.
    yep, same here.  *sigh*  I legit almost bought the cutest little outfit the other day at Target (it had a fox on the shirt!).  H was trying to justify it by saying we could just save it.  then I realized, OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!!?!? and I put it back and ran out of Target as fast as I could.

  • @buddysmom80 - I would do at least one rest day a week.  I've used 3 and 5 lb weights, but a girlfriend of mine uses 8 lb weights.  I guess it depends on how much upper body strength you have.  I have more strength in my lower body, so I struggle with arm weights.
  • @tuarceatha cookie dough pop tarts sound amazing. Dunkin' Donuts makes cookie dough donuts and I had to try one. It sucked.

    @cocobellaf, I feel you on the baby fever. I don't have it yet, but my MOH is OBSESSED with getting pregnant. She's like "oh I hope you don't mind if I'm pregnant at your wedding." of course I don't care, I just don't want to hear about it all day, everyday. It's like her talking about it makes me a little jealous, but her H set some ground rules before they could start trying and he hasn't kept up with his end of the deal (getting a FT job). She also tells me she will feel HORRIBLE if I get pregnant before her. Um, thanks?

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  • @buddysmom80 - I use 3lb weights when I do 30DS. You can also watch it for free on YouTube along with all of her other workout DVDs. I did each level 5x a week with 2 rest days when I needed them. 

  • Hi ladies!

    I'm slightly jealous of all of the snow days the Northeast has had lately. We had some nasty thunderstorms, and today it's really windy and cool. This is my kind of 'winter' though. I like highs in the 60s. 

    What's with all the pizza talk? Now I'm dying for a pepperoni and extra cheese pizza. From NY of course. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • yep, same here.  *sigh*  I legit almost bought the cutest little outfit the other day at Target (it had a fox on the shirt!).  H was trying to justify it by saying we could just save it.  then I realized, OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!!?!? and I put it back and ran out of Target as fast as I could.

    I always slow down when we walk by the baby/kids sections of Target. I don't often stop, that doesn't go well. I hope your loans get paid rapidly!
  • @buddysmom80:  we aren't planning on having a biological child at this point.  my next GYN appointment is in May, and I think we'll start any required counseling and classes at that point.  hopefully that'll quell my baby fever. 

    thankfully, I love that all my friends have babies.  H and I baby-sit all the time, and we just have fun loving on all the behbehs.  but I am ready for one (or five!) of my own. 

    one of my BMs was trying to get pregnant while I was engaged.  she has been married for years and hasn't been able to get pregnant in all that time.  I was really rooting for her, but it never happened.  it would have been so exciting.  her H won't even discuss adoption, so it makes me sad.  she knows that H and I are planning on adopting, but I don't really talk about it with her because I don't want to hurt her feelings.  :(
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