But posting that we're all Nazi's (not a cool reference by the way. Anal would have conveyed the same message without downplaying the horrors that Nazi's actually did. Telling someone they need to let go of unrealistic expectations is in no way comparable to ANYTHING Nazi's actually did.) isn't helping you look reasonable.
Woah, missed that. Yeah that is not really all that cool.
Honestly, I am not bothered by the term Knotzis. But maybe that's because I know ppl who do WWII reenactments and tabletop wargaming, and someone has to be the bad guys, ya know? ;-)
Knotzi's I could possibly get behind, cause I do like bad puns.
Hmmm. Now I'm trying to think what evil faction I'd belong to. I mean, I play Horde on WoW, but it seems weird to say they're "evil" or entirely "bad" cause Alliance can be dickwolves.
Bad puns notwithstanding, there are people out there who really did suffer from the Nazis.
Bringing them up to put down others really is out of line and extremely hurtful to those who were victims of the Third Reich because it belittles their intense suffering and losses.
But posting that we're all Nazi's (not a cool reference by the way. Anal would have conveyed the same message without downplaying the horrors that Nazi's actually did. Telling someone they need to let go of unrealistic expectations is in no way comparable to ANYTHING Nazi's actually did.) isn't helping you look reasonable.
Woah, missed that. Yeah that is not really all that cool.
Honestly, I am not bothered by the term Knotzis. But maybe that's because I know ppl who do WWII reenactments and tabletop wargaming, and someone has to be the bad guys, ya know? ;-)
Hrm, but I see that as being different. You are reenacting something that actually happened in our history and of course in those reenactments you need the bad guys. But I find calling someone a Nazi as a way to say their behavior is bad is not really acceptable. In no way us telling someone that treating their friend like crap is in anyway close to us being Nazis.
But posting that we're all Nazi's (not a cool reference by the way. Anal would have conveyed the same message without downplaying the horrors that Nazi's actually did. Telling someone they need to let go of unrealistic expectations is in no way comparable to ANYTHING Nazi's actually did.) isn't helping you look reasonable.
Woah, missed that. Yeah that is not really all that cool.
Honestly, I am not bothered by the term Knotzis. But maybe that's because I know ppl who do WWII reenactments and tabletop wargaming, and someone has to be the bad guys, ya know? ;-)
Knotzi's I could possibly get behind, cause I do like bad puns.
Hmmm. Now I'm trying to think what evil faction I'd belong to. I mean, I play Horde on WoW, but it seems weird to say they're "evil" or entirely "bad" cause Alliance can be dickwolves.
Bad puns notwithstanding, there are people out there who really did suffer from the Nazis.
Bringing them up to put down others really is out of line and extremely hurtful to those who were victims of the Third Reich because it belittles their intense suffering and losses.
I know, I was the one who brought it up to begin with.
But posting that we're all Nazi's (not a cool reference by the way. Anal would have conveyed the same message without downplaying the horrors that Nazi's actually did. Telling someone they need to let go of unrealistic expectations is in no way comparable to ANYTHING Nazi's actually did.) isn't helping you look reasonable.
Woah, missed that. Yeah that is not really all that cool.
Honestly, I am not bothered by the term Knotzis. But maybe that's because I know ppl who do WWII reenactments and tabletop wargaming, and someone has to be the bad guys, ya know? ;-)
Knotzi's I could possibly get behind, cause I do like bad puns.
Hmmm. Now I'm trying to think what evil faction I'd belong to. I mean, I play Horde on WoW, but it seems weird to say they're "evil" or entirely "bad" cause Alliance can be dickwolves.
Bad puns notwithstanding, there are people out there who really did suffer from the Nazis.
Bringing them up to put down others really is out of line and extremely hurtful to those who were victims of the Third Reich because it belittles their intense suffering and losses.
I know, I was the one who brought it up to begin with.
Right, this was directed to those who think puns and jokes about Nazis are funny. They're not.
It's ok, feel free to judge and think you know what I really expect out of my friends, because yes, I do expect things out of them, like being a friend. I know...CRAZY stuff.
I don't need you to tell me how I should be or how I should act. I'm pretty confident in who I am, whether a bunch of people I don't know like me or not doesn't bleep on my radar.
I think you honestly need to take a look at yourselves and ask why you're so mean to complete strangers going through one of the most stressful times of their lives. That was the thought behind my OP. Give the girls a break...jesus.
If planning a wedding has been one of the most stressful times of your life, you should thank your lucky stars you don't know what REAL stress is like. A friend with expectations is no friend at all. True friends care without expectations.
A whole post just to tell us we're bitches and then a follow up post to say see when I call you bitches you act like bitches. Awesome.
My bride peeps have done a lot for me in regards to my wedding. Know why? I don't expect shit out of them, so they actually want to help and volunteer to help and ask to help. And when they help I am grateful to them, I buy them food and alcohol to say thank you, and I am thankful to have such amazing people in my life.
And remember, friendship is a two way street. At all times. Even when you're getting married.
But posting that we're all Nazi's (not a cool reference by the way. Anal would have conveyed the same message without downplaying the horrors that Nazi's actually did. Telling someone they need to let go of unrealistic expectations is in no way comparable to ANYTHING Nazi's actually did.) isn't helping you look reasonable.
Woah, missed that. Yeah that is not really all that cool.
Honestly, I am not bothered by the term Knotzis. But maybe that's because I know ppl who do WWII reenactments and tabletop wargaming, and someone has to be the bad guys, ya know? ;-)
Knotzi's I could possibly get behind, cause I do like bad puns.
Hmmm. Now I'm trying to think what evil faction I'd belong to. I mean, I play Horde on WoW, but it seems weird to say they're "evil" or entirely "bad" cause Alliance can be dickwolves.
Bad puns notwithstanding, there are people out there who really did suffer from the Nazis.
Bringing them up to put down others really is out of line and extremely hurtful to those who were victims of the Third Reich because it belittles their intense suffering and losses.
I know, I was the one who brought it up to begin with.
Right, this was directed to those who think puns and jokes about Nazis are funny. They're not.
They don't bother me, Jen. I just kind of ignore them.
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
But posting that we're all Nazi's (not a cool reference by the way. Anal would have conveyed the same message without downplaying the horrors that Nazi's actually did. Telling someone they need to let go of unrealistic expectations is in no way comparable to ANYTHING Nazi's actually did.) isn't helping you look reasonable.
Woah, missed that. Yeah that is not really all that cool.
Honestly, I am not bothered by the term Knotzis. But maybe that's because I know ppl who do WWII reenactments and tabletop wargaming, and someone has to be the bad guys, ya know? ;-)
Knotzi's I could possibly get behind, cause I do like bad puns.
Hmmm. Now I'm trying to think what evil faction I'd belong to. I mean, I play Horde on WoW, but it seems weird to say they're "evil" or entirely "bad" cause Alliance can be dickwolves.
Bad puns notwithstanding, there are people out there who really did suffer from the Nazis.
Bringing them up to put down others really is out of line and extremely hurtful to those who were victims of the Third Reich because it belittles their intense suffering and losses.
I know, I was the one who brought it up to begin with.
Right, this was directed to those who think puns and jokes about Nazis are funny. They're not.
They don't bother me, Jen. I just kind of ignore them.
I lost relatives to the Nazis, so they do bother me. My relatives were gassed to death or tortured or otherwise really badly hurt. And before that they lost everything to the point where if they could find one crumb of stale but not moldy bread they were lucky.
I can't ignore them. The fact that they don't bother you don't make them ignorable.
Hmm, what did my MOH and I talk about today? She went fishing over the 4th, we talked about that ... she had a list of funny pickup lines for air traffic controllers, we giggled over that ... we talked about our exercise programs ... talked about her new Facebook profile pic ... and in passing I mentioned we picked cake flavors. She's my friend, she doesn't need to discuss my wedding all the freaking time. By being my friend she's being plenty "supportive" enough.
They don't bother me, Jen. I just kind of ignore them.
I lost relatives to the Nazis, so they do bother me. My relatives were gassed to death or tortured or otherwise really badly hurt. And before that they lost everything to the point where if they could find one crumb of stale but not moldy bread they were lucky.
I can't ignore them. The fact that they don't bother you don't make them ignorable.
I didn't say you or anyone else needed to ignore them. I said the comments don't bother me, and that I ignore them.
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
It's ok, feel free to judge and think you know what I really expect out of my friends, because yes, I do expect things out of them, like being a friend. I know...CRAZY stuff.
I don't need you to tell me how I should be or how I should act. I'm pretty confident in who I am, whether a bunch of people I don't know like me or not doesn't bleep on my radar.
I think you honestly need to take a look at yourselves and ask why you're so mean to complete strangers going through one of the most stressful times of their lives. That was the thought behind my OP. Give the girls a break...jesus.
If planning a wedding has been one of the most stressful times of your life, you should thank your lucky stars you don't know what REAL stress is like. A friend with expectations is no friend at all. True friends care without expectations.
From a psychological standpoint getting married is considered to be a stressful life event. Not the most stressful but it is on the list. Also, the list does say getting married, not planning a wedding.
It's ok, feel free to judge and think you know what I really expect out of my friends, because yes, I do expect things out of them, like being a friend. I know...CRAZY stuff.
I don't need you to tell me how I should be or how I should act. I'm pretty confident in who I am, whether a bunch of people I don't know like me or not doesn't bleep on my radar.
I think you honestly need to take a look at yourselves and ask why you're so mean to complete strangers going through one of the most stressful times of their lives. That was the thought behind my OP. Give the girls a break...jesus.
If planning a wedding has been one of the most stressful times of your life, you should thank your lucky stars you don't know what REAL stress is like. A friend with expectations is no friend at all. True friends care without expectations.
From a psychological standpoint getting married is considered to be a stressful life event. Not the most stressful but it is on the list. Also, the list does say getting married, not planning a wedding.
Mobile glitch.
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
Hmm, what did my MOH and I talk about today? She went fishing over the 4th, we talked about that ... she had a list of funny pickup lines for air traffic controllers, we giggled over that ... we talked about our exercise programs ... talked about her new Facebook profile pic ... and in passing I mentioned we picked cake flavors. She's my friend, she doesn't need to discuss my wedding all the freaking time. By being my friend she's being plenty "supportive" enough.
On our last call (because, gasp, MOH and I live a couple thousand of miles away, HOW DO WE EVER MANAGE), my MOH talked about her job search (layoffs are a bitch, I offered to help her with her resume)....I told her about a new prescription the doctor put me on (which she quickly googled, she worries about side effects of my meds since I've had bad reactions before)....her nephew is beginning to walk (time flies, wasn't he just born and I sent a onesie that said "Somebody in California Loves Me"??)....
Guess what. Those things are going to be there after the "big day". I want her to be there too...and not resentful of anything I demanded of her. All I "expect of her" is to keep being the friend that I've loved for all of these years, with her biting sense of humor, her genuine nature, and her impeccable ability to know when I need a glass of sangria.
...actually, I think I'm gonna go call her right now.
"....when she told me she wouldn't be coming to one of my showers because she made other plans that weekend. I was pushed over the edge.."
Only attending one of two showers?????? (Gasp)
No wonder you were pushed over the edge. This is a heinous offense, too great to be endured.
What kind of God would allow this?
(Seriously. Lighten up and get a grip. Your wedding is approximately 5 hours of your entire life. That's it. It doesn't mean that your friends should revolve around you like planets in the solar system for the year leading up to it. 5 hours. That's what you get. Sorry.
It's different in PrettyPrincessHappyUnicornRainbowLand, but down here on earth, that's the reality.)
Hmm, what did my MOH and I talk about today? She went fishing over the 4th, we talked about that ... she had a list of funny pickup lines for air traffic controllers, we giggled over that ... we talked about our exercise programs ... talked about her new Facebook profile pic ... and in passing I mentioned we picked cake flavors. She's my friend, she doesn't need to discuss my wedding all the freaking time. By being my friend she's being plenty "supportive" enough.
On our last call (because, gasp, MOH and I live a couple thousand of miles away, HOW DO WE EVER MANAGE), my MOH talked about her job search (layoffs are a bitch, I offered to help her with her resume)....I told her about a new prescription the doctor put me on (which she quickly googled, she worries about side effects of my meds since I've had bad reactions before)....her nephew is beginning to walk (time flies, wasn't he just born and I sent a onesie that said "Somebody in California Loves Me"??)....
Guess what. Those things are going to be there after the "big day". I want her to be there too...and not resentful of anything I demanded of her. All I "expect of her" is to keep being the friend that I've loved for all of these years, with her biting sense of humor, her genuine nature, and her impeccable ability to know when I need a glass of sangria.
...actually, I think I'm gonna go call her right now.
1500 miles for us. How dare she move back to her hometown. She needs to get her ass back here stat.
They don't bother me, Jen. I just kind of ignore them.
I lost relatives to the Nazis, so they do bother me. My relatives were gassed to death or tortured or otherwise really badly hurt. And before that they lost everything to the point where if they could find one crumb of stale but not moldy bread they were lucky.
I can't ignore them. The fact that they don't bother you don't make them ignorable.
I didn't say you or anyone else needed to ignore them. I said the comments don't bother me, and that I ignore them.
The comments bother me in the fact that it makes me think that we are forgetting how horrible the Nazis were if we can joke about them, or tolerate jokes about them. And if we forget, who is to say we won't repeat? Antisemitism is still alive and well, just waiting for another Hitler. I'm not saying this to anyone in particular, just as a comment on our society in general. I still respect having good food to eat for the main reason that my grandparents told stories of starving under Nazi occupation. And biking on steel rims because the rubber on their tires had been taken . . . all kinds of stuff. So I hear you @Jen4948.
@aawegner, take a big breath. Your MOH is not required to attend both of your showers. You mentioned that you are the last of your friends to get married. I imagine that marriage has given them a lot of perspective. I admit I look back on the things that drove me crazy leading up to my wedding and I laugh at how petty I got at times. I was a MOH recently, and I'll tell you a secret ... I was annoyed by the wedding crap that the bride expected of me. After going through my own end, I realized that a lot of the stuff is just that ... stuff. It's really easy to get wrapped up in it while you're in the midst of it. And of course the Knot is going to tell you that your MOH has these asinine roles ... they are in the wedding BUSINESS. They want to make a profit off you. They don't give a shit how you treat your friends because IT'S YOUR DAY and you should get WHATEVER YOU WANT. I have purposefully distanced myself from the bride for whom I was an MOH because she drove me nuts during her wedding planning. Please don't be that bride. I'm glad the two of you talked things through. Just take a deep breath and have a glass of wine.
OP, you should be ashamed, not the other way around. You first called Knotties Nazis and then changed it to assholes when you were called out on it. You should be ashamed of demanding that your friend be there to support you at a party held in your honor where you would be receiving gifts from your family and friends. Shame.
Whoa. There is a big frikking difference between speaking bluntly to people and mass murdering millions. Not clever, not funny, not even vaguely okay. And Knotzies or any other association really isn't better. Obvious and clumsy, not vaguely witty. Not even insulting, really, because for an insult to be effective, it has to have some element of truth. This is just drama queen tantrum name calling.
Fact: you came on the boards, you saw your own poor behavior addressed in other posts, and threw a big baby tantrum. Because you wanted to hear, oh poor big baby, mean bridesmaid who won't go to both showers, no wonder you fell to pieces. So big baby stamped her feet and whined and carried on and called names.
Who needs to ask themselves why they're "so mean" to complete strangers? Maybe the one throwing tantrums and calling people mass murderers and assholes? Because they aren't saying things she wants to hear? Just maybe?
My MOH is my middle sister. She has offered to plan the entire wedding. She is not going to be allowed to do such, because it would be burlapped. No to the burlap. My bridesmaids are my other sister and my best friend.
Things I expect of my sisters and my best friend between now and my wedding day: - Buy themselves a pretty dress in a shade near the one I asked them to buy. I don't care if it's short, long, low-cut, hi/lo, ruffled, or sparkly. Don't care if it cost them $500 or $5. If they love it, then they ought to wear it. - Buy themselves a pair of shoes that they like that sort of go with the dress. Preferably not white patent. - Be my sisters and my best friend, just like they always have. - Smack me if I start talking too much wedding or being annoying in any other way, shape, form or fashion.
Things I expect of my BMs on the wedding day: - Stand there. - Smile. - Don't call FI a serial killer. (My BFF did this when she first met FI before he was even BF. I met him online and she was Very Concerned. He told her that no, he was a Cereal killer, and that there was an important distinction. She liked him after that.)
Things I do not expect of my BMs: - Anything not on the lists above.
I don't care what you do to your BMs, but don't get upset when they don't want to deal with you afterward.
Re: .
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
Mobile glitch.
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."
I still respect having good food to eat for the main reason that my grandparents told stories of starving under Nazi occupation. And biking on steel rims because the rubber on their tires had been taken . . . all kinds of stuff. So I hear you @Jen4948.
Things I expect of my sisters and my best friend between now and my wedding day:
- Buy themselves a pretty dress in a shade near the one I asked them to buy. I don't care if it's short, long, low-cut, hi/lo, ruffled, or sparkly. Don't care if it cost them $500 or $5. If they love it, then they ought to wear it.
- Buy themselves a pair of shoes that they like that sort of go with the dress. Preferably not white patent. - Be my sisters and my best friend, just like they always have.
- Smack me if I start talking too much wedding or being annoying in any other way, shape, form or fashion.
Things I expect of my BMs on the wedding day:
- Stand there.
- Smile.
- Don't call FI a serial killer. (My BFF did this when she first met FI before he was even BF. I met him online and she was Very Concerned. He told her that no, he was a Cereal killer, and that there was an important distinction. She liked him after that.)
Things I do not expect of my BMs:
- Anything not on the lists above.
I don't care what you do to your BMs, but don't get upset when they don't want to deal with you afterward.
"Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."