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Re: Dealbreakers

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    - Doesn't like dogs

    - Doesn't like dog hair on their clothing

    - Doesn't like dog hair on the floor

    - Doesn't like accidentally inhaling dog hair sometimes

    - Doesn't like my dogs

    Don't forget this one:
    -Doesn't mind occasionally eating a dog hair because it got mixed in with the casserole/mashed potatoes/whatever. Yeah it's gross. It happens. I don't die. 

    Yes yes!  Similarly:

    • Doesn't mind a healthy dose of dog hair in their morning coffee

    The first time SO slept over at my apartment when we first started dating he was horrified.  Now he's just gamely resigned to eating and drinking certain quantities of dog hair.  It just happens.  There's no preventing it.  Not even with the greatest vacuum God ever invented.

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    - Doesn't like dogs

    - Doesn't like dog hair on their clothing

    - Doesn't like dog hair on the floor

    - Doesn't like accidentally inhaling dog hair sometimes

    - Doesn't like my dogs

    Don't forget this one:
    -Doesn't mind occasionally eating a dog hair because it got mixed in with the casserole/mashed potatoes/whatever. Yeah it's gross. It happens. I don't die. 
    Hahaha I agree. Except that was me once. The thought of pulling clean laundry out of the dryer and having dog hair on it totally yucked me out. Now I'm 100% over it. I love this bitch and wouldn't trade her for a shmillion dollars.

    Also add my hair to that list. 
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    DH is shorter than me and it doesn't bother me at all, especially since he's not a skinny guy.  I can "hide" stuff on top of the fridge.

    Dealbreakers: small appetite, doesn't drink alcohol, says stuff like "boo yah."  


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    DH is shorter than me and it doesn't bother me at all, especially since he's not a skinny guy.  I can "hide" stuff on top of the fridge.

    Dealbreakers: small appetite, doesn't drink alcohol, says stuff like "boo yah."  


    Hell, yes, to the top of the fridge being invisible!

    Seriously, girls, I'm shocked to see "short men" listed as a deal breaker on lists next to bigots and drug users and really bad things.  

    What the hell. Do you seriously mean that if your fiancés and husbands were magically transformed into men shorter than you, it would all be over? Deal broken? No longer worthy of your love? All the other good qualities that made you love them would have been meaningless?

    I have a very long list of deal breakers. Height isn't one of them. 
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    - Doesn't like dogs

    - Doesn't like dog hair on their clothing

    - Doesn't like dog hair on the floor

    - Doesn't like accidentally inhaling dog hair sometimes

    - Doesn't like my dogs

    I love this!
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    - Doesn't like dogs

    - Doesn't like dog hair on their clothing

    - Doesn't like dog hair on the floor

    - Doesn't like accidentally inhaling dog hair sometimes

    - Doesn't like my dogs

    Don't forget this one:
    -Doesn't mind occasionally eating a dog hair because it got mixed in with the casserole/mashed potatoes/whatever. Yeah it's gross. It happens. I don't die. 

    Sadly, we can never date now.
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    DH is shorter than me and it doesn't bother me at all, especially since he's not a skinny guy.  I can "hide" stuff on top of the fridge.

    Dealbreakers: small appetite, doesn't drink alcohol, says stuff like "boo yah."  


    Hell, yes, to the top of the fridge being invisible!

    Seriously, girls, I'm shocked to see "short men" listed as a deal breaker on lists next to bigots and drug users and really bad things.  

    What the hell. Do you seriously mean that if your fiancés and husbands were magically transformed into men shorter than you, it would all be over? Deal broken? No longer worthy of your love? All the other good qualities that made you love them would have been meaningless?

    I have a very long list of deal breakers. Height isn't one of them. 
    Being physically attracted to my partner is important to me. I've never found myself attracted to someone shorter than me (which to be fair is not a lot of people because I'm short). If SO was shorter than me I doubt we would have ever formed a relationship beyond friendship. And people don't magically shrink overnight so I'm not too worried about it.

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    to all the truck ones. they are gas hogs and you know what they say about guys with big trucks. ok anyways FI drives a crz (hybrid) not by choice. what he wanted i told him i would never move in with him if he got it because the car payment was more than our house payment. he did buy a suv for a winter car but thats about it. he builds cars so he has many other many cars.
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    edited June 2015
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    I've got some dumb ones and some serious ones. I gave up on anyone who:

    • is in a band
    • doesn't like animals
    • is a picky eater
    • likes his car way too much
    • can't keep his mess controlled (I don't need a clean freak, but anyone who just ruins what I clean can GTFO)
    • is homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, or otherwise bigoted 
    • is addicted (physically or psychologically) to pretty much anything (no smokers, no alcoholics, no one who can't put the damn playstation controller down for ten seconds)
    • doesn't have a career plan
    • doesn't like my parents
    • has bad teeth

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Oh, I forgot one.  I won't date famous people/sports stars.  I wouldn't trust those hockey boys to not sleep with everyone they could on away games.  Or at home.  

    @ohannabelle for me, I've never been attracted to short guys.  I'm 5'6", so not many will be shorter than me.  I couldn't date some one I'm not attracted to, so it's always been my one physical requirement.  I know it's not important compared to how he treats me, etc., and that there are a lot of amazing short guys out there, but I never would have considered DH if he was shorter, no.  Yup, it's shallow and maybe not totally right, but it fits in with my idea of beauty I guess.  As it it, he's really only 2-3" taller than me, but those 2" made all of the difference.  

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    drunkenwitchdrunkenwitch member
    First Anniversary First Answer First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited March 2015
    Hates animals
    Rude to the waitstaff
    Starts a sentence with "I'm not "blank" BUT"
    Can't match my banter
    Always a victim
    Has kids


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    Oooh, here's a dealbreaker. Someone who says "May I play Devil's Advocate?"

    You may, but not within the same 1 mile radius as me.

    I hate people who say that.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I don't have many really. I wouldn't date anyone who

    -doesn't like animals especially cats. I will always have a cat.
    - is clingy. 
    - doesn't hsvev a job. 

    Hmm... If  I wouldn't have found h I would advise myself to raise my standards.... Also a lot of you wouldn't date me. I'm short and I smoke. Oh well... 
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    doeydodoeydo member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited March 2015
    Personal deal breaker list for me is if the person:
    Is religious
    Is homophobic
    Has kids
    Wants kids
    Is not a feminist
    Is sexist
    Is racist
    Votes for the Conservative Party
    Is just plain mean
    Is untrustworthy/a liar
    Does drugs 
    Dislikes animals in general
    Dislikes cats
    Dislikes movies
    Is not looking for a monogamous and long term relationship
    Wants to receive but not give (sexually and otherwise)
    Does not have a job/no motivation for having a job

    Against abortion
    Wears fur
    Has bad teeth
    Very poor hygiene 
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    The learned helplessness one is super good. My ex was a perfect example of someone with an external locus of control. He had no motivation and everything just sort of happened to him. Getting married? Something that would eventually just magically happen, not something that he'd actually have to decide to do. Getting mentally healthy? Not his responsibility. Finding a decent job? Something that happens, not something you try to do. Ughhh.

    To add to the religious/not religious debate, I agree it's super important that we're on the same page. I'm an atheist, so I want to be with someone that is also an atheist. On the other hand, I don't want to be around someone that is an asshole about being an atheist- I may agree with them to an extent, but I don't like people that feel they're intellectually superior because of it and won't let you forget it. Likewise, if my kids did want to learn about and participate in religion, I wouldn't be thrilled but I would take them to church myself. 

    H and I are on the same page with all of those things so it's a lot more than a screw religion kind of thing.
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    Hates animals
    Rude to the waitstaff
    Starts a sentence with "I'm not "blank" BUT"
    Can't match my banter
    Always a victim
    Has kids


    That is a really good one. In my experience, someone who's always a victim and has lots of tragic poor me stories is someone that loves blaming other people for their own shitty choices. 
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    Hates animals
    Rude to the waitstaff
    Starts a sentence with "I'm not "blank" BUT"
    Can't match my banter
    Always a victim
    Has kids


    That is a really good one. In my experience, someone who's always a victim and has lots of tragic poor me stories is someone that loves blaming other people for their own shitty choices. 
    I have no patience for people who will not own their mistakes and have excuses for everything. We all fuck up, comes with being human, just admit it anD fix it. I have found that being a constant victim and never admitting you're wrong tend to go hand in hand.

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    edited June 2015
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    My husband is an atheist and I'm Catholic.  We respect each other's opinions and it's truly never been an issue between us.

    This is my BFF and her husband. He said that if raising kids Catholic was what it took to marry her, he was fine with that and they went through all the pre-Cana stuff and the priest knew and was totally okay with it. All he honestly cared about was whether either one was divorced. 
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    Ooh I thought of another one. 

    I learned the hard way that if they're a bad kisser, they are going to be even worse in bed.  Do not pass go. 
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    I'm also a little disappointed at the lack of love for short guys. image

    If you don't want him, I'll gladly take him off your hands. ;)

    (That being said, some short guys have a Napoleonic complex, and that's a deal breaker. Then again, 5'6" dudes don't rest their elbows on my 5'2" head. Just sayin'.) 

    I'll take everyone else's deal breakers (seriously, how do misogynists and people who are dicks to servers breed?) and raise you:

    --Incessant whining


    --Anti-science/non-readers/people who don't think critically. I've found that the Venn diagram between the three is practically a circle.

    --Poor grammar. I'm an editor, for crying out loud. If English is not your first language or you're mostly good with grammar but make a few slip-ups, that's okay. But if you've been through high school and your Facebook statuses and tweets read like mid-2000's text messages, sit your ass down.

    --Someone who thinks Disney is childish. It is, but that doesn't stop me from doing "Circle of Life" with the cat on a weekly basis.


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    My deal breakers are:

    All the serious things people have said. 
    Now my not so serious ones:

    Regiloius ( I'm an atheist so it won't work)

    Believes Fox News a credible news source<------ This. So many times this. I've considered severing friendships over their Fox News viewing.

    Can't be stupid/ doesn't like learning 

    Isn't a feminist

    Guys who have longer hair than me 

    Doesn't have ANY hobbies 

    Is anti-vaccine and believes science isn't real

    If the person is a bro

    Isn't funny, like at all

    Doesn't want to travel 

    And finally if you have the urge to argue about EVERYTHING
    ETA: I forgot one!

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    I don't have many super serious ones, but many that you put also apply to me.
    Mine are:
     is racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic (you get the idea)
    is against abortion rights
    hits me, even once
    won't defend me if i'm not there when something is said

    and for not as important things:
    has hair shorter than shoulder length
    expects gifts for holidays and anniversaries and won't try to gift me if they have the money (I've experienced those that only like receiving gifts) 
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    Irresponsible with money/in debt.
    Mean spirited.
    Drug addict.
    Not good in bed/not giving in bed/not sexually compatible.
    Hates dogs.
    Not socially liberal.

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    It's taken me a while to figure them out but here goes:

    1. Socially conservative
    2. Dependent on their parents- close is fine, needy is not
    3. Crappy in bed
    4. Incapable of fixing/maintaining basic things--- I thinking being handy with car/home things is sexy as fuck but I really can't handle guys who have no skills- they need to be able to do basic things like paint a wall or check their oil. I've dated lots of clueless guys.
    5. Lack of career ambition. I can handle lack of education or money if they have goals that they're clearly working towards.
    6. An intolerance for red hair all over the place (I shed)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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