Omg I just typed this WHOLE thing and then accidentally closed the window and it was gone forever.
When I got home yesterday, there was a little somethin' somethin' waiting for me on my doorstep!
Tonight will be nothing wild. Home, dinner, TV, bed.
Tomorrow I have yoga in the morning and then lunch with my aunt and cousin who's home from college for the weekend. H and I will watch the Devils game tomorrow night.
Sunday I have to clean the house and do the laundry because for some reason, they haven't learned how to take care of themselves yet which is bullshit. I'll probably watch the Dolphins game with H at 1 and my Eagles don't play until 8:30 unfortunately. I predict a painfully tired Monday next week.
These are the HC meals I have left to make between today, tomorrow, and Monday and I'm really stoked about all of them! On Sunday I'm making some kind of crockpot pork tenderloin with apples recipe for dinner and so I'll have some of the leftovers for lunch throughout the week.
I thought of fun questions earlier but since I've had to rewrite this whole thing, I don't remember what they were now.
ETA Questions!
Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not?
Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you?
What's the weather like where you are?
If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be?
You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do?
What are you wearing today? I want pictures.
Re: Friday Fun
Hi everyone! Long time no talk. I am basically living a night life now with my work schedule, so I am never online during the day. But I lurk like a professional creeper, so just wanted to say...I'm watching you?
Monthly boxes - I started doing the Stitch Fix thing after seeing so many people love it. My second box is coming today and omigod I can't waaaiiit!
I like scary movies as long as there's a story. I don't mind blood and gore, but if that's all there is, I'm just not interested. I recently saw the movie Tusk, which I still can't decide if I like or not, and a friend is trying to convince me to watch The Human Centipede, which sounds just terrible!
Weather - It's too hot here! I'm ready for fall already!
Free chore - Washing dishes. I've discovered that I actually like to cook, but I make soooo many dishes. Also, my dishwasher in the apartment didn't work for like the first five months I lived there, so I am super burnt out on doing dishes.
2 weeks and unlimited funds - African safari!
What I'm wearing - Ugh. I just left work and am waiting to get my hair did. You don't want to see me right now. But perhaps I'll throw some SF pics up here later?
@swazzle those cupcakes look delicious!!!!! I was going to make the pork thai lettuce wraps tonight but I won't have any time. I have to say I LOVE HC way better than BA.
Last night H and I went to the gym. I started C25K and did okay. I suck at running on treadmills, my gait is off compared to running on a track. It's because I have long legs :::hair flip emoji::: but I still did it. H did an hour on the treadmill, it was the first time he's been back to the gym in six years. He's been doing really good with eating well and working out, I'm proud of him.
Tonight after work I'll go to the gym for a little bit, then find something for dinner (probably just get some deli meat and cheese) and then my friend and I are going out. I haven't been out to a club in FOREVER, so we'll see how long I last there (I'm going to say 12am). I told my friend I'm taking an Uber home regardless so I can just Irish goodbye whenever.
Saturday I have an appointment with a personal trainer at 1pm and after that I'll do some grocery shopping, I'll spend the rest of the afternoon being lazy. That night I'll head to H's friend's house to play cards.
Sunday H and I are going to the gym and if the weather is nice we might go for a hike too. Then it's football and laundry.
Now for the questions:
Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? I LOVE scary movies, but I don't like watching them alone. I haven't met a scary movie I don't like. I love all the Saw movies, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.
What's the weather like where you are? Cloudy and cool?
If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? Hmmm, I'm going to say folding laundry. Or yardwork. My grandmother used to have a lady and her daughter come over once a week and wash, iron and fold laundry for her. I wish I could have someone do that!
You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? I would take H with me on another whirlwind trip to Europe.
What are you wearing today? I want pictures. My blue polyester work uniform.
Still here and still fabulous!
I used to subscribe to Ipsy which I loved but wanted to save ten bucks after my makeup collection became overwhelming so I cancelled it. I DO subscribe to the Dollar Shave Club which has changed my life. Its $6, I get it every other month, and I haven't had a dull razor since my first package
YES we have discussed my scary movie love before. I love em all! Except Paranormal Activities 3&4, the first two rocked but those sold out. My fave scary movie genre is ghost movies... slasher is okay but when GHOSTS cause trouble it's a whole new level lol.
Sunny and chilly. Nice.
Buy a house in cash, pay off my student loans and my future tuition, pay off BF's debt, move our stuff to our new house, set up a college fund for our future kids, I guess a wedding fund too so I can have my dream wedding, and then fly off to a tropical island to spend a few days day drinking at the beach.
Right now an "I
Good morning! As the days to starting my new job approach my mood just keeps on improving! At work, not so much but now I can kind of not care because I won't be working there in three weeks. I am still nervous about talking to my boss and kind of hate that I can't talk about it since nobody knows, but my coworkers and customers cannot be trusted with secrets so I gotta wait until Monday.
Today I am walking some dogs, doing some homework, and a VEEERYYYY tiny bit of shopping. My new job has a SUPER CASUAL dress but I still need to get some stuff (new sneakers mainly) and plus it's getting cold so I want a coat.
@minskat30 oh no Raj
@minskat30 oh no, hope Raj gets what he needs to get better. I'm the same as you on the SF, I know if I had a box of clothes in my hands I'd spend the money so I just stay away for the wallet's sake lol
@lavenderfields13 I hate being scared too! I hate roller coasters and Fright Night and all of that. When I was 13 my parents brought us to "London Dungeon" which is basically you walk through and the people jump out with chain saws and shit. My entire family was laughing because it was apparently so "cheesy" and not scary......I was like bawling and shaking LOL
@swazzle oh I saw the Baked by Melissa but I didn't know if that was alpacina, if she's Melissa lol. ok and now that they did that F-ing update to my internet explorer, it keeps auto spell correcting (never did that before) so it keeps changing your name automatically to swizzle.
@twodimes that's so cool you get to go on a bus tour with work! We've never done anything like that as a company.
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa