Not Engaged Yet

Friday Fun

SwazzleSwazzle member
10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
edited October 2015 in Not Engaged Yet
Omg I just typed this WHOLE thing and then accidentally closed the window and it was gone forever. 


When I got home yesterday, there was a little somethin' somethin' waiting for me on my doorstep! 



Tonight will be nothing wild. Home, dinner, TV, bed. 

Tomorrow I have yoga in the morning and then lunch with my aunt and cousin who's home from college for the weekend. H and I will watch the Devils game tomorrow night. 

Sunday I have to clean the house and do the laundry because for some reason, they haven't learned how to take care of themselves yet which is bullshit. I'll probably watch the Dolphins game with H at 1 and my Eagles don't play until 8:30 unfortunately. I predict a painfully tired Monday next week. 

These are the HC meals I have left to make between today, tomorrow, and Monday and I'm really stoked about all of them! On Sunday I'm making some kind of crockpot pork tenderloin with apples recipe for dinner and so I'll have some of the leftovers for lunch throughout the week. 

I thought of fun questions earlier but since I've had to rewrite this whole thing, I don't remember what they were now.

ETA Questions! 

Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? 

Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? 

What's the weather like where you are?

If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? 

You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? 

What are you wearing today? I want pictures. 


Re: Friday Fun

  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2015
    Morning!  Those cupcakes look amazing @swazzle and @AlPacina!

    Well, yesterday was a mix of things.  I went to a volunteer event mid-day to feed hungry families.  I missed @swazzle's AMA so a "thank you" to her goes for still answering my questions from last night!  The good? At the event yesterday, one girl was so sweet and gave me a giant hug...she was about my niece's age and just the nicest little girl. 

    The bad? I got home after the event and got a call from the vet.  The specialist she sent the X-Rays to (an orthopedic vet) agreed with our original vet about initial arthritis for Rajah's hips but are really concerned about his knees, which were also X-Rayed.  There is fluid build up in both but significant fluid in the left knee.  They think this means a significant tear in the knee (the orthopedic said Raj's joints were highly slanted too, which means its likely to happen to both of his knees over time).  These don't usually fix themselves in X-Large breed dogs so this might mean knee surgery for Rajah.  Now I'm back to worried about Raj of course.  :(  We have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday of next week to get more information and a full orthopedic workup.  I just want my baby to  be well.

    I'm home this morning because I have a doctor's appointment.  I hope that goes well today too and we can see Baby Minskat for the first time!!!!!!!  So, yeah, I'm pretty much a bundle of nerves today.

    Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? 
    -No, I hate reaccuring charges other than my mortgage and cable.  I feel like it makes me buy stuff I don't really need.  That said, I'm jealous of all of your Stitch Fixes and want to join.

    Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? 
    -No, I have terrible night terror dreams sometimes.  The kind where you are awake but can't move.  I think that's enough for me.

    What's the weather like where you are?
    -I haven't been outside yet...probably cold.

    If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? 
    -Cleaning, please!  I hate cleaning the house.

    You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? 
    -I'd go to Bora Bora with H and get an over-water bungalow and just chill, swim and read all day.

    What are you wearing today? I want pictures. 
    -I'm still in bed so I'll have to comply with this later.  I'm not really appropriately dressed for the internet right now.
  • @Swazzle, I did a pork tenderloin with apple thing last week and it was really good! All your HC meals sound delicious too. (Also, I'm hungrayyyy.)

    Hi everyone! Long time no talk. I am basically living a night life now with my work schedule, so I am never online during the day. But I lurk like a professional creeper, so just wanted to say...I'm watching you?


    Monthly boxes - I started doing the Stitch Fix thing after seeing so many people love it. My second box is coming today and omigod I can't waaaiiit!

    I like scary movies as long as there's a story. I don't mind blood and gore, but if that's all there is, I'm just not interested. I recently saw the movie Tusk, which I still can't decide if I like or not, and a friend is trying to convince me to watch The Human Centipede, which sounds just terrible!

    Weather - It's too hot here! I'm ready for fall already!

    Free chore - Washing dishes. I've discovered that I actually like to cook, but I make soooo many dishes. Also, my dishwasher in the apartment didn't work for like the first five months I lived there, so I am super burnt out on doing dishes.

    2 weeks and unlimited funds - African safari!

    What I'm wearing - Ugh. I just left work and am waiting to get my hair did. You don't want to see me right now. But perhaps I'll throw some SF pics up here later?
  • OMG those look so yummy!! Did @alpacina make them herself?? Those dinners do sound great too.
    I'm doing nothing tonight, dinner with a friend tomorrow for her birthday, and a baptism on Sunday
    Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? Nope. Interested in a few but haven't pulled the trigger because I'm saving the money

    Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? No, because I'm a giant scaredy cat is wrong with me. I do love the Chucky ones though, and I did NOT find paranormal activity scary in the least. I like the Saw ones if that counts.

    What's the weather like where you are? pretty much same as you, 55 cloudy.

    If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? yardwork because that's H's job and it would mean it actually fucking got

    You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? probably tour de Europe. I've been to a few countries over there but there are so many I haven't been to like France, Italy, Czech. I would eat all the stinky cheese.

    What are you wearing today? American Eagle jeans, black Nike sneakers, hot pink North Face hoodie. Trying to attach pic but can't tell if it's loading...may or may not come through...



  • @swazzle those cupcakes look delicious!!!!! I was going to make the pork thai lettuce wraps tonight but I won't have any time. I have to say I LOVE HC way better than BA.

    Last night H and I went to the gym. I started C25K and did okay. I suck at running on treadmills, my gait is off compared to running on a track. It's because I have long legs :::hair flip emoji::: but I still did it. H did an hour on the treadmill, it was the first time he's been back to the gym in six years. He's been doing really good with eating well and working out, I'm proud of him.

    Tonight after work I'll go to the gym for a little bit, then find something for dinner (probably just get some deli meat and cheese) and then my friend and I are going out. I haven't been out to a club in FOREVER, so we'll see how long I last there (I'm going to say 12am). I told my friend I'm taking an Uber home regardless so I can just Irish goodbye whenever.

    Saturday I have an appointment with a personal trainer at 1pm and after that I'll do some grocery shopping, I'll spend the rest of the afternoon being lazy. That night I'll head to H's friend's house to play cards.

    Sunday H and I are going to the gym and if the weather is nice we might go for a hike too. Then it's football and laundry.

    Now for the questions:

    Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? I have a Birchbox and Ipsy subscription that were both gifts. I love them, but they always motivate me to buy more makeup, hair products, etc. I would LOVE to get Stich Fix but my fat ass won't fit into their clothes.

    Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? I LOVE scary movies, but I don't like watching them alone. I haven't met a scary movie I don't like. I love all the Saw movies, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.

    What's the weather like where you are? Cloudy and cool?

    If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? Hmmm, I'm going to say folding laundry. Or yardwork. My grandmother used to have a lady and her daughter come over once a week and wash, iron and fold laundry for her. I wish I could have someone do that!

    You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? I would take H with me on another whirlwind trip to Europe.

    What are you wearing today? I want pictures. My blue polyester work uniform.


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    image 36 Yes
    image 2 No
    image 21 Unknown
  • Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? 
    I don't get automatic fixes from SF but I schedule them myself every month. Probably never would have signed up for it if it wasn't for NEY.

    Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? 
    Nope. I can handle old scary movies now because the special effects are terrible compared to what we have now- but current horror movies- Nope nope nope. I don't think it's normal to want to be scared. I have such a fear of someone scaring me. Like if someone says "Lavender, come here I want to show you something" I am TERRIFIED that they're trying to scare me. 

    What's the weather like where you are?
    Chilly but sunny. It's only supposed to be about 52 here today.

    If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? 
    Only one chore, not clean the whole apartment? If I had to choose one it would definitely be cleaning the bathroom!

    You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? 
    So many places! 2 weeks is not long enough to go everywhere so probably Greece or Italy.

    What are you wearing today? I want pictures. 
    I'm a hot mess today so no pictures. Boots, jeans, long sleeve shirt with cardi.

  • @Swazzle Those cupcakes look so good! Nice @Alpacina!

    @minskat30 I'm so sorry about the news about Raj :(  I hope you can get some answers at the appointment and he'll be OK. I'm such a worried mom with my cat if anything is wrong with her so I know it's stressful. I hope your appt for baby minskat goes well!
    Also you can do SF without an automatic charge every month. I just order one when I feel like it because I also don't like reoccurring charges. 


  • @minskat30 - Awww poor Raj! I hope he's not in any/much pain? Poor little guy :( I hope your appointment goes great! How exciting!!!!

    @CLoGreenEyes - Hello there, stranger! You better share SF pics with us! 

    @jenna8984 - They're from Baked by Melissa and they're even tastier than they look! I wasn't necessarily scared of Paranormal Activity but when I went to bed that night and I turned of the lights, I was definitely thinking "I have no idea WTF goes on in here while I'm sleeping." And I don't believe in ghosts or spirits so.. yea. 

    @buddsymom80 - I bet you look hot in your blue polyester work uniform ;)

    @lavenderfields13 - Not normal? Fine by me!

  • @Swazzle I guess maybe I'm the abnormal one because it seems like the majority of people love scary movies. I just don't get it! Someone once tried to explain it to me like this- people enjoy the rush, some people love scary movies, some people love roller coasters.
    I like neither so yeah. 

    Oh I finished The Martian the other night! I seriously laughed out loud so much while reading that book which I did not expect. I hurried through so much of the scientific talk because I don't understand any of it but it was a good book. I was going nuts at the end waiting! 

    @buddysmom80 I remember the very first time I did C25k. I could not believe I actually pushed myself to finish it and every part of my body hurt afterwards. I am just NOT a runner. Good for and your H for getting to the gym together. It helps to have someone to motivate you.

    Forgot to talk about my weekend. Tonight will be the usual nothing which I love. Dinner and reading until H comes home. Maybe some cleaning here and there. Then tomorrow is laundry before I head to NH for the night to visit my sister and her kids. For the past 5 years (this will be the 6th) I've gone up to see her and it always ends up being in October so it's kind of traidtion now. We hadn't talked for years before that so it's nice to have a relationship with her now. We pretty much stay up all night talking. Sunday morning I'll head home and sit on the couch with H while he watches football. 

  • The scary movies/night terrors talk just reminded me of my dream last night where I saw a ghost in the mirror and screamed bloody murder. I woke up and was so scared to go back to sleep but I couldn't keep my eyes open. I don't think I've ever had a dream quite like that.  I wonder if I screamed in real life. 

  • @TwoDimes - i2i on the scary movies! I think that's why Halloween is my favorite, because it's actually realistic and could totally happen. I had to stop watching Criminal Minds when H wasn't home. 

    @CocoBellaF - Re: StitchFix - You can always try it one time and the worst thing that could happen is you really do hate everything and you're out 20 bucks. 

    @lavenderfields13 - YAY I'm so glad you liked it! I loled through a lot of it too. That was the main thing that disappointed me about the movie. 

  • Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? 
    StitchFix... my latest one shipped yesterday!!

    Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? 
    I like psychologically scary movies (like Paranormal Activity). I do not like ones with blood and guts. DH LOVES scary movies of all kinds.

    What's the weather like where you are?
    Sunny with a high of 70'ish.

    If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? 
    Cleaning, fo sho

    You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? 
    Paris, Ireland, Germany, Italy, ending in Monaco on the beach.

    What are you wearing today? I want pictures. 
    Jeans with Zoot sneakers and a zip up jacket with my company's name on it. I was so NOT in the mood to pick out an outfit today. TGIF.
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2015
    Question: are night terrors the same as nightmares? I've heard of night terrors but I've never actually said that. I always just call scary dreams nightmares. 

    ETA: I just giggled at the thought of "A Night Terror on Elm Street". 

  • @Swazzle - StitchFix: How do you figure out what sizes you are?  I normally have to take 2 or 3 of something (especially dresses or bottoms) and try them on.  

    Night terrors:
    The universal feature of night terrors is inconsolability.[8] During night terror bouts, patients are usually described as "bolting upright" with their eyes wide open and a look of fear and panic on their face. They will often scream. Furthermore, they will usually sweat, exhibit rapid respiration, and have a rapid heart rate (autonomic signs). In some cases, individuals are likely to have even more elaborate motor activity, such as a thrashing of limbs—which may include punching, swinging, or fleeing motions. There is a sense that the individual is trying to protect themselves and/or escape from a possible threat which threatens bodily injury.[5] Although people may seem to be awake during a night terror, they will appear confused, be inconsolable and/or unresponsive to attempts to communicate with them, and may not recognize others familiar to them. Occasionally, when a person with a night terror is awakened, they will lash out at the other person, which can be dangerous for that individual.

    Though the symptoms of night terrors in adolescents and adults are similar, their etiologiesprognoses, and treatments are qualitatively different. There is some evidence that suggests that night terrors can occur if the sufferer does not eat a proper diet, does not get the appropriate amount or quality of sleep (e.g., because of sleep apnea), or is enduring stressful events. Adult night terrors are much less common and often respond best to treatments that rectify causes of poor quality or quantity of sleep.

    • recurrent periods where the individual abruptly wakes from sleeping with a scream
    • the individual experiences intense fear and symptoms of autonomic arousal such as increased heart rate, heavy breathing, and increased perspiration
    • the individual cannot be soothed or comforted during the episode
    • the individual is unable to remember details of the dream or details of the episode
    • the occurrence of the sleep terror episode causes clinically significant distress or impairment in the individual's functioning
    • the disturbance is not due to the effects of a substance or general medical condition

    Scary movies and even books or news stories can trigger several nights of night terrors for me, as well as certain hormonal medications.  My brother is a sleepwalker.  We can hold conversations with him in his sleep.  Night terrors and sleepwalking seem to be related, so its likely that it's just genetic for us.  
  • @minskat30 - Well, caffeine isn't good for the PMDD.  I'm "allowed" 1 cup of coffee a day then I have to switch to decaf.  NOT TODAY, FOOLS.
  • Swazzle said:
    Question: are night terrors the same as nightmares? I've heard of night terrors but I've never actually said that. I always just call scary dreams nightmares. 

    ETA: I just giggled at the thought of "A Night Terror on Elm Street". 
    I guess I used the wrong word...its more sleep paralysis than night terrors for me (though it sure as hell feels like a terror sometimes).  Its where you are awake but can't move and usually in the middle of a nightmare-ish situation.  Here is a LINK that explains some of it.  Thank God they don't happen too often (maybe once a month or so on average?).
  • @minskat30 - Well, caffeine isn't good for the PMDD.  I'm "allowed" 1 cup of coffee a day then I have to switch to decaf.  NOT TODAY, FOOLS.
    I didn't realize that.  Yet another sucky thing about PMDD.  I'm sorry.  :(
  • @lavenderfields13 BF doesn't like scary movies or roller coasters because he doesn't like the feeling of being scared... I love both! I think it's an adrenaline rush or something, but I love it.
  • minskat30 said:
    I didn't realize that.  Yet another sucky thing about PMDD.  I'm sorry.  :(
    Meh.  Oh well.
  • @minskat30 oh no, hope Raj gets what he needs to get better. I'm the same as you on the SF, I know if I had a box of clothes in my hands I'd spend the money so I just stay away for the wallet's sake lol

    @lavenderfields13 I hate being scared too! I hate roller coasters and Fright Night and all of that. When I was 13 my parents brought us to "London Dungeon" which is basically you walk through and the people jump out with chain saws and shit. My entire family was laughing because it was apparently so "cheesy" and not scary......I was like bawling and shaking LOL

    @swazzle oh I saw the Baked by Melissa but I didn't know if that was alpacina, if she's Melissa lol. ok and now that they did that F-ing update to my internet explorer, it keeps auto spell correcting (never did that before) so it keeps changing your name automatically to swizzle.

    @twodimes that's so cool you get to go on a bus tour with work! We've never done anything like that as a company.



  • @Swazzle - StitchFix: How do you figure out what sizes you are?  I normally have to take 2 or 3 of something (especially dresses or bottoms) and try them on.  

    Night terrors:
    The universal feature of night terrors is inconsolability.[8] During night terror bouts, patients are usually described as "bolting upright" with their eyes wide open and a look of fear and panic on their face. They will often scream. Furthermore, they will usually sweat, exhibit rapid respiration, and have a rapid heart rate (autonomic signs). In some cases, individuals are likely to have even more elaborate motor activity, such as a thrashing of limbs—which may include punching, swinging, or fleeing motions. There is a sense that the individual is trying to protect themselves and/or escape from a possible threat which threatens bodily injury.[5] Although people may seem to be awake during a night terror, they will appear confused, be inconsolable and/or unresponsive to attempts to communicate with them, and may not recognize others familiar to them. Occasionally, when a person with a night terror is awakened, they will lash out at the other person, which can be dangerous for that individual.

    Though the symptoms of night terrors in adolescents and adults are similar, their etiologiesprognoses, and treatments are qualitatively different. There is some evidence that suggests that night terrors can occur if the sufferer does not eat a proper diet, does not get the appropriate amount or quality of sleep (e.g., because of sleep apnea), or is enduring stressful events. Adult night terrors are much less common and often respond best to treatments that rectify causes of poor quality or quantity of sleep.

    • recurrent periods where the individual abruptly wakes from sleeping with a scream
    • the individual experiences intense fear and symptoms of autonomic arousal such as increased heart rate, heavy breathing, and increased perspiration
    • the individual cannot be soothed or comforted during the episode
    • the individual is unable to remember details of the dream or details of the episode
    • the occurrence of the sleep terror episode causes clinically significant distress or impairment in the individual's functioning
    • the disturbance is not due to the effects of a substance or general medical condition

    Scary movies and even books or news stories can trigger several nights of night terrors for me, as well as certain hormonal medications.  My brother is a sleepwalker.  We can hold conversations with him in his sleep.  Night terrors and sleepwalking seem to be related, so its likely that it's just genetic for us.  



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    image 59 Invited
    image 36 Yes
    image 2 No
    image 21 Unknown
  • @Minskat30 @cocobellaF Ugh both night terrors and sleep paralysis sound so awful. Yeah I definitely wouldn't be watching scary movies, etc if I had to go through that. I had the paralysis happen to me once and it was terrifying. 

    @untouchablets Me and my H are opposite! He LOVES scary movies like you. He tries to force me watch them with him. Sometimes I will and when I do I just have my head buried into him for most of the movie. 

    @jenna8984 Haha that would be my reaction too. I refuse to go to haunted houses, etc now. My heart can't take it. lol

  • @untouchablets - Oh! I forgot about Dollar Shave Club. I do that one too. 

    @CocoBellaF - It asks for your basic sizes when you're filling out your style profile. It's pretty in-depth. You can tell them specifically what you don't want them to send on there too. They have petite sizing now too. I'm pretty easy when it comes to tops but generally, it seems like I'm between sizes with pants. Somehow, every pair I've been sent have fit me perfectly. 

    Re: night terror/nightmare: obviously I could have googled "night terror" to get the scientific definition, I just wasn't sure if what you guys were referring to was the same as a nightmare. 

  • @Swazzle do you think The Martian movie is worth seeing? I usually get irritated when watching a movie after reading the book because of course it's not the same as in my head. 

    @Swazzle @Untouchablets I'll have to look into this Dollar Shave club. I see it on FB all the time but never thought to check it out. They're actually good razors for the price? 

  • @lavenderfields13 - I really liked the movie a lot so I would say yes. They had to cut some stuff out and it's not quite as funny as the book so don't go into it expecting it to be the exact same. 

  • I'm running on empty today. I haven't been able to sleep much lately, and any sleep I do get, is riddled with nightmares of shit going wrong at the wedding. I'm sure its 100% normal, but I don't like it. I makes me feel anxious.

    Tonight is soccer, and I think D is putting a pot roast in the crock pot for dinner. I'll make mashed taters when I get home.

    This weekend I need to do a good bit of shopping to finish getting things for the wedding and gifts for our parents. I'm going to get a nice frame and put my grandparent's wedding photo in it for my dad and probably find a really nice bottle of wine. I don't think my dad remembers that this photo exists still (its been in a box for years - I found it after mom passed), so hopefully it will be a surprise and make him happy. 

    Sunday morning I have to go to IKEA for a few hours and buy all the items for the kitchen. I'm so excited and they are going to do demo on Nov. 12th! I'll have a new kitchen by Thanksgiving, guys! After that is Bean's game.

    Do you subscribe to any monthly boxes or things like that? If yes, tell me about them obviously. If no, why not? Just Ipsy Glambag. I've really liked the things I've gotten the last few months. I think my settings were all jacked up and I was getting weird shit I'd never use, so I went in and adjusted and BAM! Good stuff starts rolling in!

    Do you like scary movies? If yes, what are they? If no, what's wrong with you? 
    I loathe scary movies. I'm a scardy cat and a baby.

    What's the weather like where you are?
    Fairly mild, actually. I just need it to hold here for a couple more weeks!

    If you could have someone come and handle some kind of chore around the house for free, what would it be? Laundry. OMG the laundry is taking over the WHOLE house.

    You have 2 weeks and unlimited funds. Where do you go/what do you do? 
    Ireland and Scotland. See things, visit family in Ireland, drink all the beers and all the whisky.

    What are you wearing today? I want pictures. 
    I'm boring. Lane Bryant black slacks and a Lane Bryant purple lacy top thing.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • Swazzle said:

    Re: night terror/nightmare: obviously I could have googled "night terror" to get the scientific definition, I just wasn't sure if what you guys were referring to was the same as a nightmare. 
    Ha!  True, sorry.  Sleep paralysis is definitely not the same as a nightmare.  You remain aware and think you are fully awake while your body shuts down for sleep (for me, it is usually accompanied by a hallucination surrounding the sounds occurring around the heater turning on in our house becomes someone breaking into the house and standing over the bed watching me) but you can't move your body.
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