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Re: :(

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:0b0b9749-e6e6-4936-90ee-4f522963dcf8">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh I thought she DIDN'T and wanted to dock its tail. okay thats weird haha. Staci maybe you just shouldn't have animals lol.
    Posted by CassandraPotter[/QUOTE]

    And this is why we READ the posts, boys and girls.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:4892b1d7-90c0-4348-9611-5f3a69437af8">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]wait so she DID dock the dogs tail? I thought she didn't, she just wanted to.
    Posted by CassandraPotter[/QUOTE]

    Here's a tip.  You should probably read the whole thread before jumping in to defend someone.  Also, you should probably know the whole story before commenting.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : And this is why we READ the posts, boys and girls.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]
    my memory was confused for what I hoped she had done with what she had actually done.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : Here's a tip.  You should probably read the whole thread before jumping in to defend someone.  Also, you should probably know the whole story before commenting.
    Posted by deepcovejackie[/QUOTE]
    well we won't really be having any more problems like that anymore so no one needs to worry
  • Like I said, if she had truly exhausted her other options then yes, I would be okay with docking the tail as a last resort. But why should I believe that someone whose first impulse is to get rid of a dog when it misbehaves go to any lengths at all to deal with a medical issue?  I'm just not buying it.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:c4b5c548-0817-4b9d-8e91-14bc295be6eb">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : And this is why we READ the posts, boys and girls.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    Exactly, which is what I took the time to do (wow...). I have nothing new to offer the conversation except that I agree with everyone saying that shoes are far less important than a dog.
    My cat pukes on the carpet all the time. I have never though of giving him up, Instead we took him to the vet and he gave us a medicine that Baxter actually enjoys that makes them less frequent. Problem solved.
    My FI dog Lily (RIP) chewed a cord to a video game and frequently dug holes in their flower garden. Property is replaceable. Animals are not disposable.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : Depends on what is wrong with it.  A vet should be seeing it since it could be: allergies (to food, environmental, or fleas) "happy tail" nervous issues mange which could get infected causing pain thus chewing etc edit for the record my dog had issues with a toe for just about a year...they had to finally amputate the toe because of a bone yeah sometimes it takes time.
    Posted by Jelenny[/QUOTE]

    This!  My parent's dog scratched his head and neck till it bled when we first got him.  We took him to the vet, put an e-collar on him so he couldn't reach to scratch, tried different anti-biotics, etc, but nothing really worked.  When we moved to a new house, he stopped scratching and his wounds healed up.  We figured out that the only difference between our first house and the new one was the type of grass that was in the backyard, so he had an allergy to it that made him scratch
  • Wow oh wow... I have two of the most destructive cats alive and though sometimes that make me steaming mad, I would never want to abandon them.  They've had enough of that in life (they were actually my foster cats from infancy.)

    Stella, my black and white longhair cat, took a liking to one of my $300 Coach purses.  She drags it around the house.  I can't be mad at anyone but myself for leaving it near her cat tree. Now its hers.  Of course, my first instinct was dammit Stella, but she is just too cute dragging around a purse.  She does that with a red blanket too...

    Gracie, my tabby, is a jumper.  So imagine the lifespan of a vase in my house... Once again comes with the territory.

    I agree that maybe pets are just not for you....
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:cee2a362-982e-40c8-b03e-af0b3e687084">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : This!  My parent's dog scratched his head and neck till it bled when we first got him.  We took him to the vet, put an e-collar on him so he couldn't reach to scratch, tried different anti-biotics, etc, but nothing really worked.  When we moved to a new house, he stopped scratching and his wounds healed up.  We figured out that the only difference between our first house and the new one was the type of grass that was in the backyard, so he had an allergy to it that made him scratch
    Posted by jemmini6[/QUOTE]

    If only dogs could talk!  I go through the wringer with fosters having allergies that make them itch, change color, lose fur, ear infections, skin infections, anal glad issues, etc.....thankfully now after the various issues with various dogs I pick up on triggers quicker.

    My dog had "happy tail" when we got her.  The shelter told me to not let her be so happy....after the silence on the line they were like we are JUST KIDDING and explained it.  She was just nervous and ripped her tail raw doing the nervous tail wag in her cage at the shelter, then once we crated her at the house.  Blood 5' high on the wall NOT cool....but we got her through after padding the heck out of her kennel.

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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  • I haven't read this whole thing, I'm only on page 2 but I thought I should throw something out there.  Sometimes "No Kill" shelters aren't actually no kill.  They use a behavioral test as a way of testing the dog or cat then if they "fail", they get euthanized.  If someone has already said that then feel free to ignore me.  If not, then it's something to think about.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:cc2d7911-a492-45f0-86fe-d8a18d9051fa">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read this whole thing, I'm only on page 2 but I thought I should throw something out there. <strong> Sometimes "No Kill" shelters aren't actually no kill.</strong>  They use a behavioral test as a way of testing the dog or cat then if they "fail", they get euthanized.  If someone has already said that then feel free to ignore me.  If not, then it's something to think about.
    Posted by jmc1017[/QUOTE]

    I didn't know that.
  • This thing really took off ehh. OP do yourself a favor and just take the poor dog to a rescue, not a shelter or. Also, I can't help but say to you that this must be karma biting you in the ass YET AGAIN, over being selfish and not wanting to waste money donating a new pair of shoes.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:f88e08c1-81e2-4f08-916a-862a5471dba6">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]So...your FI left a door open that he shouldn't have and she ate your shoes, and then you didn't learn to put them where she can't get to them, and she did it again, so you're GETTING RID OF HER?! You suck.  Seriously.  I hope you don't get more pets in the future.  That's really crappy.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

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  • I would really consider training options as well as allowing some time for getting used to habits, training issues, etc before getting rid of the dog.

    Adopting an animal should not be a shortsighted idea - this is supposed to be a lifelong commitment to the animal, and it's not like returning a sweater or something.

    This is why our humane societies are always full - people do not understand the reality of animal ownership, and return them after adoption because of issues like this that are EASILY resolvable.

    Why don't you just store your shoes where the dog cannot reach them?  Problem solved!

    If that's the least of the problems you run into when owning a dog, you are a lucky owner.  I have had dogs who behaved much worse, had bowel control issues, etc and I never would have just gotten rid of them.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : If only dogs could talk!  I go through the wringer with fosters having allergies that make them itch, change color, lose fur, ear infections, skin infections, anal glad issues, etc.....thankfully now after the various issues with various dogs I pick up on triggers quicker. My dog had "happy tail" when we got her.  The shelter told me to not let her be so happy....after the silence on the line they were like we are JUST KIDDING and explained it.  She was just nervous and ripped her tail raw doing the nervous tail wag in her cage at the shelter, then once we crated her at the house. <strong> Blood 5' high on the wall NOT cool</strong>....but we got her through after padding the heck out of her kennel.
    Posted by Jelenny[/QUOTE]

    Yeah...our dog was fun too with that.  He'd scratch till he was all bloody, then he'd jump on the bed and shake.  That was always fun explaining to people why there were blood splatters all over my sheets.  LOL.  But seriously, I felt so bad for our poor dog, it's like, who cares about bloody sheets when the dog obviously has something wrong that he scratches till he bleeds.  Poor thing.  It's been more than 10 years since then though and he's such a happy dog now, but you can still see his scars from it.
  • Someone should C&P this to the pets board on the nest. LOL

    You are truly a jerkoff.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:925d1edf-6bc9-42c6-bc62-6ed103a6d889">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]Shes got well over 50 toys in the house, scattered (chews, treat balls, ropes, you name it..all of them are chewed on). and the door was closed today so she broke into the bedroom and our closed closet. Sorry. We've tried training her. She ate her crate and its cruel to leave a dog outside in the Texas heat. And yes, we're taking her to a no kill shelter. She doesn't respond well to training (but she won't pee in the house). She doesnt like crates (See the note about her chewing on her crate). Call me a horrible pet owner. I don't  fcking care right now. Its just that nothing works and my FI is making us get rid of her. I would love to keep her and train her more and more but it isn't working.   Sorry, I dont feel like having to shell out another hundred bucks to replace things I need because our dog chewed on it.  Call me what you want. 
    Posted by stacie+luciano[/QUOTE]

    Nothing works because it sounds like a) the dog is bored and b) you are not exercising her.  Dogs need to be walked  They need to be disciplined and also loved.  They need an Alpha to show them what to do.

    You are a poor excuse for a human being and after reading this I have zero respect for you and any future posts.

    For the sake of that poor dog yes get rid of her, I wouldn't be surprised if you are abusing her as well.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]People here are not giving you helpful advice.  So I will.  Your dog is eating your shoes.  Here's what you need to do.  Get today's paper.  Roll it as tightly as you can.  Tape it so that it stays rolled. Now, leave your closet door open, and be sure that the shoes are readily accessible to the dog.  Allow the dog to get into the closet.  As soon as she starts to chew on a shoe, take that rolled up newspaper, and with as much force as you can, hit yourself on the head with it  over and over and over while saying "Stupid owner.  Stupid owner.  Stupid owner."
    Posted by trix1223[/QUOTE]

    I'm still only on the first page, so I haven't read through everything yet, but this is my favorite response so far.

    OP, don't take the dog to a shelter, even if it's a no kill shelter. Find someone you know who wants a dog and you know will treat her right. If you take her to a shelter, there's always that chance that nobody will adopt her. You think she doesn't like being cooped up in a cage for a day...find someone who wants her and find a responsible home for her.
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  • I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH
    For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:452a3e2e-8b96-494c-b1d8-6d2404c71fc1">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. <strong>How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH</strong> For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    Hey.  Captain Crazy.  Chill the f*ck out.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing,<strong> just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them.</strong> So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    Sweetheart, if you knew anything about dog behavior and training, you wouldn't think this. Dogs should not be crated as punishment. Crates are a safe, secure place for dogs to go when they are feeling stressed.

    From the Humane Society website:

    <em>Crate training uses a dog's natural instincts as a den animal. A wild dog's den is his home, a place to sleep, hide from danger, and raise a family. The crate becomes your dog's den, an ideal spot to snooze or take refuge during a thunderstorm.</em>

    <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>

    I would suggest you do a little research yourself, dear heart. Maybe first try:
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  • ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS! I just read the OOP and WTF... I am currently wearing slippers that are half chewed... I have plenty of shoes that have been chewed but I told myself she was a puppy and it was my fault for leaving them on the floor whether I shut the door or now..  FI's parents had a dog that would eat money or any other paper you would put in her reach b/c she was sick, I never thought to get rid of her good lord!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:e81c0331-3746-431b-a1c3-a8af1ea54336">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]Someone should C&P this to the pets board on the nest. LOL <strong>You are truly a jerkoff</strong>.
    Posted by ricksang[/QUOTE]

    This is my favorite so far. My favorite part is your sig pic with your tongue sticking out. It really gets the point across of how much of a jerkoff she is.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    <div>Crating is actually a very helpful tool when used correctly :) Dogs are den animals, which means they really appreciate having that "safe" zone.</div>
  • And, several pages later, I still think Stacieshit and her FI need to find a loving home with people who have the time, knowledge, patience, and willingness to properly exercise, train, and love this dog.

    No such thing as a bad dog.  Only bad owners. 

    And even though you've changed your tune, Cassandra, I'm appalled that you would swoop in and vehemently defend such ridiculousness without even knowing what's going on. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • I haven't read all of the posts but I just wanted to add my thoughts.
    I feel so bad for your dog.
    I have had my dog Barbie for about 7 years. She **still** has accidents on the floor.

    She was used for breeding, malnurished, and abused for the first 3 years of her life.
    Guess what? I still have her. She mainly potties on the floor when she is mad. (if I leave for a couple days) We finally started making some progress when we found a treat she really likes. Whenever she goes outside...she gets that treat. She has been really good lately!

    I would never dream of giving up my precious Barbie.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:452a3e2e-8b96-494c-b1d8-6d2404c71fc1">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    Do research....if done correctly meaning NOT TO PUNISH the crate is a great thing.  All dogs in my house are crate trained, funnier yet, I come home from work, let them out, and they CHARGE into their kennels because they want their dinner.  They don't want to play or feel insecure like when it's storming - where are their crates.  We travel and bring a crate if they are more than relaxed because it's their safe place.

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:26120068-6966-4bad-ab18-38353c5e92d6">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : Yeah...our dog was fun too with that.  He'd scratch till he was all bloody, then he'd jump on the bed and shake.  That was always fun explaining to people why there were blood splatters all over my sheets.  LOL.  But seriously, I felt so bad for our poor dog, it's like, who cares about bloody sheets when the dog obviously has something wrong that he scratches till he bleeds.  Poor thing.  It's been more than 10 years since then though and he's such a happy dog now, but you can still see his scars from it.
    Posted by jemmini6[/QUOTE]

    Poor guy!  Yup my bed and car and floors have seen it all....blood, urine, poop, vomit, anal gland release....meh comes with the territory - good prep for kids (and you can't dump them at the shelter)

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : Pfft, speak for yourself honey.  I'd say exactly what I said to her face. <strong> And probably follow it up with "you stupid heifer."</strong>
    Posted by NuggetBrain[/QUOTE]

    <div>Nuggs, I love you.</div><div>
    </div><div>I agree with pretty much everything that has been said in this thread, and also think that if OP's dog was chewing through her crate, OP wasn't using the right kind of crate.</div>
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  • There is nothing cruel about crate training. As PP's have said, dogs are denning animals. Most dogs appreciate the security of an enclosed crate.

    I crate train my rescue dogs, thank you very much. Get a clue before you post.

    True story: after my Boxer mix "graduated" to free rein of the house, I took his kennel apart and stored it in a spare bedroom.  He cried the entire time I was dismantling his crate and wouldn't leave the pieces alone after I'd finished.  I eventually had to put the damn thing back together again.  He still sleeps in it with the door open every. single. night. and he is about five years old now.  It is very much a security blanket for him. 

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