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Re: :(

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    Yeah. . .both of my dogs were free. Lucy was from Craigslist and D was my parents outside dog. As pp have said, when used correctly, crating  creates a safe zone for them and is a natural thing (again, when used correctly!). Do some research before you go off on a bat sh*t crazy rant.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:452a3e2e-8b96-494c-b1d8-6d2404c71fc1">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that <strong>whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. </strong>So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains... oh dear, the ones I saw in the picture with Jennifer Aniston (and the likes) seemed so well behaved..." BLAH For everything else there are no words. You gave a home to a dog and are going to abandon her because she chewed on your SHOES!?!?! Give me a fcking break, you horrible person! 
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    Seriously??? You must be the chick on the bump who is against putting her kid in a crib or a playpen because it is inhumane. Oh yeah, it is a great idea to allow a puppy who chews and gets into things to freely roam the house while you are not at home so they could chew some wires and get electricuted, or get something lodged in its throat and die while you aren't home. You seriously are a genious!
    PS....Our one dog was a rescue and the other was given to us by a family friend JudgeyMcJudgerson!
    BFP #1 1/1/11 EDD 9/10/11 dx:no hb DNC on 2/2/11 BFP #2 12/28/11 natural m/c on 2/6/12 BFP#3 2/16/13 dx:ectopic on 2/27 (given methotrexate)
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:452a3e2e-8b96-494c-b1d8-6d2404c71fc1">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't read the whole thing, just want to say that whoever is suggesting/validating the use of crates is just as sucky as the crappy shitty OP. How anyone would find it in oneself to crate a living creature is fcking BEYOND me! I bet you are the ones that pay hundreds of dollars on ridiculous pure breds and don't have two brain cells enough to train them. So the creature has to be crated because "oh my, what a mess it has made on the living room floor and chewing on the curtains...  Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    First, learn the lesson of reading before posting. Second, visit the Pet board on The Nest and express this opinion there. Third, crating is  NOT caging - you are confusing the two. Crating helps with housebreaking, giving a dog a safe haven, and his/her own space. My dog has two kennel/crates. One in the kitchen, one upstairs in the bedroom. He goes willingly into both. At night, he'll get off of the bed on occasion and get into his kennel - does that sound like cruelty?
    It also kept him from harming himself when we were gone, because he grew so quickly, he was able to reach the countertops at  4 months. He was also able to take things out of the sink. Did we know this? No, not until he did it. We then rectified the situation.
    He was also housebroken at 6 months, with one accident in the past year.

    So get off your uneducated effing high horse and do some research. Jesus.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]He cried the entire time I was dismantling his crate and wouldn't leave the pieces alone after I'd finished.  I eventually had to put the damn thing back together again.  He still sleeps in it with the door open every. single. night. and he is about five years old now.  It is very much a security blanket for him. 
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Yup.  My mom's lab LOVES her crate.  It used to stay open all day so she could take naps in there is she wanted, but now the puppy in the household has been chewing on her bedding so the door has to be closed.  So she lays outside of the crate with sad eyes.

  • I haven't been through this whole mess, but someone PLEASE tell me M&R was here to day.  That would have been awesome.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:0aebdb06-cabc-42ff-93e3-c43b34d8ff5c">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't been through this whole mess, but someone PLEASE tell me M&R was here to day.  That would have been awesome.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    Yes, nearly.  Alternately in the form of Stacie(poop and whatever) and Cassandra Potter.  This thread is full of crazy.  Plus this poster who wigged on everyone with being ok with crate training.

    Nice to see you posting, I see the Tide twosome are staying put.
  • This is terrible... if we got rid of our dog for each time he chewed something he shouldn't have or pooped on the carpet he wouldn't have made it a week!

    My 2 cents, your dog is acting out against you.  Probably not use to the idea of you being back at work.  It's going to take time for him/her to adapt to any changes... you know, like a human...
    What are you going to do when your kids destroy something of yours? Drop them off at a shelter?

    I'm sure anything I have to say has already been said in the last 11 pages... 
    Don't get another animal. 

  • I couldn't even get through the first page without wanting to cry. FI and I have to keep our bedroom door closed because Ozzie has a shoe fetish. He's chewed up more than one pair of shoes. However, when he does it, I know it's OUR fault for leaving the door open and not trying to train him better. Never in a million years would I think of getting rid of our baby.

    Anyone who can so easily get rid of a family pet seriously sucks at life and I judge them HARD. I think a lot of other bad things about them, but it probably wouldn't be productive to post them here.

    Why even get a pet in the first place if you can so easily disgard them? Do the animals a favor and get a chia pet next time sucky person.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]Someone should C&P this to the pets board on the nest. LOL You are truly a jerkoff.
    Posted by ricksang[/QUOTE]
    The ladies on the nest would rip her a new one.

    OP you are completely irresponsible if you would get rid of a dog over something so trivial as shoes. Adopting animals is a lifelong commitment, shoes can be replaced!
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : Yes, nearly.  Alternately in the form of Stacie(poop and whatever) and Cassandra Potter.  This thread is full of crazy.  Plus this poster who wigged on everyone with being ok with crate training. Nice to see you posting, I see the Tide twosome are staying put.
    Posted by deepcovejackie[/QUOTE]
    So far :)  At their sono today, Teagan measured 5 lbs 10 oz and Trystan measured 6 lbs.  Doc says if I make it to term, he expects them to be between 6 lbs and 6.5 lbs each.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • i'm somewhat convinced stacie and cassandra are the same person. stacie disappeared as soon as cassandra started posting, and some of the things she said just makes me think so.

    but even if she isn't, she still annoys the hell out of me because she obviously is trying to win everyone back over by changing her POV. and just being annoying.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:188d8a5f-af50-4cdb-bbc0-d8c2ebee0fde">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]i'm somewhat convinced stacie and cassandra are the same person. stacie disappeared as soon as cassandra started posting, and some of the things she said just makes me think so. but even if she isn't, she still annoys the hell out of me because she obviously is trying to win everyone back over by changing her POV. and just being annoying.
    Posted by pghRN[/QUOTE]

    Maybe the next SN will be Sybil...
    just sayin!
    BFP #1 1/1/11 EDD 9/10/11 dx:no hb DNC on 2/2/11 BFP #2 12/28/11 natural m/c on 2/6/12 BFP#3 2/16/13 dx:ectopic on 2/27 (given methotrexate)
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : Maybe the next SN will be Sybil... just sayin!
    Posted by Denise91980[/QUOTE]

    haha damn you probably just stole her/their idea
  • edited April 2011
    OP: You suck at life. The end.

    We have probably spent into the tens of thousands for our rescues. Our Great Dane required spine surgery last year to the tune of $7,000 and then surgery a few months ago for bloated stomach for $2,700, which he passed away from. We still get to pay the bill though.
    Our lab has chewed up a remote control, my wallet, about 5-6 shoes, a jacket, a couple of heels, a hairbrush, you name it he's chewed it. He also chewed up a bottle of ibuprofen last week that I had accidentally left out and almost died. I felt so bad, and it was definitely my fault. That cost us $500 and they didn't do anything for him really, just gave us a bunch of medicine to give him.
    So if you think $100 worth of shoes is a lot, I would definitely try to find a better home for him. I mean actually looking for a new owner, not just dropping him off at the shelter.
    Re: Crates, our lab actually loves his crate. Sometime we can't find him & we walk back to our room & he's napping in it! And he wouldn't have gotten into the ibuprofen last week if I had put him in his crate when I left like I was supposed to, instead of feeling bad & letting him stay out.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:52e53fe8-9a6e-4669-b721-fb532ffcd6e7">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : So far :)  At their sono today, Teagan measured 5 lbs 10 oz and Trystan measured 6 lbs.  Doc says if I make it to term, he expects them to be between 6 lbs and 6.5 lbs each.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]

    That's awesome news Tide!  Wonderful names for all three of your lovelies.
  • Ok, I posted back on page 11 when I was only on the first page and my opinion of you has changed. Before I thought you were awful. Now I think you're despicable. If your dog is still outside, bring her in. And then PM one of the wonderful ladies that told you they would take her and take them up on their offer. Please. This whole thing makes me sad and I want to cry.

    I know you said you and your FI are now keeping her, but for the sake of the dog, don't. That poor dog. She deserves so much better and it doesn't include you.
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  • lmfao! First I just want to say that some of you ladies have very interesting but cute pet names (oozie is by far my favorite! My FI said we are steeling it when we get our Doberman lol) 
    Secondly I think a lot of people take these posts a little too personally. OP you need to realize that on this board no one is here to be your friend. It was strictly created to talk about anything and everything except wedding stuff and if you post something controversial, you WILL get "not nice" responses. I think you and others can get your points across without reverting back to high school name calling but hey, what's done is done. I checked out this post because of the 300 plus responses and some how managed to read all of them (HINT HINT- shouldn't comment if you don't know what's going on) 
    Here is my 2cents. OP I think your trainer should have their licence revoked and his whole facility should be shut down. You can't smack a dog and expect them to know what it means. Dogs are a product of their environment, if you show that you own the space and can be a leader then your dog will understand. I agree with the blonde (not going back to find your name, sorry) that you should get Cesar Millans book or ask him for advice on his website (
    this link takes you right to his Q & A. If you are truly remorseful and want to keep this beautiful dog I suggest you find A LOT of time to work with him. I agree with others that he sounds bored. Crate training is a very good thing but it doesn't work well for some people (notice I said people, not dogs, if a person isn't confident in it then neither is the dog)
    I know some people think Cesar is a crackpot but I personally love him and have messaged him about my ShitZu/Cairn Terrier mix, Bella.
    She had bad separation anxiety and his advice really helped. I DO NOT think you can properly train this dog alone and I DO suggest you seek help but from a trainer who understands how dogs learn. You also (like others have said) need to walk him twice a day for at least a half hour each time. If you don't have that time I suggest you hire someone to do it (maybe your neighbors kids could use a few extra bucks). Dogs that are bored become rambunctious and rambunctious dogs become destructive and destructiveness pisses you off. It IS POSSIBLE to rehabilitate ANY type of dog, it just takes perseverance and most of all PATIENTS. You and your FI need to have a long talk and figure out if you are honestly ready for this type of commitment and if in the end your not you need to find him a suitable home. I don't think you should take him to a shelter because like someone said not all "no kill" shelters are really "no kill". I would post in craigslist or in your local newspaper.
    On a side note, I know I'm probably going to get crap for this but Cassandra I do applaud you for sticking up for your "friend". I do not think you shouldn't have opened your virtual mouth before you knew all the facts though.  
  • As I am sitting on the couch next to my dog right now, I seriously feel sick to my stomach.  Dog ownership comes with sacrifices. If you left your shoes out where the dog could access them - ie not on a shelf or in a box, despite the door being closed, then the shoes probably weren't that great anyways - and take it as a good reminder to pick up after yourself!

    Don't blame it on your FI - that's pathetic. You are your own individual and can stick up for the well-being of another living thing - you are just too selfish to put the time in that your dog really deserves. EVERY DOG CAN BE TRAINED. Invest a little time and money into your dog and you might see some resutls.
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited April 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]I haven't been through this whole mess, but someone PLEASE tell me M&R was here to day.  That would have been awesome.
    Posted by tidetravel[/QUOTE]
    </div><div>Nope.  But she did a P&R on E on Sunday.  I think she's still active on her month board.  </div>
  • Okay, so I will admit that I haven't read every single post in this thread. But Guess what OP? We got our dog out of a parking lot, because someone dumped him out. And guess what? Since then it's been $1000+ on his medical bills for his heart condition, and the medicine makes him pee on everything. and his pee made the laminate on our IKEA coffee table come off, and since he's almost 10 he's getting very senile about his feedings and such.
    I will not lie, Have i ever thought maybe we should give him away? Yes, but it was out of frustration. Because no matter what he does or what he pees on, or how needy he is on a certain day, there is NOTHING that can replace what he has brought into our life. Which is not only our unconditional love for him, but the love that he returns to us and the joy that he has brought to us. I will never understand why his previous owners left him in a parking lot and I will never be able to know what he was thinking/feeling during that time. But it can't have been anything good.
    Honestly, Yes Texas is hot. Buy a dog house...make sure she has plenty of water (maybe a constant feeder) and put plenty of ice in it if you want to make sure it stays cold.//and dont forget food.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:ff2d400d-1ca2-4341-a407-852a80895fbd">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]How can you just GIVE UP your dog like that?  I have a miniature schnauzer, Sadie who is almost 2.  She chewed the heel off my favorite pair of shoes so I reprimanded her and bought a new pair of them.  She did it again-I decided not to replace them.  When we were in an apartment and were house breaking her we had to pay ~$500 to have the carpet cleaned a few times before we moved out (stupid of us to get her when we were in an all-carpet apt. but I'm glad we did).  When she runs in the house covered in mud and jumps up on the couch/bed when she's not supposed to I get upset with her but never would the thought EVER cross my mind to give her up ESPECIALLY to a shelter where you have no idea what kind of person, if anyone, will adopt her.   Please, if you're dead set on giving your pup up, at least for your dog's sake, <strong>post ads first on craigslist</strong>, spread the word, maybe even leave a post on here in your local board and find a good home for her yourself.  Find a home with an owner who will actually appreciate her.
    Posted by tayylor65[/QUOTE]

    I'm not ready to give my full rant on this topic yet, but PLEASE don't do this!!  Craigslist is where dog fighting rings find bate dogs. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:bb08ef78-549a-47bd-91e5-a03cf04d0f0b">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : yeah I hope so too. My sister isn't very good at taking care of things, and I was pretty sad when she sold her dog because it was the cutest thing in the world even if it was bad. But the dog still was a bad dog and she didn't know what to do.
    Posted by CassandraPotter[/QUOTE]

    It wasn't a bad dog.  Your sister was a bad human.  Period.
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  • Okay, I know this is over, but I didn't have time to read it all yesterday and I need to get this out.

    OP-Ditto what everyone else says.  You're a piece or sh*t and you don't deserve that adorable dog.  You don't NEED to replace shoes.  If my dog chewed a pair (or 6) of shoes and I couldn't afford to get new ones...oh well...I guess I have 6 less pairs of shoes.  And FFS, please take her out of your sig.  I don't know about everything else, but having to see her sweet face made this whole thread more gut-wrenching for me. 

    To the poster (I believe the SN had Lewis in it):  You are an angel.  Knowing there are people like you in the world almost makes me feel better about having people like ShittyStacie in it.  If you go get that poor baby (and I REALLY hope you do), please PM me a Paypal account or address where I can send a small donation or care package (even if it's just my homemade Milk Bone treats).  :)

    I do have something to contribute that I didn't see anyone else say...

    ShittyStacie, if I knew your last name I would be take time that I don't have right now to call every shelter and breeder within a 200 mile radius of you to make sure no one ever gave you another dog...or so much as a hamster. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:1cbea3d6-1f10-48b7-9c7d-73f841b2ea7f">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]There is nothing cruel about crate training. As PP's have said, dogs are denning animals. Most dogs appreciate the security of an enclosed crate. I crate train my rescue dogs, thank you very much. Get a clue before you post. True story: after my Boxer mix "graduated" to free rein of the house, I took his kennel apart and stored it in a spare bedroom.  He cried the entire time I was dismantling his crate and wouldn't leave the pieces alone after I'd finished.  I eventually had to put the damn thing back together again.  He still sleeps in it with the door open every. single. night. and he is about five years old now.  It is very much a security blanket for him. 
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]

    Celles my foster Brady I had to have someone dog sit (can't take our fosters out of state)....the FI took down the crate and Brady laid on top like "oh no you don't"  he also paws at it to go in if we lock him out of yeah he doesn't NEED the crate but he WANTS the crate.

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:0ba8aec4-7294-4279-b63b-1ef3bb8500e4">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : I'm not ready to give my full rant on this topic yet, but PLEASE don't do this!!  Craigslist is where dog fighting rings find bate dogs. 
    Posted by Sweded[/QUOTE]

    I am so with you there....many dogs/cats off of CL can be tortured, killed, mutaliated, sold to science research, fought, etc

    <a href=""></a>

    There were two raids in the past 4 months of guys that got cats off of CL (killed over 20 using different "tools") and another basically trapped his gf at the time and made her watch him kill up to 26 dogs.....these were CL animals.  "free to a good home"

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: :( : I am so with you there....many dogs/cats off of CL can be tortured, killed, mutaliated, sold to science research, fought, etc <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a> <strong>There were two raids in the past 4 months of guys that got cats off of CL (killed over 20 using different "tools") and another basically trapped his gf at the time and made her watch him kill up to 26 dogs.....these were CL animals.  "free to a good home"</strong>
    Posted by Jelenny[/QUOTE]

    That makes me sick to my stomach.  I'm not naive to people having bad intentions with getting pets off of CL, but that is seriously fvcked up.  What is wrong with people?

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  • First of all, why would you tell everyone you're getting rid of your dog? Second of all, as someone who has 2 cats and 2 dogs and has a full time job, I've found a good balance... Do you just not try? Get up early before work to take the dog for a walk (I do), take the dog for a walk when you come home (I do), hire a dog walker or take the dog to doggy daycare! There are a ton of options out there that you obviously haven't even cared to think about.

    You are a terrible person...
  • To the ones that replied to my comment on crates - you can try to convince yourselves that crating isn't caging (that's even more beyond me BTW) but guess what... you shut your dog in a crate when you leave?... bam! you've got a cage right there. 
    I'm sorry but I don't need to do "research" to know what is humane and what isn't, I have it in me do behave humanely with all living creatures. 

    To the one who thought I was some crazy nestie... sorry sweetie, I'm not on the nest.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]To the ones that replied to my comment on crates - you can try to convince yourselves that crating isn't caging (that's even more beyond me BTW) but guess what... you shut your dog in a crate when you leave?... bam! you've got a cage right there.<strong>  I'm sorry but I don't need to do "research" to know what is humane and what isn't, </strong>I have it in me do behave humanely with all living creatures.  To the one who thought I was some crazy nestie... sorry sweetie, I'm not on the nest.
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    You should do research (why the quotes?) because you are ignorant. And ignorant people talk out of their asses. You are seriously going to sit there and DEFEND a stance in an arguement you admittedly know nothing about?  How do you get through life?
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:b74de367-7a7e-42f9-a173-2d87082423aaPost:49ea0f92-0ccc-41b9-82f5-ca081e5c418c">Re: :(</a>:
    [QUOTE]To the ones that replied to my comment on crates - you can try to convince yourselves that crating isn't caging (that's even more beyond me BTW) but guess what... you shut your dog in a crate when you leave?... bam! you've got a cage right there.  I'm sorry but I don't need to do "research" to know what is humane and what isn't, I have it in me do behave humanely with all living creatures.  To the one who thought I was some crazy nestie... sorry sweetie, I'm not on the nest.
    Posted by wiwicaty[/QUOTE]

    It is what you make it.....(I foster) this has been helpful in rehabilitating them, as well as allowing them to adjust easily to their new home when they get adopted, or feel safe when they come into my home.

    I have a dog that got really upset when the crate was taken down.  He literally would not let us fold it up (we were cleaning) and plopped right on top looking scared he lost "his" space.  So yes that cage is a very terrible thing ::eye roll::  If I kept my dogs in it night and day and when I was home YES but that's not the case.

    Oh and I should add it also is good for their safety so they don't get into something that could be potentially dangerous when I am not home, OR if the dog's don't agree (like if something sets them off like someone at the door) I don't have to worry coming home to a hurt or worse dead dog....

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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