Wedding Etiquette Forum

I judge..


Re: I judge..

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    ...I totally had to google Katy and Russell just now.

    Ben will be excited.  His "girlfriend" is Katy Perry.  How is this fair?  His girlfriend is single again and my boyfriend is getting married.  This is horseshit.
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    Stacks just won TK for the day. We can all go home now.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]...I totally had to google Katy and Russell just now. Ben will be excited.  His "girlfriend" is Katy Perry.  How is this fair?  His girlfriend is single again and my boyfriend is getting married.  This is horseshit.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Hell, my "girlfriend" is Katy Perry. She is fiiiiiiiine.</div>
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    Team Russell.  I don't know why, but I find him incredibly sexy.  Maybe it's his sense of humor.
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    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]AATB who's your boyfriend?
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    This is my boyfriend Joe Mauer

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : No, you didn't read my post right. That's not what it said. Read that last sentence again a couple times. It probably didn't make much sense if you read it fast or I did a poor job of making what I meant clear.
    Posted by ILoveToRobot[/QUOTE]

    Ah, my bad.  I get what you were trying to say now.
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    I find him sexy too, which my H thinks is disgusting. 
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    Joe Mauer is a sexy beast.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

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    Russell Brand is funny, I just think he needs to bathe or something.  When I see him I have this overwhelming urge to tie him to a pole or whatever and just hose his ass down. 

    That's part of his charm though, I guess.  He'd probably look weird and lose his appeal if he cleaned up.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm just saying that you can't know the intricacies of anyone's life. I knew the type of shiit I grew up with. The judgement, the getting made fun of.But you know what? I wouldn't have eaten if it weren't for food stamps. So, I'd rather 100 people fuuck the system and just ONE kid get to eat at night. You have NO idea how hard it is to survive like that.<strong> You only get to make a certain amount of money to qualify for state aid. But that amout of money? It isn't enough to survive on without the aid. It's a vicious cycle.</strong>
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]
    Thank you for stating this. I personally know 2 couples that got divorced so that one spouse could bring in more money. And no, they didn't buy LV purses with the little extra they were able to bring in by working more hours.
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    I feel tired after this thread.
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    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
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    Team Stacks too.

    I was looking through my papers.  I have a lot of stuff on why selling one's organs is a bad idea.  I found a good paper on financial fragility and the outcomes of people who use alternative financial services (advance pay day centers, pawn shops).  I can't attach PDFs to my posts, so I'll just tell you that you can Google it and read according to your level of education/understanding.

    Pretty much everything agrees that selling one's assets can be done to pay for emergency one-time things (a large medical bill, tree falls on roof, car accident), but should not be done for long-term stuff (groceries, rent) because you deplete your sellable assets and will have nothing in your rainy day fund.
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    Glad to see I got stuck in a long ass meeting, came back and Robot managed to become an even bigger doucher. I admit I am a bleeding heart, but the level of stupidity some people display when it comes to helping anyone but themselves is pretty pathetic. I sure hope Robot doesn't find herself jobless any time soon because karma is a biitch. 
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    I heart Joe Mauer and have since high school. 

    It is nice to see that Joe Mauer is marrying a girl he knew from high school, not some model-thing. 
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    That was a quick marriage. Lasted longer then Kim and Kris though. I know I'm catching up late so..

    TEAM STACKS and yeah robot is a snot.
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]I heart Joe Mauer and have since high school.  It is nice to see that Joe Mauer is marrying a girl he knew from high school, not some model-thing. 
    Posted by Wiscisbliss[/QUOTE]

    I liked that too :)

    Sunrise - I just saw that Sinead O'Connor is divorcing after 16 days
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    I'm not a bleeding heart, but I like to start out by trusting rather than judging people.  I think you can judge people if you actually know them and their situation, but you shouldn't judge randoms.  Charity and compassion first, people.  Happy holidays.
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    I think thats a new record. Or did Britney Spears take that one?
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    Yeah, BritBrit was married for 55 hours.
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    Oh my god I thought of a judge. My brain sucks. I will write it down and save it for next time round.
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    I need to know this judge now.
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    edited December 2011
    Please change the subject. I can't believe this whole 15 page thread has revolved around government assistance.
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    ErinG93ErinG93 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    My H is a Correction's Officer. Often when is he is booking in repeat inmates they tell my H that because the jail has a ping pong table, exercise equipment, and TV, they would rather be in jail than at home. I judge that. Jail is not supposed to be like a hotel. We should not be offering career criminals incentives to go back to jail. When people are stealing just so they can sleep somewhere warm, we have a problem.

    I understand that the reason inmates are given things to do like watch TV is to decrease violence, but there is a point at which I believe inmates should still feel like jail is not fun.The differences between prison and jail are just too much. 
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    They just got a bigger flat screen TV and they have HBO. It goes back to my H's boss who obviously enables the behavior.
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    That reminded me of something I judge. I judge people who drive with their tiny dogs on their laps with the window wide open. My grandmother does this and I just can't drive with her because of it. If she gets into an accident then the dog will be killed between her and the airbag. If the dog gets out of her hands and jumps out the window, then what? Apparently, people like this never watched Marley and me.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Joe Mauer is a sexy beast.
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]

    Tim Tebow is a sexier beast.
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    When I graduated from college in a shiiit economy I couldn't find work right away and my FI was also jobless - he went on foodstamps and you know what? It really really helped us. He stayed on food stamps even after I got a job because my income was SO minimal that it barely covered my monthly bills.

    Thankfully after a year of BS low-wage jobs I finally got a job in my desired field that pays a live-able wage and now FI and I are BOTH surviving off my income and we no longer need government know what though? We would be so deep in debt right now it would take YEARS to climb out of it if we HADN'T taken government assistance.

    People judged my FI for being on foodstamps while I had a job and I think it's complete BS to judge just how needy a person is.

    I DO, however, judge people who are on unemployment who do NOT go out and look for a job. I know a couple of friends who once they got on unemployment just sat around and played video games all day without so much as doing a search for a job in their area. This bothers me because programs like this are REALLY valuable and important for those who need them (and I'm not even saying these friends didn't NEED the unemployment, I just feel they were abusing the system).

    The more people that abuse the programs in place for people in need, the more it  makes the rest of tax payers angry and want to take the programs away.
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    mica178mica178 member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    H used to see patients in both death row and a maximum security prison.  Some of them did prefer prison to the outside world because they were homeless and had chronic medical conditions that were inadequately treated by county medical facilities.  H actually wrote a paper on how inmates receive better healthcare than poor Americans.

    H also said that some prisoners preferred being on death row to the maximum security prison because on death row they had their own rooms and more TV privileges.  Better food too, I think.  I'm guessing people would say this because so many inmates spend 20+ years on death row without being executed.  I doubt the inmates who were fast tracked for execution would be so flippant.

    My above examples are not judgments of the prisons being too "nice."  I think they show how F-ed up certain aspects of this country are.  (Freudian slip -- I originally typoed country without the "o.")
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : Tim Tebow is a sexier beast.
    Posted by SunriseAmber[/QUOTE]

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]H used to see patients in both death row and a maximum security prison.  Some of them did prefer prison to the outside world because they were homeless and had chronic medical conditions that were inadequately treated by county medical facilities.  H actually wrote a paper on how inmates receive better healthcare than poor Americans. H also said that some prisoners preferred being on death row to the maximum security prison because on death row they had their own rooms and more TV privileges.  Better food too, I think.  I'm guessing people would say this because so many inmates spend 20+ years on death row without being executed.  I doubt the inmates who were fast tracked for execution would be so flippant. <strong>My above examples are not judgments of the prisons being too "nice."  I think they show how F-ed up certain aspects of this country are.  (Freudian slip -- I originally typoed country without the "o.")</strong>
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Agree.  I think it's really scary that we treat our prisoners better than we treat our working poor in some parts of the country (some prisons are actually terrible - I'm thinking of that whackjob sheriff in Arizona? who keeps prisoners in tents in workcamps in 100 degree heat).  Not saying that everyone who is poor is entitled to a ping pong table, but it's scary that we provide better food and healthcare for prisoners than for those in need of public assistance, KWIM?

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