Wedding Etiquette Forum

I judge..


Re: I judge..

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    mkruparmkrupar member
    5 Love Its First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    This might be behind, but Chels, Robot posted this at 5:53pm:

    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : Woah woah woah. I was not the only person to judge people on public assistance. I just continued it. I'll admit that judging a perfect stranger on public assistance isn't nice. But isn't that what everyone is doing with all of these judges? I mean take tanning for example I go sometimes because it helps with my eczema. Steroids alone don't always work so I have to use other things to help. I also would like to concede and say that yeah I'm wrong about selling stuff and some of the wording I used was less than poor. That being said I appreciate the people that got what I was getting at and I'm pretty disgusted with some of the people who resorted to calling me heartless and an idiot. I could go on about how I'm not either of those things but I'll avoid adding fuel to the fire.
    Posted by ILoveToRobot[/QUOTE]

    And you posted your rant to her at 6:06pm.

    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love how Robot "left" and then magically came back as Wild started to post.  Coincidence much? Oh, and HI! This thread took me forever to read.  What a shitshow.  Robot, you shouldn't be so judgemental.  I get that it's dumb to buy flatscreen TVs and LV purses if you're on foodstamps already, but if you already have those things, why should you have to sell them just to make some extra cash?  It's not like it changesh ow much money the government gives you anyway unless you say "nope, thanks goverment! I sold my TV so I don't need foodstamps this month, but I will need them again next month".  Nobody would do that.
    Posted by chelseamb11[/QUOTE]

    She had already conceded that she shouldn't have judged and her wording was less than poor. Just stop. (If you haven't already). Not to mention you only said the same exact things that people had said about 10 pages ago. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.

    ETA: I see that you all understand each other, it's just surprising to see you, of all people, jump on someone that is clearly not using her words correctly.

    FTR we received goverment assistance while we were underage and my mom was in the nursing home. My dad didn't make squat as a catholic high school history teacher. We didn't use food stamps, but we did receive assistance from the government. It was probably some form of disability payment. I'm not sure of the details. Without that, dad wouldn't have been able to feed the four of us (including him) on what he made.
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    where I live in Wisconsin you can make up to between $700 -$1000 for one person and like and extra 200 for each additional family member a month (roughly I'm not looking at my paperwork)  yeah I'm on it because Walmart sucks a** and fired me on my maternity leave this fall saying they never received my FMLA paperwork from my doc (when my doc had faxed it and proof they sent it).  Now I get to live on 145 a week unemployment until I can find a job that is willing work with my new mommyhood schedule. (to my surprise not a lot of places in my area are willingwork around a daycare schedule. I live in a less than 12,000 population town with no means to travel to the next biggest city for a minimum paying job for I would spend more in gas then I would bring home and I don't have family that can watch her)  So don't I don't feel you can judge everyone on foodstamps and WIC.  I had a full time management job when I got pregnant and didn't expect Walmart to be such a**holes after I invested 4 years into the company (I'm only 23, so that a decent length of time to work for one company and go to college)
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    So with a busy toddler, I have only been able to skim so if this has already been stated, I apologize for the redundancy.

    I find it rather ironic that yaga was complaining about a friend's FB status/pics of her kids' Christmas loot when she has some major bling as her siggy pic.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

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    Oh, wanted to add that if you (general)  ever get the chance to read A Framework to Understanding Poverty by Dr. Ruby Payne, it's a very insightful read. 

    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

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    Last night, we were at a New Year's Eve party at FI's friends' house and another couple brought their one year old and they were both drinking. Also, we left at 2:30AM and they were STILL there with their son, who was asleep on the couch. I don't have kids, but that didn't seem right/okay to me.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>:
    [QUOTE]I judge people who don't pay all their taxes, whether it's just getting a bigger refund or doing it to collect welfare, etc. I make about $2k under the table each year. And I declare every cent on my returns. I find it insulting when people say "isn't it great that you don't have to pay taxes on xx?" <strong>Also, I judge people who write checks at the grocery store. It's 2011. Get a debit card.</strong> I double judge people who don't even begin to fill out the check (store name, date, etc) or look for the checkbook in their purse until after all the items have been rung up.
    Posted by krizzo17[/QUOTE]

    <div>I kind of judge you for judging this. A lot actually. I work in a group home for mentally challenged indivduals. Our company requires them to use checks, not debit cards. This is to protect them because in the past, they have been financially abused. Family members, staff (before my time), randoms, have used their cards. Checks require a signature and leave a paper trail.</div><div>
    </div><div>So sorry for the inconvenience, but we are trying to do the best we can to protect the vulnerable. </div>
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